Job Advice



Hey everyone, I am currently in the midst of job hunting. I graduated from college last August and hold a BA in History. Currently I do not know what I want to do with it. I worked in landscaping since last May while I finished up school and by the time I was laid off a month ago I was doing more clerical and data entry type work. It has been a frustrating month for me. I wake up and feel pretty worthless and clueless as to what I want to do next. I had a few job interviews but nothing came of them and everyone keeps telling me to just keep trying. I was wondering if any of you could give me advice, share similar experiences or let me know if there are job hunting tips you could give me or websites to check out. I would really appreciate it. I have saved up some money and refuse to go on welfare...I couldn't bring myself to do that.


Jun 29, 2005
Try military service if you are able, you could enter as an officer with your degree and get paid a decent amount of cash. Try message board, I have gotten mucho help from there. The job market is hard right now as I also am finding out.Edited by: JoeV

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I believe there is a website called I have heard some good things.You basically need to make a really good resume,and just keep trying.The search may take a while but it will be worth the wait.It took me several attempts before I landed my job(career).Good luck to you.Keep your head up.


Thanks for the advice...I have considered the Air Force...I do not know if my GPA is up to par for their requirements. Are you a recent college grad to Joe? I have been checking out too White Lightning. Thanks again for the help.


Apr 13, 2005
I have been there, pitt. Looking for a job is a job in itself.

I would second JoeV's suggestion about trying the military. The USMC did much for me though I can't say I really loved taking orders.

It is handy to work through the network of people you know or once knew, old teachers and friends. Don't call them up or e-mail them to ask them if they can wrangle you a job, ask them for advice in the job search. Something could pop for you there.

Also, look over your resume and revise/reorder it.

Good luck.


Hey Bronk...I have been seriously considering the Air Force. I am thinking of going in enlisted even though I have a degree...its a history degree so its pretty broad and I know the AF offers training and the ability to get other degrees in more technical fields. I also realize I have certain traits or faults I think the military could help me with.It is something I am consdiering though because I think it might be good for me.


Apr 13, 2005
I think the Air Force would be a wise choice because of their technical training. The fact that you already have a degree may help you there.


Mar 22, 2006
Go into the Air Force for a couple years. Even though you have a degree, which I do too, I don't think it really means that much. Not trying to bash it, but, military service for me was the difference in my motivation, discipline and confidence.
However, I totally agree with the others, get into a technical field, your degree probably will help in that regard, regardless of officer or enlisted. You can always go enlisted, wait a year or two and try OCS. Nothing wrong with that at all.

However, I might try officer ranks first off. The degree will get you in the door. Officers make a ton of money as compared to enlisted.

I was infantry. And while I am grateful to God Almighty I went in as infantry, I didn't learn any skill. Of course, I was only 18 and that worked perfectly for me, at that time. But for you Pitt, get some technical skills, let the military pay for it. Go become a dentist man! The military pays your whole way, you get paid a huge amount of money and when you get it out, the world is yours! I know some guys who did that, and man, life is sweet for them.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I'm surprised so many recommend military service, given the current state of world affairs. It is almost a given that you will see combat or, at least, be assigned to a combat zone. If you don't mind that, or support the United States in her global police actions, then yes, you can get some good training from the military. Unless you want to make a career of it, make sure to get some type of occupational speciality that will lead to a career once your tour of duty is over.

Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do with a degree in History. Have you considered a career as a teacher? The pay isn't that great, but it is a steady pay check, with lots of vacation time and good benefits. Beats landscaping. Just stay away from inner city schools and you should have no problems.

How are your sales skills? I know salesmen and sales jobs take a beating in public opinion, and they aren't often sought after careers but instead jobs people fall in to. Nevertheless, you can earn a great deal of money if you put in the time and effort. Consider insurance, real estate, or pharmaceuticals, if you don't mind the business practices of the latter.

Others have recommended the FBI or other government agencies. You can work on those applications, and in the meantime try to get on with a local police department if you think you will like law enforcement. Edited by: White Shogun