Who do you consider to be the best and the worst US presidents?

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Who do you consider to be the best and the worst US presidents?

I think Biden is the very worst of the 20th century. Bush Jr was very bad as well. Biden is just a puppet of neocons like Blinken and Nuland, and Bush was a puppet of neocons like Wolfowitz, Pearle and Abrams.

Clinton and Obama were awful as well. Trump was somewhat better, but wasn't a great president.

Abraham Lincoln was probably the worst of all time, he started the war that killed more Americans than any other in history.

There were some very good presidents in the past: Andrew Jackson, John F Kennedy, Richard Nixon (who was falsely accused of wrongdoing), and Teddy Roosevelt.

What do you think? Feel free to disagree.
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Sep 11, 2021
Lincoln for the worst. Civil war killed 600k Americans to say nothing of the wounded and this at a time when the population was a fraction of what it is presently

2nd worst FDR
Ww2 along all the new deal bs we still live with

In fact most of them pretty awful overall

Andrew Jackson arguably the best in my view

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I will take John F Kennedy as the best president. It's been around 60 years since he was assasinated yet he is still loved and admired
by many on the left and the right. He had high morals and character. He told the truth about the shadow govt. and tried to get rid
of them. Sadly he was taken over before he could get much done. Kennedy knew what was coming if we didn't stop the shadow
governments and secret societies. In my honest opinion it was 100 percent an inside job by the traitors to take him out.

Worst president is easy. Joe "Lieing" Biden. He was put in their by the masters to do everything to destroy the United States by
design from the inside out. All of his moves have helped everyone but Americans. He isn't that stupid. The guy follows orders like
a puppet in my opinion.
Sep 11, 2020
I agree with the JFK and Andrew Jackson picks as among the best. I also agree with the choices above that are in the worst category. Lincoln is all but worshiped as some kind of Saint despite being a dictator with his hands soaked in blood.

I look askance at both Nixon and T. Roosevelt. Nixon removed the gold standard and ran in '68 claiming he would end the Vietnam war. He not only didn't do that (maybe he couldn't), but it was what he promised to do in '72 again. Was it all about getting 2 terms as Prez and to hell with all the spilled blood? Both Nixon and Roosevelt were, I agree, better than most, but Roosevelt ran in the 1912 election between Woodrow Wilson and W. Howard Taft and it was basically to skew the voters to Wilson.

I think, after Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson was another evil incarnate. Got the U.S. into WW1 when he promised that wouldn't happen (which had a hellish domino effect leading to WW2 and the cold war), the Federal Reserve started on his watch, the federal income tax, etc, etc. That freaking guy opened Pandora's Box.
Aug 26, 2011
Land of the Savages
Andrew Jackson and Polk were the best.

Teddy Roosevelt was great.

Best modern President was Trump by far. He was way better than Reagan. He was just stymied at every turn by traitors in the deep state put in place by commie obama.

Coolidge was good.

Some of the "do-nothing" presidents in the 1800s were probably good for that very reason, but i'd have to really comb through the hitsory books to decide which ones of those were good.

FDR, LBJ, Clinton were all evil. Carter was bad, but didn't seem outright evil.

Obama was by far the most evil, traitorous POS to ever sit in the white hut. And he was not even eligible. He was a foreign enemy seizing power, and he filled the government up with communists to the point that the FBI and similar agencies became a gestapo of the left. Biden is just a 3rd term of obama.