The Numbers Racket...


May 20, 2005
...Or the reason why we post Black crime, I.Q, and other statistics.

The reason is simple. We highlight the exact opposite of what the unbalanced mainstream media does.

It's a simple proposition really. If stats (like the ones Steve Sailer is fond of) mean that the Black is the "athlete", then why do similar stats on crime do not mean the Black is also the unintelligent criminal?

I'll sum it up in a way everyone can understand and only an unreasonably racist person can argue with. Basically, a Castefootballer is someone who is fed up with "White men can't jump" being a joke and "nappy-headed hos" being a hate crime.


White_Savage said:
...Or the reason why we post Black crime, I.Q, and other statistics.

The reason is simple. We highlight the exact opposite of what the unbalanced mainstream media does.

It's a simple proposition really. If stats (like the ones Steve Sailer is fond of) mean that the Black is the "athlete", then why do similar stats on crime do not mean the Black is also the unintelligent criminal?

I'll sum it up in a way everyone can understand and only an unreasonably racist person can argue with. Basically, a Castefootballer is someone who is fed up with "White men can't jump" being a joke and "nappy-headed hos" being a hate crime.

Well, so am I. It's not ok to accept double standards with regards to hip hop vs. guys like Imus. i disagree with that as much as you do.

Still, however, I don't understand why one would take an issue such as the aforementioned double standards and discussion with regards to white athletes, and then end up going on a tangent about blacks and inferior IQs, etc, etc, etc(this article is a perfect example: N=1).

Double standards are not ok, but why not simply attack them head on? Do people have to instead try to prove the inferiority of other groups to put their point forward? I mean, it is obviously not ok for others to try and prove the inferiority of white athletes to prove their why do the same?

You can point out the double standards without any of that extra stuff.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Futuregohan30 said:
You can point out the double standards without any of that extra stuff.

Actually, that's the whole point of posting the extra stuff. It illuminates and exposes the double standard.


May 20, 2005
Let me rephrase....

First, I assume you realize that virtually all choices in life hinge on probabilities. You MAY be killed going to work tommorow, but chances are you will not be, so off you go. The paycheck is worth the risk. You may go over Niagra in a barrel and escape unscathed, but in this case, most of us do not consider the risk to be worth the reward. I do not see why it is evil to apply the same logic to race relations.

The Media spin: The Black is vastly more athletic, musical, good-natured, and just as intelligent as those pale, racist, psychotic White oppressors.

The truth as I see it: The Black can sprint about 2-3% faster on average, if White/Black records 100 meter records are any clue. Conversely, if stats compiled on I.Q. and crime are true at all, American Blacks are 15% less intelligent on average than Whites and commit felonies at a rate 9 times that of Whites.

Now as I see it, being 2-3% faster is an almost undectable difference in anything but World class sprinting, and doesn't explain the racial makeup of football. Blacks probably are better on average in some positions in football, but not to the point of having zero Whites at some positions in a majority White nation.

Now it seems to me that 15 points of I.Q. difference and the huge crime rate disparity is a far more signifigant disparity, to the point where any decent White who thinks it's fun to be around Blacks in large numbers is, IMHO, brainwashed or deluded. Now of course, you can come up with some artificially filtered groups like "Black Cambridge graduates", yes, I feel one would be reasonably safe amongst them, but that is not the choice that people in the real world have to make when they are deciding where to live and with whom to associate.

Giving a White running back a chance despite the fact that Blacks putatively play better on average can't harm anyone in any real way. "Giving Blacks a chance", as in assuming that en masse they will behave like Whites and acting accordingly, can harm people in very real ways, I think this has been demonstrated. I do not think this an unreasonable observation

Is it a double standard for me to say a 2-3% difference in footspeed is far less signifigant than a 900% difference in crime rates? I think it is only being reasonable.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
And God forbid the media expose the white athletic advantage in strength and power demonstrated by the total dominance of whites in strength competitions and weightlifting events. The white dominance in strength sports is greater than the black dominance in sprinting. Warnier, Rock, and Pickering are helping to disprove the myth that whites can't compete in sprints. What black athlete has chance at the WSM or Olympic weightlifting? None that I know of. Regardless, the media does not inform blacks that they are less strong on average, but they sure like to tell whitey that he isn't fast.Edited by: Alpha Male


May 13, 2006
I was wondering where White Savage was during this weeklong debate. Great post. Reclaimsocal and J. Chitwood had logical, thought provoking posts as well this week.

FG 30 has taken a lot of time to express his views this week as well in a polite way on very sensitive topic on a hostile board. Of all the message boards I frequent this one has the most articulate, informed, and well behaved posters (usually).

Back to the double standards, black athletic superiority is debatable in most sports except the sprint races in track and field. We see whites put up comparable numbers and stats to their black counterparts in most other major sports. We see white high school teams dominate and white athletes excel; however, these same individuals due to lack of opportunity or some other unforeseen events rarely make it to the next level.

In contrast, the IQ scores and crime stats are hardly debatable. They hold true in every country I have seen data from.

So in society we are told diversity is our strength. That it's OK, even desirable, if minorities gain college acceptance and scholarships even though their GPA's and exam scores are less than other applicants.

Many of these universities that worship the diversity mantra see nothing wrong with marching a 80% black football team or 100% black basketball team on the field or court.

It's acceptable and desirable to promote fire and police chiefs not by their performance on physical and mental tests but simply because we need more minorities in leadership positions. We have the Rooney rule where every NFL team is required to interview and seriously consider minority candidates for every head coaching vacancy. This rule in a league that hasn't had a consistent white running back in decades.

From my P.O.V., white athletic inferiority is debatable. You can make the case for and against with specific examples and have a good argument. Both races in general have certain strengths and weaknesses and definitely have individual exceptions.

Black crime rates are not debatable. It is a well documented fact across the globe. This behavior is not only condoned but also often encouraged by the black community itself. Instead of addressing the problem, black leaders and other apologists choose to make excuses - poverty, profiling, etc. All the while this epidemic is reaking havoc in the black community and often crossing over to damage our society as a whole.


Dec 15, 2005
Lets launch a campaign to make a TV show called "nappy headed hos", where we profile ugly black girls.

Rap and hip hop has done much worse to women than that. At least when Imus calls someone a "nappy headed whore", it is not a term of endearment.


White_Savage said:
Let me rephrase....


I do not see why it is evil to apply the same logic to race relations.

Possibly because you are dealing with other human beings and not inanimate objects.
That could be why people tend to be a little more apprehensive when comparing humans.

The Media spin: The Black is vastly more athletic, musical, good-natured, and just as intelligent as those pale, racist, psychotic White oppressors.

Truth:The athletic difference is not THAT great. It is blown up out of proportion to look bigger than it really is.
It is true that blacks tend to be the most visible in American music today. That said, whites have a long musical history, so I doubt its logical to say they are somehow less musical than blacks. Such a difference is negligible at best.
Blacks aren't any better natured right now than whites. We're offing each other at a record rate, and don't even let me bring up Africa. We have problems like everyone else.

As for intelligence, I will just say this: the difference is not as big as is commonly implied around here.

Conversely, if stats compiled on I.Q. and crime are true at all, American Blacks are 15% less intelligent on average than Whites and commit felonies at a rate 9 times that of Whites.

Well, with regards to IQ, 15% accurate given IQ measurements, but is not representative of the actual capability of blacks altogether. American black crime rates are also very high, you are corect. However, like the IQ measurements, this is not truly representative of black tendencies worldwide.

The main problem with these assumptions is not their inherent falsehood; on the contrary, it is(unfortunately) true that the rates of black violent crime are very, very high in the US. It is true that the rate the black IQ measurement is, in fact, lower than that of whites here.

The trouble tends to come when people make conclusions based on these facts. They see that rates of black IQs are 15 points lower than that of whites, and then try to pass these off as absolute unalterable fact, as if this is all that blacks are capable of. Same thing with crime, IQ, etc, etc.

Therein lies the farce. I will acknowledge the facts there as they are when I see them(the crime rate is there, obviously, and its too high), but that does not justify some of the conclusions that are automatically made about blacks with regards to these issues.

Now as I see it, being 2-3% faster is an almost undectable difference in anything but World class sprinting, and doesn't explain the racial makeup of football.

You do make a good point, although we must acknowledge the fact that the NFL has a habit of relying on otherwise undetectable differences. There is a major difference between a 4.4 and a 4.6 forty, even though that difference is only 2 tenths of a second. That can be the difference between getting drafted and not getting drafted.

Now it seems to me that 15 points of I.Q. difference and the huge crime rate disparity is a far more signifigant disparity, to the point where any decent White who thinks it's fun to be around Blacks in large numbers is, IMHO, brainwashed or deluded. Now of course, you can come up with some artificially filtered groups like "Black Cambridge graduates", yes, I feel one would be reasonably safe amongst them, but that is not the choice that people in the real world have to make when they are deciding where to live and with whom to associate.

The inherent flaw with these assumptions lies in the fact that, despite the disparately high crime rate, most blacks are not criminals. An IQ 15 points lower than average will still, no matter how you twist it, leave a significant amount of blacks with IQs 95 or higher(right at the national average).
Also, you cannot discount individual perspectives. people are not going paint and label entire races based on statistics. People are, more likely, to take others they come across and judge them based on who they are, rather than their race.

It is also simply unfair to take individuals and judge them harshly based on some statistics. It isn't fair to look take a black person, and say then automatically "Stay away from him, he's more likely to rape you than that white kid is". Per capita, the statistics may say that.

However, the flaw lies in the fact that you're assinging characteristics automatically based purely on race; you have absolutely no idea who the person is you're dealing with. That isn't fair to that person, and it isn't fair to you, because he/she might not be a bad person to know. It isn't fair to that person when others decide to write them off automatically simply because they just happen to be black, hispanic, or asian, etc, etc, etc. Individuality must be taken into account.
Given these facts, it really just isn't fair to say that a white who may have multiple black acquaintences or friends is brainwashed. He could simply have met them by playing football. Or he could have lived in a middle class area with a population that is over 20% black(like Brooklyn or somewhere in Maryland).

When living life, it is better to be objective when it comes to other people. If you're living life, you want to make friends, surround yourself with good people. You don't have to make black friends by law. But if you don't mind that idea, and if you're just trying to surround yourself with good people, then don't use race as a barrier. If you can manage to find some blacks willing to be your friends, then make them your friends. That can't harm you. You don't have to be friends with black criminals/thugs or anything like that. The same goes for other races.

Giving a White running back a chance despite the fact that Blacks putatively play better on average can't harm anyone in any real way. "Giving Blacks a chance", as in assuming that en masse they will behave like Whites and acting accordingly, can harm people in very real ways, I think this has been demonstrated.

So now you're saying that blacks should not be given a chance...well, that won't benefit anybody.

In anycase, giving blacks a chance is not necessarily harmful. The attempts at doing so have simply not met to the potential of success because of other cultural factors.
I can outline this later. Throwing money and preferences at people based solely on race does not build success. Blacks have not yet adopted the mentality of success here, and until that is done, maximum potential will not be reached.

I do not think this an unreasonable observation

It can, in my mind, only be considered reasonable if you acknowledge the factors leading to and contributing to the negative aspects you are speaking of. Some attempts at giving blacks chances have failed, while others that have not totally failed, have simply not realized their potential. There are reasons for this, and these factors alone do not prove that this will always be an unalterable constant.


Triad said:
Back to the double standards, black athletic superiority is debatable in most sports except the sprint races in track and field. We see whites put up comparable numbers and stats to their black counterparts in most other major sports. We see white high school teams dominate and white athletes excel; however, these same individuals due to lack of opportunity or some other unforeseen events rarely make it to the next level.

The reasons are cultural. Whites, in reality, are not as unathletic as people say. Our culture simply fosters that notion.

In contrast, the IQ scores and crime stats are hardly debatable. They hold true in every country I have seen data from.

Not entirely correct. The stats are obviously there, and cannot be refuted because they exist, but, like the issue of whites in athletics, cultural and social factors do play a part.

So in society we are told diversity is our strength. That it's OK, even desirable, if minorities gain college acceptance and scholarships even though their GPA's and exam scores are less than other applicants.

The inherent flaw with the system our society has decided to adopt is that it is simply not designed to do the "heavy lifting".
Programs like Affirmative Action came about because, back at that time, blacks were in a rather bad position and a little evening out was needed.
However, AA's flaw is in the fact that it tries to behave like a social program. It throws out money and benefits to people based solely on their race and gender, while it does not do enough to improve the major factors(social, cultural, mental) factors needed to create true equality.

Its goal is now simply to create diversity. Diversity will not create equality between blacks and whites. As long as blacks(81% of which still support AA) continue to believe that they can go nowhere without training wheels, things won't improve. This notion is what is keeping blacks from reaching their full potential today. Creating diversity isn't going to make equality. It won't improve the social, and the cultural, and the psychological issues that have an effect on the racial disparity of today.
Too many blacks(and others) fail to realize that.

Many of these universities that worship the diversity mantra see nothing wrong with marching a 80% black football team or 100% black basketball team on the field or court.

"White men can't jump".

It's acceptable and desirable to promote fire and police chiefs not by their performance on physical and mental tests but simply because we need more minorities in leadership positions.

How does that create equality? Why don't we, instead of investing Hundreds of billions of dollars into quotas and AA, invest in social programs desinged to MAKE blacks into better police chiefs and firemen?

From my P.O.V., white athletic inferiority is debatable. You can make the case for and against with specific examples and have a good argument. Both races in general have certain strengths and weaknesses and definitely have individual exceptions.


Black crime rates are not debatable. It is a well documented fact across the globe.

Herein lies the farce.

Black American crime rates, when compared to those in black nations worldwide, are far, far above average. I'm not even sure if South Africa can match them, and I know that Jamaica doesn't.
Black crime rates, worldwide, vary. Black American crime rates are not congruent with those around the world.

This, in and of itself, disproves the theory that economic deficiencies are the sole cause of most crime. It may act as a partial factor, but were it to truly be a major factor, places like Ghana and Barbados would not have such low rates of crime(they are not as wealthy as black Americans, who are the wealthiest blacks on Earth).

The problem goes a lot deeper than that, and is not easy to explain.

This behavior is not only condoned but also often encouraged by the black community itself. Instead of addressing the problem, black leaders and other apologists choose to make excuses - poverty, profiling, etc. All the while this epidemic is reaking havoc in the black community and often crossing over to damage our society as a whole.

And there you have many of the root causes behind black American crime rates; they are, primarily, cultural.


Oct 20, 2006
Why should the government or any organization invest any extra money
to make blacks perform well when they can just hire white guy who
already does?

South Africa has far more crime per capita than America. I would also say
that its extremely hard to compare crime rates of first world nations to
third world countries of any race or ethnicity because many crimes
go unreported due to lack of government resources to
investigate, prosecute, and jail offenders. Many african and caribbean
countries have a vested interest in misrepreseting true crime stats
because they make a significant amount of income from tourism from
first world countires. A better standard of comparsion for your thesis
would be comparing crime rates of blacks in America to blacks in other
first world countries with similar laws and law enforcement practices, and
with governments that can be relied on to keep reasonably accurate
statistics.Edited by: PitBull

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005


(FRAT=F*** Reading All That.)</font>Edited by: White Shogun


PitBull said:
Why should the government or any organization invest any extra money
to make blacks perform well when they can just hire white guy who
already does?

Because having those extra 40 million people completely contributing to your economy will help you get a whole lot stronger. Leaving it alone so that only about 25-30 million of them are fully contributing does not alloow you to reach your full economic potential.

South Africa has far more crime per capita than America.

I m going primarily by a racial standpoint. With regards to black American crime rates, vs. black south african ones, I am not sure if there is a major difference.

I would also say
that its extremely hard to compare crime rates of first world nations to
third world countries of any race or ethnicity because many crimes
go unreported due to lack of government resources to
investigate, prosecute, and jail offenders.

That would be a valid point, and when it comes to the cases of many countries, you would be correct.
However, over the past year or so, I've found that if you actually know what you're doing with regards to these nations, you can make somewhat accurate comparisons with regards to rates of crime.

To do so, you have to rely on one primary thing: the corruption index.

In many cases i have found that the most unreliable statistics come from the most corrupt nations. In these nations, crimes are covered up, unreported, and overall just not mentioned. Generally, tow countries can be compared if their rates of corruption are somewhat similar or within a range.
It can also be assumed that the lower the nation is, the less reliable its statistcs can be.
For example: I cannot accurately compare the Nigerian crime rate to the American one, because nigeria is a very corrupt nation, and therefore the reliability of its statistics can be questioned.

I could, however, the Gabonese crime rate to the Serbian or Romanian crime rates, since their rates of corruption do not vary significantly.

Another way around the issue of Third world statistical reliability is through the organization you use to get your crime rates. i tend to use interpol, which is the most reliable source you can use.

It is true, as you say, however, that many countries are incomparable due tostatistical reliability variations. This does not mean that all third wolrd/second world countries are incomparable. We can still, if we are careful, determine several statistical facts and compare them.

For example, despite the fact that South Africa is what would be considered a medium development nation(according to the Human Development index), we can still compare it to first world nations such as germany or Sweden. Despite the differences in statistical reliability, we can still conclude fairly solidly that the rates for rape and murder in that nation are much, much higher than are those in tghe two European nations.

Many african and caribbean
countries have a vested interest in misrepreseting true crime stats
because they make a significant amount of income from tourism from
first world countires.

In my experience(being a jamaican), crime is far from underrepresented in most parts of the caribbean. People know all about it, and have not been able to hide it from the CIA, Interpol, and tourism agencies. That, and new sites like the Jamaica gleaner have reported everything.
This is the reason Tourism in jamica has dropped as of this year(a 1% decrease;everyone is going to Cancun instead, and the high crime rate is turning folks away).

But you are right to an extent; many countries, primarily the more corrupt ones, have statistics that are not particularly reliable due to lower rates of transparency.

A better standard of comparsion for your thesis
would be comparing crime rates of blacks in America to blacks in other
first world countries with similar laws and law enforcement practices, and
with governments that can be relied on to keep reasonably accurate

I can use the corruption index to do that, as well as the Human development index.

With that, i can compare countries within the same range of human development(generally, high, low or medium) and the same rate of corruption. If you;d like, I can also compare countries with similar languages, etc, etc.


Oct 20, 2006
The corruption index is an extremely inaccurate number. You really need
hard data to make a point, not some sort of fuzzy index. It may convince
you, but it doesn't convince me or a lot of other people. I assume you
latched onto it because it seems to make your point(s). I don't accept it.
You've tried that tack before, but since the numbers are based on data
that the governments themselves report, doesn't it seem that corrupt
countries that under-report or simply ignore crime look a whole lot better
than first-world countries that scrupulously report it? Sorry, not buying.

Boy oh boy, it sure would be nice to have blacks contributing to the
economy rather than dragging it down, woudn't it? But since blacks have
low IQ's, they will never contribute equally to whites in any white society,
no matter how much money you spend on them. They got their 12 years
of education, and if they have any sort of ability at all, money is thrown at
them for continued education. And still they do poorly. Read this next
sentence carefully:

SOCIETY. Every measurement we make of their economic contributions
are far, far below that of whites. This is due to low intelligence, initiative,
and work ethic, which are largely genetic. Unless the government
intervenes and forces white people to transfer wealth in the form of jobs
and direct payments, the gap in the living conditions between blacks and
whites would be so vast that civil unrest would follow.

Unfortunaltely for all americans, this wealth transfer can be seen as a tax
imposed on all truly productive people which is reflected in high wage
rates, which are not used to improve the living standard of the individual
worker, but paid as taxes for this racial wealth transfer. This has priced
american labor rates much higher than other countries' labor rates, and
has contributed greatly to the export of jobs to lower wage paying
countries overseas where laborers and companies are not subject to this
kind of wealth transfer tax burden. In short, trying to create the illusion
that blacks are equal to whites is destroying our country and economy,
bankrupting our society morally and financially, and dragging us down to
third world status.

Our government is desperately trying to smash down our wage rates by
importing mexicans and other foreigners with open borders to prevent
this. Unfortunately for them, these foreigners are also mostly inferior,
and firmly attached to the welfare teat. This policy is also pissing a lot of
whites off. The collapse will come sooner rather than later.

Its not our responsiblity to make you equal or productive. That's your
job. If you were truly equal, we wouldn't have to spend one more dime
on you than we spend on white kids for the same result. When we have
no more money to maintan the illusion, your race preferences will end,
and your "communities" will fall through a trap door. Blacks will then
increase their attacks on whites dramatically, and whites will en masse
finally understand the truth, reject the propaganda, and re-segregation
will begin in earnest. And this time, it won't be reversed.


May 13, 2006
Future Gohan 30 said:
Black American crime rates, when compared to those in black nations worldwide, are far, far above average. I'm not even sure if South Africa can match them, and I know that Jamaica doesn't.

Maybe the American blacks are influenced by our media and even our public school system to an extent.

Perhaps below are some numbers we can agree on, FGohan. Their disproportionate involvement in media and politics appears to affect both our cultures negatively. While the topic appears off subject, in fact this group's agenda may be responsible for a lot of the animosity between our two races.

Jewish Political Control

Jews in the Media


PitBull said:
The corruption index is an extremely inaccurate number. You really need
hard data to make a point, not some sort of fuzzy index. It may convince
you, but it doesn't convince me or a lot of other people. I assume you
latched onto it because it seems to make your point(s). I don't accept it.

Well, in that case I suppose we will have to agree to disagree on that one. Transparency international is a well respected source, and the transparency index(based in berlin) is one of the most respected sources of information pertaining to corruption.
And I will also have to disagree about the "alot of other people" theory as well. Most people tend to respect it, and that is the only reason it has the notoriety it has.

In any case, I suppose you do not need to accept it. You have your right.

You've tried that tack before, but since the numbers are based on data
that the governments themselves report, doesn't it seem that corrupt
countries that under-report or simply ignore crime look a whole lot better
than first-world countries that scrupulously report it? Sorry, not buying.

Not totally correct, actually. You see, you have shown right now that you are aware of the fact that many governments may very well be dishonest about crime rates, and that they may not report them. I am aware of this as well.

The thing is, though, that these organizations compiling these stats are aware as well. That is why they don't rely on the governments to give them all of their information. They will go to local associations affiliated with the UN, Interpol will send out large amounts of surveys and representatives to gather info, etc, etc.

Surely you did not think them daft enough to simply listen to precisely what the government says. The fact that they don't is the reason their data is trusted; they find their info themselves, they do not simply listen to leaders like Mobutu or Mugabe.
That is how come we know how some nations are corrupt and how some others are not. Thats how people know about corruption in places like Africa; the leaders in Nigeria don't just tell us everything correctly.

And in any case, the answer to your question is simply no; most of the first world countries tend to look a bit better because of the fact that they are...well, first world countries. In fact, this very question itself proves the reliability of these surveys.

The majority of these countries that are considered corrupt tend to do worse when it comes to crime. Countries like Jamaica are average when it comes to corruption(right in the middle of the index), and yet have a very high crime rate. Same with south africa.

You've stated that countries that are corrupt under report crime and end up looking better. That does not seem to be the case. More corruption generally(though not always) tends to lead to more crime. And many countries that we'd expect to do worse with regards to crime are shown to according to the stats.

Boy oh boy, it sure would be nice to have blacks contributing to the
economy rather than dragging it down, woudn't it?

We don't drag it down, actually. Taking blacks out of the economic equation would actually devastate the economy; they're a rather big part of it.
The issue is not if they're contributing; it is how much they could be contributing.

But since blacks have
low IQ's, they will never contribute equally to whites in any white society,
no matter how much money you spend on them.

Actually, studies have shown that their IQs are right on par with certain white nations, such as Croatia and greece.
Thus, theoretically, your theory would be incorrect, at least with regards to those societies.

SOCIETY. Every measurement we make of their economic contributions
are far, far below that of whites.

It is a mistake to regard economic factors and then correlate it directly with IQ and genetics. Economic success can be influenced by many, many factors. There are reasons why Qataris(with average IQs at 78, 7 points below black Americans) and Puerto Ricans(with IQs also just below those of blacks at 84) can be more(higher GDPs) successful economically than Croatians(Iqs of 90), Turks(IQs of 90), and Thais(IQs of 91).

This is due to low intelligence, initiative,
and work ethic, which are largely genetic.

Firstly, the work ethic and initiative issue are, in my views cultural matters. There is no proof with regards to genetics and those factors, so you have no basis for that statement.
As for intelligence, that two is largely influenced by SES factors. Black Americans are losing about 5-10 points on their IQs thanks to environmental factors. White admixture has given them about 3-4 extra points.

Unless the government
intervenes and forces white people to transfer wealth in the form of jobs
and direct payments, the gap in the living conditions between blacks and
whites would be so vast that civil unrest would follow.

Its all about the group mentality. In the past, during the 1960s when blacks face TRUE discrimination, blacks made absolutely massive gains-their poverty rate from 1940-1960 declined by over 40%, and their incomes tripled.
These gains were possible because, back then, people had a different mentality. That mentality has now been replaced by a "you owe me" victimist mentality.

Therein lies the problem.

Unfortunaltely for all americans, this wealth transfer can be seen as a tax
imposed on all truly productive people which is reflected in high wage
rates, which are not used to improve the living standard of the individual
worker, but paid as taxes for this racial wealth transfer. This has priced
american labor rates much higher than other countries' labor rates, and
has contributed greatly to the export of jobs to lower wage paying
countries overseas where laborers and companies are not subject to this
kind of wealth transfer tax burden. In short, trying to create the illusion
that blacks are equal to whites is destroying our country and economy,
bankrupting our society morally and financially, and dragging us down to
third world status.

The thing is that it would not actually be an illusion; such a notion is possible. However, it is an impossible notion under the current circumstances because of the way people are choosing to go about it. What we have today is a system of preferences based primarily on race-some races are simply given more than others.

They are not doing a whole lot to improve the standards of the group itself; they aren't creating the morals and standards of devotion and the values needed to create more doctors, business men and directors. Instead, they are simply giving out positions as doctors, businessmen and lawyers. That does not create equality. It does create diversity, and according to these folks that is what really matters.

But diversity doesn't create true equality. Don't be fooled into thinking that this is the true extent of black potential; that potential will not be reached under this sytem, and never has been.

And if what you say about wealth transfer and labor rates is true, then blacks would ultimately be hurting themselves under this sytem. Many black communities re in trouble now because many of the major companiesthat provided jobs ended up leaving the country to find cheaper labor overseas. This is that happened in cities like Detroit.

If what you say is true, then racial preferences may ultimately have caused this, and thus are, in a very ironic twist, contributing to many of today's problems.

Its not our responsiblity to make you equal or productive. That's your
job. If you were truly equal, we wouldn't have to spend one more dime
on you than we spend on white kids for the same result.

It is all about a mentality. Blacks are not reaching their potential because of a mentality that is not condusive to reaching ones true potential.
The goal should be to foster that mentality because, as history has shown, blacks are capable of doing ok if they try, even in the face of Jim crow era aggression.

People today don't acknowledge or truly accept this mentality, and as far as they are concerned, every problem is due to racism or the like. Therein is the problem.

When we have
no more money to maintan the illusion, your race preferences will end,
and your "communities" will fall through a trap door. Blacks will then
increase their attacks on whites dramatically, and whites will en masse
finally understand the truth, reject the propaganda, and re-segregation
will begin in earnest. And this time, it won't be reversed.

Well...that seems somewhat farfethed, sort of "political fiction" like...but that's your opinion, I suppose.


Triad said:
Maybe the American blacks are influenced by our media and even our public school system to an extent.

Its a perpetuation of negative cultural values. This is perpetuated both within the black community itself, and through the media.

Perhaps below are some numbers we can agree on, FGohan. Their disproportionate involvement in media and politics appears to affect both our cultures negatively. While the topic appears off subject, in fact this group's agenda may be responsible for a lot of the animosity between our two races.

Dunno too much about that. While I do acknowledge that Jews in general tend to have more influence with regards to our media than other races, I don't believe in jewsish conspiracies and the like. If there is any sort of conspiracy, then my personal belief suggests that it is on the part of wealthy media elite in general(many are jewish, not all) who are willing to sacrifice moral values for the sake of hard cash. I believe that is their perogative; there is no reason to label all Jewsih people as conspirators, or whatever. That isn't fair, nor do i believe it to be correct.

In other words, i will pin much of this blame on the media elite in general, and if some of those elite happen to be Jews(I admit many are) they'll get their blame. I won't, however, label all jews in such an unfair manner, because I believe most of them(many of whom I come into contact with on a daily basis, whom I consider my friends) to be ordinary folks.

I'm not going to join all the many others in history who have consistenly played games of "pin the blame on the jew", because i recognize the fact that those media elite who may be jewish are responsible for their own actions(not for the actions of an entire ethnicity), and i recognize the fact that blacks themselves should be at least partially responsible for what they do and don't accept.

That is my position with regards to the "Jew conspiracy" notion.


Oct 20, 2006
It doesn't matter if they get the crime stats from the UN. Local people in
third world countries don't report crimes against them to the UN like they
would to the police. There are just very few UN people there. All the UN
does is estimate. It is not a reliable source for anything. There is no hard
data. Stick to first world countries that have hard data.

If by magic we could actually get rid of all blacks in America, our
economy would boom. The issue is indeed what you/they contribute
economically, which is almost nothing. I would bet they/you are a net

Blacks are simply not as intelligent a group as whites. Every single
intellectual test ever devised has shown this consistently. Even middle
and upper income blacks score lower than middle and upper income
whites. This is not an issue of money. You may be quite intelligent, but
we don't get to pick and choose--we get you all. And that's what the
numbers show.

Black income in the post war years boomed, like all other americans. But
many well-paying manufacturing jobs are gone, and immigrants are
lowering wages for the other ones. If we got rid of the wealth transfer, it
would be absolutely devastating to blacks in today's economic climate.
Black labor is uncompetitive with every other ethnic group. That's why
you don't see international companies relocating to Africa or the
caribbean--they go to China, India, Malaysia, Mexico, the Phillipines, etc.
You got the jobs white american men didn't want in the 40's (white
soldiers off to war overseas), 50's and 60's. Times have changed.

Yes, what I said about companies fleeing America and its high wage rates
is true. But its not just dragging blacks down, its dragging whites down

There has never, in the history of the world, been a movement like the
one we have tried here in America to raise one racial group, blacks, up to
our standards of another, whites. We have spent over 40 years and
several trillions of dollars, and it just seems to get worse. Its not going to
happen. Ending affirmative action would make all us whites quite happy,
but it will destroy a lot of black America, and they know it. That's why
they fight tooth and nail to keep and expand it. But it will collapse--it
has to. The cost to keep it going is simply unsustainable.

In the end, nobody cares much about all the excuses. You, me and
everybody else has to perform. If we can't, we pay the consequences. It
is not due to a lack of opportunity or promotion that blacks aren't doing
well here. I'm sorry you belong to a racial group so inherently flawed, but
that's just the breaks. No amount of money is going to change that fact.
I hope when it does all fal apart, you made the most of the educational
opportunites open to you and developed a strong work ethic, because it
will be very, very hard for you haven't, and even if you have. Edited by: PitBull


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
PitBull said:
Read this next sentence carefully:

SOCIETY. Every measurement we make of their economic contributions
are far, far below that of whites. This is due to low intelligence, initiative,
and work ethic, which are largely genetic. Unless the government
intervenes and forces white people to transfer wealth in the form of jobs
and direct payments, the gap in the living conditions between blacks and
whites would be so vast that civil unrest would follow.

Great post PitBull. You wrote what most people in their hearts believeand know to be true, but are too cowardly to proclaim openly.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Let me know when the Cliff Notes version is available.


PitBull said:
It doesn't matter if they get the crime stats from the UN.

I believe it does; that in and of itself is a major factor, since we know many of the governments to be unreliable themselves.

Local people in
third world countries don't report crimes against them to the UN like they
would to the police.

You're right; they report more often to the UN than to the police, and are more willing to do so because in corrupt countries like nigeria, many police officers can bribe you or extort you, or simply not do enough to help you.

If anything, they would be more likely to report to the UN and the other affiliated organizations about their problems.

There are just very few UN people there.

Don't know how you come to that conclusion. The UN is present worldwide, and it has many, many branch organizations affiliated with it located in the countries it operates in, from which data can be gathered.

All the UN
does is estimate.

It does estimate...for countries in which there is no data. Interpol and the CIA will do the same if there is no data available.

It is not a reliable source for anything. There is no hard
data. Stick to first world countries that have hard data.

Disagreed. ca.html

The hard data with regards to all the major crime categories is there for places like South Africa and the like. Interpol and the UN compile the data, and given the reputations of those two organizations(especially Interpol), I'd say that data is fairly solid.

And as for reliability, well, in my experience most people tend to accept it as reliable. Certainly, there is nothing more reliable with regards to these issues.

If by magic we could actually get rid of all blacks in America, our
economy would boom.

I understand how much you dislike us, but even you have to be realistic about certain things. The fact is that if Blacks simply disappeared, the economy would lose close to a trillion dollars worth of productivity. They would also lose a large source of labor. And on top of that, black immigrants are a large portion of the scientific and mathematical fields in this country.

With such a mass exodus of cash and labor, the economy would go into a recession. If ytou like, you could try replacing blacks with Mexicans. You would have to in order to gain back the job spots and the productivity, but getting another 40 million mexicans in here and assimilating them into the economy would take decades.

The economy would take multiple decades to recover, and a separate black nation on its own would end up becoming the 15th richest nation on Earth.

Be realistic about these things.

The issue is indeed what you/they contribute
economically, which is almost nothing. I would bet they/you are a net

A GDP of close to $ 1 Trillion is insignificant?

If that were to disappear, you'd be in trouble. Blacks are capable of contributing a lot more-that is the issue. This does not mean that what they are contributing now is insignificant.

I understand that the maximum potential has not been reached but, seriously, we have to be realistic. You can't lose that much money and labor and expect it to have no effect.
You'd need Mexicans to replace blacks, and just going and getting 40 million of them isn't going to be a walk in the park.

Blacks are simply not as intelligent a group as whites. Every single
intellectual test ever devised has shown this consistently. Even middle
and upper income blacks score lower than middle and upper income

Their actual genetic capability is in the lower 90's, off by about 7 points, maybe 8.
That isn't bad.

This is not an issue of money.

It is more cultural than anything else.

Black income in the post war years boomed, like all other americans.

Except-unlike all other Americans-blacks back then faced legalized, institutional racism that was designed quite literally to keep them from getting too successful. And yet, they succeeded.

Today, in the absence of such a system, blacks still act as if they need help to go anywhere, when their ancestors got somewhere in the face of really, really steep odds.

Culture can do wonders.

many well-paying manufacturing jobs are gone, and immigrants are
lowering wages for the other ones.

According to your reasoning, they went overseas because of the increasing labor rates, leaving blacks with fewer options. The Illegal immigrants aren't helping.

If we got rid of the wealth transfer, it
would be absolutely devastating to blacks in today's economic climate.

You're right, it would....if they decided to keep thinking the same way.
If blacks adopt a mentality more condusive to economic success, then things will get better. If they continue to follow the root of utter victimology, things will stay the same.

Black labor is uncompetitive with every other ethnic group. That's why
you don't see international companies relocating to Africa or the
caribbean--they go to China, India, Malaysia, Mexico, the Phillipines, etc.

Last i chekced, there were a bunch of companies directly investing heavily in places like South Africa(plenty of whites there, but most of the workers there are actually black) and even Nigeria and Angola see a whole lot of direct investment, despite their relatively high rates of corruption and lower rates of development.

In any case, the caribbean, in my mind, is a poor example to use. There are 17 of those countries. Cuba is not really a black country(I'll count the Dominican Republic, they are predominantly Africoid).
Almost all of those nations, save for Haiti and the DR, have populations under 2 milion. Even Haiti and the DR do not surpass 9 million each.

Why would you compare them to heavyweights like China, India, Mexico, Malaysia, etc, etc? That's hardly fair. Most of these islands, given their size, can only really expect to act somewhat like Singaporeans, developing their service and financial industries. That is why most of these countries end up relying on tourism, banking, and a little agriculture to sustain themselves.

You can't really expect them to end up becoming major destinations for all of those manufacturing companies(except those major cruise lines, banking and other service companies which have to do with the service industry).

You got the jobs white american men didn't want in the 40's (white
soldiers off to war overseas), 50's and 60's. Times have changed.

They got the jobs white American men could not fill at that time, just the same way that Immigrants today are supplementing the labor force. They filled all of the factories in the 50's, 60's and 70's, while whites occupied jobs that were, on average, better paying.

Yes, what I said about companies fleeing America and its high wage rates
is true. But its not just dragging blacks down, its dragging whites down

Well, I'm only emphasizing the effect it has on blacks because of two reasons:

1. Its ironic that AA, which blacks vehemently support,is actually helping to cause this issue.

2. Blacks tend to occupy the lower income jobs that these factories provide primarily, so naturally their leaving would have a more devastating effect.

There has never, in the history of the world, been a movement like the
one we have tried here in America to raise one racial group, blacks, up to
our standards of another, whites. We have spent over 40 years and
several trillions of dollars, and it just seems to get worse. Its not going to

Oh, it is quite possible, actually. You're simply making a mistake by assuming blacks have reached their full potential under these efforts. The system of racial preferences we have right now and its goal of "creating diversity" is not condusive to bringing blacks up to an equal level.
Since this system has flaws that prevent blacks from reaching their full potential, it isn't fair to judge blacks based on its efforts.

Ending affirmative action would make all us whites quite happy,
but it will destroy a lot of black America, and they know it. That's why
they fight tooth and nail to keep and expand it. But it will collapse--it
has to. The cost to keep it going is simply unsustainable.

It is all in the culture and the mentality. People fight tooth and nail because they have a belief of inherent inferiority; they can't achieve without special benefits.
This isn't actually true, but as long as our community subscribes to this mentality, we will go nowhere...or at least, not far enough.

is not due to a lack of opportunity or promotion that blacks aren't doing
well here.

You're right; its due to a mentality and a false system that perpetuates the belief of inherent inferiority and victimology, promoting values that are not condusive to overall success as a nation.

I'm sorry you belong to a racial group so inherently flawed, but
that's just the breaks. No amount of money is going to change that fact.

First, I'm perfectly fine with being black and I'm rpoud to be a Jamaican. You do not need to apologize about anything.

Secondly, I never said simply throwing money at this issue would change it. Its about a lot more than that.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Gohan, if you are a black (Jamaican) high school student then I'm the Man on the Moon.

And if by some miracle you are who you claim you are, you need to be spending your timereading and learning (and playing sports), not spending an inordinate amount of time showing your "amazing erudition and repetition abilities" on a board where no one agrees with you.
May 11, 2007
Don Wassall said:
Gohan, if you are a black (Jamaican) high school student then I'm the Man on the Moon

That's EXACTLY what I thought reading that endless exercise in tautology.What a clown. There is NO WAY he is what he claims.
Edited by: Blue Eyed Devil
Sep 24, 2006
They got the jobs white American men could not fill at that time, just the same way that Immigrants today are supplementing the labor force. They filled all of the factories in the 50's, 60's and 70's, while whites occupied jobs that were, on average, better paying.

Immigrants get jobs because they're cheaper than having to pay a fair wage. That applies in particular for illegals, and also applied for decades towards blacks. Quotas for blacks(part of AA) also killed any chance for black men once women entered the picture; 'Hey, I can fill two quota spots by hiring one black woman!' So, we see relatively few successful black men and more and more successful black women.


Oct 20, 2006
I don't know how to put the truth in any plainer english. The guy's a nut.
He'll never listen to anything anybody says here. He's the copy and paste
clipboard maestro, who lives in a land of illusion. Like all blacks, he just
can't fess up to black ineferiority.

If anybody wants know why so many illegal aliens and other foreigners
are let into the country, its to drive wages down here to slow the
hemorrage of jobs overseas. It won't work though. Our welfare state is
out of control and bankrupt too.

Matt Bowen Fan, its supply and demand. Wages would not fall, illegal
labor or not, if there weren't a surplus of workers for any position.

Quotas hurt white men most. Its a lie that AA has benefitted white
women most. White women are actually smart, unlike black men and
women. AA has been a godsend for black men. But they still self-
destruct in recored numbers. Its unbelieveable.


Mr Wassall says: "you need to be spending your time reading and learning (and playing sports), not spending an inordinate amount of time showing your "amazing erudition and repetition abilities" on a board where no one agrees with you."

That isn't why you banned me. You banned me because I annoy you by virtue of who I am; a Black opposer capable of making relatively valid and compelling arguments, and one who doesn't roll over and die like the typical "anti" ought to, in your views. That is why I annoy the crap out of you, just as the folks at stormfront got annoyed. They don't mind opposition, as long as its stupid opposition.

Why don't you believe I'm black, 15, and Jamaican?

I know why: because you have your preconceived notions of what blacks are. You know that there are no intelligent blacks at my age; surely, they don't exist. I am almost 99% sure that if I had tried to pass myself off as white, you'd believe my age. You'd believe who I was, because we all know how smart white people are.

You ask "You're making false judgements, you're making false statements; we're not really like that!"

Yeah, you are. I know this because I have spent over a year and a half speaking with you lot, and I've heard nothing that says otherwise. This exact same thing happened on stormfront; the WN say "Ok, you have an opposing view, lets talk since you're not an idiot", and then when you show yourself to be too intelligent, they'll ban you and give no good reason for it because they can't afford to have a negro around who doesn't roll over and die when faced with opposition.

I am sick of being attacked personally with regards to my age, so today, using a camcorder and a program I just installed, I will prove my identity.

Here is a picture of me playing football, taken by the Albany Times Union:


And here are more pics of me playing football, taken from my camcorder:




My team has an official site, with a roster listing.

[url] m[/url]
"Guilderland High School Varsity Roster 2006"

"45 Lawrence,Jason RB 5' 10'' 211 Soph"

I'll spell it for you: S-O-P-H-O-M-O-R-E.

Final proof:







Gohan, if you are a black (Jamaican) high school student then I'm the Man on the Moon.
