This is the world we live in white folks


Feb 15, 2008
Welcome to the Real World. Sorry.
The "holocaust"Â￾ is the mother of untold lies and hypocrisies today.
It's not those who they talk about that holds the real power, but those they don't.
The real power structure, the Globalist Jews, considers all of us as ******s, Judenfetzen (Jew paper money) slaves and cannon fodder.
The Globalist Jews have been using America like a bitch, while they do everything they can to keep the majority of us stupid.
Technology advances are porno for the real power structure.
Effective propaganda must be sufficiently slick and indistinguishable to the majority.
The victors will turn wartime propaganda into historical fact.
The most important news is seldom fit for public consumption.
For everything you see on TV news, two or more things purposefully goes unsaid.
The US mainstream media is controlled and censored, to think otherwise is plain stupid.
Americans suspect the country is broken, but refuse to see who's holding the hammer.
Those totally clueless about the past have it coming to them.
What was "Conspiricy Theory"Â￾ in the past, is now the History of today.
If Whites were so bad, then why does everyone want to live in our crib and play with our nice toys?
A cohesive and awakened White race is the one greatest fear of the parasites among us.
White pride must always be presented as suspect, if not completely evil and Nazi.
Only Whites shall be deemed racist and supremacist, it must always be ignored in any other race.
Keeping White people on the path to racial suicide is the real basis of the "culture wars."Â￾
Straight Whites males are perfectly acceptable PC targets for derision and mockery.
Like bile, White self-hate will always stick and burn a little in the throat.
We might spit on the graves of the last generation, but tomorrow's will surely take a big stinking dump on ours.
Interracial sex, homosexuality, abortion, feminism are long-running Globalist Jew efforts to inhibit White reproduction.
Immigration of non-Whites into the West is a warm, fuzzy blanket for Jewry.
Whatever bad economic news is on mainstream TV, multiply twice for reality.
The real facts behind the Federal Reserve are off-limits for mainstream TV.
Everything considered, the Fed is the world's largest private counterfeiting operation.
Everyone who pays federal taxes works for International Jewry 4 months out of the year.
Property taxes on your home effectively turns you into a renter of the state.
Republicans and Democrats are stage actors in a never-ending Kibuki show.
Democracy means stupidity rules.
Multicults and the real power structure could care less where Obama was born.
Those who present "the solution"Â￾ may really be the cause of "the problem"Â￾ in the first place.
Politically Correct issues with potential for profit and anger distraction will enjoy the most media coverage.
Putting money in the right pockets will control and steer clueless populations.
The most important task for the media is keeping you stupid about the Jew.
Ridicule is the next favorite tactic Gatekeepers fall back on, if manufactered anti-White PC slander terms don't fit.
The media will always find the least attractive and glib to interview on opinions they don't want you to hold.
You have a lot to look forward to: As people get more and more stupid, so will TV.
Real Sheep will only believe what they see on TV, no matter the evidence otherwise.
Since the real power structure owns the media, they can get away with virtually anything now.
They know that people are naturally lazy and avoid thinking too much, if possible.
History repeats itself because most people don't give a rat's ass far enough in advance.
The paranormal, UFO stories and Gentile-only conspiricy theories, especially anything to do with the Vatican, can serve well in distracting the Sheep.
Bitch about Islamic Sharia law all you want, but just try saying a word about Jewish Talmudic law.
The Jew has sewn himself an invisibility cloak and loves to strut around in it.
If Jews had green skin, or even just slanty eyes, America would be a helluva lot better off today.
All Jews instinctively recognize any dangerous thinking about Jewry, or the real power structure.
Journalists know even breathing the word "Jew"Â￾ risks getting "Â￾sanchezed."Â￾
Jews have long used other races to hide behind, or as racial pitbulls when necessary.
Jews present themselves as white to Whites, but an oppressed minority to other races.
The Jews love their self-elected role as matchmaker to racial and social unrest.
The Jew is the original source of social problems in White countries.
Jewish financial and Zionist chicanery are the prime sources of most Geopolitical problems.
America has been the fattest cow Ashkenazim Jewry has sucked on to date.
Racial paranoia prods Jewry to play both ends of any stick.
Everywhere the Jew has lived, eventually dissolves into immorality, bankruptcy and destruction.
Everywhere the Jew has lived, eventually results in him getting thrown out, or worse.
Never go by names when it comes to figuring out who is a Jew.
Never do business or even share an idea with a Jew, if at all possible.
Ancient inscriptions lose credibility whenever a Jew is involved in the "discovery."Â￾
Beware of Jewish fables.
Every Jew will always have a grandmother lost in the holocaust.
The Jew cannot keep himself from talking and bragging, even if it's not in his interest.
Jews are such insane hypocrites they cannot conceive of the possibility.
Don't you think by now there are good reasons for "Â￾Anti-Semitism?"Â￾
The public is so conditioned by Jew media lies, they won't even bother to see if anything in Hitler's "Mein Kampf"Â￾ is true or not.
Once the "Left"Â￾ meets the "Right,"Â￾ the end is in sight (for the Jews).
False-flag attacks are the ultimate in "Â￾bait and switch"Â￾ sales tactics.
9/11 was a "shock and awe"Â￾ false flag attack on America's head by the real power structure.
One would have to be seriously brain dead not to suspect 9/11 was an inside job.
No matter the strong evidence, media-fostered "denial"Â￾ will keep the Sheep thinking their government could not possibly do something as evil as 9/11.
Those responsible for 9/11, Iraq and Afghanistan are now chomping at the bit for war with Iran.
Hating Bush, Cheney, Rove and the former Blackwater company are all PC-OK because they are not Jews. Hating Muslims is fine too, but one must always preface it with "radical"Â￾ to stay PC-OK.
War, false-flag terror and manufactered hate are tools used by the real power structure.
There are many layers to the Globalist onion, but they all stink.
Make things as convoluted as possible on the outside and people will have more theories and less comprehension.
Nowadays, the smart evil people wear tasteful expensive suits, not military uniforms.
The real end goal of the New World Order has always been "Â￾Judaic Totalitarian Collectivism"Â￾ and state-sponsored Noahide religion for the Gentile; which will eventually result in Jesus Christ turned into a pariah and outlawed.
Communism was an clearly an effort to establish Jewish racial control over Russia.
Real-life Jew Commies are right here in America, alive and kicking, screaming for another go.
Because of Jewish involvement, exposure of Communist history must be kept to a minimum.
While tens of millions were killed by Jew Commies, only the supposed "Â￾holocaust"Â￾ can be important.
Gentiles have suffered far more from Jewry, than the other way around.
Just like 9/11, certain facts behind the assassination of JFK are censored from the public because of Jewry.
Most of how Americans view WWII and the holocaust is 65 year-old Allied propaganda.
The success of any country without Jewry and International banking cannot be allowed.
Besides putting an end to a country free of International Jewish money, the ultimate intention of WWII and the death of tens of millions was to give birth to Israel.
Israel, America's "Â￾special little ally"Â￾ was founded on terrorism and lies; is the most racist, criminal and dangerous country on the planet; sells weapons of mass destruction and US secrets to whatever country has the money, like Russia, China, India and Pakistan â€" but don't you dare say anything.
No matter what: Jewry worldwide is really only loyal to one country on the planet â€" Israel.
The rest of the world knows America is Jewry's big, dumb bully in the schoolyard.
For every White criminal prominently displayed on TV, there are dozens of non-White crimes of equal or worse nature.
Any White crimes can and shall be documented on TV for eternity.
Any black-run countries and cities always end-up sucking major ass.
Blacks have built-in social pressures that reward degradation and criminality.
The biggest White multicults are the ones with the least real contact with minorities.
Any interracial crimes against Whites shall only be blamed on economic forces that Whites are supposed to have created in the first place.
Muslims, orientals and even many blacks are far more Jew-wise than most White people.
Muslims and blacks are nowhere near the problem to the American concept as Jewry.
Homosexuality is only a degree or two removed from pedophilia and constantly requires new forms of depravity to get off.
White children are the prime target for sexual and multicult brainwashing.
They think the more depraved Whites can be made, the less threat of a future backlash.
Jewry lusts to find a way branding pro-Whites and American patriot groups as domestic terrorists.
Any gun confiscations laws will be meant to disarm White people first and foremost.
You will never hear the shot that gets you.
If your bug-out bag feels heavy, you have way too much in it, you're out of shape, or both.
Batteries and bullets weigh more than you think.
You really can't live very long with what's on your back.
Zionist propaganda and apocalyptic Christian Zionist theology, just might be the death of us all.
White Tea Party anger is like the frog in a pot, just noticing the water is getting a tad toasty.
People are too scared to ask aloud that one question: "Was Hitler right?"Â￾
It really is the Jews, stupid.
Always listen to what a cigarette-smoking, Gentile fly tier has to say.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Looks like you copied that screed from someone else. Not that parts of it aren't true but what is the point?


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
jaxvid said:
Looks like you copied that screed from someone else. Not that parts of it aren't true but what is the point?

You are the man, Jaxvid!! You never beat around the bush and get straight to the point.
Jul 14, 2007
I don't understand what the obsession with Jews is. I know that it's considered a sin to say anything bad about Jews in general, but really, there's a lot of culprits in the promotion of cultural degradation and they're not all or even mostly Jewish.

In that post it did identify a lot of problems, and ones that I think we really can win on. Why is it okay to diminish white, Christian males who at worse have done no worse things than any other group of people, and at best invented almost all the things, ideas, and places we enjoy today?

We really need to take a page out of Saul Alynsky. Harping against Jews will only cause us alienation and a diminished status in society. We rather need to promote the things we do like. They try to tear down Tim Tebow for being Christian, but it doesn't really work. Sure, Tebow could go complain about Jews but that doesn't even get his message across, not to mention the consequences that would bring.

We just need to infiltrate every aspect of society with strong white Christian men, from the media, to the corporate world, sports world in terms of athletes, coaches, GMs, etc., and especially in the media, writing, advertising, film and documentary making, TV, radio, etc. We also need to infiltrate local schools as well as colleges.

And most important of all we need to spread our influence on the internet.

I just had a novel idea. What if we actually glorify Jews, but still make all the other points we want? What if we include Jews as white people who get ridiculed, say we are one with the Jews, but also speak about discrimination against whites in sports, seek to end affirmative action, welfare, and political correctness?

Wouldn't that kind of give us a cloak of invincibility? Let's just celebrate Jews but make all the points we want to make anyway! While I'm not a fan of 9/11 truth, why don't you say it was an inside job but say it was against Jews? How can you lose this way?

I say all this because we need to get more strategic and smart. Ranting against Jews will not win very many friends. Maybe we can borrow some leverage in our battle to win the important things in life. We really need to infiltrate every place we can, and what if we could actually get Jews on our side?


May 10, 2008
Electric Slide said:
there's a lot of culprits in the promotion of cultural degradation and they're not... even mostly Jewish.
Electric Slide, you're a smart, upbeat guy. But your math is terrible.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Electric Slide said:
I don't understand what the obsession with Jews is.

It never ceases to amaze me how naive some people are when it comes to Jewish Supremacism.


The opening quote in the thread is from here and is generally correct.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005

Fabulous post at Occidental Dissent. Well worth the read.


I'm afraid that very few of our people â€" and even a surprisingly small portion of racially aware and Jew-wise people (so-called "White Nationalist" types) â€" are fully aware of just how dire our situation is. Very few are aware that we Whites are under full assault â€" under siege â€" in a one-sided anti-White state of war, and that we are on the verge of becoming completely dispossessed and defeated. And that our virtual extinction will soon follow.

That, I'm sorry to say, is my "State-of-the-Race Assessment" for 2011. And it's not just a load of B.S. as was so much of Obama's recent State of the Union Address. We Whites are truly in dire straits with regard to our natural progression as a people and our very survival as a subspecies of humanity â€" as the most advanced, talented, achieving, and civilized race the world has ever known.

And yes, the situation surely has gotten much worse even in just the past few months. Things are literally "unraveling" right before our eyes. It's as though things are now going from bad to worse at an ever-increasing rate; as though we have entered the end-game; as though the Jews are now "moving in for the kill" Ã¢â‚¬" getting ready to finally dispense with us Whites as a cohesive racial group; one that has some viability for survival.

Come take a little tour with me. Let's have a look at just a few of the insanities â€" situations and occurrences â€" we Whites, even though we are still the majority race, are being exposed to these days in what should, still and rightly, be "our America"Â:

We go to the polls and elect a done-nothing, anti-White Marxist; likely illegal (non-natural-born citizen?) Halfrican of mostly unknown background to the office of President of these United States. And then we watch as he in turn appoints a gaggle of non-White, female, Jewish, and homosexual Supremes and other judges, cabinet members, and bureaucrat executives and managers, including a blatantly anti-White Negro Attorney General.

Our TV shows are crammed full of Negroes and other non-Whites portrayed as essential elements of our White society; and in totally unrealistic and ridiculously contrived positions of superiority and as the most wise, thoughtful, and caring characters (while Whites are so often and almost exclusively portrayed as the flunkies, stupid and backward individuals; villains, perps and criminals). TV commercials and print ads are filled with Negroes and mestizos, often paired with our White women.

On the evening network television news, two of three anchors are now women â€" known politically-correct, liberal, "anti-racist" (= anti-White) women.

Sports on television and in overblown newspaper sections are of course almost entirely dedicated to what can only be called Negro hero-worship.

Our kids' entertainment and cultural fare have to an appalling degree been negrified, jewified, sexualized and soft-porned, dumbed down, and otherwise savaged and animalized.

Our public school coursework (teaching) and textbooks are full of Jew lies. Our young people's college educations are perverted by Jewish and Jew-influenced professors and instructors.

We are constantly deluged by Jewish academics' lies; Jewish think-tank and political activist group lies; Jew columnists' lies; Jew talk-show host and guest lies; talk-show Negro glorification and anti-White babble; Jew internet bloggers' lies; lies of religious clergy of all stripes and all manner of church spokespeople; government official and bureaucrats' lies; mainstream media news report lies and omissions; and on and on ad nauseam.

We are drowning in a sea of non-White immigrants, both quasi-legal and illegal. Ever larger parts of our once-great cities, and smaller towns and large parts of the countryside as well, have been so overtaken by comparatively uncivilized, even savage non-Whites that they have become dangerous no-go areas for White people.

We are constantly bombarded with, and virtually paralyzed by, all the deadly lies of "political correctness;" the supposed virtues of multi-culturalism; the delusional beauty of diversity (and even race mixing); and the supposed benefits of universal altruism, the welfare state, and egalitarianism. For example, we are told that racial "diversity is our strength" when in fact just the opposite is true â€" it is deadly and is leading to our demise. Racially diverse and multicultural societies are, in fact, just naturally less cohesive and cooperative, are more divisive and distressed, and are characterized by strife, stress, distrust, and mutual suspicions. And those are just a sampling of the kinds of socially dysfunctional characteristice that will prevail more and more along the way to our extinction.

At the beginning of each year we are forced to suffer through the dual abominations of "Martin Luther King Day" and "Black History Month" (six weeks of Nâ€"-r worship); topped off by a continual diet of force-fed "Holocaust" indoctrination and remembrance later in the spring â€" all of which are disgusting and demeaning assaults on our White sensibilities, and all of which are founded on lies. (Although I will say, the MLK-Day media hype seemed to be a little subdued this year compared with recent years past â€" a promising sign that people are getting tired of that garbage?)

With regard to the MLK-Day travesty â€" one thing that has always bothered me to no end is how those who promoted that disgusting, anti-White and anti-American official federal holiday had the gall (the chutzpah), at essentially the same time, to get his voluminous FBI file sealed for 50 years. Can you believe that? Here we relegate our truly great founders and early-day White presidents to a shared holiday in order to make room on the calendar so we can venerate this black, anti-White racist, plagiarist, whore-monger communist; and then we deliberately seal his dark and subversive record so most of the people of America won't know his true history so they can't raise hell about it. That's just B.S.! We should never have done that; we should never have allowed it to be done. We should demand full disclosure of those files, now! And then, we should throw that monstrous "day of recognition" on the dung-heap where it belongs.

Day after day, we continue to suffer the hugely disproportionate crimes perpetrated by Negroes and mestizos on our people (and for that matter, all the horrible crimes they commit against their own people and everybody and everything else). And their raping and sodomizing babies. And raping and murdering our White women. And beating the crap out of White kids and old White ladies. And killing cops. Which are all things they seem to enjoy doing all the time. This preponderance of non-White criminality is so bad that it has been a significant factor in the impending bankruptcy of many cities and even states.

And then we Whites are forced to suffer hugely hypocritical racial double standards at every turn: Jews advocating brutal apartheid in their illegitimate, "sh*tty little country" Israel while working full tilt for integration and race mixing in America; Whites not being allowed to band together and work for White interests while all the other races are encouraged to do so; ridiculous "hate crimes" (thought crimes) put on the books but then essentially applied only to Whites (who commit far fewer crimes against the darker races than vice-versa). And if you happen to be Christian, your activities and displays of your faith â€" even your main holiday Christmas â€" are severely limited if not forbidden and outlawed while Muslims and Jews are both allowed to, if not encouraged to, publicly tout and promote and celebrate theirs.

We are letting the job-stealing, wage-reducing, disproportionately criminal (from organized gang-members to common drunk and unlicensed and uninsured drivers), welfare-prone, gringo-hating mestizo immigrant invasion continue to take over large parts of our country. And that's just for starters â€" with their high birthrate, coupled with our lowered replacement rates, we are being socially and politically overwhelmed by those invaders â€" virtually all of whom are aliens when it comes to language, culture, heritage, habits, and social behavior (all of them, of course, being racial aliens).

The fact is, thanks mainly to the Jew media moguls, our popular culture (mainly TV, movies, magazine content, and music) has now been thoroughly Jewified and Negrified. It has pretty much gone to sâ€"t (vulgar, crude, saturated with gratuitous sex play and sexual innuendo, and soft porn).

We are now seeing, with increasing frequency, blacks cast in starring roles as central characters in stories of White history and mythology (for example the Negro Friar Tuck in a recent production of "Robin Hood,"Â and a black "Thor"Â in that tale of Norse mythology. That should be unacceptable to all Whites, and we should let the Hollywood Jews know that by boycotting those productions and guaranteeing that they fail financially (maybe too late for that in the case of Robin Hood?).



Dec 17, 2005
Electric Slide said:
I don't understand what the obsession with Jews is. I know that it's considered a sin to say anything bad about Jews in general, but really, there's a lot of culprits in the promotion of cultural degradation and they're not all or even mostly Jewish.

In that post it did identify a lot of problems, and ones that I think we really can win on. Why is it okay to diminish white, Christian males who at worse have done no worse things than any other group of people, and at best invented almost all the things, ideas, and places we enjoy today?

We really need to take a page out of Saul Alynsky. Harping against Jews will only cause us alienation and a diminished status in society. We rather need to promote the things we do like. They try to tear down Tim Tebow for being Christian, but it doesn't really work. Sure, Tebow could go complain about Jews but that doesn't even get his message across, not to mention the consequences that would bring.

We just need to infiltrate every aspect of society with strong white Christian men, from the media, to the corporate world, sports world in terms of athletes, coaches, GMs, etc., and especially in the media, writing, advertising, film and documentary making, TV, radio, etc. We also need to infiltrate local schools as well as colleges.

And most important of all we need to spread our influence on the internet.

I just had a novel idea. What if we actually glorify Jews, but still make all the other points we want? What if we include Jews as white people who get ridiculed, say we are one with the Jews, but also speak about discrimination against whites in sports, seek to end affirmative action, welfare, and political correctness?

Wouldn't that kind of give us a cloak of invincibility? Let's just celebrate Jews but make all the points we want to make anyway! While I'm not a fan of 9/11 truth, why don't you say it was an inside job but say it was against Jews? How can you lose this way?

I say all this because we need to get more strategic and smart. Ranting against Jews will not win very many friends. Maybe we can borrow some leverage in our battle to win the important things in life. We really need to infiltrate every place we can, and what if we could actually get Jews on our side?

Because then you're just another ignorant and delusional Neo-Con tool like O'Reilly, Beck, and Limbaugh. These are men who pretend to champion White Conservative culture, while they destroy by turning it into one that glorifies stupidity, anti-intellectualism, and unquestioned obedience and loyalty to Israel and the Jewish masters.

Neo-Cons are far worse than liberals in my book. Liberals will at least be blunt and attack your values out in the open. Neo-tards will pull a trojan horse tactic. They pretend to praise you and be of you and then stab you in the back when it suits their masters.
Jul 14, 2007
My point wasn't to say that Jews are not culprits in cultural marxism. I just think we can accomplish a lot more if stop attacking them. We can raise all our points without pointing to Jews all the time. Let's just point out the problems we have with various people and institutions, and stand for what we believe in. Let people figure for themselves if Jews are primarily responsible for cultural marxism.

I guess what I'm saying is, we can buy ourselves cover by not degrading Jews, and just supporting our cause.

Liberals are not simply blunt and attack out in the open. They have infiltrated nearly every segment of society. We need to do the same thing and outdo them at their own game.


May 10, 2008
Electric Slide said:
My point wasn't to say that Jews are not culprits in cultural marxism. I just think we can accomplish a lot more if stop attacking them. We can raise all our points without pointing to Jews all the time. Let's just point out the problems we have with various people and institutions, and stand for what we believe in. Let people figure for themselves if Jews are primarily responsible for cultural marxism.

I guess what I'm saying is, we can buy ourselves cover by not degrading Jews, and just supporting our cause.

Liberals are not simply blunt and attack out in the open. They have infiltrated nearly every segment of society. We need to do the same thing and outdo them at their own game.
You are making a very big assumption here: and that assumption being that your enemies are fundamentally civilized. People who systematically cheat, lie, exploit, swindle, rape, murder -- and have the means to pull the wool over the eyes of the uninformed about these things because of their control of mass media -- cannot be treated as if they are simply "playing the game" in an even and fair-handed manner.

There are many good people fighting the cultural wars "without pointing to Jews all the time". And it is very much a case of one step forward and two steps back. They are "conservative" only in that they give away ground more slowly than the non-conservative. And there is a very simple reason for this, and it is that on an "even" playing field it is not possible to educate a people as quickly as it possible to corrupt them. Thus, for instance, it is a much quicker task to seduce and corrupt a people by pornography (by the way, a particularly Jewish business venture, human trafficking is their genius) than it is possible to educate a people about the moral corruption of it. And even this education could be possible, but the wedge that has been driven into our society -- you guessed it, largely by the Jews -- that radically separates church and state, makes it very difficult to educate the young on a large enough scale to "outdo them at their own game."

The conservative is already handcuffed because his opponent's rules have nothing to do with equity or decency or fairness. And, moreover, time-and-again, the conservative has allowed them to appoint the referee and the commissioner because to have done otherwise would have been the crime of "pointing to the Jews all the time". On "their" game, "no thanks". It is a game where the outcome is already fixed.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
ES, I wasn't fully aware of the true power & influence of Das Juden until 3-4 years ago. The more I've researched...the more astonishing it is. Now, I'm not saying the NWO/PTB is comprised entirely of the Tribe nor I'm I saying "every" single jew is anti-White & anti-Christian, but they do indeed wield ALOT of "stroke". Here are some websites you may want to peruse.

Real Zionist News

"Jude" Watch

Jeff Rense's Zionism Data Page

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Jul 14, 2007
DD, thanks for the kind reply. I used to be angry at Jews as a whole for the rise of anti-white and anti-Christian beliefs in mainstream culture. I haven't investigated it as much as you have, but I get this sense that Jews didn't advance as far as they did into media (TV, radio, movies, publishing), academics, and government by openly bashing white Christians. They did it more subtly, and created an environment where they could succeed, and promote the messages they wanted to without backlash.

We didn't go from Gone with the Wind to Inglorious Bastards overnight. Imagine if they tried to come out with the latter movie in the early 60s, you think the Jewish writers and producers would have gone far?

We need to take a page from Mel Gibson. He slipped up and let his anti-Jewish message out while drunk, but he successfully made millions of dollars on his own movie, The Passion of the Christ, that Jewish producers wanted to prevent.

Ben Affleck is a good example of someone who went out on their own without a lot of Jewish control of his movie to make The Town.

These guys would have tried to degrade Jews, but then a lot of people wouldn't have gone to see their movie. They simply kept their mouths shut, and made their own movie. Believe me, a lot of actors, upcoming writers, etc. are not a big fan of Das Juden, they just vary the level of how outspoken they are.

I think we can be a lot more effective if we single out various people we don't like, like Abe Foxman, then to indict Jews as a whole. By no means am I accusing anyone here of indicting every single Jew, I just think that we can win a lot more friends if we don't focus on Jews, but rather individual people and institutions that are attacking white, male, Christian culture. I also think we can gain some cover if we say we like the Jewish religion, and believe in Israel (not zionism or foreign aid, just the physical country). I know I'm going out on a limb, but I'm trying to find ways to reach out to people that haven't been done before, so maybe we can get more people on our side.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
This whole idea of Jews controlling everything is a bit overblown. If so, this site would have been crushed in a matter of weeks from the get go. Anyone see my point?

Yeah, they have some influence, but put the blame on the sheeple and DWFs for allowing them to gain traction in alot things. The TEA Party is a righteous reaction to 'their' power grab.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
I visit a variety of websites in looking for information, take a little here and there. This site that I pilfered this from is neo-con in nature, but I still found this amusing. Enjoy:

<H1>The View from Crackerland</H1>By Robert T. Smith

<DIV id=article__ad>
<DIV =article_>
Certainly the recent vexation expressed by Eric Holder over being questioned regarding the New Black Panther voter intimidation case -- i.e., his defense of "my people" -- depicts a new low in race relations here in America. The liberal media and many politicians are curiously not outraged at what is an arguably race-based federal civil rights case.

We were told of a post-racial era that all Americans would enjoy as the outcome of the election of America's first African-American president. As so eloquently described by one of Mr. Holder's people, this post-racial era is not so evident in the view from here in Crackerland.

Post-election of President Obama, the only racial agreement apparent to those of us who reside in Crackerland was Eric Holder's admonition that we are cowards to not discuss awkward racial issues here in America. Here, then, is an offering to contribute to the discussion.

Here in Crackerland, there was some consternation when we noticed then-presidential candidate Obama's unique past and the unusual relationships he had throughout his life. There seemed to be an underlying racial anger and confusion as a mixed-race person in his autobiography Dreams from My Father. An example is Mr. Obama's being so moved by the notion that "white folks' greed runs a world in need."

Mr. Obama's long-term black liberation theology minister and mentor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, represents many other African-American religious leaders. These leaders have perspectives and sermons that seem to be a whole lot more about justifying their racism than supporting Christian theology itself. There is an apparent seemless link between black liberation theology and the racist, bigoted radicals in the Nation of Islam and among the New Black Panthers. Our view from Crackerland was of Mr. Obama as a relatively unknown politician infused with an adult life of racist relationships and thoughts.

Here in Crackerland, we noticed an almost 100% voting rate for Mr. Obama from the African-American community. Difficult to miss were the many formerly non-Democrat African-American persons who stated their support for Mr. Obama based solely on his color -- a clearly racist vote.

As viewed from Crackerland, this affiliation between the Democratic Party and the African-American community appears to be based on the promise that the Democrat politicians will provide for the living conditions desired by the African-American community. The individualism of Crackerland recognizes these government-supplied conditions as dehumanizing, reducing people to veritable chattel of the government. Human chattel of the government is not a condition we crackers wish upon any person, irrespective of race.

Here in Crackerland, we took note that Mr. Obama was elected by both cracker and non-cracker alike. However, it didn't take long for the signs of racism to appear in association with our new president.

The invocation by Reverend Lowery at Mr. Obama's swearing in ceremony seemed a bit inappropriate for such an auspicious, racially historic occasion. The Reverend Lowery was intent on bringing racial issues to the forefront, and he used the occasion and captive audience to vent his lingering racism by means of a recitation of hopes for the various non-white races while admonishing those who are white to embrace what is right. This appeared here in Crackerland to imply that whites somehow had prevented and/or are preventing the other races from achieving their desired hopes -- a racist lie.

The history of America we learned here in Crackerland included hundreds of thousands of dead crackers in the Civil War, decades of cracker-led civil rights struggles, an altering of the very foundation of America's Constitution and laws facilitated by the crackers, and billions and probably trillions of cracker dollars poured into the non-cracker communities -- all of which was only incidental in the Reverend Lowery's mind to doing what is right. Arguably, the view from Crackerland was that the Reverend Lowery outed himself as a racist and perhaps a bigot while serving as an integral part of Mr. Obama's historic day for race relations in America.

Here in Crackerland, we pursue happiness for ourselves and our families' benefit, because self and family are the basic building blocks of society. In Crackerland, we set a lofty ideal in our founding documents and celebrate unalienable rights for all men, endowed by our Creator and not arbitrarily assigned by government officials based on race. We inhabitants of Crackerland don't wake up thinking about how to stick it to other Americans, cracker or non-cracker; we work for ours and expect you to work for yours.

We crackers see our pursuit of happiness realized as the property, money, land, and all other possessions we work hard for, and not as community property to be confiscated by government officials and dispensed to others based on racial status and conditions. The relationship between redistributive socialism and black liberation theology in which President Obama has been steeped and which he has embraced in his policy decisions is viewed by us here in Crackerland as both racist and the antithesis of Americanism.

The racism we see from Crackerland in our current Obama administration, those surrounding the administration, and those who support it looks a whole lot more like retribution than like a brave discourse on race relations here in America. We were told of a post-racial era that all Americans would enjoy as the outcome of the election of America's first African-American president, but that is not so evident to many of us here in Crackerland.

Cowards, as Mr. Holder so ineloquently characterized them, should step aside so that this discussion will not have to be absurdly carried on into posterity. With slavery and civil rights issues distant in the rearview mirror of America's history, the changes in our social structure over time, and the integration of all Americans into all portions of our society regardless of race, this black/white race discussion is now bizarre within the context of racial reparations. It can be viewed now only as a purely political power play.
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