Toledo Looting

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
A neo-nazi rally that took place in Toledo, Ohio had to be cancelled after protestors (blacks) took to the streets in violent protest.

The police escorted the nazis out of the area, and then the 'protesting' really got out of hand. The violence has escalated, and now the 'protestors' (blacks) are looting the stores in the neighorbood where the rally was taking place.

Believe it or not, at least on Fox News, they aren't blaming the nazis for all the trouble. They had a permit and were demonstrating peacefully before the 'protestors' arrived.

The last video footage that I saw had hundreds of blacks storming what appeared to be some type of concession stand. They were throwing what looked like cans of cola in the air and into the crowd, who were doing that jump up-and-down dance that NFL players do just before football games.



Jan 7, 2005
" Jump up and down dance" I believe that is a Mandingo sex dance, not sure, but the Bruthas sure like to do it.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Whites should abandon the Nazi symbols. There is just too much negativity associated with Hitler, the war and the Third Reichin this country and across Europe as well. Spend some time at your local VFW and you'll find these fellows have long memories. So what was accomplished? Blacks get another excuse to commit crimes against white people. The press will justify their behavior and many citizens will resent the marchers, blaming them for causing the disturbance instead of the blacks. Who wins?


May 20, 2005
Couldn't agree more.

Though if I ever become a pro-fighter, I'd be tempted to get a swastika tattooed to my chest. The Hammer just doesn't seem to piss people off enoug...mostly they say "Whats that anchor on your chest for?"


Jan 7, 2005
White_Savage said:

Couldn't agree more.

Though if I ever become a pro-fighter, I'd be tempted to get a
swastika tattooed to my chest. The Hammer just doesn't seem to piss
people off enoug...mostly they say "Whats that anchor on your chest

Get NAACP on your chest, the brutha won't stop looking at it.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I was very surprised though that Fox News reporters were actually trying to shift focus from the neo-Nazis to the blacks that were looting. The Hispanic female anchor even called out the fact that this WAS racially motivated, and that the blacks were looting a white establishment!! She said things like, "Looking at the video, we can see that those looting are African-Americans."

The male anchor, of some unidentifiable but ethnic persuasion, immediately tried to downplay her comments when the camera went back to him, saying, in effect, that they couldn't see everyone involved nor were they certain of the race of the owners of the building being looted (as if that should matter in the first place but I digress...)

All in all it was a very different broadcast than what I'm used to hearing. I don't know if the aftermath of Katrina has had anything to do with this, if it will continue, or even if the Hispanic anchor lady will have her job tomorrow. But watching this broadcast and catching a commercial that was 100% about Jeremy Bloom in the same telecast made my day!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
By JOHN SEEWER, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 17 minutes ago

TOLEDO, Ohio - A crowd protesting a white supremacists' march Saturday turned violent, throwing baseball-sized rocks at police, vandalizing vehicles and stores, and setting fire to a neighborhood bar, authorities said.

When Mayor Jack Ford and a local minister tried to calm the rioting, they were cursed for allowing the march, and Ford said a masked gang member threatened to shoot him.

At least 65 people were arrested and several police officers were injured before calm was restored about four hours later.

Ford blamed the rioting on gangs taking advantage of a volatile situation. He declared a state of emergency, set an 8 p.m. curfew through the weekend, and asked the Highway Patrol for help.

"It's exactly what they wanted," Ford said of the group that planned the march, which was canceled because of the rioting.

At least two dozen members of the National Socialist Movement, which calls itself "America's Nazi Party," had gathered at a city park to march under police protection. Organizers said they were demonstrating against black gangs they said were harassing white residents.

The violence broke out about one-quarter of a mile away along the planned march route shortly before it was to begin. One group of men pounded on a convenience store, and others overturned vehicles. There was a report of a shooting but police hadn't found a victim, Police Chief Mike Navarre said.

About 150 police officers chased bands of young men through the area. Officers wearing gas masks fired tear gas canisters and flash-bang devices designed to stun suspects, but the groups continued throwing rocks and bottles. Several officers and firefighters suffered minor injuries, Navarre said. At one point, the crowd reached 600 people, officials said.

Finally, police marched shoulder-to-shoulder down the street shouting to people to stay inside, and the crowd of several hundred broke up.

At least 65 people were arrested on charges including assault, vandalism, failure to obey police and failure to disperse, Navarre said. He said the white supremacists had left hours earlier.

"We frankly could have made a couple hundred arrests easily," Navarre said. "We just didn't have the resources on hand to arrest all of them."

The mayor had appealed to residents the night before to ignore the march. He said the city wouldn't give the Nazi group a permit to march in the streets but couldn't stop them from walking on the sidewalks.

When the rioting began, Ford tried to negotiate with those involved, but "they weren't interested in that." He said people in the crowd swore at him and wanted to know why he was protecting the Nazis.

They were mostly "gang members who had real or imagined grievances and took it as an opportunity to speak in their own way," Ford said.

"I was chagrined that there were obvious mothers and children in the crowd with them," he said.

Thomas Frisch, 76, said a large group of men destroyed the exterior of a gas station next to his home of 30 years.

"A whole big gang started to come in here. Next thing you know, they're jumping on the car. Then they overturned it. Then they started on the building, breaking windows, ripping the bars off," he said.

Louis Ratajski, 86, and his nephew, Terry Rybczynski, left Jim & Lou's Bar as a crowd gathered in front pelting police with rocks and breaking the windows. They climbed down a fire escape from the apartment where Ratajski lived over the bar and only later saw the fire on television.

"I was shaking. I feared for my life." Rybczynski said.

Keith White, a black resident, criticized city officials for allowing the march in the first place.

"They let them come here and expect this not to happen?" said White, 29.

A spokesman for the National Socialist Movement blamed police for losing control of the situation.

Yes, how strange it is indeed that anyone would expect black people to actually protest peacefully. And how about the line that the 'gangsters' were just speaking out in their own way??? We can let these guys loot, rob and burn buildings down but we can't let a bunch of Nazis walk in the streets unmolested, can we?? OOOOHHH NOOO, can't have that!!


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
I feel sorry for the old people who can't afford to move away from these creatures. What a clash of cultures!Probablythe wildest thing those Ohio residents did in their youth was dancethe Polka toFrankie Yankovic records until midnight.Brave Americans tried in vain to warn us of impending disaster. We didn't listen to them, called them haters, bigots and racists. Now we are paying the price for our folly... big time.
Oct 10, 2005
Whites should abandon the Nazi symbols.

This would be a wise tactical move.

Today is not 1930s Germany and even todays jews are not the same after leaving their ghettos and moving to the US to intermix with Gentiles in hopes of gaining more Aryan traits (blonde hair, blue eyes) to create what I call Uber-Mischlings (like Sara Michelle Gellar)

Luckily there are lots of non-National Socialist fascist symbols that can be used. I myself happen to be a big fan of the Flash and Circle and this symbol doesn't necessarily need to be used with a red-black-white color scheme.

The Hispanic female anchor even called out the fact that this WAS racially motivated, and that the blacks were looting a white establishment!! She said things like, "Looking at the video, we can see that those looting are African-Americans."

The reporters name was Paige Hopkins. She gave some very Politically Incorrect commentary during the incident that was astounding (I don't think there are any transcripts around though, otherwise I would post some quotes and links!)

Here is a National Vanguard story that interested folks should read:


Mar 8, 2005
United States
Right to assembly!! I've read articles where people say they shouldnt be allowed to march, but that is against our rights.Edited by: Bear-Arms

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Uber, I'm certain that the newscaster I saw was a Hispanic female, Barrera or something like that. I wondered at the time how she was able to say the things that she did.

I read the Vanguard article; I did not see Paige Hopkins so I must have left the TV to its own devices by the time she came on. It will be interesting to see if she reappears on Fox News in the future. From what I read, her comments were not nearly as racial as those of the newscaster I saw.

The producers of television networks are having to go to greater and greater lengths to edit out politically incorrect behavior on the part of our black neighbors. Pretty soon we will not see any news at all in such situations. There will be a 'media blackout' so as to not endanger the news people, and to avoid attracting more of the wrong types who may see what is happening on TV and want to be a part of it.
Oct 10, 2005
White Shogun, you're right there was a hispanic newscaster (a female) and it WAS NOT Paige Hopkins. In total Paige Hopkins, the female hispanic newscaster, and also some male newscaster were the three main fox anchors during this incident (I caught about a half hour of their coverage and saw the tavern go up in flames there at the end)

I apologize for my mistake.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
No need for apology, Uber! I didn't think of it as a mistake; it interesting to me that both a minority woman and a white woman were so politically incorrect in reporting this story. I'd like to think it more than an isolated incident, but really, I doubt that it is. These two will be squashed and everyone will be warned to tow the line and that will be it.
Oct 10, 2005
I have no doubt that they will both probably be sent out to do dairy reports in the upper Michigan Peninsula for the rest of their careers, but at the same time it is nice to get some actually accurate reporting. It is so rare in this day and age of almost total deception.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Did you see the ABC news report on the web? WHITE SUPREMACISTS RIOT IN TOLEDO.

The caption under a photo of people being gassed by police read: "Hundreds of white supremacists riot in Toledo," or words to that effect.

You had to dig deep into the article to read that the neo-Nazis had already left the area, under escort, before the looting broke out.

I saw on the news the elderly white man and his friend (?) who narrowly escaped from the burning building. They both took great pains to avoid mentioning the ethnicity of the people who broke into their bar. The elderly man said he'd never had any trouble, but the younger man interjected with a few comments about graffiti, and that was it. They blamed the looting and damage on "kids." I don't know about you, but the kids in my neighborhood never do ANYTHING like that!
Aug 5, 2005
North Carolina
Here is the most important item in the story:

""They let them come here and expect this not to happen?" said White, 29." (black resident Keith White).

Blacks have come to believe that they have a RIGHT to riot over the
most minor issues, such as any White person's use of the
"N-word." (Am I the only person that thinks it's the epitome of foolishness to refer to ANY ethnic slur by its first letter?)</span>. And, with the help of the newsmedia, Blacks have been rewarded for their sub-human rioting by

having Whitey build-back the destroyed areas.

Note to Bart and Uberberserker</span>:
You're dead-wrong about National Socialist images. (For one
thing, they never called themselves "Nazis"). The National
Socialist government in Germany was the only government EVER in modern
history to challenge the scourge of worldwide Communism (which was
designed by jews -- Marx and Engels -- to subjugate the entire
non-Jewish world under a single tyrannical government.) Every
prediction that the National Socialists made about the world has come
to pass. They knew that the racially-driven destruction of major
cities is a goal of the Marxists, as a means to scatter White influence
out of power centers.

And don't even try to suggest that the USA was "fighting" communism
during the Cold War --- we fought World War II so that the Commies
could double their influence over Europe. In essence, we gave the
whole of Eastern Europe over to Communism after the War, and those
bastards murdered millions of our European bretheren. The Cold
War was simply a way to expand the size and scope of the FedGov, at the
expense of constitutional rights.

Lest you think that I am a raving lunatic, I should tell you that I
have degrees in history, political science, and law. My Slavic
grandfather spent time in a German POW camp, and was left with a
life-long respect and admiration for the decency, humanity, and
integrity of the German people. The Germans saved his life, as he
surely would have been killed by the Soviets. (Our Allies, by the way).</span> Everything that we, as Americans, have been taught about Germany under the National Socialists has been a lie.

Do your own research and you'll be amazed at what you find.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I know Patton wanted to turn against the Communists as soon as we beat Germany. He was right in wanting to do so too. I have heard a few WWII vets tell me we won the war but lost the peace. I never understood what they meant by that, but maybe that has something to do with it. On the other hand, I know a man who was a POW in Germany for almost 2 years, and he doesn't think much at all of the Germans. I can't disagree after what he saw and experienced. I don't think we fought WWII to spread Communism, Southern Knight, but I do agree that it was a result.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
What does it say about the intellect of white people if we cannot keep this from happening? Are we so stupid that we are collectively duped so easily?

What was our purpose in Korea and Vietnam, if it wasn't to fight the spread of communism? And the embargo against Cuba, window dressing so The People will "think" we're against communism?

As for those bastards who murdered millions of our Eastern European brothers, who pulled the triggers? Who performed all these executions?

Has there ever been anybody in our government who isn't a party to these conspiracies? Surely McCarthy wasn't, was he? We're going all the way back to Abraham Lincoln in some of these threads - was this conspiracy to achieve world dominance going on even then?

What is the means of control these days? Since communism failed, I imagine they are using material consumerism in its place. Is that accurate?


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Southern Knight said:
Note to Bart and Uberberserker: You're dead-wrong about National Socialist images. The National Socialist government in Germany was the only government EVER in modern history to challenge the scourge of worldwide Communism (which was designed by jews -- Marx and Engels -- to subjugate the entire non-Jewish world under a single tyrannical government.) Every prediction that the National Socialists made about the world has come to pass. They knew that the racially-driven destruction of major cities is a goal of the Marxists, as a means to scatter White influence out of power centers.

In essence, we gave the whole of Eastern Europe over to Communism after the War, and those bastards murdered millions of our European bretheren.

Southern Knight, I'm in agreement with you about the last world war and the German government of that day. But you have to realize, most people are very hostile to Nazi ( National Socialists)imagery.For decade after decade we've seen movies, plays and television shows depicting Hitler and his regime as the most evil, ruthless, vile, and inhumane group of people to exist on the face of the earth.Therefore many people have developed a visceral hate filled attitude towards Swastika's and goose - stepping uniformed men.I have relatives who lost family members and suffered greatly during the war years as have many Americans. Some of them go ballistic at the sight of those uniforms.

I have listened to talk shows and read the posts at sites like- Free Republic -and a good share of them have absolutely no sympathy whatsoever for the so-called Nazi's.Crazy as it may seem, many felt the blacks were justified in opposing the marchers. I believe if they had presented themselves as a group of concerned white men protesting against black criminal behavior they would have garnered a lot of support.

The past century saw a lot of white blood spilled. We were our own worst enemies in some ways. Can'twhites come together and unite for our common good? The past is the past. We don't need any more divisions among our selves. Shouldn't we work together to create a new vision or paradigm for the future?


Apr 13, 2005
At one point in the live reporting Paige Hopkins and Juli Banderas (I think that's who the reporter was) had an exchange about skinheads that was hilarious. Hopkins was unaware that there were skins who were anti-white racialist skinheads and there was some confusion.

Hey Uber, here is a different version of the flash and circle:

Edited by: Bronk
Oct 10, 2005
Southern Knight, don't worry I do not think you are in any way a raving lunatic and agree about 99% with your comments.

National Socialism a lot better socio-political system then jewish bolshevism or liberal democracy, but I myself have a preference for fascism of the Italian or Spanish type. I like to think of the various forms of fascism (including National Socialism) as all aspects of a broader movement all pointed towards the coming of what Francis Parker Yockey called an Age of Authority. (please note that Authoritarianism is NOT the same as Totalitarianism)

One of my thoughts on the short-comings of NS is that it is too materialist in nature (which is ironic since it was created to combat communistic materialism) I think this probably came about because these guys were trying to get Socialists into their camp and even went so far as to have their official flag Red to try and convince commies to switch sides.

Every prediction that the National Socialists made about the world has come to pass.

That is certainly true and one can see that by reading the following piece which time has shown to be remarkably accurate: The Year 2000 by Joseph Goebbels
Aug 5, 2005
North Carolina
White Shogun writes: "What was our purpose in Korea and Vietnam, if it wasn't to fight the
spread of communism? And the embargo against Cuba, window dressing so
The People will "think" we're against communism?"

Don't you find it odd that we have never been completely victorious
when "fighting" communism? And as for Cuba, you should remember
that the US was an avid supporter of Fidel Castro during his rise to
power. Our government pretended to be shocked -- shocked! --</span> when Castro infamously announced that he was a Marxist-Leninist.

Is it plausible that an unsophisticated communist on an island less
than 100 miles from US territory could have duped our entire Congress,
White House, State Department, CIA, military, etc., as to his true
political leanings? Or is it more likely that the United States
knew exactly who -- and what -- Castro was, and assisted his rise to
power so that the phony "Red Scare" would be at America's doorstep,
thereby making the federal government's massive Cold-War expansion more
palatable to Joe Six-Pack?

I believe it was Gen. Patton who said, at the end of WWII: "We killed
the wrong pig." Meaning that we should have fought the Communists
rather than the Germans.

The USA never liberated ANYONE from communism. As my grandfather
said (along with tens of millions of Ukrainians, Poles, Czechs, and
other Slavs): "We had already been saved by Hitler; the Americans just
turned us over to the Soviets." Many millions of those people
lost their lives due to the American treason against the White race
following WWII. And lets not forget the 2 millions Germans that
were left to be slaughtered in the Sudetenland after the war.

And what did we get out of the whole deal? The USA today is every bit as socialist as any country in the world.