Riots in Wisconsin?


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
The teacher [edited to add: and prison guards and cops/fire] unions will not go without a fight. This is a preview of future attempts as the empire goes broke and it's minions begin to feel the pain. These parasites are chanting "freedom" at the state capitol, well it's the taxpayer that needs to be free--from them!! I expect the R's to cave on this but from the comments I've read and from the people I have talked to they get no sympathy. The usa does not have enough of the population on the govt payroll for these work stoppages to bother the average joe. It's a media generated frenzy but it won't halt the rest of the economy.

I expect these things to get ugly when they happen in someplace like Detroit, which I imagine is coming soon.

Riots in MadisonEdited by: jaxvid


Nov 25, 2004
Yah, that's the reason our government is in debt and our country is going to H3ll - We've over-paid teachers!
I'm sure there will be a line of people begging to teach mouthy multi-cultural teens how not to swear.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Expect similar 'riots' from the states of New Yawk, Illinois and CA. in the coming months. I hope these new TEA Party congressmen hold the line and don't fall for the "we are too big to fail or bankrupt" bullcrap line. The pied piper is coming to get paid, unfortunately there is no money him nor these good for nothing union teachers and the like.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
It's not just teachers of course it's the whole govt union system. Heck I know a lot of teachers and they're not really happy with the union but who is going to refuse a good benefit package? In the private sector I've worked with a lot of auto workers, and they hated what the union was doing for years, but what could they do? Their elections offered as little to choose from as general elections.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Watching the footage of these protests. Mostly all White, probably a huge majority of DWFs during the weekends. Yeah, Jaxvid, your right, once the money dries up in Detroit, Los Angeles and Chicago, the 'natives' will be ramaging and uttering "i needs to paid" mantra, but in reality doing very little or nothing on job to warrant the lavish packages they get now!!
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
The teachers union was the worst thing that ever happened to the school system!
we have many teachers thatdon't need to be teaching a dog to rollover much less kids!
but the school's can't dump them...


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
lost said:
The teachers union was the worst thing that ever happened to the school system!
<div>we have many teachers that don't need to be teaching a dog to rollover much less kids!</div>
<div>but the school's can't dump them...</div>

Most teachers are pretty good. I'm sure it's a tough job but it's hard to determine what the actual worth is without any "market" to determine the real value. People are always saying stuff like why should a ballplayer or a movie star make millions when teachers are paid nothing. I don't think the job is all that hard but the dealing with kids and parents has to be horrendous, take that out of it and it's probably not all that hard. Still I admire people that do it. Imparting knowledge to the next generation should be one of the most important tasks of a human society.


Nov 25, 2004
Your completely and utterly clueless if falling for the newest GOP line teacher-hater line. I don't know - maybe you had a bad experience in school, but don't blame teachers because you're a flunky. Absolutely moronic to believe that the buck should stop with meager paid teachers and also moronic to believe that their union has some sort of maphia-like power. Yah right, that's why teachers are so damn rich - it's maphia unions! No wonder our country is doomed. The peasants continue to fight over the scraps while the PTB laugh.

I guess our country can't better ways to save money. I guess endless wars, massive immigration, endless welfare, banker bailouts, and Federal Reserve spending are all OK as long as we put the caboosh on that gravy train known as school teaching.

Teachers are in high demand. The end result will be qualified teachers will simply quit. There are already laws in many states for alternative teaching licenses to deal with the shortages. Your kids will soon be taught by unqualified teachers. What's more, this alternative license is all a scam to get unqualified DIVERSITY in the teaching field. As evidence of this you actually earn more "Race to the TOP" Obama federal program dollars if your state offers alternative licenses. Now why would Obama (A Democrat) support giving more aid to states that undermine teacher's unions?

Teaching is still very largely a white-dominated profession and that bothers the PTB. They'd love nothing more than to see a herd of white teachers walk away from their jobs - and it will happen. I don't fall for such simple propaganda as is being pushed by the GOP against teachers right now. I know a lot of teachers and I don't know a single one that got rich teaching. Think for yourself and turn off the telescreen.


Nov 25, 2004
lost said:
The teachers union was the worst thing that ever happened to the school system!
<div>we have many teachers that don't need to be teaching a dog to rollover much less kids!</div>
<div>but the school's can't dump them...</div>

Sure there are bad teachers. There always has been just as there has been bad construction workers, doctors, nurses etc. Again, I know a lot of teachers and have seen them teach and for the most part they are pretty darn good. The teachers have gotten better in American, but the kids, parents, and society have gotten much worse. It's just not true that bad teachers can't be fired. I've seen several tenured teachers fired or simply forced to retire and/or seek other jobs.


Nov 25, 2004
Westside said:
Watching the footage of these protests. Mostly all White, probably a huge majority of DWFs during the weekends. Yeah, Jaxvid, your right, once the money dries up in Detroit, Los Angeles and Chicago, the 'natives' will be ramaging and uttering "i needs to paid" mantra, but in reality doing very little or nothing on job to warrant the lavish packages they get now!!

Lavish Packages? You sure about that? What's "lavish" about driving a Ford Escort everyday to work for 30-40 years before you can retire on your "lavish" TRA that you paid for? I got news for you - the money has already dried up in those minority cesspools like California and now I guess everyone thinks it's OK that the largely white states like Wisconsin will be paying for it with their white worker bees. I know in the largely white state of Minnesota we pay far more to the Federal Government than we get back. That trend will continue and get worse. Unfortunelty we are a self-loathing race begging to speed our on-coming genocide while we slice each others throats fighting for the crumbs. Edited by: Kaptain
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
Kaptain said:
lost said:
The teachers union was the worst thing that ever happened to the school system!

we have many teachers thatdon't need to be teaching a dog to rollover much less kids!

but the school's can't dump them...

Sure there are bad teachers. There always has been just as there has been bad construction workers, doctors, nurses etc. Again, I know a lot of teachers and have seen them teach and for the most part they are pretty darn good. The teachers have gotten better in American, but the kids, parents, and society have gotten much worse. It's just not true that bad teachers can't be fired. I've seen several tenured teachers fired or simply forced to retire and/or seek other jobs.
Yes, but the union makes it much harder to fire bad teachers... Edited by: lost


Nov 25, 2004
Trust me, it's not that hard at all. Most admininstrators don't want to fire bad teachers just for the mire fact that it's not that easy to replace them.

The teacher's union (like firemen and police unions) have been at the forefront of fighting the diversity push. We've had a big push in recent years around the nation to hire more black or minority superintendents and administors. The first thing they do when they get in power is to instill a policy of replacing white teachers with minority teachers. Unions have gotten in the way. You should thank them.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
It depends on the school district and the taxes the district can draw to pay for the teachers. School boards that pay well get very good teachers and have an overflow of applicants. In other areas they get people that are in and out and barely got a 4 year degree. The Ontario Teachers Pension Fund had a significant interest in the Toronto Maple Leafs. The teachers in Ontario have a similar pension to auto workers. 25 years or your age plus X years gets you a full pension. When the stock market crashed the fund was in jeopardy so they tried to buy out some teachers so they wouldn't collect a full pension. Edited by: white is right


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Wisconsin is a tax HELL! The government has been spreading out of control for decades. We are drowning in debt.

I have relatives who are teachers, they get paid hadsomely and receive huge benefits for working 9 months of the year.

We are knee deep in administrators and other positions. The state is several billions of dollars in debt.

The average salary for teachers is over 52,000.00 per year. However, the retirement packages, health insurance coverages, and other benefits are off the charts. Added together the yearly average reaches 100,000.00 dollars!

Everyone in the private sector has been hit hard. Drastic cuts in pay, benefits, and increase in working hours. Those are the lucky ones who still have employment.

Wisconsin government workers always ride a gravy train in comparison.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
lost is absolutely right!!!! Here in La LA land a teacher has to be found quilty of a felony to be fired. If he or she is worthless, around 65% or more, they are moved from one school to another, often as an assistant to a nurse or helping a principal's secretary shuffle papers and pencils. All the while getting salary and benefits in excess of 75K! With paid 401Ks!! Most of these worthless people(think mostly Negro) claim non exist IOD injuries and sit at home for years watching Oprah on my F'ing dollar.

I think I'll trust the good teachers who tell me of these horror stories. Most people of any means steer their kids into private schools(think Catholic) out here. An A student from a Catholic school is more qualified and smarter than a large portion of the teachers instructing America's little affelets.

Anyway, should be fun, watching these people(public unions of all sorts) cry and told to pay for some of their "lavish" benefits. Gentlemen the free lunches will be coming to a frigging end!


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
With little black kids, they are hit with a double whammy. 1. Rotten parent(s)think "baby mamas wiff 3 chilrens", welfare, etc you get the picture. 2. Rotten teachers,ie: individuals that have no business teaching anything good or of value, let alone spending hours with small children.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Furthermore, if I was the hard charging new Governor of the Badger state, I would decree "If the public unions will not submit to the states modest fiscal demands of their lavish benefits packages to balance the budget, those last hired, will be first fired to achieve the goal. You have 5 working days to decide, be it at work, at home "sick" or yelling at me with posters with Hilter on it. This will be my ass kicking moment!"


Nov 25, 2004
Bart said:
Everyone in the private sector has been hit hard. Drastic cuts in pay, benefits, and increase in working hours. Those are the lucky ones who still have employment.

No not everyone in the so-called "private sector" has been hit. Certainly not those in high demand or that produce a high demand product or service. Farmers for example are making money hand over fist and often have more in one of their sheds than a teacher will be able to pay for in a lifetime. Where is out cry against farmers and their subsidizes?

When the economy was good for the last couple of decades (at least nominally) where was the out cry to pay teachers in accordance with so-called private sector? The private sector enjoyed 5x the wage increases during that period compared to teachers.

I'm just curious - how many castefootball members would like to replace the teachers with themselves and teach? I would guess none. What happened to the free market principles of paying those in high demand to do a tough and apparently thankless job that nobody else is jumping to do? Or what about the freedom of workers to assemble and bargain their wages? Have we turned into a bunch of communists on castefootball?Edited by: Kaptain


Nov 25, 2004
Isn't it interesting that teacher pay is the issue that Republicans have decided to make their as their battle cry. It's not reducing mititary spending, or ending too big to fail bailouts, ending foreign aid, ending costly diversity programs, or ending illegal immigration. Nope, none of those get mentioned. The Republicans have decided that teachers are our problem and you all fell for it. Again. Sad, sad, repeated story of ignorance. But Ignorance is Strength.


Nov 25, 2004
Bart said:
The average salary for teachers is over 52,000.00 per year. However, the retirement packages, health insurance coverages, and other benefits are off the charts. Added together the yearly average reaches 100,000.00 dollars!

Do you think 52,000 a lot for a college graduated professionally licensed job? I don't know about your relatives and their lavish lifestyle, but doubt it comes from their teacher pay. The teachers who live that lifestyle have aquired it from inheritance or some other source. The 9 months out of the year is a myth in itself - it's about 2 and 1/2 months off and it's not paid. When construction workers sit idle for roughly 6 months of the year and collect unemployment, which teachers can't do, I don't hear the same complaints. Why?

The lavish retirement packages? Again, do you know what you speak of or are you just spouting talking points? Might as well tell us that white men can jump cause the television said so. My lavish package is 80-20 healthcare and a TRA that I contribute about $300 dollars to every month which my employer matches. As it stands on paper it looks like I may be able to retire in my late 60's, but I don't believe any American's retirement, pension, or Social Security will actually be collected on at that time in the future so I don't count on it.


Nov 25, 2004
Westside said:
With little black kids, they are hit with a double whammy. 1. Rotten parent(s)think "baby mamas wiff 3 chilrens", welfare, etc you get the picture. 2. Rotten teachers,ie: individuals that have no business teaching anything good or of value, let alone spending hours with small children.

You sound like a diversity instructor. They blame white teachers for the failure of black kids too. If only they had gotten a better edjumacation.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Kaptain said:
Isn't it interesting that teacher pay is the issue that Republicans have decided to make their as their battle cry. It's not reducing mititary spending, or ending too big to fail bailouts, ending foreign aid, ending costly diversity programs, or ending illegal immigration. Nope, none of those get mentioned. The Republicans have decided that teachers are our problem and you all fell for it. Again. Sad, sad, repeated story of ignorance. But Ignorance is Strength.

I don't think the Wisconsin legislature can do anything about most of those issues. Those are mostly federal issues. What the Wisconsin govt can do is balance it's own budget. I know when a company I work for has to cut back it's going to effect me. It should be the same for govt workers. I don't know why you are muddying the water with this other stuff. And it's not just the saintly teachers that are getting their benefits cut. It's many levels of govt worker. Their benefits in many cases are lavish and they are guarenteed by the taxpayer, and that is just wrong.

HA HA you are accusing anti-union peope of being communist! The "right" to collective bargain! Yes ANOTHER "civil" right not in the Constitution.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Just a word about Unionism. I'm a Union man down to the marrow of my bones. I was an officer of my Union and worked on our apprenticeship committee for years. Over time, we saw the steady downward spiral of the quality of men coming into our Local and had to adjust all of our standards downward to accomadate these people. At first, of course, it was the blacks who couldn't do the work who brought the standards down, but then, later on, members, who would have never brought some of their sons and other family members into the trade finally said, [hey if you "allow" (99% court ordered) blacks who can't/won't do the work to enter the trade, then you might as well take my family member too. He might as well get (not earn) good money too].

Add to this later on, court ordered women who of course, don't have the needed upper body stregth, and we were/are doomed.

We have many members who lose their books because they don't pay their dues, even when they're working steadily.

We just received a letter telling us we're going to have to take a 20% pay cut on certain jobs, PLA (Project Labor Agreement) to put our members on those sites.

We allowed outside agencies (OSHA) to very much take over our safety standards and alloed other non-construction affiliated state and municiple agencies the power to license our men as workers, etc.

Just a matter of time now for us.

I can't tell you all how sad I am about this. I saw this coming and was shouted down (people knew I was talking about their son's and other close family members, not to mention the minorities - I guess I can't blame them - it's their son's after all) over time and I feel no vindication about being right. None at all.

Tom Iron...


May 10, 2008
Kaptain said:
Isn't it interesting that teacher pay is the issue that Republicans have decided to make their as their battle cry.
Teachers and pay have become easy targets partially because everyone now knows a few homeschoolers and thinks, "How can it be that a few hundred dollars per year will produce a better quality product than the 10x more that we spend producing a shoddy product in the government schools?"


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
One of the things I detest about the protest is how obviously staged they are, with bussed in "rent-a-mobs" and other typical government union tactics. Also, the actions by the Governor are across-the-board, aimed at ALL public sector unions who have far too much power. Of course, they simply parade out the teachers, not the SEIU members. Which is going to get more sympathy from the public?

Here Kaptain is going all-out to stand up for the teachers. Commendable. But the teachers are not the problem. The union is, and the education beauracracy is. I, for one, think teachers are underpaid, but with the average cost to taxpayers of around $13,000 for each student, how much of that goes to the teachers? Not much. But the teachers are made the centerpoint of the demonstrations, to tug at heartstrings, and even seasoned Caste Football members fall for it.