White fans suck


Oct 31, 2005
LSU beat Tennessee Saturday night and there was a little controversy at the end of the game. After the LSU student section had been jeering Dane Bradshaw (a white player) the whole game, they were chanting for Bradshaw to return to the game with just over a minute left in the game. Tennesse coach Bruce Pearl obliged and went so far as to raise Bradshaw's hand at the scorer's table. LSU coach John Brady said it showed a lack of class. Pearl said he was just having fun with the student section.

My question is...Why the HELL are these white students picking on Dane Bradshaw? He's the only white player who gets significant playing time for Tennessee. He's a good player, a good role model, he's articulate, doesn't talk trash, doesn't have tattoos, doesn't wear earrings, and doesn't have a criminal record. I don't get it!

Do white people ever jeer a trash talking, cornrow wearing, illiterate negro covered with tattoos?...NO! They're afraid they'll be branded a racist. That's worse than being a murderer. As a matter of fact, they consider a guy like that exciting and cool. They think white people are boring.

People, it's gotten so bad, that not only are these cowards afraid to cheer for a white athlete, they cheer AGAINST him, and make fun of him. They're making fun of their own race! Whites are the only people in the world who do that. Somebody PLEASE explain that to me. Why?... Guilt? Fear? I have to go now...I'm going to be sick.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Well, I must tell you bwc, you saw one of the worst places as far as good fan behavior and logic, or most natably a lack of both. LSU fans have been doing that at football games for years. I would never visit that campus if I was an opposing teams fan, your only asking for trouble. I think for some unknown reason, white fans down there are just more idiotic than most other places. Some of these kids want attention as well, and that is how they get it. White players in basketball probably catch more heat than in any other sport, if for no other reason than it is supposed to be a black man's game. I would say it is the same everywhere, but I think it is worse at LSU.


Apr 14, 2005
bwc ask JJ Reddick about all the crap he recieves. Its' funny ESPN actually did a piece last year on how and why Reddick gets ridiculed by all the opposing fans but God forebid it was a black player getting all this crap becuase all you would hear about is how racist white fans are and ect. I agree with why do white fans feel obligated to jeer the white guy on the oppsoing team. Why can't they pick on somebody else? It just really pisses me off to say the least.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The way white fans act toward white athletes in every racially mixed sport shows how well they have been indoctrinated to hate their own kind. That, plus the fear of appearing to be too hard on blacks makes it easy to take it out on white athletes.
Jan 13, 2006

Cant you see. You can make fun of a white athlete, actor, or politician and get away with it... Its OK, its fun... We as whites are secure enough about ourselves that we can make fun of each other... Honestly, have u ever seen anyone make fun of Colin Powelle (probable a miss spelling).... Our ability to be critical of ourselves and make fun of ourselves is not a sign of weakness but instead a sign of strenght... Have you ever seen a white commedian make fun of black people? How often have you seen a black commedian make fun of whtie people? If there ever comes a time when we cant make fun of ourselves and we can't laugh when others make fun of us then I will know that we are in trouble... we will have lost our advantagous position in society and been put on the defensive.


Dec 28, 2004
How long are you going to be here this time before your banned? Week/couple of days?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
First of all, we don't call each other "idiots" here.

The fact that everyone can make fun of whites but whites can't make fun of anyone else is not a sign of strength; much of it is based on hatred of whites and the desire to obtain some kind of warped vengeance against us for our alleged crimes against everyone who isn't a white man. Do you think the fact that only white men are clowns, morons, wimps,sexual predators, and crooks on commercials andtelevision programs is a sign of strength? Is the flooding of this country with non-whites a result of our "advantageous position"?

If you don't think whites are on the defensive then why do you support this site? If we are "still on top" then what we see going on in football, basketball and other sports is based purely on who is most qualified rather than the result of a racial caste system that caters to asupposed "black superiority" in athletic ability.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Gary has some serious pugnus radar! It must frustrate pugnus how Gary smells him out everytime.
Jan 13, 2006
Alright well sorry about calling u guys idiots i didnt mean it like that

What is "pugnus"

Anyways, Don Wassall let me give you some figures to back up my contention that whites are in an advantagous positoin....

* the average white person has 12 times as much net wealth as the average black person... ten years ago it was only 5 times as much...(this is the result of a booming real estate market and a hot stock market in the late 90's)... whites also have, on average more net wealth then asians.

* over 80% of all NCAA athletes are white

* whites are three times as likely as blacks to attend college

* whites pay 87% of federal income taxes

* Whites are only slightly under represented in colllege football as 45% of all D1 college football players are white... 50% of all college aged individuals are white in the US

* 40% of D1 college basketball players are white

* In the state of California last year 90% of all white kids passed the high school exit exam while as 89% of asian kids passed, 52% of hispanic kids, and 48 percent of black kids.

* white kids are catching up with asian americans math and science SAT scores

Im a political science student soo i know these kinds of things but i cant think of anything else at the moment.



How is this NOT an advantagous position.......

Go ahead back guy make fun of me, ill laugh. Just remember to sweep the floor before u go home

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I hope that is not an attempt at a serious "argument," throwing a bunch of random statistics out as if that backs up anything.

80% of NCAA athletes white -- might have something to do with few non-whites playing most sports

whites 45% of D1 football players -- you call this good? And even if it were does it excuse whites not being recruited to play running back, wide receiver and most defensive positions by the major programs?

whites pay 87% of taxes -- yes, because most whites work and attempt to find work when unemployed

I expected a lot more from a "political science student." You sound like one of the great white unwashed liberals who think that because most faces they see in power are white that there could not possibly be discrimination against whites, that these white elites somehow rule as white supremacists when all evidence is that whites are being dispossessed economically, morally and demographically (and in sports).

Orange County has gone from almost 100% white to majority non-white in a little over a generation. How did "white advantage" bring about such a revolutionary change? You have a lot to learn and frankly I don't see why you have any concern whatsoever about how many whites will be drafted by the NFL this year. From your perspective, given the great advantages you think whites have, youmust believethat blacks still aren't being given full opportunity in football and basketball.


Apr 14, 2005
Don once again I couldn't have said it better myself. OC maybe the reason white comedians don't make fun of blacks is because they are too afraid to even joke about black people because they'll be labled a racist. Although Chris Rock can say whatever he wants to about white people and everyone will laugh and think "oh silly Chris haha". Now is that not the very definition of a double standard. Whites pay 87% of taxes becuase Pedro and Carlosina crossed the boarder and now are on welfare. Come on OC I thought you were smarter than that.
Jan 13, 2006

The fact of the matter is that blacks have an average IQ score that is roughly 15 points lower then the average white score... (thats 101 vs. 86, respectively).... so i dont think that it is even possible for blacks to become as successful as whites and asians in the bussiness world. ( the average asian has an IQ score of 103). Granted, it is possible that these IQ tests are not accurate, but i cant see how that is possible. I do wish that blacks were as intelligent as we are; i kinda feel sorry for them.

I minorities obviously recieve unfair advantages in such things as college admission and enployment. But as i said in my previous posts the wealth gap between blacks and whites has not been this wide since the civil war, and it will continue to widen. Reguardless of this, i do not support affirmative action. Its not fair to deny white people opportunity just because other white people have money.

Now on to sports.....

I see black dominance of football and basketball at the pro leveles as something that could lead some white youths to believe that blacks have an athletic advantage over whites.... I simply believe that this is not true.

Furthermore, while in Orange County minorites are kinda looked down upon. And there is nothing more uncool in the OC then a white guy who acts black. And i have never seen a white girl in the OC go for a black guy... It seems that in some parts of the country blacks are beginning to be looked up to. When i was in the midwest this summer i noticed a lot of white kids listening to rap music, dressing black and acting black, i couldnt believe it.

By the way everyone, for a break from black music, and a taste of whats popular in the OC try downloading some of my favorit music.....

Artist: Pinback Songs: Penelope, Fortress

Artist: The Used Songs: Blue and Yellow, Cute without the E

Other Artists: Unwritten Law, Get up Kids, and the Ataris
Jan 13, 2006
Sorry for going off topic there

The only reason i brought up the music was because like in sports, in music entertainment whites are discriminated aginst

There is a whole lot of excellent white music out that never hits the airwaves ant the list above includes some strong examples of that


Apr 14, 2005
Thanks for the post OC I'll download those songs. Don't worry I'm in my 20s.


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
OC football said:
Anyways, Don Wassall let me give you some figures to back up my contention that whites are in an advantagous positoin....

So what if whites are in an advantagous position. It's not like the white race was born on 3rd base thinking we hit a triple. We did hit the triple.

As far as having 12 times as much wealth as a black person. Why not? We work 12 times as hard(at least).

As far as whites being 3 times as likely to attend college, it would be a lot more than that if colleges picked students based solely on ability and previous achievment.

Your point, "Whites are only slightly under represented in colllege football as 45% of all D1 college football players are white". This point supports our arguement that blacks are over-represented in Div. I football.

It is obvious to all of us here that you have done no research on the topic of white discrimination in sports. But don't feel too bad, most of us here felt a lot like you feel now, when we were in school.

Edited by: GWTJ


Aug 10, 2005
[url]http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/03/sports/ncaabasketball/03pl ayers.html?hp&ex=1141448400&en=ebd76a7ee6cff40a&ei=5094&part ner=homepage[/url]

Very good article found in the New York times of all places. It's all about the hatred Redick and Morrison experience when in opposing arenas. Journalist even raises possibility that it might be because they are White.

Some fans and sports experts also said they believe that race may play a factor in the treatment of Redick and Morrison, who are both white and often perform before predominantly white audiences.

Students might be reluctant to make such overtly callous remarks and hold up inappropriate signs referring to black players, for fear of being accused of racial insensitivity, or they might be incredulous that white players can be so good in a sport that has come to be dominated by black players, some fans said.

"In some ways, the crowd may feel, 'He doesn't deserve it because he's not so different from me,' " said Peter Roby, a former head basketball coach at Harvard who is director of the Center for the Study of Sport in Society at Northeastern University.
Jan 1, 2006
Black people are bullies and we all are scared of them to a lesser or greater extent. If one of us actually stands up to one of them, all the other blacks, ones who don't even know each other, jump to their aid fists first. Mean while whites, even our best buds, stay out of it. We need to stick together, they don't play fair, stand up for your family/race. Go to jail or the hospital if you have to. Its a war, and just like in a war, if one is not prepared to sacrifice, get ready to relinquish what's yours. I can't think of a thing better to die for than ones own kind, not even the stars and stipes as much as I love our country.


Aug 10, 2005
I'm not scared of them. They are more often scared of me. All of their loud talk is a defense mechanism. The reason the KKK used to use titles like cyclops and wizard is because it scared Blacks. Have you ever been to horror movie where Blacks are in the theatre? They scare VERY easily. Their looks and talk can be deceiving. Why do you think Blacks do drive bys while Whites will just walk up and start shooting? Asians are a much more formidable foe in a war. They have more courage than all of the non Whites. Blacks do have that bully mentality you are talikng about. They only want to fight when they think they have an advantage of either size or numbers. That's not courage. We talk about Blacks alot because they are very visible in sports and entertainment ,but they are really the least of our worries.
Jan 1, 2006
I like your spirit. I am from New Orleans and you would not believe what I have seen just myself. The media really does down play and refuse to report the realities of what they do to whites and other non blacks. Its so bad and so many people are brain washed that when I tell people from other places objective reports of some of the stuff, they automatically label me a racist. Its beyond the "shoot the messenger" routine. I am glad I found this web site.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Aaron Gray had a great season at center for Pitt and became just the sixth Pitt player ever to make the All Big East first team (and first white player), but because he had a poor Big East tournament, including missing some layups, he is now an object of ridicule and hatred among the white fans. Meanwhile, Gray's teammates include Carl Krauser, a gangsta type who may be the most erratic basketball player ever. Last year's team had Chris Taft, who was a clone of Krauser.


Gray's accomplishments this season have bordered on the monumental, but, as Pitt prepares to play Kent State tonight in the first round of the NCAA tournament, they remain greatly unappreciated. In being named to the Big East first team, he joined the select company of Charles Smith, Jerome Lane, Brian Shorter, Brandin Knight and Chevon Troutman, all of whom were named last month to Pitt's all-centennial team. By averaging 13.0 points and 11.8 rebounds in conference play, he did something not even Smith, one of the greatest players in Pitt history, could accomplish.

Still, it's those nagging layups and short jumpers that fell short, clanged off or rolled around and came out night after night after night in the Big East tournament last week that people most remember.

Try to tell people that Gray is a fine shooter with a deft touch from 10 feet and in, and they'll laugh.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
That's because people can be morons and not realize a person can be giving 100% out there and still miss layups and point blank shots. It happens, even to the best of them. It's not like he does that all the time. It also seems like the white player is held up to much more scrutiny and is treated with the "what have you done for me lately mentality".

Maple Leaf

Mar 19, 2006
Dan your post at the top is true and its even funny. Those twits are so brainwashed. They probably wear baggy pants and turn their baseball caps sideways and say "know what I'm sayin'" alot too. They cheer the black athletes because they are told that is "cool". Whites are the dopes that fill the football stadiums and basketball arenas so to fill the pockets of these athletes. The tragedy,though, is too many whites develop an inferiority complex about themselves (as athletes) as they start to believe the picture that is presented to them.