More Proof That "Diversity" Is Cosmetic

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
What a piece of inaccurate propaganda. I particularly like this quote: "It wasn't always like this. For much of the past century, "minorities were either invisible in mainstream media, or handed negative roles that generally had them in a subservient position," says Jerome Williams, a professor of advertising and African-American studies at the University of Texas at Austin."

Uh, "professor," this "trend" mentioned in the article has been in full mandatory enforcement mode for 40 years now. A more interesting question might be: Why for the last 40 years has it been forbidden to show groups of people on ads that are not fully integrated (unless of course it's an all-black commercial)? Why can't commercials reflect life as it is when it comes to the way most people socialize with their own kindinstead of always being the vanguard of an extreme form of forced "multiculturalism"?
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
This article was a complete waste of reading time because nowadays any article that speaks of "diversity" is so predictable. You can count the memes off your fingers. I'm more concerned with the way White men are being portrayed in television than worrying whether or not a black/white lesbian couple is holding a retarded Asian baby in an advertisement.

Speaking of "minorities" in commercials, it doesn't take a lot of thinking time to see that blacks are always portrayed as yuppies, living a hideously "lily-white" existence. Compare this to the "nihgha rich"/bling, ho's and playa's that well-to-do blacks in the entertainment industry revel in, which is closer to black identity than what you see in commercials for Airwick and e-insurance.

One thing was true in that article; that blacks don't make up for much of the decision-making process as well as the corporate sector. I onced worked for a company that was a billion-dollar-a-year business. The only blacks I remember having some lofty position were in the customer service department (surprise, surprise). I don't ever recall seeing any in corporate. There is a reason for that, and I don't think I need to explain it. And you can be sure that blacks that rule the roost in customer service will remain in customer service.Edited by: OldSchoolBoy75


Nov 23, 2008
White men are the strongest men in the world. It's completely insane to portray them as soft and gay.