The Strange Case of Misplaced White Running Backs


Sep 27, 2004
<DIV align=center>Toby Gerhart and the Strange Case
<DIV align=center>of Misplaced White Running Backs

With their second pick in the NFL draft, the Minnesota Vikings avoided a public relations problem for the NFL by selecting the only high profile white running back. Toby Gerhart, the 2009 Doak Walker Award winner (the award given to the best running back in the country) and Heisman Trophy runner-up, was a very productive player for the Stanford Cardinal and had easily the best season of any collegiate runner. Gerhart however is white, and there are currently no white running backs that receive any appreciable playing time in the NFL. Will Gerhart be one of the first in a very long time?

Even though the media generally avoids any discussion of issues relating to prejudice against whites because it doesn't fit their script, if Gerhart had been picked far behind many other blacks with less credentials it surely would have prompted some discussion. However, now that he has been selected in the second round with the 51st pick of the draft and will almost certainly be rewarded with millions of dollars, it is difficult to claim any kind of actual "bias" against him.

Or is it?

The Minnesota Vikings currently have as their starting running back Adrian Peterson, generally considered the best running back in the NFL. Odd that a team that was one untimely interception away from the Super Bowl last season would use their valuable number two pick of the draft on a back-up for one of the league leaders. Certainly there are more important holes to fill with that pick?

Furthermore, Gerhart's selection continues an odd pattern not easily explained away by coincidence. In 2007 the St. Louis Rams selected running back Brain Leonard of Rutgers with the 52nd pick of the draft. Leonard, like Gerhart, was a productive running back at an FBS school who also happened to be white. He was highly rated with good measurables. Leonard seemed like the type of back that teams drool over, a young up and comer that can be given the starting job right off. But as with Gerhart the Rams had at the time a star running back, Steven Jackson, coming off of a season as the NFL leader in yards from scrimmage and a Pro Bowl appearance. As with Gerhart it was to be back-up duty for Brian Leonhard.

Then in the 2008 draft the San Diego Chargers drafted running back Jacob Hester (also white), who had led the LSU Tigers to the National Championship in 2007, in the 3rd round with the 69th pick. And AGAIN the San Diego Chargers had the best runner in the league, LaDainian Tomlinson, coming off two season in a row of leading the NFL in rushing. Coincidence?

What could be the rationale of using a high draft pick on a planned back-up? A team usually expects that a highly selected running back is going to fill a need right away -- every previous Doak Walker Award winner (except Luke Staley -- white guy) was slotted to be the team's main ball carrier.

Is Minnesota really planning to use Gerhart as a hedge against injury and/or for future use as they are claiming? Did that happen with Leonard and Hester?

No and no. Last season LaDainian Tomlinson's skills faded and he only gained 730 yards. Did that mean Hester was called in for the role for which he was drafted? Not hardly. He only got 21 carries the whole year. And the Rams didn't even wait for Jackson to fade before they dealt Leonard to Cincinnati, where he carried 27 times last year.

What explains this unusual behavior by NFL franchises? Selecting highly regarded white running backs with relatively high picks, paying them lots of money and then not playing them?

Let us exclude a couple of reasons that come quickly to mind. The NFL and coaches/GM's are not members of some evil cabal that do not want to see white players succeed -- ever. It can hardly make a difference to them if an occasional white running back plays and plays well.

And if it is not a case of planned prejudice, perhaps it's because white players just aren't good enough? But how can that be? The aforementioned players succeeded against the same competition that every black running back plays against. And there are example of white running backs playing well in the NFL when given an opportunity.

In 2008 Peyton Hillis was pressed into duty as a starting running back for the Denver Broncos when all of the other (black) running backs on the team were injured and the waiver wires and parolee lists were empty of replacements. How'd he do? Pretty good. In his first start he was a big part of a close Broncos road victory with 10 rushes for 44 yards and two touchdowns. A couple of weeks later he recorded the first 100-yard rushing game of his career in a road victory over the Jets, carrying for 129 yards on 22 attempts and a TD. He ended the 2008 season as the Broncos' leading rusher. That would mean good things for him come next season right? Wrong. The Broncos selected a running back in the first round of the next year's draft and Hillis went unused by new coach Josh McDaniels. He has since been traded to the Cleveland Browns.

What's going on?

The position of running back occupies a special place on a football team. More than any other player he is the "man". He is frequently the physical embodiment of the team. Generally the team's best athlete. On each play where he carries the ball he has 11 defenders aiming to hit him as hard as possible and take him down. He has to take the punishment play after play, game after game. If he does well the team usually does too.

The first string running back is in many ways more important then the QB. Sure the QB is important, especially in the current pass happy era of football. But a QB is more of a director, a coach in uniform. He is a player that is "protected" and the plan is really for him not to get hit at all. If he does have to run it's okay if he takes a dive and slides to the ground to avoid a tackle. Smart but not too inspiring.

NFL football team rosters are made up mostly of blacks. The demographic is extreme. All of these black males are selected for their hyper aggressiveness. Many are from the hard streets of America's ghettos. It is safe to say that they are indoctrinated from an early age with a dislike for white people in general and white men in particular.

They have very few good male role models as it is and the only white men they see are the few that cannot escape the poverty of the city. Or even worse, the johns and perverts that troll the city streets. And if the real world images that black boys get of white men aren't bad enough, the images they get from mass entertainment is even worse. The media image of white men consists of the same tired cliches of weak spineless losers, bossed around by every woman in their life and seeking empty thrills in cheering for black thugs in the home team colors. Name five white men of any fame that could possibly create respect in the eyes of a ghetto youth?

To expect them to be okay with a white guy representing them at a traditionally black position is to seriously misunderstand how things work. Fans, writers, and other media might not be aware of this or not want to admit it but the people that run NFL teams are acutely aware of the psyche of the black men that play for them. There are no head coaches or GM's who have not learned the ins and outs of motivating and appeasing rosters full of these types of players.

There is no way that they would risk the wrath, or worse, the apathy of a team full of black players by saying to them that their fortunes and reputations are being carried literally and figuratively by a white man. Such a thing might be possible at a college such as Stanford, or under the strict discipline of some college coaches, but at the professional level -- forget it!

It won't and can't happen. Blacks themselves such as Eric Dickerson have admitted that black players consider the running back position "theirs." They are not going to give it up, at least not without a fight. There are few if any coaches that would even risk it.

There is virtually no scenario in the NFL where a starting white running back would be feasible except as an emergency injury replacement. A strong head coach with a sterling reputation might be able to pull it off for a while. Someone such as Bill Belichick could do it, and in fact the Patriots have used white players as runners for short stretches, something most teams would never ever do.

A team with a relatively large white representation by NFL standards such as Green Bay or Indianapolis might try it. But even those teams face another danger -- being too white. A white running back, taking the handoff from a white QB, with a white offensive line blocking for him, and a white receiver or two would be such an anomaly in today's NFL that the negative press would be terrible.

The sports media today criticizes sports for being too white even in those cases where the only ones that want to play are white, such as NASCAR and the NHL. Imagine the outcry about an NFL team being too white? That's the kind of thing that brings out the AL Sharptons of the world and their enablers in the media. Who wants that?

Thus the only way to utilize the talented white running back in the pro game is to put him on a team where he has virtually no chance of being the main ball carrier and waiting a couple of years until the fans forget how good he was and then bury him on a roster as a career back-up. The player gets well rewarded for not rocking the boat and the coach gets to keep his black players happy.

The whole situation is racism at its worst, institutionalized but hidden. Obvious but never acknowledged. Enforced by a rigid set of guidelines that are unwritten and therefore incapable of being changed. Any attempt to get someone to admit the situation would result in denials and derision. So on it continues, now two generations embedded in NFL orthodoxy, with no end in sight.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
This article is so true in my opinion. How ironic is it that he went to Minnesota? Three teams in a row with stud running back. Let's make sure we keep whitey down! I will try to stay optomistic but if it smells like fire, it usually is fire.

If they do screw over Toby, I hope he is very vocal in his statements. Let them know how he feels and he is not there to just block or ride the bench. Great article. Thanks for posting this.


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
Great article J.B.! It's a shame no reporter in the mainstream media has the guts to tell it like you do.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Another awesome article, Mr. Cash!
Dec 18, 2004
Members of this Forum should take a look at a blog called "Stuff Black People Don't Like." A very good piece concerning Toby Gerhart and the draft is at the top of the page.


Oct 12, 2008
Great article. Great point about only a strong head coach can start a white running back. The only way Mike Shanahan got away with starting Peyton Hillis was because of his Super Bowl championships, and even then only after the starter got injured. McDaniels could never start Hillis because he had to immediately appease the negroes or he would lose the team. As long as blacks are a majority on the team, they can and will refuse to produce if their racial requirements are not respected by the head coach.

A similar pressure seems to be applied on black head coaches regarding the quarterback position. Look at young coaches like Tomlin and Raheem Morris - I believe they are forced by the black players to have black quarterbacks. With Tomlin, at least Roethlisberger was already established and he could keep playing him without reperucssion.

The argument against the caste system is always "why wouldn't a team want the best players - everybody wants to win." That ignores the reality that the inmates are running the asylum. If a white runnning back fumbles, the blacks (and the dwfs) are immediately going to scream for his head.The same thing happens in basketball, if things are going badly, get the white boy off the court.

If a black running back, such as supa-afflete all-day Adrian Peterson fumbles, he just has to say "my bad". Then the jock-sniffers start making excuses for him - his running style is so agressive it leads to fumbles... Toby Gerhart will not have that luxury. He must be perfect in every aspect of the game. So far he has done that at the high school and college levels. He is now "rewarded" with a back-up position to Adrian Peterson with no hope of even being allowed to compete for the starting job.


Nov 7, 2005
Excellent article.

A couple of points. How well do you think the brothers are going to block for a white running back? Especially, if he's starting over one of their friends?

Second, one of the reasons they may draft these white backs is that they know they'll be ready to come in off the bench and do their jobs and not be a locker room cancer. Too many of the black backups think they should be starting and cop and attitude. Plus, they know guys like Gerhart are smart enough to remember the plays and pay attention to the scouting report.

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Another sterling piece from Mr. Cash. Spot on analysis of the racial dynamics of the NFL, right to the root of the problem facing white players today.

Again Mr. Cash gives some cold hard truth (especially for those directly affected) you can take to the bank.


Dec 11, 2004
I totally agree . The uncivilized blacks act like territorial animals and I always thought there would be a team mutiny if a white was the "ball carrier" on an NFL team. This is a major reason for the caste system in the first place. Blacks will not be satisfied until the NFL and NBA are 100% black. They believe only certain positions are appropriate for whites but clearly not running back , cornerback, or deep threat receiver. I think black resentment of a white taking the RB position was at least in part the cause ofSam McGuffie's multiple concussions . Opposing black defenders could have no greater pleasure than to seriously injure a white running back or maybe it was a black teammate who deliberately missed a block to get rid of the white who took the RB position that must go to a "needy" black . That's how blacks rationalize it. The Ugly 7 foot racist BB coach John Thompson justified not having a white scholarship player on Georgetown for years by talking about how it would "deprive" a "needy" black of a college scholarship. I will never forget the Jets had a backup white running back about 15 years ago. He carried the ball on the last play of the first half to run out the clock. One of the black defensive lineman deliberately rapped him up ,picked off the ground and threw him deliberately in such a way that his knee would be torn up , which it was. The runner played college FB at Oregon or Oregon State. Needless to say that was the end of his short career.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
Wonderful article; I concur absolutely with it entirely.

One thing I really do hope for -- the NFL starts to suck so bad that the overrated, underachieving black scrubs really do mutiny because they don't get their way, and the NFL goes bankrupt, or on the brink of doing so.

Then a bunch of "mediocre" white players come in as scabs as the league rebuilds, and the DWFs stop watching and go whack off to gay porn instead because that's what they're best at.

The NFL completely reboots. Back to its roots. Small beginnings, but with self respect again.

At least I can dream, anyway.


Dec 9, 2004
Jwhite96,the White RB you are talking about is Pat Chaffey out of Oregon State.Now I want to know who the ugly black ***** was who did that.Edited by: speedster


Nov 15, 2007
what is the point of this article? are you saying that Minnesota drafted Gerhart just to sit him on the bench and somehow keep their black guys happy? are you saying they would waste a 2nd round pick to do this?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
johnnyboy said:
what is the point of this article? are you saying that Minnesota drafted Gerhart just to sit him on the bench and somehow keep their black guys happy? are you saying they would waste a 2nd round pick to do this?

boy, you reveal your ignorance. They did it to Brian Leonard three years ago. They could do it to Toby Gerhart.


Oct 12, 2008
johnnyboy said:
what is the point of this article? are you saying that Minnesota drafted Gerhart just to sit him on the bench and somehow keep their black guys happy? are you saying they would waste a 2nd round pick to do this?

Apparently you don't get the point of this whole site. Start with the first topic ever posted and start reading... by the time you get to this article you might understand. Why would the Raiders waste a number 1 overall pick on Jamarcus Russell?


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Brian Leonard, Travis Jervey, Luke Staley, and Jacob Hester. Just a few of the white running backs who got screwed in recent years.

JB Cash

Feb 22, 2005
johnnyboy said:
what is the point of this article? are you saying that Minnesota drafted Gerhart just to sit him on the bench and somehow keep their black guys happy? are you saying they would waste a 2nd round pick to do this?

That is exactly what I am saying. But let me ask you this. Have other Doak Walker Award winners coming off blockbuster seasons been expected to be back-ups? Rickey Williams? Ditka traded all of his picks for him. LaDanian Tomlinson? Started right away. Reggie Bush? A media and advertising star before his first carry. Luke Staley? Drafted in the last round released in training camp. Notice any pattern?


Nov 15, 2007
Colonel_Reb said:
johnnyboy said:
what is the point of this article? are you saying that Minnesota drafted Gerhart just to sit him on the bench and somehow keep their black guys happy? are you saying they would waste a 2nd round pick to do this?
boy, you reveal your ignorance. They did it to Brian Leonard three years ago. They could do it to Toby Gerhart.

boy, you reveal your paranoia.

i believe there's a caste system. sure. if there wasn't a caste system against whites, Toby would have gone in the top ten of the first round. you could look at all he accomplished in his collegiate career and using LOGIC, you could make that argument.

however, to say that the viking brass all got together and said, "hey guys we need to waste a 2nd round draft pick on Toby. then, we got to bench Toby and by doing so give our blacks a confidence boost!," is completely asinine. get some proof and then that theory will sound less ridiculous.

Leonard got hosed but Toby isn't Leonard. aside from their skin color these guys aren't in the same league. Leonard was a great player but to compare him, as a rb, to Toby is reaching to say the least. also, Toby will stand up for himself, something that Leonard never had the heart to do. Toby made it clear to EVERYONE that he was NOT a fullback. Leonard rolled over and became a fullback in COLLEGE. time will tell who the smarter guy was.


Nov 15, 2007
JB Cash said:
johnnyboy said:
what is the point of this article? are you saying that Minnesota drafted Gerhart just to sit him on the bench and somehow keep their black guys happy? are you saying they would waste a 2nd round pick to do this?

That is exactly what I am saying. But let me ask you this. Have other Doak Walker Award winners coming off blockbuster seasons been expected to be back-ups? Rickey Williams? Ditka traded all of his picks for him. LaDanian Tomlinson? Started right away. Reggie Bush? A media and advertising star before his first carry. Luke Staley? Drafted in the last round released in training camp. Notice any pattern?

hi JB.

if by "pattern" you mean caste system, then yeah i definitely agree with you. there is a caste system. but in my opinion, your theory that teams like the vikings are capable of drafting white guys in the second round, just to bench them and make the black guys feel better, is wrong.

i wasn't there but i'm pretty darn sure, that in the viking's draft "war room" no one ever brought up your theory in support of using their 2nd round pick on Toby. i think that's far fetched at best.

i like your article and i definitely believe in the existence of a caste system. i just don't find your example/theory to be realistic. although, i concede that i could be wrong. stranger things have happened.

oh as far as the Doak question, i think you take the award to seriously, atleast in determining future starters/backups. for every LaDanian there's a Bam Morris. and also, i'm pretty sure Reggie Bush was a back up to Deuce.

anyways, thanks for answering my question, and thanks for all the articles you contribute to this great site. with every article you write you help make people think about the caste system. that's an accomplishment you can be proud of.



Mar 23, 2009
I believe, at the very least, the misplacement of white runningbacks somehow connects to the caste system. Deciphering the exact recipe or formula to the mayhem is quixotic; for me it is as simple as throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. Most of it will. Same with all "conspiracies" like JFK. This is just another inconsistency that arises when there are blatant double standards and cultural marxism (conscious or conditioned). As always, the Zionists have a very convenient foothold...(it is hard to see where the shills are coming from though).


May 10, 2008
StarWars said:
I believe, at the very least, the misplacement of white runningbacks somehow connects to the caste system. Deciphering the exact recipe or formula to the mayhem is quixotic; for me it is as simple as throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. Most of it will. Same with all "conspiracies" like JFK. This is just another inconsistency that arises when there are blatant double standards and cultural marxism (conscious or conditioned). As always, the Zionists have a very convenient foothold...(it is hard to see where the shills are coming from though).
This is a great quote. Like the old commercial: "smart, very smart".


Mar 23, 2009
Observer said:
StarWars said:
I believe, at the very least, the misplacement of white runningbacks somehow connects to the caste system. Deciphering the exact recipe or formula to the mayhem is quixotic; for me it is as simple as throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. Most of it will. Same with all "conspiracies" like JFK. This is just another inconsistency that arises when there are blatant double standards and cultural marxism (conscious or conditioned). As always, the Zionists have a very convenient foothold...(it is hard to see where the shills are coming from though).
This is a great quote. Like the old commercial: "smart, very smart".
Thanks, bud. Every little thing has massive significance and importance. To shrug that off because the issues aren't addressed by many influential people or debated at the dinner table, to blindly assume that someone out there will do the honest research for us, is the main reason the media is now the largest branch of government.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
johnnyboy said:
i believe there's a caste system. sure. if there wasn't a caste system against whites, Toby would have gone in the top ten of the first round. you could look at all he accomplished in his collegiate career and using LOGIC, you could make that argument.

however, to say that the viking brass all got together and said, "hey guys we need to waste a 2nd round draft pick on Toby. then, we got to bench Toby and by doing so give our blacks a confidence boost!," is completely asinine. get some proof and then that theory will sound less ridiculous.

What I highlighted in bold isthe best response to the way you twisted what the article was saying. There were several teams that could have and should have drafted Gerhart to be their featured runner -- Houston, San Diego, New England and several others come to mind. But they didn't -- in fact, the Texans traded the Vikings the very pick they used to select Gerhart.

Of course a team was going to draft Gerhart sooner or later. The Vikings weren't "conspiring" to "waste a second round pick," they were very happy to get Gerhart at that point, asthe backup to Adrian Peterson. The issue is that Gerhart, despite his incredible athleticism and proven running ability against topnotch college talent, still wasn't drafted to be a starting running back. And of course neither were Leonard and Hester, and both of them never had a real shot to be even a backup tailback.

The Texans chickened out as did the other teams that could have used Gerhart as a starter. For the reasons stated in the above article, even Toby Gerhart wasn't deemed draftable as a starting running back; and if it wasn't for his 40 time at the Combine, he would have been consigned to fullback status; that'sthe Caste System in action.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
this is damn good writing. Cash is on the money again. well done, sir.


Nov 15, 2007
Don Wassall said:
johnnyboy said:
i believe there's a caste system. sure. if there wasn't a caste system against whites, Toby would have gone in the top ten of the first round. you could look at all he accomplished in his collegiate career and using LOGIC, you could make that argument. however, to say that the viking brass all got together and said, "hey guys we need to waste a 2nd round draft pick on Toby. then, we got to bench Toby and by doing so give our blacks a confidence boost!," is completely asinine. get some proof and then that theory will sound less ridiculous.
<div> </div>
<div>What I highlighted in bold is the best response to the way you twisted what the article was saying.  There were several teams that could have and should have drafted Gerhart to be their featured runner -- Houston, San Diego, New England and several others come to mind.  But they didn't -- in fact, the Texans traded the Vikings the very pick they used to select Gerhart.  </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Of course a team was going to draft Gerhart sooner or later.  The Vikings weren't "conspiring" to "waste a second round pick," they were very happy to get Gerhart at that point, as the backup to Adrian Peterson.  The issue is that Gerhart, despite his incredible athleticism and proven running ability against topnotch college talent, still wasn't drafted to be a starting running back.  And of course neither were Leonard and Hester, and both of them never had a real shot to be even a backup tailback.  </div>
<div> </div>
<div>The Texans chickened out as did the other teams that could have used Gerhart as a starter.  For the reasons stated in the above article, even Toby Gerhart wasn't deemed draftable as a starting running back; and if it wasn't for his 40 time at the Combine, he would have been consigned to fullback status; that's the Caste System in action. </div>

i'm not questioning the fact that teams discriminate against white skill athletes. i hope you see that. however, i just don't believe that the Viking coaching staff ACTIVELY drafted Toby with their second round pick, just to bench him and allow the black players to feel better about themselves.

Toby getting picked in the second round as opposed to the first is something i can see being the result of the caste system. teams think blacks are superior so they draft them higher than white guys with better production. that i can see happening, again, due to the caste system. that's why teams passed on Toby, until the vikings in the second round.

what i find unfathomabe is any situation involving the Vikes drafting Toby to satisfy the psychological demands of their black players. sure, in time maybe that's exactly what will happen if the Viking coaches are anti white racists. maybe he'll get no shot if these coaches subscribe to the caste system. but the idea that on draft day they were chomping at the bit, the idea that there was a premeditate plan to draft Toby and immediately screw him, all for the sake of their team's black psyche, is ludicrous at best.

here's my prediction. Minnesota will be great for Toby. he will play well when he gets the chance and he'll have no problem securing the #2 spot. which means that, just like Chester Taylor, he will get carries and an opportunity to showcase his skills. once that happens Toby will be able to write his own ticket.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
johnnyboy said:
Don Wassall said:
johnnyboy said:
i believe there's a caste system. sure. if there wasn't a caste system against whites, Toby would have gone in the top ten of the first round. you could look at all he accomplished in his collegiate career and using LOGIC, you could make that argument. however, to say that the viking brass all got together and said, "hey guys we need to waste a 2nd round draft pick on Toby. then, we got to bench Toby and by doing so give our blacks a confidence boost!," is completely asinine. get some proof and then that theory will sound less ridiculous.

What I highlighted in bold isthe best response to the way you twisted what the article was saying. There were several teams that could have and should have drafted Gerhart to be their featured runner -- Houston, San Diego, New England and several others come to mind. But they didn't -- in fact, the Texans traded the Vikings the very pick they used to select Gerhart.

Of course a team was going to draft Gerhart sooner or later. The Vikings weren't "conspiring" to "waste a second round pick," they were very happy to get Gerhart at that point, asthe backup to Adrian Peterson. The issue is that Gerhart, despite his incredible athleticism and proven running ability against topnotch college talent, still wasn't drafted to be a starting running back. And of course neither were Leonard and Hester, and both of them never had a real shot to be even a backup tailback.

The Texans chickened out as did the other teams that could have used Gerhart as a starter. For the reasons stated in the above article, even Toby Gerhart wasn't deemed draftable as a starting running back; and if it wasn't for his 40 time at the Combine, he would have been consigned to fullback status; that'sthe Caste System in action.

i'm not questioning the fact that teams discriminate against white skill athletes. i hope you see that. however, i just don't believe that the Viking coaching staff ACTIVELY drafted Toby with their second round pick, just to bench him and allow the black players to feel better about themselves.

Toby getting picked in the second round as opposed to the first is something i can see being the result of the caste system. teams think blacks are superior so they draft them higher than white guys with better production. that i can see happening, again, due to the caste system. that's why teams passed on Toby, until the vikings in the second round.

what i find unfathomabe is any situation involving the Vikes drafting Toby to satisfy the psychological demands of their black players. sure, in time maybe that's exactly what will happen if the Viking coaches are anti white racists. maybe he'll get no shot if these coaches subscribe to the caste system. but the idea that on draft day they were chomping at the bit, the idea that there was a premeditate plan to draft Toby and immediately screw him, all for the sake of their team's black psyche, is ludicrous at best.

here's my prediction. Minnesota will be great for Toby. he will play well when he gets the chance and he'll have no problem securing the #2 spot. which means that, just like Chester Taylor, he will get carries and an opportunity to showcase his skills. once that happens Toby will be able to write his own ticket.

Again, you're missing what the article is saying, and what I wrote above. No oneis saying the Vikings drafted Gerhart to appease the black players on that team; the issue is that the Texans, Browns, Patriots, Chargers, Lionsand others didn't draft Gerhart in order to placate their black players, not the Vikings, because those were all teams that needed a starting running back and passed up the most productive one available. Not that that is the only reason; the Caste System involves a number of taboos and racial dynamics, and pandering to the acute racial solidarity of black players -- and their perception that they "own" certain positions in perpetuity -- is but part of it, albeit an importantaspect that J. B. Cash called attention to in his article.

The Vikings got a player who should have been drafted as a starter, as a backup. They are undoubtedly very happy to have Gerhart, and the black players on the Vikings likely are happy too that Adrian Peterson is clearly still "the man" when it comes to toting the rock.

I agree that Minnesota isn't the worst place that Gerhart could've ended up. He should at least get to play the "Chester Taylor role," and if he shines at that, as he should, then he could still end up being a featured back at some point in his career. Also, Peterson could easily sustain an injury that would allow Toby to take over, orPeterson's skills may continue to prematurely decline and Gerhart may eventually displace him if he's clearly the better runner.Edited by: Don Wassall