My take on this site


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Hey Steve, I actually have read many of your posts and I enjoy them. So, we may disagree here and there, no big deal.There are plenty of posters who don't see eye to eye on every issue, that's what makes this site interesting.


Jan 4, 2005
United States
The problem is the whiteman has brought a lot on this on him self. We brought these peopleto are country to use them as slaves, because we were to lazy to do the labor ourselfs. We breed them like cattle and when they began reveting to their animal nature we where all shocked. It is our own stupidity. If we never brought them to this country in the first place we wouldn't have this problem. We fought a war in which 500,000 people died and these people have show absolutelyno gratitude for it.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
kevin said:
The problem is the whiteman has brought a lot on this on him self. We brought these peopleto are country to use them as slaves, because we were to lazy to do the labor ourselfs.

I agree with you Kevin, and wecontimue to do the same with our open border policy on the West coast. We have sown the seeds of our own destruction and will harvest a bumper crop.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Do you guys realize that 48% of the hispanic population
every year that increases in this country is illegal
aliens coming across the borders.That is a astounding
number.Some how I don't think Bush gives a damn.We are
going to be in big trouble if we don't do something
about this problem soon.


Apr 27, 2005
Bart, it is fine that we don't have to agree on this point. Genetics and nature are not our enemy, it is the racist white media, coaches, and academic pin heads. This is the classic nature vs. nuture debate that has been going on among scientists for decades with no clear answer.

I would like to include a couple of personal experiences that has helped to shape my view. One time I met Dat Nguyen, MLB for the Dallas Cowboys, and his family. He is 6' 230 lbs of solid muscle, yet none of his male family members are over 5'5" and 130 lbs. His family was among the Vietnamese boat people that were forced to leave when the communist took over. He was the only member of his family born in the U.S. When I asked him how he got so big compared to his older brothers, he said that growing up he ate a lot more American foods than his siblings and was always involved in sports, which help to build his frame and muscle mass.

Also, I grew up in a high school that was almost 100% white, asian, and hispanic. We only had two black kids in my graduating class of 450. One of the black kids was not athletic and did not play sports, yet he excelled academically. He thought like a white kid, spoke like a white kid, and performed academically with the top of the class. We both went to the same college, I walked on to play football, he joined a black fraternity and got involved in the black social clubs. Within a year, he began talking like a typical black kid, thinking like a typical black kid, and performing academically like a typical black kid. He lost his academic scholarship due to bad grades, his attitude toward whites changed dramatically, and he barely would even talk to the white kids that he grew up with.

I know that these are just my experiences and not scientific evidence, but it is enough to convince me that culture and environment have a larger role than genetics to determining the outcome of a person or group of people.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Pretty interesting story, SteveB.

I think Europe had a dead Christianity when they fought all those wars over the past 2 centuries.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
SteveB said:
. This is the classic nature vs. nuture debate that has been going on among scientists for decades with no clear answer.

Bart:The answer is clear and has beenproven throughout history.We've had the same debate in this country concerning the differences between men and women. Feminist leaders have sought to obliterate all distinctions between genders and have done nothing but muddy the previously clear waters to further an AGENDA. The truth is simple, let me put it bluntly...WE AINT THE SAME ! Yes, the Ford truck and Cadillac you mentioned are comprised of the same materials such as, glass, rubber, metaland motors, brakes and drive trains BUT they sure as heck are very different in performance and suitability of tasks.

Steve:When I asked him how he got so big compared to his older brothers, he said that growing up he ate a lot more American foods than his siblings and was always involved in sports, which help to build his frame and muscle mass.

Bart:His family didn't have proper nutrition being from a war torn country, so he is now afforded the opportunity to eat more nutritional food, train his body with the latest equipment and possibly have access to roids. I checked his stats, he is only 5'11, taller than most but it's not unsuual to see asians his size. It's not like he's Yao Ming, and how many 7 footersdid a gadzillion Chineese produce?

Steve: One of the black kids was not athletic and did not play sports, yet he excelled academically. He thought like a white kid, spoke like a white kid, and performed academically with the top of the class.Within a year, he began talking like a typical black kid, thinking like a typical black kid, and performing academically like a typical black kid. He lost his academic scholarship due to bad grades, his attitude toward whites changed dramatically, and he barely would even talk to the white kids that he grew up with.

Bart: Many black kids perform fairly well academically at the lower levels of learning but when they move out into deeper waters they drown.Even Thomas Sowell admits inner-city youth think the are the cat's meow in their schools only to discover they can't come close to cutting it at an advanced level.

He was around other blacks and reverted to their level, that should be plain.The white man comes along and gives his blood sweat and tears to the program at the expense of other whites and when his constraints are gone, it's back to nature.Edited by: Bart


Apr 27, 2005
Bart: His family didn't have proper nutrition being from a war torn country, so he is now afforded the opportunity to eat more nutritional food, train his body with the latest equipment and possibly have access to roids. I checked his stats, he is only 5'11, taller than most but it's not unsuual to see asians his size.

Steve: I agree, when he was raised in a different environment than his father and brothers, he was able to reach his genetic potential. His brothers probably have the same genetic potential.

Bart: He was around other blacks and reverted to their level, that should be plain.

Steve: I agree, when he changed who he was associating with (ie. his environment), he became lazy and unmotivated. There is a saying "you can't soar with the eagles if your hanging out with the chickens".

Congratulations Bart, we agree.


Oct 15, 2004
SteveB, your anecdote about the black kid that seemingly lost his way is a perfect(horrible?) example of what are referred to as the culture wars. Multiculturalists make a fetish out of being non-judgmental regarding "cultures" or what are more accurately called sub-cultures. You could probably find some extremists on the progressive side that would argue that this black kid was discovering his true self and only throwing off the shackles that the white man had clamped him in. Until most blacks lose the tribe(herd) mentality of seeing every aspect of life in America through the prism of race they will be in danger of going the way of your acquaintance. The balkanization(tribalizing) of American society which in part lead to the term cluture wars has caused people to think of themselves first as something other than an American and this can only lead to conflict. Couple this with not being allowed to make a judgment as to the merits of the various cultures and a dynamic has been put in place that makes the disintegration of the culture has a whole inevitable. I'm sure the pressure your friend faced to discard his speech patterns, mode of dress etc. was enormous and I feel bad for him. Considering that this took place on a college campus underscores all the more how entrenched such identity politics are. So do I think genetics played a part in what a judgmental person might refer to as your friends reversion? At the most obvious level(skin color) of course but as for the rest it is maybe an unanswerable question. My post regarding tribalism in Africa was just making a point that many on both sides of the political divide have commented on regarding the nature of tribal societies. The ancient Greeks were first organized as tribes and clans before they developed the polity of the city state, a precursor to the modern nation state idea. Europe was once an area roamed by tribes of Vandals, Goths, Magyars and on and on. Until tribalism was superseded by a different political organization cultural advancement couldn't take place. Why has black Africa not seen such a political transformation in an organic way? Again, maybe unasnswerable but if it were answerable could there be a genetic component? Personally, I believe there could be but not to the point that it couldn't be overcome with an improvement in environment. But for it to be overcome judgments must be made and standards adhered to. Societal pressures need to be allowed to effect healthy outcomes. Who could have told your friend that he was foolish to recast himself as an anti-intellectual, boorish, brutish type without being called a racist?The sad irony of so-called progressive thinking is that it leads to poorer lives for those for whom the progress is supposedly being made. Now that your friend has established has bona fides as a black man is he better off? A judgmntal type might say no.


Apr 27, 2005
Well put Surfsider. I may have been off base when I said that religion could have been the basis of binding tribal groups together with one set of standards. I am probably biased in that regard since I am a religious person. Regardless, there must be one set of ideals that every society must buy into in order to exist as a society. Otherwise, a society of people doesn't have a reason to coexist.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
kevin said:
The problem is the whiteman has brought a lot on this on him self. We brought these peopleto are country to use them as slaves, because we were to lazy to do the labor ourselfs. We breed them like cattle and when they began reveting to their animal nature we where all shocked. It is our own stupidity. If we never brought them to this country in the first place we wouldn't have this problem. We fought a war in which 500,000 people died and these people have show absolutelyno gratitude for it.

Who is "we"? I didn't do any of that stuff and I'm not taking the blame for it either!
Jun 12, 2005
When speaking of Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia, you fail to mention that the native Africans (before the British came)once had a thriving empire: the ancient city of Great Zimbabwe, part of the larger Shona Empire.
Great Zimbabwe was established in 11th century AD and flourished for about 400 years, until the start of the Rozwi Emprire. By the 13th Century it was a major gold trading center, located between African and Arab trading posts on the Indian Ocean coast. The Shona rulers raised a large army to expand their power and built elaborate stone structures (Zimbabwe in Shona language means ''houses of stone''). By the 14th century Great Zimbabwe had great commercial and military power; many ruins are scattered throughout Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Mozambique, demonstrating the scope of Great Zimbabwe's influence.
The stonework of Great Zimbabwe is remarkable for its precision - most structures were built with granite blocks so carefully carved that no mortar was required to hold them together. The focal point of Great Zimbabwe is a high granite outcrop that rises steeply above the valley below. On the summit of this outcrop is a set of stone-walled enclosures known as the Hill Complex. In the Great Enclosure, archaeologists have discovered gold and copper ornaments, as well as fine soapstone bowls and carvings. In addition, they have found china, glass beads, and porcelain dating from 14th-century China, Persia, and Syria. The presence of such luxury items from so far away demonstrates Great Zimbabwe's valuable connections with traders on the east coast of Africa.
When European colonists and archaeologists examined the ruins in the 19th, they refused to believe black Africans built such impressive stone structures. The archaeologists proposed theories that ancient Mediterranean civilizations (Greeks, Egypt,etc) built Great Zimbabwe. Only much later the Africans were given credit for this (deservedly so).
Edited by: hollywoodnorth


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Hollywood,I logged in today to find you may have posted to every single subject on this board. You've probably shattered the record set by Black Guy.

When speaking of Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia, you fail to mention that the native Africans (before the British came)once had a thriving empire: the ancient city of Great Zimbabwe, part of the larger Shona Empire.

B: Yes, I've read of Great Zimbabwe.What exactly did archaeologists find that was so great about this fabulous city of untold wonder? Well, they found some primitive buildings that were made of piles of stone , which is quite a departure from the traditional, mud, dung and straw huts which were common to Africans. But wait, they also found some pottery, beads, gold trinkets and not a whole lot more. It could have been a center of trade and religion. It was only about 60 acres or so, we're not talking Constantiniople for crying out loud. How do they know it was a religious center? Did they find a few monkey bones used for worship?

Researchers don't know a whole lot about the situation... know why? There was no trace of a written language. Did they study mathematics, algebra, geometry, physics or astronomy? No. Did they rival any thing of the Greeks or Romans or any culture where people developed useful things such as reading and writing, numbers and the alphabet? No. Do you suppose they found intricate hand woven garments aswere found on white mummies who lived 5-6 thousand years ago? No. Did they even find a wheel of some sort? No.

Now mind you, this flourishing metropolis supposedly continued until the fifteenth century . How did it compare to the cities of Europe? It's like comparing the Stealth Bomber to a kids kite. Not to mention there is still a lot of controversy over the fact of who did indeed dwell there. If it was a center of trade it could have been established by any number of peoples. I read something on the internet of a scientist who believes it was built by Indonesians, since the word Zimbabwe allegedly means stone building or something like that.

But okay, lets buy into the theory it was built by blacks.I mean what the hell, lets give em some credit. Whoopee Ding... they are only several thousands of years behind every body else. It is interesting thatShona tribesmen who supposedly built the place still live in very prrimitive conditions, but hey, they propably forgot how to pile stones on top of each other really high.

So, in due time the Brits and other groups arrive on the scene and before you know it, we see roads, modern houses with plumbing and electricity, hospitals, schools, businesses, farms, livestock and libraries etc. I know that pales in comparison to the rock walls which previously were found there but what can I say.

Whitey feeds , clothes, educates and nurses the blacks who get fed up with being second rate citizens, so they cause all hell to break loose, drive off and kill those rotten honkeys. Par for the course, then what happens.

Rhodesia was called the Pearl of Africa when whites were in control, now it is just another African garbage pile of disease, death and starvation. Oh, but I forgot something so very important to mankind. They'd probably do prety well in the hundred meter dash. Edited by: Bart

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Thanks to Don for providing the following link on the front page of the forums:


Just kidding, Hollywood! But I hafta tell ya, you must have a ton of free time and absolutely nothing to do with it! I saw your posts this morning and said, "Daayy-uummmmmmmnnn!"


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Don't pay any attention to them hollywood, it's good to have fresh posts to read. Thanks for participating.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I know this thread started out somewhat about the NFL, but wouldn't it be better suited in Happy Hour now? Just a thought, as it hasn't really added any NFL information in several pages.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Col. Reb, I agree with you. Lots of interesting side issues but definitely off topic.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I think it started off-topic: "my take on this site" was started by Black Guy when he was still posting here. Don't know why he chose the NFL forum, probably because it gets the most attention? Anyway, I agree with you guys.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
This thread has taken on a life of its own. I think it's pretty neat actually. Black Guy's legacy to Caste Football.
We'll just let it continue to meander until it dies a natural death.