Slaves Built This Country.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
Blacks like to say that The United state was "Built on Slavery".

Post from Blackplanet:

Slaves built this country and the only reason America is what it is today is because they used free labor. cotton and tobacco the lazy %#&@$! Europeans didn't do crap but get rich off of slaves. Many slaves already knew how to farm when they got here that's the way most people did it anyway


LOL, Darwinst has been reading his American HIS-STORY books again. Listen fool, majority of the Slaves were brought to New York, Baltimore, and Washington D.C. not the south you dumbazz. Secondly, it wasn't just 600 years ago when your people was living as third-world savages dying to get out of Europe. Truth is,without the Jews funding the ships and the weapons(which they still control the banking industry and governments in the US and Western Europe) that helped defeat the African and Native Americans, your people would still be third-world today.


And I'm sorry, it is not necessary to leach off of anyone to be prosperus! That tactic has primarily been used by the white man in their quest for more power. Come on, affirmative action is only necessary because of warped minds like yours! You will continue to struggle to understand and grow until you take responsibility for yourself. You don't mind living in a country that my ancestors built and that yours stole from another group, yet you want to make sure all the rules and laws only favor your existence?

Do you think that this is true? Or to what extent is this true?


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Immigrants built this country into the industrialized nation it is today not slaves. Slaves played a role in the early country be exporting raw materials in the atlantic trade. They were just a cheaper source of labor than the indentured servants. The industrialized north was how this country was made because it allowed us to be come our own self sufficient manufacturing center. Slavery was cheap labor at the time. The mindset of Europeans was to basically treat the Africans likeanimals which is not good as no people should be treated like that. Slavery played a role in the development of this country yes but it was not as vital as some would believe. Northern farmers worked just as hard on their own crops as well. The role of slavery is overblown in this day in age due to the P.C. B.S. that people want us to believe. Immigrant workers in the north and in large cities who were of European decent endured hellish conditions in heavily industrial areas as well as in mining. Textile mills were unsafe for a long time, there were young kids in sweatshops losing fingers, meatpacking plants were also dangerous places as well as steel mills and so on and so forth. All of this seems to be a footnote in American history though compared to the plight of the blacks in the U.S. In the end the slaves did play a role in the early history of the country and the U.S. recognized slavery to be wrong and even purchased land in Africa so that former slaves could return to their home land yet not many took advantage of it.

Also it was called the Protestant work ethic not the Zulu work ethic.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Sure, blacks built this country. Too bad they can't re-build Detroit, Haiti or Mogadishu. Crediting blacks for building the US is like crediting donkeys for building the US because they worked the fields too.

Total 1860 Population
Total Free Population 27,489,561
Total Slave Population 3,953,760
Grand Total 31,443,321

Slaves were about 1/7 of the population of the almost conpletely agrarian south, they meant nothing to the US economy. That amount of labor was a drop in the bucket to the production of the US.

All blacks ever meant to the US economy was cheap cotton prices, thanks negroes for my cotton t-shirts! Couldn't have them without you.

Now go build one other decent country on the planet, but please make it far away from here.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Slaves didn't build this country. Slavery was abolished at the end of the Civil War. So you tell me, exactly how many skyscrapers and other massive structures (bridges, tunnels, etc.) were built during that time period? Thats right...NONE. This country was built on the backs of hard-working Italian and Irish immigrants. My great uncle was an Italian iron-worker out of Newark, NJ. He was part of the workforce that built this country, and I couldn't be more proud of that.


Oct 19, 2004
Note to blacks: America sucks!! Why do you want to take credit for this train wreck???

Typical black behavior: taking all the credit but none of the blame.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Ground Fighter said:
This country was built on the backs of hard-working Italian and Irish immigrants.

Yes, but let's not forget the workers of the great manufacturing and machining centers of the North or the steel workers or masons who were often first or second generation European immigrants of every nationality.