Team USA - 2012

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Jun 9, 2012
Team USA Roster

Kobe Bryant, Lakers
James Harden, Thunder
Chris Paul, Clippers
Russell Westbrook, Thunder
Deron Williams, Nets


Carmelo Anthony, Knicks
Kevin Durant, Thunder
Blake Griffin, Clippers
Andre Iguodala, 76ers
LeBron James, Heat
Kevin Love, Timberwolves


Tyson Chandler, Knicks

Westbrook, Iguodala, and Griffin are a poor man's Derrick Rose, Dwyane Wade, and Dwight Howard, yet I still think it's a pretty solid team.

Seems like this is a second straight Olympics that most of the NBA's top guys weren't making weak excuses not to represent. It should be a cakewalk like in '08.
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Jun 9, 2012
Another undefeated summer for USA Basketball. If there are three things you can count on, it's death, taxes, and the US's U16, U17, and U18 teenagers absolutely destroying the world's teenagers every summer

Last summer:


USA 105, Brazil 70
USA 102, Argentina 81
USA 118, Costa Rica 46
USA 113, Canada 70

Gold Medal Game
USA 104, Argentina 64

This summer:


USA 89
, Australia 67
USA 95, Czech Republic 57
USA 111, Egypt 73
USA 86, France 50
USA 116, China 47
USA 113, Canada 59
USA 95, Spain 66

Gold Medal game
USA 95, Australia 62


USA 105, U.S. Virgin Islands 42
USA 110, Mexico 59
USA 83, Brazil 64
USA 107, Argentina 72

Gold Medal game
USA 81, Brazil 56


May 18, 2012
In my world
Mate may I add three things too?

1) The American teams that won gold medals at the Olympics until 1976 were either fully white or heavily white dominated

2) What about all these Olympics (1972, 1980, 1988, 2004) and numerous world championships ( just mentioning the three last, 1998, 2002, 2006) that white fully white teams ( Spain, Greece, USSR, Serbia, Lithuania, Argentina) were dismantling the over hyped and overrated black dominated teams from the US? As for the younger ages, I believe that USA has won less tournaments than white teams combined, actually is not even see as youngsters the black American players don't take too many steroids yet ;)

3) If one sees even the sport of basketball, that is widely considered as the only global black dominated team sport, even that sport statistically and historically and on a global basis it's a white dominated sport............Isn't Serbia the team with most wins in FIBA world games with 5? I thought so!


The "magnificent" team of the US back in 2008, needed the blatant unfair help of the referrers and was the only team that denied to pass from any doping control test and still did bleed and sweat to win in a dramatic final vs the all white team of Spain.........Just reminding u ;)


May 18, 2012
In my world
Men's world championships :

White teams and white players have won by far the most medals, no doubt about it, same goes for the Olympics!

Under 21 :

Black dominated team of the US, 2 golds, Australia and Lithuania, both fully white teams, two titles too.............whites have more medals by far though (any color of medals)

Under 19:

Black team USA has 4 gold while fully white nations as Greece, Australia, Lithuania, Serbia, Spain, Yugoslavia have a total 6 gold medals, owned again!

I give you under 17, USA has both titles so far, but this will change, sure thing homie ;)

Numbers never lie, men like you do only ;)

Btw, whites have won over 80% of the medals in the history of Summer and Winter Olympics (all sports)..........Blacks are far behind Asians as well, do we still wonder who is the most diverse and athletic athlete on this planet? Black? Really? With his total 6-7% of all medals in the history of the Olympics? LOl



Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
I will root for Kevin Love to put up huge numbers but for team USA or the "Raheem Team", as I'll call them, to fail.


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
Very good points Zeus. Whites will dominate this Olympics like they do every Olympics. I certainly will cheer for one of the European or South American basketball teams to win again as well.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
More like Team Nigeria (sans KLove). I'll be pulling for Kevin to tear it up, but hope that "afroletic" team gets ousted early. It'd be funny seeing those arrogant, overhyped, overpaid affletes coming back without any medals. ;-)

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
More like Team Nigeria (sans KLove). I'll be pulling for Kevin to tear it up, but hope that "afroletic" team gets ousted early. It'd be funny seeing those arrogant, overhyped, overpaid affletes coming back without any medals. ;-)
I must admit that the first time I saw this team photo (before it was blown up) I wondered if they included practice players who were White as I knew only Love was a team member. Many of the Mulattos look White when the picture is small. Dixie I call this team, team Dominican Republic....,r:15,s:0,i:120
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Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Question, why do we even have this thread about this negro team with the token white player Love? If I recall, you(Trackfan) also stated that the ratings for this years negro fest NBA Finals were extremely high in which you were quickly proven wrong by Truthteller who pointed out that a huge percentage of those watching were in fact black. What was your response to that? What is your response to Zeus who also picked apart your little negro fantasy about the US dominance in international play?


Jun 9, 2012
Mate may I add three things too?
Sure, mate! By all means, have at it!

1) The American teams that won gold medals at the Olympics until 1976 were either fully white or heavily white dominated
So? I'm American. As long as they win, I couldn't care less what color they are. I think race is your obsession, not mine.

2) What about all these Olympics (1972, 1980, 1988,
Surely you're aware that before 1992, we were sending our amateur college kids to compete against the professional men of other countries, right? You do realize that's why the original Dream Team's quest was such a monumental event, no? Taking that into consideration, isn't getting all excited and tingly over victories in the 70's and 80's a tad bit silly? Especially considering that savagery the Dream Teams inflicted on your overwhelmed, overmatched, ill-equipped, incapable countymen in '92, '96, '08, and to a slightly lesser extent, 2000?

2004 has been addressed on this board ad nauseum. Patriotism through sport is held in much higher regard around the world than in the US. After we had been decimating the world with relative ease, our best players began concocting the most silly, most puerile excuses to forego international play. "Wanting to spend time with their family", "terrorism concerns", "healing up injuries", "been there, done that" were among the more common refrains from that year. In reality, they felt wasting their summer skinning some woefully inept overseas pretenders really wasn't worth their precious time.. so they gracefully bowed out. The top Euros, in 180 degree diametric opposite fashion, would rather take a bullet than miss throwing on their national colors and competing for their countries.

In 2004, while the other countries sent their very best of their best, we only sent *2* stars, and 10 spare parts who weren't even good enough to make the all-star 24.


All teams are NOT created equal. If we had added Tim Duncan and Allen Iverson to those 10 who DIDN'T GO, the global eviceration would have been '92-esque. Simply sending them with 10 random youngsters, and emblazoning USA across their chests does not a dominant team make, nor does it automatically equal the best our Mighty Might has to offer. That continues to be the fatal flaw in you and your ilk's warped, imaginary Eurobasketball-supremist, fantasy-based "logic".

Imagine if in 2008, Spain had sent the Gasol brothers, and 10 other random Spaniards.. all of whom weren't even good enough to make their respective all-star teams. It would have meant:

NO Ricky Rubio
NO Rudy Fernandez
NO Jose Calderon
NO Juan Carlos Navarro
NO Felipe Reyes
NO Alex Mumbru
NO Carlos Jimenez
NO Jorge Garbajosa
NO Berni Rodriguez
NO Raul Lopez

Just the Gasol brothers and 10 other random kids. They would have been laughed out of Beijing, and sent home with clown masks permanently welded to their skulls. That would have been the equivalent of what WE sent in 2004. We were STILL somewhat competitive, beating Greece, Spain, Australia, then Lithuania for the bronze.

and numerous world championships ( just mentioning the three last, 1998, 2002, 2006) that white fully white teams ( Spain, Greece, USSR, Serbia, Lithuania, Argentina) were dismantling the over hyped and overrated black dominated teams from the US?
1998?!? You mean the NBA strike year? LOLOL! Again, a little research on these actual teams might do you some good. The World Championship team that we sent that year would have been beaten down by 12 goofballs at a local park. The team composed of CBA players, college kids, guys who sucked so bad, they were reduced to playing in Europe, and guys totally out of basketball!


Look at that motley crew! NONE OF THOSE GUYS WERE EVEN IN THE NBA, and most of the elite college studs didn't want to anger that NBA Player's Union by crossing the proverbial picket line. However, THEY STILL WENT 7-2.. beating Brazil (by 24), Argentina (by 13), Australia (by 18), Italy, and Greece (by 23). You should be embarassed that you even referenced them, lol! These scrubs spanked several of your boys, while only losing to Lithuania by 2, and Russia by 2!

Here are the 1998 stars who COULD have gone had it not been for the strike. Considering how close that awful team that did go came to winning, how epic do you think the devastation would have been had 12 of THESE guys actually gone instead?


The 2002 team, while NBA player-laden, barely amounted to junior varsity quality either.


Not even a bonifide fool would consider either of those squads that competed the least bit competitve, or representative of what the US could have unleashed. Euros used those years to pad their stats. The '06 team was only slightly better.

By 2008, our crème-de-la-crème had heard enough of the ignorant, moronic, wishful thinking bilge that the rest of the US-hating, easily manipulated cornballs were spewing about how international teams have caught up to us in athleticism and technical play. That year our stars decided to get off their asses, go to Beijing to rip the world a collective new one, and return the 12 gold medals to their rightful owner's necks. The adults were back in the building.. and unsuprisingly, they so thoroughly thrashed the weak, flailing, opposing eunuchs, that it became "cool" again to represent their country.

We played 'possom in those meek years by sending lousy squads.. thereby inadvertantly suckering international team-loving sychophants into thinking they were actually capable of competing with us. Au contraire, mon frère!


You see the pattern? I took the time to color-code it for emphasis. We outclass EVERYONE in just about EVERY FACET OF THE GAME. PERIOD.

And 2010? Despite not having a single returning Beijing player to the '10 world championships, our next rung of USA elite resulting in producing the same predictable 25 point victory margin castrations.

3) If one sees even the sport of basketball, that is widely considered as the only global black dominated team sport, even that sport statistically and historically and on a global basis it's a white dominated sport............Isn't Serbia the team with most wins in FIBA world games with 5? I thought so!

Seriously, bud, with your weak, sickly, easily-refuted (non)logic, you couldn't "own" me in your wildest dreams.

Anyway, for the seemingly 100th time.. Yugoslav's PROFESSIONAL MEN played our COLLEGE KIDS until 1992. In '94, the first world championships in which we sent our pros, Shaq O'Neal, Dominique Wilkins, Alonzo Mourning, and company MUTILATED our opposition by an average of 38 points per game.. including Australia by 56, your precious Russia by 46 in the Gold medal game, and Greece by 39.

After slapping up the overseas scrubs in '92, '94, and '96, we were done with the 'Our Best versus Your Best" sociological experimental thrashings, and going forward, our top guys were no longer interested in enlisting for duty. We went back to sending our lower echelon players in 1998 (as proven by the posted '98 and '02 squads also posted above).

When we sent absolute crap in 1998:

Lithuania only beat us by 2
Russia only beat us by 2

When we sent absolute crap in 2002:

Argentina only beat us by 7
Yugoslavia only beat us by 3

When we sent absolute crap in 2004:

Lithuania only beat us by 4
Argentina only beat us by 7

When we sent a marginal team in 2006:

Greece only beat us by 5

Ya' see that? You got all hot and moist over 2, 2, 7, 3, 4, 7, and 5 point victories. So a TOTAL of 30 points in 7 games OVER 8 YEARS against our garbage confirmed for you your belief of Europe's basketball supremacy? Seriously? A handful of wins by an average of 4 points per game? When we send our mediocre to marginal talent, the top Euro stud elites squeak by them in single-digit nailbiters.

When we sent our ELITE talent in 1992:

We crushed Lithuania by 51
We crushed Germany by 43
We crushed Spain by 41
We crushed Croatia by 33
We crushed Croatia by 32

When we sent our ELITE talent in 1994:

We crushed Russia by 46
We crushed Greece by 39
We crushed Russia by 17
We crushed Spain by 15

When we sent our ELITE talent in 1996:

We crushed Croatia by 31
We crushed Argentina by 28
We crushed Yugoslavia by 26
We crushed Lithuania by 22

When we sent our ELITE talent in 2008:

We crushed Germany by 49
We crushed Spain by 37
We crushed Lithuania by 36
We crushed Turkey by 32
We crushed Greece by 23
We crushed Russia by 21
We crushed Argentina by 20

When we sent our ELITE talent in 2010:

We crushed France by 31
We crushed Croatia by 28
We crushed Greece by 28
We crushed Greece by 23
We crushed Slovenia by 22
We crushed Lithuania by 16
We crushed Lithuania by 15
We crushed Russia by 10

You see the slight (the word "slight" is dripping with sarcasm, obviously) difference in the margins of victory by OUR Elite's victories as opposed to your? You see the slight (the word "slight" is dripping with sarcasm, obviously) difference in the sheer number of victories by OUR Elite, as opposed to yours? That's what's known as rock-solid, iron-clad, proof that your buddies couldn't carry our sweaty jocks with a John Deere backhoe (or the Euro equivalent) when it comes to basketball. THE ONLY WAY you forerigners can ever possibly beat us is if you send your very, very best, and we send our scrubs. And EVEN THEN YOU ONLY BEAT US BY A BASKET OR 2.

Our Elite DOMINATES every once else's elite, while everyone else's elite squeaks by our SCRUBS. PERIOD. The proof is right there in black & white.

Your best will NEVER beat our best. NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL.. AND YOU KNOW IT. Acknowledging such, however, would blast your mythical, imaginary premise of European basketball supremacy out of the water once and for all.. so obviously, I won't hold my breath awaiting the truth to escape your now pursed, very vexed lips.

Now THAT, my friend, is how you properly "own" someone. :icon_smile:

The "magnificent" team of the US back in 2008, needed the blatant unfair help of the referrers and was the only team that denied to pass from any doping control test and still did bleed and sweat to win in a dramatic final vs the all white team of Spain.........Just reminding u

Those gosh dern refs! HAHAHAHA! Is that the best you comedians can come up with after 4 years? The Dream Team gutted you like a carp in practically every game, yet with such nobility and grace you contiunue to resort to the same pathetic talking points which you guys constantly reference to explain away each and every defeat.


You really think "refs" could cause such disparities? Why would the jealous, America-hating international refs do so anyway?

'roids? Hahaha! Now 'Roids was the reason the Dream Team murdered the Euro's in '92, '94, '96, '00, '08, '10, and in a few weeks here in '12? Again.. pathetic. 63 whites were either banned and/or had their records expunged from the 2008 Olympic games due to testing positive for PEDS, or skipping tests altogether.. 3 blacks. 63 to 3. Sorry.

I take it the Dynamic R&R ("roids" and "refs") Duo is also responsible for the lopsided 54-2, 96% winning percentage (15-1 against your young Euro's) the U16, U17, and U18 USA boys have logged against the overwhelmed world's boys too, eh?


Zeus? Give it up, bro. Quit while you're behind. Your Euro-stiffs simply can't hang, and you know it. No matter what you say, the proof just smacked you upside your puss. No matter how desperately you try to twist, manipulate, contort, and shoehorn your non-argument into some semblance of clarity, you'll always fail. Why? Because you can't impeach the truth. The facts will never be on your side.

Better luck next time.. if you dare. :icon_smile:
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white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Blaximus, Texas Tech, Manifest Destiny, Super Troll what happened in 06'? Please enlighten me. That club was stocked full of NBA players and had the same role playing specialists as this team does? On the track side your going to start stating that Bolt was naturally shredded and ripped like he looks like now when he was 17 and ran a 19.9X.....


May 18, 2012
In my world
Zeus? Give it up, bro. Quit while you're behind. Your Euro-stiffs simply can't hang, and you know it. No matter what you say, the proof just smacked you upside your puss. No matter how desperately you try to twist, manipulate, contort, and shoehorn your non-argument into some semblance of clarity, you'll always fail. Why? Because you can't impeach the truth. The facts will never be on your side.

Better luck next time.. if you dare. :icon_smile:

Of course I will dare and as for you calling us (Euro-stiffs), that's a typical Negro expression, well covered and racist, when all you want to really say is cracker or something of this nature. I have seen this expression plenty of times in various boxing sites after a Klitschko has KO brutally an overrated Negro, or after every time Joe Calzaghe, Lebedev, Bute, Martinez or Sven Otte was schooling for 12 whole rounds a Negro ala Lacy, Jones, Hopkins, Williams, Mitchell etc. I bet that these angry, sweaty Negroes probably look like a wild ape who suffers from high fever, every time they say "Euro-stiffs" with their wide non human nostrils breathing out with angst and frustration every time they see one of their own failing again and again to escape from the hands of the white "boss"........ so there you go boy :)

1. All your analysis was good but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter cause as long as my white folks beat Negroes in your "own" sport, I won't sit and stress if they were the best players of the NBA or they were college boys, all I see is Negroes losing from whites, enough said lol

2. I love how you say "Team USA of 2006 only lost by 5 from Greece".......reminder here, that team of the US was the very best possible at the time, excluding only Kobe Bryant, even your trainer admitted so, you had James in, Antony, Wade, Bosh, Howard, Paul and so on and you lost from team Greece of 0, ZERO, NBA PLAYERS; that was the biggest slap you could ever, ever, ever, ever, get in your overrated stinky Negro face :)

Your overrated team which was consisted of overrated Negroes with contracts of hundreds of millions $ VS humble but super talented team of Greece, which managed to dismantle the overrated Negroes and at the same time was exposing the caste system there is in the US in favor of the Negro in specific sports (Like my Eastern Euro brothers do for over 15 years now in every division from middleweight up to Heavyweight). I see you forget that Greeks were leading even up to 16 points gap in the specific ended with Greeks being only 5 ahead simply because they were "chilling" in the last two minutes. 2:44 before the end, the points difference was up to 13 points boy, remember?

3. Regarding to your special dream team back in 1992 :

a) Included 4 white players and 8 blacks, a white coach, so it was not as bad as the recent USA teams.

b) Selective much? You keep mentioning how USA did not bring the best players in that or this competition, but you forget to say how USSR was split in 50 different countries and same goes for Yugoslavia.................Imagine with the extreme pool of talent both nations had in basketball back then, if USSR or even better YUGOSLAVIA OF PETROVIC, DIVAC, KUKOC, RADJA, DANILOVIC, GORGEVIC ETC WERE UNITED...........Plus you forget to mention how Team USA demanded two things 1) NO DOPING CONTROLS (God what a blatant double standard) and 2) Rest teams not to play zone defense against USA, since it was unknown system to the Americans and the stupid European teams accepted both terms..........So are you proud winning with such benefits in your favor? If i judge from your race and how blatantly favored you are inside the American society with all these diversity, affirmative actions etc, of course you won't mind..........After all you are just a Negro who claims athletic superiority thanks to the success Negroes have massively in 2-3 sports and selectively exclude the rest 99% of sports only so he can sleep the nights ;)

c) Will you answer us why team USA always demands from the Olympic hosts for their players not to receive any random doping control or they will consider it a deep insult for their dignity and personalities when that's the case for all the rest teams (in all sports) in every Olympic tournament? Serena was hiding in her house I heard cause she thought that the people from WADA were Arabic terrorists..................LMAO


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May 18, 2012
In my world
When it comes to youth world games, I find SUPER amazing how you skip the two oldest and most important (by far) world championships, those of under 21 and under 19 and keep focusing on some TOTALLY NEW age groups, that are not even developed to the rest nations yet (that's why I said give it some time and you will be losers there too)........Selective much? Of course you are, after all you are a Negro, from the great race of the people who win less than 6-7% of the medals globally in all sports of the Olympics, have never won any Nobel Prize in chemistry or science etc, you win an Oscar every 100 years, you never produced any major empire or great general, who never invented anything significant, who never built any great monument, but still someway, somehow will claim dominance and running this world................hahahahahahaha

Nobody has dominated slavery and crime like blacks have, I give you that!
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May 18, 2012
In my world
And one more thing cause I am sick and tired of how you Negroes keep making delusional claims and white Americans are so lazy and emasculated to even think and consider the facts nowadays : (Not related to basketball but I want your take on this)

A) Since you blacks are so sexy and "get all white women" (LMAO), how come and statistically black women (5,2%) marry white men, more than white women (0,8%, NOT EVEN 1% LOL) marrying Negroes?

B) Since you guys are so sexy and all women want you, how come and 99,9% of male models in fashion industry, 99,9% of sex symbols in Hollywood (I wonder how Jews allow that lol) and 25 out of the 26 sexiest man alive awards have been given to white men?

C) What do these black female CELEBRITIES have in common?
Keisha Sharp
-Debra Wilson
-Eve the rapper
-Tatyana Ali
- Kim Hamilton
-Naomi Campbell
-Mary Wineberg
-Alec Wek
-Kim Wayans
-Zoe Kravitz
Deborah Santana
-Paula Patton a
-Denise Vasi
-Virginie Silla
-Oluchi (Nigerian Model)
-Stephanie Steward (African-American Journalist)
- Golden Brooks
-Venus Williams
-Tina Frimpong
-Dawn Simpson (daughter of BET's Donnie Simpson)
-Angela McGlowan
-Thandie Newton
-Erica Dunlap (Miss. America 2004)
-Lydia Carlston (Model)
-Alicia Marie
-Nicole Narain (Playboy Playmate)
-Roxie Roker
-Claire Hope-A****ey (star of “Children of Men”)
-Gloria Jones
-Halle Berry
-Kerry Washington
-Heather Hedley
-Garcelle Beauvais
-Debra Wilson
-Aisha Tyler
-Alfre Woodward
-Serena Williams & Brett Ratner
-Eileen Norton
-Tina Turner
-Dianna Ross
-Maya Angelou
-Lena Horne
-Shari Belafonte
-Kelly Rowland (she's hot I admit)

D) Find me if you can 1/5 of white female CELEBRITIES dating or marrying black men celebrities you can;t include the average poor desperate waitress in Hooters or TGI Fridays that the average black NFL or NBA player marries once he gets a multi-million contract :)

E) If you won't feel owned now as well, then you never will simply because you are black aka delusional and shameless.............How does it feel knowing that every black woman (almost, you still got Beyonce lol) dreams of a white man and once she gets power and money go for him.......huh? Who's the man boy? hahahahaha
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May 18, 2012
In my world
Oh and yes, one last thing, I am done with this thread, I owned this thread just like the Spaniard Conquistadores owned the slaves in Africa and just like Alexander the great owned every subhuman on his way to India. I have to save some energy and power to write in the rest 95% of sports that my white peeps dominate, you know, soccer, rugby, boxing, tennis, golf, hockey, baseball, swimming etc

Just don't provoke me anymore cause I had a bad day at work and I will make you cry til the end of the day with more facts and stats boy............I will make you think of the movie "awakening" every time you see me around, so take it easy ;)

So anything you might reply (if you can), I will take it like rubbish talking and that you are probably just mad, here he even agrees with me, you are mad :
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Jun 9, 2012
Classic, CLASSIC deflection.. as you prototypical, run-of-the-mill, mental midgets are apt to do. You got f*ckin' raped in your juvenile Euro-basketball debate when I took your desperate drivel and violently twisted it counter-clockwise back up your flat, pockmarked bitch-ass, ya little fagboy.. so deflecting was obviously the last card in your deck.

Of course I'm not surprised. I believe it was Al Campanis who coined it best.. you "lacked the necessities" to verbally joust on the topic.. so you were forced to stealthfully change the subject to anything but b-ball, hoping beyond all hopes that I wouldn't notice. Sorry, c*ntwaffle.. I noticed.

You can get back to the circle jerk with your bendover buddies. The fact that you can't wrap that cabbage sitting atop your neck around my Dream Team proclaimations, and defend your unathletic Euro-*** brethren pretty much renders you as not being worthy of my addressing the rest of your random, meandering, vaguely-tangential, bordering on dyslexic/retarded, scatterbrained regurgitate that spewed forth from your wornout suckbox.

Aww, poor little Zoos. You're just weeks away from slitting your spindly, feminine little wrists when LeBrown & Co., carving knifes in hand, and with surgical precision, decapitate your woefully inept caucazoid STIFFS, and take turns chitting down their gaping, puss-filled windpipes. We all know how you paleface chicken-sh*ts get down to the scat action, so I'm sure those pussies'll be partying in the Eurotrash streets, nonetheless.

Admit that the Dream Team "affaleties" are superior, and I'll address white boxers.


Jun 9, 2012
Ooooo, Zoosy can copy & paste lists! Impressiiiiiiiiive!

Like I give a chit whose little pink, wrinkled acorn balls some dumb b*tch is polishing. I bet you're jealous they're riding those saltines, and not you.

"No fair!", says Zoos. "Why do those nigresses get to enjoy my white Warrior crushes?!? What about meeeeeeee??? Why can't I be at the business end of their f*cksticks?! Waaaaaaaahhh!" :(

Kept your phallic fantasies to yourself, homo.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina

Wait a second... Nobody cares about U16 basketball except for YOU. It's You that like the young ones, don't you? Your the bitch-boy, always eager to polish off your Dream Team buddies and "future Dream Teamers" that are still in high school.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
This thread was created by an angry,jealous negro troll. He is still angry Truthteller exposed him on the negro finals. Back to the Black Panthers for you little black turd.


Jun 9, 2012
I am done with this thread

You're done with this thread 'cuz you got cornholed, you f*ckin' mark. You couldn't come up with an interesting thought if one got loose, jumped up and bit your clit off, you cliche-ridden, unoriginal, Copy & Paste maggot.

Well I guess since I can't bait you to come back out and play, I'll just go with the flow, and get in on some of that Copy & Paste action

When we sent absolute crap in 1998:

Lithuania only beat us by 2
Russia only beat us by 2

When we sent absolute crap in 2002:

Argentina only beat us by 7
Yugoslavia only beat us by 3

When we sent absolute crap in 2004:

Lithuania only beat us by 4
Argentina only beat us by 7

When we sent a marginal team in 2006:

Greece only beat us by 5

Ya' see that? You got all hot and moist over 2, 2, 7, 3, 4, 7, and 5 point victories. A total of 30 POINTS IN 7 GAMES OVER 8 YEARS against our garbage confirmed for you your belief of Europe's basketball supremacy? Seriously? A handful of wins by an average of 4 points per game? When we send our mediocre to marginal talent, the top Euro stud elites squeak by them in single-digit nailbiters.

When we sent our ELITE talent in 1992:

We crushed Lithuania by 51
We crushed Germany by 43
We crushed Spain by 41
We crushed Croatia by 33
We crushed Croatia by 32

When we sent our ELITE talent in 1994:

We crushed Russia by 46
We crushed Greece by 39
We crushed Russia by 17
We crushed Spain by 15

When we sent our ELITE talent in 1996:

We crushed Croatia by 31
We crushed Argentina by 28
We crushed Yugoslavia by 26
We crushed Lithuania by 22

When we sent our ELITE talent in 2008:

We crushed Germany by 49
We crushed Spain by 37
We crushed Lithuania by 36
We crushed Turkey by 32
We crushed Greece by 23
We crushed Russia by 21
We crushed Argentina by 20

When we sent our ELITE talent in 2010:

We crushed France by 31
We crushed Croatia by 28
We crushed Greece by 28
We crushed Greece by 23
We crushed Slovenia by 22
We crushed Lithuania by 16
We crushed Lithuania by 15
We crushed Russia by 10

Whew, that was fun. I think I'll save that, and re-post it every now and then when you b-ball fans are feeling extra confident.. when you have a little extra bounce in your step around these basketball threads.

I'm out.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Aww, poor little Zoos. You're just weeks away from slitting your spindly, feminine little wrists when LeBrown & Co., carving knifes in hand, and with surgical precision, decapitate your woefully inept caucazoid STIFFS, and take turns chitting down their gaping, puss-filled windpipes.

Indeed. And farmers will stop farming.. fishermen will stop fishing. In the rampant self-loathing that ensues post Olympics, Europe will starve.

Admit that the Dream Team "affaleties" are superior, and I'll address white boxers.

TRANSLATION: The best boxers are in the NFL and NBA!!
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May 18, 2012
In my world
Ooooo, Zoosy can copy & paste lists! Impressiiiiiiiiive!

Like I give a chit whose little pink, wrinkled acorn balls some dumb b*tch is polishing. I bet you're jealous they're riding those saltines, and not you.

"No fair!", says Zoos. "Why do those nigresses get to enjoy my white Warrior crushes?!? What about meeeeeeee??? Why can't I be at the business end of their f*cksticks?! Waaaaaaaahhh!" :(

Kept your phallic fantasies to yourself, homo.

I knew you were mad hahahahaha

After I wrote the last message I went on playing tennis for 2 whole hours, ate ice cream in one of the most touristic areas, came in my woman's house, took a shower, watched the news and you have still been here talking about U16 basketball and give statistics of how you got dismantled in the world games by a country of 10 million citizens, where basketball is not even the top sport (while basketball is what every Negro wanna do in the US).....hahahaha

You seem to be very mad, more than I originally thought..........The Negro with the bruised ego tries to convince us that basketball is the most important field of human existence LMAO

Guys, why you want Don to ruin this Afro-comedy? Don't you enjoy every now and then having a Negro in here to remind us why they got enslaved and why they can't prevail as a group of people with their extremely lack of intelligence&logic and low IQ? I personally enjoy it, degrading a Negro and show him what their position to this world has always been, is like a hobby to me man LMAO

Typical Negro " We superior man, we got dis, we got da president, white bois got nuting on us, they can't elect a president like we do"

Human with common sense " But 43 out of the 44 presidents have been whites sir"

Typical Negro "Wut? Boi, you never heard the Afro-logic of the ''ONE".......We got one president we dominate dat ****e, we got one golf champ we dominate dat ****e, we got one tennis champ, we got dat ****e and so on, we blacks boi, the supreme race woahouuuuuuuuuu"

Human with commin sense " But what about all these black slaves, HIV, poverty in Africa, crime in American ghettos, rapes, gangs, you seem to dominate in big numbers there"

Typical Negro " Be0ch what did I just tell you, the Afro-logic of the "ONE", I can find you a white boi doing all dat ****e, so they dominate all dese ****e...............We blacks, we don't know our position to this world so we need de white bois to remind us cause truth is, WE CAN'T STAND SO MUCH FREEDOM, IT'S EITHER SLAVERY OR PRISON FOR US BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"

Hahahahahahaha, man I enjoyed so much writing this, I laughed so hard, my woman thinks I have lost my mind with this site LOL

Goodnight guys, please don't delete this thread, let's have some fun with the dog.... oooops with this dude I mean!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
This thread is locked and the troll has been banned, as just about every posting guideline has been repeatedly violated. I will state yet again, this is a site to support White athletes, not to attack blacks, which appears to be the main interest of some.
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