viktor bryzgin


Aug 28, 2006

I'm a new member to this forum. I've a question for anyone regarding Viktor Bryzgin. Actually, more of a statement that might lead to a discussion...

He's down as having run a 10.03 into a -2.5 headwind (check the following link)

[url] eason=0/gender=M/discipline=100/legal=A/index.html [/url]

If you apply the theory that with all things being equal (namely, wind, altitude), then that time would have equated to 9.87 with a zero wind reading.

check this link:

Food for thought...if he had run with a permissable 2m following wind, then he would have run about a 9.74 at sea level...twenty years ago. So, if the wind had changed direction 180 degrees (and gone down just a bit!)...then there would have been a 'Bob Beamonesque' type of world record that would still be standing.

I've seen the caste system in varying degrees...and I find the stereotyping and racial classifications an interesting subject. I'll point out that I in no way agree with some forum members and their attitudes/beliefs regarding racial classification. However, one of the main ways that racial classification could be broken down would be to reduce/remove the myth of black athletes as being 'superior' and thus 'different'.

One of the main ways (perhaps THE main way) that people point out this 'difference' in 'races' is that there is the issue of speed and the fact that no white man has ever broken 10 flat!

Well, here's a few other athletes that have come close...and some would have done if there was a favourable wind condition

You all mention Shirvo and Macro...but little mention of the following:

Matthew Quinn

Morne Nagle (although has been mentioned!)


Vladislav Dologodin

Sergey Osovich

Patrick Stevens

Christie Van Wyk

Carlos Colado

Carlo Bocarrini

Geir Moen

Peter Karlsson

Rolan Nemeth

Gabor Dobos

Vitaly Savin (who posted a 9.94 with a 2.7ms tailwind...that would equal a 9.99 with a 2m/s I believe?, maybe 9.98?)

Anyhow, Mennea, Karlsson, Macro, Savin, Van Wyk have all done it wind assisted...and just about all the guys above would have broken 10.00 if they'd had a maximum following wind at their fastest!

Mustn't forget the greek sprinters, the japanase, and of course Patrick Johnson Aus, who had a 9.93 and isn't african american...

So, in summary...

Its pretty clear that the magical mark of 10.00 is just a bit of a freaky occurrence! Clearly, there's been a fair few guys who could/should have broken the mark with that bit of luck re conditions. Particularly as white sprinters haven't got any faster the last 30/40 years!

If Bryzgin had of smashed the world record then I very much doubt that we would have seen the proliferation of the 'caste' system and the overriding belief structures/myths that hamper any white athlete's attempts as sprinters!

I'll reiterate again my thoughts on the subject concerning race. I'm a fervent believer of the fact that we are all of one race...and I don't like seeing any disparaging comments regarding anyone's race on this forum...too many poorly thought out statements (admittedly on different sections) that betray an ignorance or lack of sensibilities.

However, I enjoy the site tremendously, and find it a great source of facts regarding sport and sociology. Particularly as I teach it!

Looking forward to hearing some thoughts on the above.



Dec 28, 2004
Did you ever notice that White men have been the BEST at Track and Field over the years!Here are only some of the Hall of Fame White men who have not only proved they could run-but unlike other races these White men also were SUPERSTARS in the high jump,shot put,discus,pole vault,etc-name me men of any race who could win at such a wide "diversity" of events!!Dwight Stones,Al Oerter,Bob Richards,Dallas Long,Randy Matson,Bob Seagren,Bob Mathias,Don Bragg,Jim Ryun,Mac Wilkins,Bruce Jenner.This list does not include all the White Brothers from around the world who have been winning Gold Medals by the trainload.Oh how men of other races envy us-we are not only more handsome and smarter but better in sports-check out any Olympic medal count and your see this is a FACT!!!!!Edited by: Gary


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
theone said:
I'll reiterate again my thoughts on the subject concerning race. I'm a fervent believer of the fact that we are all of one race...and I don't like seeing any disparaging comments regarding anyone's race on this forum...too many poorly thought out statements (admittedly on different sections) that betray an ignorance or lack of sensibilities.

However, I enjoy the site tremendously, and find it a great source of facts regarding sport and sociology. Particularly as I teach it!

How fortunate we are to be graced by your august presence. Please enlighten us, oh wise one, and deliver us from gross ignorance!


Aug 28, 2006

just a personal philosophy. In hindsight, shouldn't have included these opinions so happy to apologise if I've offended anyone.

I'd much prefer the responses to centre around the issue of Bryzgin and his 10.03 time.

Any thoughts on this time (the 10.03)?


Oct 19, 2004
9.87, that would be so cool! Man how I wish that were official. Also, I didn't know Macro ran a wind-aided 9.91. I knew about his 9.96, but not that one.

I guess the lessons that need to be learned are that the sub-10 mark is more or less arbitrary; and that it is physically possible for white sprinters to get it- if they haven't already.

But even if it's arbitrary, we still want it... a lot! It would be a dream come true.Edited by: JD074

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
First off,we welcome your input to the board.We may not all agree on everything here,but just talking about the racism whites face in sports is a good start.I believe that you will find that most people on this board are very knowledgeable.We are tired of being told that whites are too slow,can't jump,can't dance,etc. It's a total attack on all people of european ancestry.I know hispanic guys who also think that the US just kisses the blacks butts 24/7 in all aspects of society but yet they are rarely ever satisfied.Back to the subject on hand.

Viktor Bryzgin did run a sub 10 with out a doubt on that day.It could have been one of the fastest 100 meters times ever ran but it wasn't wind legal.It's a crime because as you said,it could have changed the whole landscape.No one here denies that there have been and are some very excellent black sprinters.What we do argue is that whites cannot compete!We can compete and I truley believe a white can be the worlds fastest man.I don't buy into all of the western africans being the only ones at the top of the bell curve.Studies can be made to back up many things.The lack of a broad participation by more whites worldwide(especially in America though)has led to the belief that whites cannot compete.There is no probable reason why we have gone backwards with the sprint times with the exception of Wariner.It is racial slotting like in other sports and lack of white participants to help level the playing field.

Macro ran two sub 10's in one day.They were not legal but if that doesn't prove it's possible,what will.I belive that there are alot of Shirvo,Macro,Nagel types out there.Especially here in the US.Finding them and getting them interested in track is the problem.Second is to get them past the 30-40 years of brainwashing that makes most whites feel inferior.A good portion of whites don't think they can compete.That has to change and I belive we are starting to slowly see that.There will be more Wariners and Rocks out there too.This hopefully is only the beginning.My dream is to not only see white sprinters lining up in olympic finals,but winning them and also setting world records again.It can happen!People need to believe in themselves like white athletes in Europe do.We were like that until the late 1960's.Anyways,enough for now.Sorry for rambling on a little bit.Edited by: white lightning


Dec 28, 2004
In the 1972 Summer Olympic games the USSR had the World's Fastest Man in Valery Borzov who won both the 100m and 200m,they also had the World's Strongest Man in Vasily Alekseyev who won the gold medal in superheavyweight weightlifting and held 80 world records, more then all the men of Africa,Asia and South America put together.USSR beat the USA in basketball to win the gold medal-Final medal count was USSR 99,USA 94,East Germany 66,West Germany 40 [Germans had 106 total medals!!],the African nation with the most was Kenya with 9.How long would we have to wait for Kenya to have the world's fastest and world's strongest man??White men are the best in everything that really matters on this earth!!Be Proud My White Brothers-other races can only watch us with amazement!!!!


Dec 28, 2004
We have been to the moon!!Any bets on who will go to Mars/Venus-Europeans or Africans?Always cheer for your White Brothers.The Brothers from Eastern Europe in less then 10 years have taken over the Heavyweight Class in Boxing,we have the World's Strongest Man,Sweden won the Gold in Ice Hockey,Italy in Soccer and hopefully Spain or Argentina will win in basketball.
Check out any book on Special Forces-Army Rangers/Green Berets,Navy Seals,Marine Recon,Air Force Special Ops-95% White men-where are the blacks you ask??In the mess hall making brownies!!We are Warrriors,don't let the PC media brainwash you to think other wise!!


Apr 30, 2005
Bryzgin was an excellent sprinter but just barely world class. To give him attention above or place himlevel withBorzov or Morrow is a distortion. Edited by: bigman


May 20, 2005
You know what I love about Leftists?

They'll lambaste xtian creationists for rejecting Darwin, sure enough, for even bringing up the idea of a creator. But then they'll reject any implication of Darwinism that contradicts their own Leftist dogmas, dogmas, that unlike Christianity, haven't even done any societal good to make up for their many errors.

Ever notice how dogs, cats, horses, cattle, and every other domestic animal all come from the same limited number of genetically similar common ancestors? Ever notice how dogs, cats, horses, cattles, etc come in a rainbow of sizes, shapes, intelligences, and temperments, all from man simply manipulating evolution by the most primitive means for a measly few thousand years? Ever notice how originally isolated populations of men have evolved into a wide range of sizes, shapes, temperments, and intelligences? I mean, a mutation that leads to the millions of a certain subspecies of man having almost no melanin is a pretty radical adaptive mutation. Why must people of your ilk implicitly reject the notion that other differences, mental and behavioral for instance, might be just as profound. For human populations evolving in isolation to actually be exactly the same on every mental and physical measurable is abit like flipping a coin and expecting it to land on edge...a few million times in a row.

So you think Blacks and Whites are exactly equal in average sprinting ability...perhaps then, you are not actually *evil*, merely misled. The typical position of modern American society is to extoll to the sky any attributes where Blacks might have an advantage, and ignore and deny any bad traits of Blacks or anyone rather than Whites fo that matter. Looking at the times of world-class sprinters, it occurs to me that on average, with equal training, a Black will be perhaps 2% faster than a White over a short distance. What irks me is that this 2% is used to label Whites "slow" (When we are in fact the second best sprinters on Earth), to make excuses about why there are 0 Whites in certain positions in football, and to pretend that every Black is faster than every White, instead of acknowleding societal factors and plain anti-White hatred to explain the lack of White sprinters.

Meanwhile, we go along and American Blacks keep on testing 15% lower than Whites on I.Q. tests, no matter what you leftist do. (Pure Africans core about 30 points lower). You'll scream that questions in the abstract are "culturally biased", and fail to mention that Hispanics and Asians, new to this country and learning the language, outscore, outscore English-speaking Christian African-Americans who have been here 300 years. Whatever you'll do, the figures won't go away. But, wait, what is this? Point out that Blacks are less intelligent, more criminal than...well, everybody, and be crucified. "White Men Can't Jump" is comedy, to reverse the insult is blasphemy. That's what I hate, loathe, and despise...that every objective fact is conciously spun to be as anti-White as possible.

I wouldn't mention your theory to that Whites are athletically equal to many Black people btw, not unless you want an argument. They are of course, if you count all athletic attributes, but Blacks don't want to hear this. Rumours of intellectual equality aside, they know the one place they can claim a slim advantage over the hated Whitey is in certain athletic attributes. Mention the athletic attributes where Whites exceed them, in weightlifting, in the strength and endurance so important in realistic fighting competitions, and you'll make them either incredulous or livid. Hell, look at the search for an annointed Black to beat the Russians...if these Whites can out-box Blacks, then what's left for the Africoids to crow about? I know that the dominance of Whites over NHB fighting competitions bothers them. The bizarre thing is the extent to which Whites (presumably as much or more brainwashed than yourself) await the coming of some Black champion in both sports, as if seeing an alien beat someone who looks like them were somehow pleasurable. Whites, as a whole, are detached from reality or healthy self-interest in regard to race, a state of affairs not possible without a brainwashing scheme that is obvious, yet so old, large, and pervasive that most folks simply take it as the order of nature. If you must crusade against some societal ill, then crusade against the mental and literal genocide of what I presume are your own sub-species of human, namely White people.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I don't care what the stats say.I want to know why whites competed on an equal playing field in the sprints for many,many years.Who is to say that we can't again?I don't believe that we cannot run at the level that they are on.I also believe that the steroids have exagerated the times drastically.Whites will be competetive again.I might be one of the few to belive that but you guys will see someday.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
I also believe it. No one thought there would ever be another white heavyweight champ. Well, now we got four.!!!Edited by: Alpha Male

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
white lightning said:
I don't care what the stats say.I want to know why whites competed on an equal playing field in the sprints for many,many years.Who is to say that we can't again?I don't believe that we cannot run at the level that they are on.I also believe that the steroids have exagerated the times drastically.Whites will be competetive again.I might be one of the few to belive that but you guys will see someday.
The only theory I can think of is that steroids help people of predominately West African ancestry better(in running). Beyond that I can't think of any reason why a caucasian runner hasn't even finaled in almost 20 years in a major meet(in the 100).


Dec 9, 2004
I have to agree with you 100%white is right.After reading a lot things both on this site and elsewhere and going back and forth trying to come up with a theory I feel the answer is roids'.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
This theory has been discussed on "non controversial" sites such as Track and Field News. Some posters feel it's legitimate and others think its huey. I think it's legitimate(while unscientifically proven) because of sprinters like Ben Johnson who was mediocre before he got on roids and the rest was history.....Edited by: white is right