Reverse Racism?

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
First, I don't believe in reverse racism, racism is racism period. This may be old news, but I sat in frustration as I watched The Dan Patrick Show today and listened as Dan and the wimpettes were discussing some of the white basketball player 'cliches' or descriptions, such as, gym rat, cerebral, could be good coming off the bench, mentally tough, desceptively athletic or quick and on and on. Laughing and joking about all this, then turned it around in a more serious mannerand they asked the question as to what would happen if a black BBplayer were to be described that way and howracists that would be not to describe a black BB player in this manner. Nevermind asking how racist it already is to describe white BB playersin that way or to never describe white BB as athletic or quick period.

Does anyone understand this? It's incredible how people can pre-judge their on race make fun of them, and then turn around and justify not doing the same about another! It's like that old movie 'The Planet of The Apes', things have been turned upside down. I'm all for having fun and joking around, but what's good for one is good for another.

It's like Don says, "such is the sad state of affairs in this country".


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I didn't know which thread to stick this into but I guess this one will do. It's certainly okay for them to call us crackers and honkeys. I'm willing to bet that the girls used the other version of the n word, the one that rappers use.

[h=1]Report: Team suspended for racist chant[/h]
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Updated Dec 10, 2011 1:24 PM ET

At least a dozen female basketball players at a western New York high school were suspended for chanting a racial slur as part of their warm-up routine, the Buffalo News reported.

The team at Kenmore East High School, near Buffalo, apparently had chanted "One, two, three [N-word]!" for years, to the ignorance of their coaches and school administrators.
The officials only learned of the practice after the current team's sole African-American, sophomore Tyra Batts, was caught brawling with a teammate over the use of the slur.
While both girls were suspended for fighting, school district officials were called in to deal with the allegations of racism.
Batts said she only learned of the chant ahead of the season opener against Sweet Home High School on Dec. 2.
"I said, 'You're not allowed to say that word because I don't like that word,'" Batts told the paper. "They said, 'You know we're not racist, Tyra. It's just a word, not a label.' I was outnumbered."
The investigation by Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda School District found the players guilty of violating the school's conduct code and the extracurricular athletic code, superintendent Mark P. Mondanaro confirmed.
He said the chant, apparently always delivered after adults had left the locker room, was "wrong, unacceptable, unfortunate and will never, ever be tolerated."
The offending players will each serve a one-game suspension across the season, receive a two-day, out-of-school suspension and be required to attend cultural-sensitivity training. A scheduled game against Olean on Saturday was postponed.
Batts' family welcomed apologies from Mondanaro and the school's principal, but said the punishments handed out should have been more severe.
"This wasn't something that just developed this year," Tyra's father, Raymond Batts Jr., said. "This is something that's been ongoing for quite some time."


Dec 11, 2011
Unfortunately this what happens when you allow a bunch of Jews to control the media, the movies industry, the educational system and pretty much everything else in a nation like the US!
Whites hating their own selves is a weird kind of genocide that Jews have achieved in the US against white Americans!

Will it ever stop? It's really up to white Americans really! I believe that white Americans should become more active (physically and spiritually) and realize that terms as "diversity", " multiculturalism", " political correctness" and rest non sense expressions, they pretty much mean " WHITE MAN I WANT YOU OUT OF THE PICTURE" " NBA IS HOW EVERYTHING IN THE US SHOULD BE" etc