Kostya Tszyu


Dec 9, 2004
I just wanted to give this Russian-born Aussie some notoriety on this board if you weren't already aware of him.Congratulations are in order for his 3rd round demolition over big-mouthed Sharmba Mitchell in their rematch,enabaling Tszyu to retain his 140 pound strap.As great as that was my fave bout was against even bigger-mouthed Zab Judah.Mr.Judah portrayed himself as being a cadillac and Tszyu as some clunker car.Well the clunker landed two big right hands in the secound round and Zab did a delayed Ric Flair face-plant to the canvas and the fight was over.In true black sportsmanship Judah threw his stool across the ring and put his glove under the chin of the referee in protest of the stoppage.So keep an eye on Kostya Tszyu in 2005 as he appears healed from his injuries and he's ready to go. Look for a possible match against Arturo Gatti in the summer.Wow!!!!!!!!


Oct 19, 2004
That knock out against Judah was one of the best of
all time. He looked like he was made of Jello. Tszyu
is a great slap in the face to the caste system
because he beats a lot of blacks who "look" like they
should be superior athletes to Tszyu. How often do
we hear commentators say, "he doesn't look like
he's fast," in reference to Drew Bennett and many
others? Keep slapping away guys!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I enjoy watching Tszyu fight to.He is very tough and has good power for his size. Have any of you guys seen Joe
Mesi fight yet.He is another Heavyweight and last I saw he was 32-0.His idol is of course none other than the Great Rocky Marciano,the best of all time. He is about to crack to top 10 and I'm anxious to see him fight.I
still think Klitschko will hold the title for a long time.Joe Calazhe is another undefeated guy to watch in the lower divisions.


Dec 9, 2004
Unfortunetly,Joe Mesi has that bleeding on the brain injury that has him suspended from boxing.He remains upbeat that he will be re-instated soon,but his future in boxing right now doesn't look good.That's too bad because he is a good fighter and you can never have enough white guys out there.As far as Joe Calzaghe is concerned, he has very quietly been the WBO super- middleweight champion for seven years ,beating some quality opposition in defending his title.Because he fights mostly in the U.K. there are many who don't know who he is,but he can go.Last I heard was that he was supposed to move up to light-heavyweight and fight Glencoffe Johnson,but that was scuttled and don't know when he is to fight next.
Oct 16, 2004
I root for white heavyweights, but Mesi's chin is suspect. I hate to admit it, but that seemed to be the case in every fight I've seen him in.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Mesi must be similar to Tommy Morrison who had the power of Tyson but didn't have a good chin. It's too bad because Morrison was a knockout artist and had as much power as any heavyweight I have ever seen!If Mesi is cursed with the same chin,then he will probably never make it to the next level.Klitschko at least has power and he can take a punch from anyone!!He went mono - mono with Lewis and was winning the fight when it went to the scorecard by 2 rounds!Klitschko is the man!He will unify the three major heavyweight belts in the division before it is all said and done.I also truely believe that he will go down in history as one of the greatest heavyweights that has ever lived.On top of that,he is a guy that speaks 4 languages and is a PHD.If that is not a role model,then I don't know what is!


Oct 19, 2004
I hope he gets a rematch with Chris Byrd and knocks him out.
Byrd said that Klitschko is a "coward" for not continuing after he
tore his rotator cuff. And James Toney said that Klitschko is a
"dumb European" so I'd like to see his back on the canvas as
well. Toney's behavior represents the worst aspects of the
black influence on American sports, right up there with Ron
Artest, Terrell Owens, and many, many others.


Nov 3, 2004
United States
I was in Las Vegas to watch the Judah/Tszyu fight. Tszyu beat Judah like a rented mule. On a side note, does anyone remember Mitch "blood" Green? He was a heavyweight contender several years ago whowas involved in a street altercation with Mike Tyson and then lost a bid for the title against him. Well, after Tszyu dispatches of Judah I walked into the MGM bar to order a drink when Mitch Green approaches me trying to bum $20.00. I asked him "hey, aren't you Mitch Green?" Green smiles and replies "yeah, thats' me." I then say "what the hell did you do with all that money you made?" Green juist shook his head, turned around and walked off.


white lightning said:
I enjoy watching Tszyu fight to.He is very tough and has good power for his size. Have any of you guys seen Joe
Mesi fight yet.He is another Heavyweight and last I saw he was 32-0.His idol is of course none other than the Great Rocky Marciano,the best of all time. He is about to crack to top 10 and I'm anxious to see him fight.I
still think Klitschko will hold the title for a long time.Joe Calazhe is another undefeated guy to watch in the lower divisions.
Joe C is garbage he has wasted his carreer fighting bums and lately the bums begun to take him to the limit.

Mesi could die in the ring if he fights again.

Tzyu has p4p skills and is a pretty good fighter.


Dec 9, 2004
Hey,Godking did you see Joe Calzaghe's 2 round TKO over Byron Mitchell?Are you going to call him a bum?


speedster said:
Hey,Godking did you see Joe Calzaghe's 2 round TKO over Byron Mitchell?Are you going to call him a bum?
Yes 168 is a pretty weak divison and Joe has failed to fight any of other champions. He did't fight Mundine or Ottke before he retired bitched out from fighting Glen Johnson ect. Joe has'nt done sh*t in his carreer i dont expect him him to be champ after 2005 when bums like salem are pushing you to the limit you have problems.


Jan 4, 2005
United States
mesi injury is not as bad as first reported. however he will not be able to fight again for a while. he was a good fighter but needed to improve his endurance. i thought he did a good job against williamson.