Whitey Causes Six Black Teenagers to Drown

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Six blacks drown andAssociated Press fingersthe culprit-- White people are the reason so many blacks can't swim. Oh, and the time honored "blacks just aren't interested" excuse is worked in as well.

Teens who drowned in La. river from 2 families

Seven teenagers from two families were splashing around in the shallow waters of the Red River when one of them stepped off a slippery ledge and plummeted into much deeper water. The others tried to save the boy even though none of them could swim, but they too were swallowed by the water some 20 to 30 feet deep.

Their relatives, who couldn't swim either, looked on helplessly as six struggling teens screamed for help, then vanished and drowned on Monday afternoon.

DeKendrix Warner, the 15-year-old who was the first to fall in, was rescued by a bystander.

"I stepped and I started drowning," he said from his inner-city Shreveport home in a low voice, his eyes staring at the ground.

The large group of family and friends had gathered for an afternoon of swimming and barbecuing in the oppressive heat. The group had only been at the river for about 10 minutes when tragedy struck â€" they didn't even have time to set up the barbecue.

DeKendrix said he was kicking and felt like the river was pulling him under. When he was finally pulled from the water, he told the man to go help his cousin.

Those who drowned were identified as the Warners: 13-year-old Takeitha and her older brothers, 14-year-old JaMarcus and 17-year-old JaTavious. The others were the Stewarts: 18-year-old Litrelle, 17-year-old LaDairus and 15-year-old Latevin.

The area where the drowning occurred is not a designated recreational or swimming area but is often frequented by swimmers and boaters. There are no lifeguards on duty.

"The river is a dangerous place. It's no place to even put your foot in if you don't know how to swim," said Shreveport Fire Chief Brian Crawford.

Swimming skills can be scarce among African-Americans like the teens in this tragedy. A study commissioned by the sports governing body USA Swimming found 69 percent of black children had low or no swimming ability compared to 41.8 percent of white children. Segregation kept blacks out of public and private pools for decades and the disparity continues because many poor and working class children have limited access to pools or instruction.

The study didn't look into swimming ability based on rural versus urban environments.

The drowning "confirms that what we are finding, that this continuing cycle of people not knowing how to swim and their children not knowing how to swim and still being around water," said Sue Anderson, USA Swimming's Director of Programs and Services. "It's the continuing lack of awareness of how important it is that children learn how to swim."

The federal government says African-Americans drown at a rate 20 percent higher than whites. A lack of access to swimming pools and a lower interest in swimming skills are among the possible explanations, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.

Marilyn Robinson, a friend of the families, told The Times of Shreveport she watched helplessly as the victims went under. She said a large group of family and friends, including roughly 20 children, were out at a sandbar to barbecue and have a good time. They frequent the area and were familiar with the water, Robinson said. DeKendrix said he had been going down to the river all week.

"None of us could swim," Robinson said. "They were yelling 'help me, help me. Somebody please help me.' It was nothing I could do but watch them drown one by one."

It took more than three hours to find all the bodies.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Blame Whitey first, its always the same.
What a load of horse feathers!
Nov 8, 2006
I love the "looked on helplessly" part. It never occurred to anyone to grab a long branch or similar object and use it to reach to the drowning negroes?

Looked on helplessly...that just about tells you all you need to know about the American negro, whether that helpless looking and impotent inaction is directed toward drowning children, massive illegitimacy, crime, down-low GRIDs spreading, etc, etc. I guess they thought Barry Soetoro or some government agency was going to come running to the rescue. Typical.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Run Stuffing LB said:
Looked on helplessly...that just about tells you all you need to know about the American negro, whether that helpless looking and impotent inaction is directed toward drowning children, massive illegitimacy, crime, down-low GRIDs spreading, etc, etc.

So true! In all the important areas of life blacks are totally incompetent, useless. Seriously, they are not capable of doing anything worthwhile without constant aid and supervision from Whitey.They tax their limited capacities conjuring up clownish names for their children rather than teaching them to swim.


Names in story:

DeKendrix, JaTavious, JaMarcus, Litrelle, LaDairus, Latevin.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Blacks in most regards are just dumb bordering on retarded. The name "Dekendrix" given his boy most likely his single black mother is an indicator of wisdom these people lack. I was taught to swim during the second grade. The death of these little boys lies squarely on their parents or lack there of.....Black parents not white people.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Hey Bart we were kinda of on the same wave length regarding their absurd names even we are probably a 1000 miles a part.

Jack Lambert

Hall of Famer
Jan 3, 2009
Westside said:
Hey Bart we were kinda of on the same wave length regarding their absurd names even we are probably a 1000 miles a part.

I'll join your guys' wave lengths on the names too. It seems most black names this days have a prefix to it, like La-, Ja-, Ta-, ect.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Westside said:
Blacks in most regards are just dumb bordering on retarded. The name "Dekendrix" given his boy most likely his single black mother is an indicator of wisdom these people lack. I was taught to swim during the second grade. The death of these little boys lies squarely on their parents or lack there of.....Black parents not white people.

From the story:

"Those who drowned were identified as the Warners: 13-year-old Takeitha and her older brothers"

Anyways, if people can't swim, they should just run through sprinklers or use the slip-n-slide.

The Caste media probably bears some of the blame, though, always sayin' that blacks are giants in the physical realm and have that magical hip swivel - which makes them better dancers and athletes. The media needs to stop deluding these young people!... because they really do believe the pro-black myths that the MSM/Hollywood perpetuates. For example, if a White woman is paired (in romantic relations) with a negro buck in a Hollywood "movie" - blacks think that this is a "real" couple and that all the White womenz want them. Imbeciles. Yeah, and don't forget how the blacks will YELL at the movie screen at the theaters...

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I'm not the strongest of swimmers but when I couldn't swim I never went near any lakes or rivers. Even strong swimmers can drown in them if they get a muscle cramp or fatigue. Plus to rescue someone you need to be a strong swimmer than knows how to tow someone in while staying afloat themselves. In Toronto they have been a bunch of drownings this summer all have been non White minorities. One funny story I had a buddy that took remedial swimming in high school. He was the only White guy in the whole class. He was an immigrant from inner city Scotland and said that there weren't pools in Glasgow and nobody but heartiest of people learned how to swim offshore. Needless to say he got a lot ribbing by his buddies, we called him Dewon, Desean, Atari.....


Oct 26, 2008
Segregation? They were born in the 90's. I would like to know if the area they live in has a public pool. Maybe they live in an all black area,but I'll bet there is a public pool. Many cities have public pools that black people can swim in.

I checked the city's site and they have pool admission for $1. 30 admissions $20, $85 for a family of 3 for the year I assume.$40 for 1 person. It didn't say whites only.

It looks like the families didn't blame discrimination. It was just the media. Edited by: Europe


Apr 28, 2009
Didn't Al Campanis say blacks can't swim because they lack something or other...the media crucified him for that. Well, somebody owes him an apology..68% of blacks can't swim? What percentage can't read.....?

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Fellas, I've known this for most of my life. When I was in bootcamp at PI, we had to swim from the side of the deep end to the ropes, a distance of maybe twenty yards or so. We were dressed in our dungarees, boots, cartridge belts, slung rifles and helmets. When the White guys went in the pool, it was about seven of us at a time. Now we all made it although I'll tell you that was something else. You're not going to do any fancy Australian crawl stroke with all that gear on. It was mostly dog paddle. If I remember correctly, every white guy made it. It was a reral struggle.

Then they had the black guys go in, one at a time. All the lifeguards were in the pool when they went in. They got in the pool and as soon as they left the side of the pool, they went down. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. None of them could even flail around a bit. They just went down like rocks. That was a long time a go and I never forgot it. A couple refused to let go of the side of the pool they were so scared. None of them were allowed to drown of course, The White life guards pulled them out. So whenever I here this type of thing, I'm never surprised.

They had to do away with the requirement of swimming to become a Marine Officer because blacks couldn't swim. That requirement had been in place since the inception of the Corps in 1777.

That was the problem with the group of young blacks who went to the pool last year in Penn. They caused a problem because they all had to stay in the shallow end of the pool and no one else could get in that end of the pool. Of course, that little tidbit was never reported to the public.

Tom Iron...


Apr 28, 2009
Tom....that's funny! Honestly, everyone knows blacks can't swim. It's common knowledge but you can't say it. Of course when one of them actually learns to swim and goes to the Olympics its a huge deal in the media. But when a white guy is a good sprinter or running back the media would rather not talk about it. Sadly, the gov't/media will always harp on how "we" need to get blacks into swimming or baseball or whatever even though they don't want to do it. But never will they mention getting whites into football or basketball even though there are plenty of good white basketball and football players dying to play.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Hey Tom Iron, that swimming requirement is still there at OCS and TBS, at least back in 1988 when I went through.


Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
Don Wassall said:
Swimming skills can be scarce among African-Americans like the teens in this tragedy. A study commissioned by the sports governing body USA Swimming found 69 percent of black children had low or no swimming ability compared to 41.8 percent of white children. Segregation kept blacks out of public and private pools for decades and the disparity continues because many poor and &lt;FONT style=": static; FONT-FAMILY: arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif; COLOR: #366388 !imant; FONT-SIZE: 13px; FONT-WEIGHT: 400" color=#366388&gt;&lt;SPAN style=": static; FONT-FAMILY: arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif; COLOR: #366388 !imant; FONT-SIZE: 13px; FONT-WEIGHT: 400" =k&gt;working &lt;/SPAN&gt;&lt;SPAN style=": static; FONT-FAMILY: arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif; COLOR: #366388 !imant; FONT-SIZE: 13px; FONT-WEIGHT: 400" =k&gt;class &lt;/SPAN&gt;&lt;SPAN style=": static; FONT-FAMILY: arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif; COLOR: #366388 !imant; FONT-SIZE: 13px; FONT-WEIGHT: 400" =k&gt;children&lt;/SPAN&gt;</font> have limited access to pools or instruction.

The study didn't look into swimming ability based on rural versus urban environments.

The drowning "confirms that what we are finding, that this continuing cycle of people not knowing how to swim and their children not knowing how to swim and still being around water," said &lt;FONT style=": static; FONT-FAMILY: arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif; COLOR: #366388 !imant; FONT-SIZE: 13px; FONT-WEIGHT: 400" color=#366388&gt;&lt;SPAN style=": static; FONT-FAMILY: arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif; COLOR: #366388 !imant; FONT-SIZE: 13px; FONT-WEIGHT: 400" =k&gt;Sue &lt;/SPAN&gt;&lt;SPAN style=": static; FONT-FAMILY: arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif; COLOR: #366388 !imant; FONT-SIZE: 13px; FONT-WEIGHT: 400" =k&gt;Anderson&lt;/SPAN&gt;</font>, USA Swimming's Director of Programs and Services. "It's the continuing lack of awareness of how important it is that children learn how to swim."

The federal government says African-Americans drown at a rate 20 percent higher than whites. A lack of access to swimming pools and a lower interest in swimming skills are among the possible explanations, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

No mention of the fact -- known by folks at the CDC -- that blacks are less bouyant than whites. Never mind that blacks have heavier, more dense bones, and tend to carry less body fat, which aids bouyancy. Rural children, black and white, play in swimming holes all the time. Country negroes are barely better swimmers than their urban-dweller cousins.

No mention, also, that the one black kid who was saved was rescued by a white bystander!


Apr 28, 2009
I saw a show on TV about a black guy that tried to kill himself by jumping off a bridge in Philly. Two white guys jumped in the river and saved his sorry azz. A crowd of black people just stood around and watched. Even the black cops did nothing. Black people don't like water...or other black people for that matter. This is a fact.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

I stand corrected then. Are there black officers in the Marine Corps then? You're talking about Quantico or PI or both? It's a very long time since I was in the Corps. I can't even think of a black Marine Officer. If they can't swim, how can they be officers? How do they graduate OCS?

One other question Westside. Did they still have the 50 mile forced march, in full gear at the end of OCS that everyone had to pass to become an Officer? Or had that been done away with?

Tom Iron...


May 10, 2008
Deus Vult said:
Never mind that blacks have heavier, more dense bones, and tend to carry less body fat, which aids bouyancy.
I would suppose also that the relatively large chest cavity and lung size of white people would help bouyancy. Fat is only a little lighter than water, but air is much lighter.


Oct 12, 2008
I don't believe there is any physiological reason many blacks can't swim. It's largely cultural. There were a couple of black kids in my suburb growing up and they swam at the neighborhood pool like the rest of us.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
I agree with icsept. When I lived in California, there was a black family with whom we were good friends. The boys (ours and theirs) would regularly go swimming, and they were in no danger of "sinking like rocks", Darian and Dariusare both adept swimmers. It's cultural, and largely uninteresting to blacks for some reason. Although I figure that if they always have their basketballs with them like Basketball Jones, it would make a fine flotation device.

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
icsept said:
I don't believe there is any physiological reason many blacks can't swim. It's largely cultural. There were a couple of black kids in my suburb growing up and they swam at the neighborhood pool like the rest of us.

Bouyancy definitely aids one's swimming efforts. No one said negroes cannot at all ever, ever swim. I mentioned physical traits that are tendencies, relative between the races. We're talking averages. Blacks, on average, have heavier bones. There blacks who can swim, but it takes more effort as compared to whites.

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
FootballDad said:
I agree with icsept...  It's cultural, and largely uninteresting to blacks for some reason... 

Perhaps so, but if so only in-part. Perhaps the physiological factor makes it less fun?


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
We had a similar situation here in NJ a few weeks ago. One black guy was drowning and another went in the water to try and rescue him. They both drowned.