More federal control?


Apr 27, 2005
I was watching the evening news just now and I am getting very concerned about what I am hearing coming out of Washington. First it was 9/11 and now Katrina. The political talking heads are blaming everything on the federal response to these disasters, even though the feds have no local jurisdiction on issues of evacuation, law enforcement, etc. I can already see a federal power grab developing in the aftermath of Katrina. I can see laws passed to turnover these local issues to federal authorities.

I have always considered myself a Libertarian, but have supported Republicans because they say they are for limited government. If the Republicans take this disaster as an excuse to grab more federal power, then I can say that I cannot support them any longer. What alternative do we have as concerned citizens? The Libertarian Party has never mounted a serious campaign to gain political power. The result is a two party system where both parties want to consolidate power in Washington.

We must not stand for this as citizens of a free society. We must hold our local leaders accountable for local issues. If this continues, I fear for the country that my son inherits.


Oct 19, 2004
It's also been a very convenient outlet for liberals and blacks to blame white men- Bush, Brown and Chertoff, although Chertoff is Jewish, I believe- rather than the bumbling black mayor and female governor. Not saying I like the three aforementioned white men. Far from it. But in this particular instance it's blatant anti-white animosity on the part of the liberals and blacks.

Self-respecting white people better wake up. Now we see the seething hatred and unashamed stupidity boiling over in these people. Whenever things go bad, they'll be at our throats, just as they were at the throats of Bush and Brown. We can't trust them.