Micheal Moore being sued



http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate/entertainment/movies/14 709855.htm

I really hope this vet wins his case. Moore is one of the most disgusting liberals out there. I cannot stand him and his leftist propaganda machine. He is very much a self hating white. I remember when he said if the planes on 9/11 were filled with black men than the hijackers would not have suceeded and yet there was no public outcry against him. What are other forum members thoughts on this walking cespool?


Oct 25, 2005
The guy wrote a book called "Stupid White Men." He is a self-hating white and a hate criminal. No other race produces such a specimen.


Dec 15, 2005
The link didn't work for me. Michael Moore is evil. He is the Demcrats Party's poster boy and the manifestation of what that party, or influential people within that party, truely stands for. He wants to ruin the lives of many upstanding people!
The only thing that could be good about him is that he balances the ultra Conservative, Bill O'Reilly types out a little. Republicans have the same agenda as Democrats in the end, to transform the US into a totalitarian society, in which the party leaders are the rulers. They only differ by the people they want to rule. Political Parties interest have compromised the interests of our nation and American people(be them white, black, American Indian,or Asian). GW, must be turning in his grave after his farewell address. Or perhaps he's laughing.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Bunnyman said:
The guy wrote a book called "Stupid White Men." He is a self-hating white and a hate criminal. No other race produces such a specimen.

Very true. But no other race produces people so misled and eager as to support wars fought on behalf of another country. A curse on both entrenched political gangs (parties) ruining this once-great nation.


Michael Moore is an agent provocateur. He is a tool of neo-con social engineers acting in the interest of compelling small-d democrat sympathisers toward the greater professional conservative sentiment.

'Fahrenheit 9/11' and 'Bowling for Columbine' were poorly disguised black propaganda flicks...even Big-L pop-culture satirists like Trey Parker & Matt Stone (who is Jewish, by the way, and doesn't exactly fit into your Zionofascist agit-prop mold) know he's a miserable snake-in-the-grass. I don't suppose that even Tim Robbins & Susan Sarandon send that tool a Christmas card anymore.

I'd be less than surprised to find this stunt play out in such a way as to further polarize Middle-American-fence-sitters. Line up to the trough, you little piggies!

Edited by: JerveyGotGypped


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
JerveyGotGypped said:
Michael Moore is an agent provocateur. He is a tool of neo-con social engineers acting in the interest of compelling small-d democrat sympathisers toward the greater professional conservative sentiment.

'Fahrenheit 9/11' and 'Bowling for Columbine' were poorly disguised black propaganda flicks...even Big-L pop-culture satirists like Trey Parker & Matt Stone (who is Jewish, by the way, and doesn't exactly fit into your Zionofascist agit-prop mold) know he's a miserable snake-in-the-grass. I don't suppose that even Tim Robbins & Susan Sarandon send that tool a Christmas card anymore.

I'd be less than surprised to find this stunt play out in such a way as to further polarize Middle-American-fence-sitters. Line up to the trough, you little piggies!


Jervey, you're getting deep here, too much for me. Moore is an agent provocatuer of the neo-cons??!! Do you mean he is actively supporting the neo-cons by being such a left wing dick? Man, that is a whopper of a conspiracy theory. Or do you mean he is accidently helping them by being his natural stupid self? Which means he is not an agent provocatuer but an unwilling tool, which I thought were different things.

That cartoon has me baffled. I must be totally out of it but I just don't get it. It looks like something Thomas Nast would've done in the 1800's about the Teapot Dome scandal (how pathetic is it I know more about the politics of the 1800's then the 2000's). Who is Hanna, Willy and what does the trust and protection on the pigs mean??

And you used "agit-prop" which is a term I understand but am still suspicious about any phrase with -prop in it!


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
if you carefully read my post I said that the cartoon looks like something Thomas Nast would've done in the 1800's about the Teapot Dome scandal, of course the scandal happened many years after that so he could not have possible drawn anything about it in the 1800's but I'm sure he would have if it had, in fact, happened in the 1800's, but it didn't, and I knew that of course, so I was just speculating, that's all


Oct 19, 2004
JerveyGotGypped said:
'Fahrenheit 9/11' and 'Bowling for Columbine' were poorly disguised black propaganda flicks...even Big-L pop-culture satirists like Trey Parker & Matt Stone (who is Jewish, by the way, and doesn't exactly fit into your Zionofascist agit-prop mold) know he's a miserable snake-in-the-grass.

I'm not sure what you mean by "Zionofascist agit-prop mold" (you must be used to that!) From a political context, South Park is usually pretty tame. They love gays and worship blacks. They can hit a home run occasionally; the "We can't show Mohammed but we can show Jesus sh*tting on the American flag" episode was well done. But usually their response to a political controversy is a combination of liberalism with some common sense thrown in. Edited by: JD074