

Jul 6, 2006
Well, I couldn't avoid it. Since the first time I found this site (through a google search), this site got under my skin and has been bothering me. So, I've been reading for a couple of weeks and my restraint has waned.
First, the basic stuff...
Salt Lake City, UT

I consider myself liberal and for the most part I have disagreed with practically everything I have read here. Although, like many of you, I am against illegal unskilled labor and vehemently against reparations.

So, your thesis statement for this site...that whites are discrimnated against by recruiters, media, etc. I had never thought of this before and I don't believe this discrimination is nearly as extensive that some of you make it out to be.

I was raised in Utah. The only pro sport is NBA and the Utah Jazz. I grew up watching Stockton and Malone, the greatest duo in sports as far as I'm concerned. One was a smallish guard from the pacific northwest with the lung capacity of a grizzly bear. The other an imposing powerful forward from the south with a work ethic that is unmatched. They came from two of the most different backgrounds possible. This brought out the best in sports. These 2 played together for some 18 years overcoming differences and becoming closer friends. They fit each other like a glove. Without Malone, Stockton would have never have been the all-time assists leader. Without Stockton, Malone would have never been the second highest scorer in NBA history. This is a prototype for how race relations can bring out the best in sports.

Back to your thesis. If indeed it is correct, a condition I'm not conceding yet, why do you consistently denegrate the black athlete and presume him guilty until proven innocent. This supposed culture in american sports that descriminates against white athletes is not the fault of black athletes. Even if they benefit from the culture, it is not manufactured by black athletes. So, why do you believe you have the authority to denegrate blacks at every chance? I have no quarrels with celebrating the white athlete, but you seem to turn this into unbridled bigotry. This is uncalled for.

On a side note. A very sad thing has happened locally here in SLC. Destiny Norton, a 5 year old girl, was found dead in a neighbor's basement after missing for a
And yes, it was intentional posting that here.


Sep 9, 2005
TaxiDriver said:
I was raised in Utah. The only pro sport is NBA and the Utah Jazz. I grew up watching Stockton and Malone, the greatest duo in sports as far as I'm concerned. One was a smallish guard from the pacific northwest with the lung capacity of a grizzly bear. The other an imposing powerful forward from the south with a work ethic that is unmatched. They came from two of the most different backgrounds possible. This brought out the best in sports. These 2 played together for some 18 years overcoming differences and becoming closer friends. They fit each other like a glove. Without Malone, Stockton would have never have been the all-time assists leader. Without Stockton, Malone would have never been the second highest scorer in NBA history. This is a prototype for how race relations can bring out the best in sports.
18 years together and no championship rings. Great for them.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Hey TaxiDriver, thanks for the 'restraint.' I'm glad you didn't cut loose and blast us with both barrels. Don might have had to shut this site down.

First, let me address this:
TaxiDriver said:
So, why do you believe you have the authority to denegrate blacks at every chance?

No one has any authority to denigrate blacks. Have you ever spoken out against blacks in public? You'd find that you do not have that authority, either. No one does. Public racism and denigration is reserved only for the disparagement of whites.

And now for your shining example of 'can't we all just get along:'

John Stockton's career stats, from Wikipedia:
Stockton played 1,504 of 1,526 possible games in his 19-season career.
He holds the NBA record for career assists with 15,806, and for assists per game over one season (14.5 in 1990). Moreover, he is one of three players who have logged more than 1,000 assists in one season, joining Kevin Porter (1,099 in 1979) and Isiah Thomas (1,123 in 1985) in the exclusive list. Stockton did this seven times, with season totals of 1164, 1134, 1128, 1126, 1118, 1031 and 1011 assists. Magic Johnson, another great point guard, topped out at 989. [1]
He holds the NBA record for career steals with 3,265, nearly 30 percent more than the runner-up, Michael Jordan, who had 2,514. For illustrative purposes, Stockton has 800 more career steals than Gary Payton (third on the list). [2]

A career like that spanning 19 years, and he never once won the league MVP? But his black friend won it twice during that same time span. Who was feeding Malone all those shots and directing the team on the floor when Malone won the MVP? Can you honestly sit there and say that Stockton never deserved to win the MVP, not once? As great as Steve Nash is, most in the media say he won it only because he is white. How many could get away with saying a black player won it only because of the color of his skin?


May 20, 2005
So, the only site on the web that that actually praises White athletes gets on your nerves?

What about the millions of websites, articles, movies, and T.V. shows that promote the idea that Blacks are absolutely equal to Whites,except where they are superior to Whites, as towering a supremacism as one can imagine? How many times have you, either in RL or the Interenet, railed against the stereotype that paints Whites as weak, clueless boors, who are somehow simultaneosly history's most evil monster. Have you made ONE post to that effect in your LIFETIME?

Liberals and our society are constantly pointing at fields where Blacks, a minority of the population, are not represented in numbers suffecient to suit their tastes. But when we suggest something might be just a LITTLE screwed up when Whites, a majority of the population, comprise zero or nearly zero percent of athletes in some fields, why is that considered crazy, and racist even to bring up? Care to explain this?

Bigotry=A strongly held idea with which one disagress vehmently. Bigot=The word a Liberal uses when he wants to call a White man a n*gger. IOW, these terms have been rendered completely meaningless by the twisted uses Liberal put them to...didn't I hear a Liberal speaking of a "racist colorblindness" the other day in regards to AA policy? Since our society apparently worships Blacks, and since even BLACK comedians must be careful in criticizing them, I don't see why we shouldn't point out their flaws, just to be contrarian.

"On a side note. A very sad thing has happened locally here in SLC. Destiny Norton, a 5 year old girl, was found dead in a neighbor's basement after missing for a
And yes, it was intentional posting that here. "

Lovely. One prominent White murderer...of course it will make headline news across the nation. How inane that you think this serves as an argument for any of your views. The statistical fact that Blacks commit crimes of all sorts at a rate 9 times that of Whites, and violent crimes at a rate 14 times that of Whites (according to the FBI uniform crime statistics, look it up), now that proves something. The fact that the vast majority of interracial crimes, which should all be termed "hate crimes" if we are going to have the concept, are committed BY Blacks AGAINST Whites should have some meaning for you, should demonstrate that all of your precious liberal views aren't quite square with reality.

But, squaring your views with reality probably isn't on your agenda. I suspect you are the kind who could watch every female member of your family raped and murdered by a pack of ******** and still find some way to say it was the White man's fault. After all, a White man was cruel to one of their long-dead ancestors once...Edited by: White_Savage

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
TaxiDriver said:
I consider myself liberal and for the most part I have disagreed with practically everything I have read here. Although, like many of you, I am against illegal unskilled labor and vehemently against reparations.

If you disagree with practically everything you have read here, it begs the question, why do you keep reading? Obviously, you do not disagree with everything, or even most, if you are against illegal unskilled labor and reparations.

TaxiDriver said:
I had never thought of this before and I don't believe this discrimination is nearly as extensive that some of you make it out to be.

The fact that you had never thought of this before will not surprise anyone here. The fact that you don't believe this discrimination is extensive will also not surprise anyone here. You are like 99% of the rest of the world who thinks blacks are superior athletes, but are so unable to fend for themselves that they need programs like affirmative action and set-asides to help them succeed in society.

TaxiDriver said:
why do you consistently denegrate the black athlete and presume him guilty until proven innocent. This supposed culture in american sports that descriminates against white athletes is not the fault of black athletes. Even if they benefit from the culture, it is not manufactured by black athletes.

Not all black athletes are denigrated on these forums. There have been plenty of threads and posts that have commented on the good character or work ethic of some black athletes. The problem is a black athlete will receive praise and adulation for doing things that is expected of white athletes all the time. The fact is there is a double standard for black athletes. How many white athletes can get away with accessory to murder? Domestic violence? Spend time in prison, and still expect to not only remain on the team, but retain their starting position?

Blacks and other minorities are allowed to speak freely about what they perceive as racism in sports and elsewhere in society. Why do you and others complain when whites point out the disparate treatment given to white athletes? We are led to believe the biggest problem in baseball right now is a lack of black baseball players. Why doesn't anyone in the media complain about the lack of white cornerbacks? Or running backs? How does a college athlete win the Doak Walker award and not go on to play in the NFL? I'll tell you - because he is white, that's how. Black players underperform vs white athletes in many sports but those blacks are selected for the team despite this. How do you explain that?

If you've read as much of this site as you claim, can you explain why guys like James Toney and his remarks about white heavyweight champions gets a pass? Can you explain why a guy like Jamal Lewis can go to prison, get out and retain his position as starting running back despite his lack of production? Can you explain the difference in the way Bonds' steriod use has been handled and that of Mark Maguire and Jason Giambi? Why didn't Bonds have to appear before Congress? 'Cause that'd be just another example of the man keepin' a brother down.

TaxiDriver said:
On a side note. A very sad thing has happened locally here in SLC. Destiny Norton, a 5 year old girl, was found dead in a neighbor's basement after missing for a
And yes, it was intentional posting that here.

Glad to know you didn't paste this anecdote accidently. Thanks.

You know one of the stark differences between whites and blacks in the criminal justice system today? Whites will actually find another white person guilty of a crime. Blacks cannot be counted on to deliberate over the evidence and render a verdict based solely on that evidence. Ever heard of OJ Simpson? And if you think white men get a free pass in this country for crime, look at what is happening in the Duke case. Its quite telling that the NAACP and other black orgs have already found these men guilty, even having said that they should be found guilty even if they are not, in order to atone for past wrongs!

Whites are always expected to be magnanimous and help everyone, but where is the helping hand when whites need it, TaxiDriver? Who speaks out for all the white women and children raped and murdered by blacks every year?

Who? Edited by: White Shogun


Jul 6, 2006
In regards to sports. You guys bring up so many examples and you have done so much more research in that subject, that I won't try to contradict you. In this area, I freely admit that I may be naive in this area. I just haven't thought about it that much. I just simply do not perceive the anti-white culture that you say exists.

"The fact that the vast majority of interracial crimes, which should all be termed "hate crimes" if we are going to have the concept, are committed BY Blacks AGAINST Whites should have some meaning for you"
"Law enforcement agencies reported 4,863 offenses within single-bias incidents that were motivated by the offender's racial bias.Among those offenses, 67.5 percent resulted from an anti-black bias, and 20.5 percent were due to an anti-white bias."
"Racial bias motivated crimes against 5,119 hate crime victims of single-bias incidents. Nearly 68 percent (67.9) of the victims were the object of an anti-black bias. Slightly more than 20 percent (20.1) were victims of an anti-white bias"
"Of the known offenders, 60.6 percent were white and 19.7 percent were black."
Hate crimes
Known Offender's Race, 2004
White 4,327
Black 1,408

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
TaxiDriver said:
In regards to sports. You guys bring up so many examples and you have done so much more research in that subject, that I won't try to contradict you. In this area, I freely admit that I may be naive in this area. I just haven't thought about it that much. I just simply do not perceive the anti-white culture that you say exists.

"The fact that the vast majority of interracial crimes, which should all be termed "hate crimes" if we are going to have the concept, are committed BY Blacks AGAINST Whites should have some meaning for you"
"Law enforcement agencies reported 4,863 offenses within single-bias incidents that were motivated by the offender's racial bias.Among those offenses, 67.5 percent resulted from an anti-black bias, and 20.5 percent were due to an anti-white bias."
"Racial bias motivated crimes against 5,119 hate crime victims of single-bias incidents. Nearly 68 percent (67.9) of the victims were the object of an anti-black bias. Slightly more than 20 percent (20.1) were victims of an anti-white bias"
"Of the known offenders, 60.6 percent were white and 19.7 percent were black."
Hate crimes
Known Offender's Race, 2004
White 4,327
Black 1,408

Since you admit that you don't know much of anything when it comes to the purpose of this site, then why show off your ignorance by signing up and posting?

As far as interracial crime, if you think those stats are a realistic portrayal of the real state of things in this country then I can only assume you're one of the most sheltered Americans alive, even given the pathetic state of ignorance and dumbing down among the population. Blacks commit crimes, especially serious crimes like rape, assault, etc., roughly ten times as often as whites on a per capita basis, and about half of their victims are white.Do the math, man! Blacks are rarely the victims of white crime. Also, much black-on-white crime is done with a racial animus, but the system refuses to acknowledge it, often even when the perpetrators utter anti-white racial slurs. By contrast, the rare times when a white targets a black for racial reasons it is usually a national story. Come back here when you gain a little knowledge and wisdom about life in America 2006, and how the Caste System in sports works.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
FBI said:
"Law enforcement agencies reported 4,863 offenses within single-bias incidents that were motivated by the offender's racial bias.Among those offenses, 67.5 percent resulted from an anti-black bias, and 20.5 percent were due to an anti-white bias."
"Racial bias motivated crimes against 5,119 hate crime victims of single-bias incidents. Nearly 68 percent (67.9) of the victims were the object of an anti-black bias. Slightly more than 20 percent (20.1) were victims of an anti-white bias"
"Of the known offenders, 60.6 percent were white and 19.7 percent were black."

According to the Department of Justice, 80% of ALL interracial violent crime is black on white. So why is it there are more whites being convicted of hate crimes than blacks?

Not every interracial violent crime is tried as a hate crime. But it should. This is a prime example of how blacks are given advantages over whites. These statistics are used to mislead the public into thinking that whites are more violent against blacks. This is simply not the case. Just because a black will take your purse after an attack, dosen't rule out a racial motive. But it seems to in the United States.

Dept. Of Justice report
(Tbl. 42)
I encourage your inquiry into this subject. Please have an open mind.
Edited by: C Darwin


Sep 9, 2005

The most likely victim of a hate crime in the U.S. is a poor, young, white, single urban dweller, according to an analysis of Justice Department statistics collected from between July 2000 and December 2003.

A November report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics detailing a study of 210,000 "hate crimes" a year during that period has gone virtually unreported by the U.S. press.

But it does contain some surprising numbers. While race is, by far, the No. 1 factor cited as the reason for hate crimes, blacks are slightly less likely to be victims and far more likely to be perpetrators, the statistics show.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
TaxiDriver said:
You guys bring up so many examples and you have done so much more research in that subject, that I won't try to contradict you. In this area, I freely admit that I may be naive in this area. I just haven't thought about it that much. I just simply do not perceive the anti-white culture that you say exists.

TaxiDriver, if you admit you are naive and cannot contradict what you've read here, why are you so certain that we're wrong and that you should speak out against us? Why not evaluate the evidence presented and form an objective opinion, even on a case by case basis? Look through the posts on this site further, and pay attention to the numbers and cases cited. You'll find statistical comparisons that show Mike Vick is only a slightly better Qb than Doug Flutie, but he is the champion of black, athletic quarterbacks. You'll find stats that show white quarterbacks outperforming their black counterparts but getting bounced from starting positions after 1-2 years, while their black counterparts are given time to grow, some as long as 5-6 years and they're still 'coming into their own!' You'll find white college football players who win award after award, yet are not drafted til late rounds, or not drafted at all; yet, blacks with those same awards are automatically first round picks and to say anything less is racism. You'll find numerous anecdotes and statements by coaches and managers denigrating and making fun of white athletes, telling them they look like equipment managers, or laughing out right when asked about a white man running with the football.

You know in your heart John Stockton should have won at least one MVP in his career.

The Houston Astros took a beating in the public for fielding an almost all white baseball team. How much outcry do you see when teams in the NBA are entirely, or almost entirely coal-black? You hear nothing, because people THINK thats the way its supposed to be. They THINK black athletes are better than whites so therefore it is natural that they dominate sports, and any case where they do not must be racism. Its the same in sports as it is in corporate boardrooms. The problem is, it is NOT true that blacks are superior athletes.

Guys like James Toney can make all manner of racist comments about white heavyweights, and he is given a pass. But you KNOW if one of the Klitschko's said something like that about blacks, they'd move to ban him from boxing altogether.

The media-sports complex praises blacks in white dominated sports, like Tiger Woods in golf, or the Williams sisters in tennis, but how much press do you see in the mainstream about Jeremy Wariner? Andrew Rock? White men who are dominating their events in track and field. Do you even know who these guys are yourself?

The praise heaped on blacks in athletics, at the expense of whites, is just another form of affirmative action. I'm not saying, and I do not think that anyone here on this site does, either, that there aren't great black athletes. Not at all. This is obvious. But we DO happen to think that white athletes are not always treated with the same respect, and are not afforded the same opportunities as blacks, merely because of their race.

And all of this can be substantiated on an almost daily basis on the sports pages of any major news outlet.


Jul 6, 2006
Good points. I'll address a couple and save you from my hot air.

You know in your heart John Stockton should have won at least one MVP in his career.

Yes, I do. But unlike you, I have never ever thought of that as a race-based issue. I'm more pissed that Nash has gotten MVPs because he wasn't half the player Stockton was. There are many factors that seem somewhat understandable. Consider that he was playing during the careers of Jordan, Olajuwon, Pippen, Payton, Drexler, and his own teammate Malone. (Is it ok to mention them here?) Also, people valued points much more than other factors.

You'll find statistical comparisons that show Mike Vick is only a slightly better Qb than Doug Flutie, but he is the champion of black, athletic quarterbacks.

Very true and something I agree with, except never compared him with Doug Flutie. His QB rating is Fiedler-like, yet he is considered a dominant QB. He is championed by sports media for some reason or other. But...there are many other prominent black QBs. McNabb (although a drama queen, a damn good QB), Culpepper (bad year last year, though), McNair of old (co-MVP), Aaron Brooks (just kidding). Vick's camp would say that the QB rating doesn't fully comprise all that Vick can do, and I think that is a fair argument. Consider who won the orange bowl...Vince Young not Matt Leinart. What did you guys think about that?

The Houston Astros took a beating in the public for fielding an almost all white baseball team.

I had never heard of that and I would not have been part of that group criticizing the Astros. Field the best 12, 18, 60 players available regardless of race.

Let me ask all of you a serious question, do you believe, on a GM by GM basis, that they care more about staying in compliance with this anti-white culture than actually winning? I don't, but I'm curious what you guys say.

About Klitschko...I don't pay attention to boxing.

The media-sports complex praises blacks in white dominated sports, like Tiger Woods in golf, or the Williams sisters in tennis, but how much press do you see in the mainstream about Jeremy Wariner? Andrew Rock? White men who are dominating their events in track and field. Do you even know who these guys are yourself?

No. You're right about that, BUT I have no clue who anybody in track and field is, white or black. Track and field is not comparable to tennis or golf, IMO. Can you honestly claim that some black track and field athlete is being promoted by the media? You only hear about that during the summer olympics, and sometimes then not so much.

The media is praising the most dominating player in golf, Tiger Woods. They are praising the most dominating female players in tennis, Venus and Serena. At the same time, they promote Roddick, Federer, Aggassi, and Sampras (a while ago) incongruities there.

According to the Department of Justice, 80% of ALL interracial violent crime is black on white. So why is it there are more whites being convicted of hate crimes than blacks?

Not every interracial violent crime is tried as a hate crime. But it should. This is a prime example of how blacks are given advantages over whites. These statistics are used to mislead the public into thinking that whites are more violent against blacks. This is simply not the case. Just because a black will take your purse after an attack, dosen't rule out a racial motive. But it seems to in the United States.

So, there is an obvious discrepancy in the FBI's material and the justice department's material. There could be many, many factors explaining this. I will believe my statistics and you will believe yours. Perhaps it would be best to agree to disagree on that.

Eagerly awaiting your opinions. Thanks to those that refrain from personal attacks.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
One reason he may feel like he does is that he lives in Salt Lake City,Utah.That is one of the whitest places on earth.I have been to Utah and the whites are everywhere.Taxidriver should try living in NY,Chicago,Miami,LA,etc. See how you are treated very unfairly just because you are white.After a long time,anyone would start to notice the double standard.It is in everything from music to movies to sports to everyday life.Ask yourself would they ever make a movie of "The Jeffersons" and put all white people in the cast?Look at what they did with the movie "The Honeymooners".Enough said.Edited by: white lightning


Nov 25, 2004
Taxidriver, since you will only believe "your" statistics on crime try conducting your own experiment. Get one of your black friends (I'll assume you have one) and have him walk for blocks down an all white neighborhood. Have him ask for help, directions, beg for money, and see if he gets robbed or even treated rudely.
When he is done and absolutely nothing has happened to him, you go walking down the blackest neighborhood you can find - you may have to go outside Utah. Do the same -ask for help starting your car, beg for money or better yet flash some money. What do you honestly think will happen? Try it and report back if you can.

Figures can lie and liers can figure.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
I was impressed with your introduction. You seemed genuinely open minded regarding the topics discussed at Then you sunk to the lowest of the low, using convenient stupidity in a blog debate so not to have your fragile view of race relations shattered.

TaxiDriver said:
So, there is an obvious discrepancy in the FBI's material and the justice department's material.

Can you not comprehend the difference between an interracial violent crime and a bias crime? Ill give you a hint, there is ZERO subjectivity in interracial crime statistics. There is no discrepancy. My beef is the standards for bias crime. If 80% of interracial crime is black on white, and 60% of bias crime (hate crime) is white on black, what race is being screwed over? What is your explanation for this?

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005

You don't follow boxing.
You haven't heard the complaints about the Houston Astros.
You don't follow track & field and don't know who Jeremy Wariner is.
You don't know that Venus and Serena are no longer even in the top ten in women's tennis, yet you consider them the most 'dominating' women in the game.
You think there are no incongruities in the media that they praise the 'most dominating' player in golf, Tiger Woods, but you have probably never heard of Annika Sorenstam, who has won 10 majors, right behind Wood's 11.

Outside of some commentary about the Jazz and a few NFL quarterbacks, you haven't displayed enough knowledge of sports in order to criticize those of us who do follow sports, those of us have who taken notice and umbrage at the disparate treatment received by whites on the field and in the media.

The media teaches you that blacks dominate boxing, but 18 of 24 champions from light to heavyweight are white men.

The media teaches you that blacks are the best basketball players on the planet, but they get beat in international play by teams of whites.

The media teaches you that blacks are faster runners, but don't mention white men like Jeremy Wariner and Andrew Rock, but let a black man win Gold in the Winter Olympics and it is front page news. NEWSFLASH: Jeremy is a Gold Medal winner, too.

The media teaches you that Michelle Wie is the face of women's golf, but she has never won a major? Have you ever heard of Annika Sorenstam? Ask yourself why this is so? She has won only one less major than Woods and he is routinely on the front page of sports sites and magazines.

I could add plenty of other examples, but you've already acknowledged that you don't follow that many sports anyway.

I don't see how anyone can look at the evidence objectively and not conclude that the media favors blacks .

Edited by: White Shogun


Jul 30, 2005
"I will believe my statistics and you will believe yours."

For every white on black violent crime (within the past year in America) you can find and post a link for I will post 20 links of black on white violent crime. And we'll see who's statistics hold up.

Up for it?


Oct 19, 2004
TaxiDriver said:
This is a prototype for how race relations can bring out the best in sports.

Wow, you really are liberal! Your utopian "ebony and ivory" fantasy is about four or five decades out of date. Get with the program. Only white liberals like you have those pie-in-the-sky fantasies. Non-whites don't care about getting along with you. They actually care about their own interests, and are pursuing them. They're not going to sacrifice themselves at the altar of liberal "do-goodism" like you will.

TaxiDriver said:
If indeed it is correct, a condition I'm not conceding yet, why do you consistently denegrate the black athlete and presume him guilty until proven innocent.

Because we're angry. Anger boils over sometimes. You're human, so I'm sure you can understand that.

Our world and lives are being radically transformed without our consent, and we're pissed off about it. We have every right to be angry. It's the people who aren't angry that I find strange. Why are they so f*cking blind/ delusional/ indifferent?


Oct 19, 2004
TaxiDriver said:
Field the best 12, 18, 60 players available regardless of race.

That won't work. Only white people care about fairness. While we obsess over trying to be "color blind," every other race is aggressively pursuing its own agenda. That's how the world really works, but whites are just too delusional to see it.

Let me make this crystal clear: Non-whites will not treat us fairly, therefore, we are under no obligation to treat them fairly. You will perceive that as bigotry, and I couldn't care less. We have to look after our own interests for a change.

TaxiDriver said:
Let me ask all of you a serious question, do you believe, on a GM by GM basis, that they care more about staying in compliance with this anti-white culture than actually winning? I don't, but I'm curious what you guys say.

You've missed the point. Because they think that blacks are superior, in their minds, "staying in compliance with this anti-white culture," is the way to win. They're synonymous. By your logic, coaches and GM's prefer blacks regardless of whether they think those black athletes can help them win or not. That's not what's going on. No NFL coach or GM wants a white RB or CB because they think that they're inferior athletes- and therefore, that they'll lose if they play them.

TaxiDriver said:
Can you honestly claim that some black track and field athlete is being promoted by the media?

Justin Gatlin.

TaxiDriver said:
The media is praising the most dominating player in golf, Tiger Woods.

And the corporations pay him 80 million dollars a year. Do you honestly think they would pay a white man that much money?

Edited by: JD074


Jul 6, 2006
C Darwin said:
I was impressed with your introduction. You seemed genuinely open minded regarding the topics discussed at Then you sunk to the lowest of the low, using convenient stupidity in a blog debate so not to have your fragile view of race relations shattered.

TaxiDriver said:
So, there is an obvious discrepancy in the FBI's material and the justice department's material.

Can you not comprehend the difference between an interracial violent crime and a bias crime? Ill give you a hint, there is ZERO subjectivity in interracial crime statistics. There is no discrepancy. My beef is the standards for bias crime. If 80% of interracial crime is black on white, and 60% of bias crime (hate crime) is white on black, what race is being screwed over? What is your explanation for this?

First, don't patronize me. I don't need your approval.

So, "80% of interracial crime is black on white"

Yeah on the surface that sounds high and I totally believe it is true. Why? The USA is 80.4% white.

Because whites are 4 out of 5 people, they should logically be 4 out of 5 victims regardless of the perpetrator. This would explain why black on white crime is so much higher than white on black crime.


Jul 6, 2006
JD074 said:
Let me make this crystal clear: Non-whites will not treat us fairly, therefore, we are under no obligation to treat them fairly. You will perceive that as bigotry, and I couldn't care less. We have to look after our own interests for a change.
No. I percieve this as a victim complex. No matter what people say, you percieve it as a threat to your "race."

JD074 said:
You've missed the point. Because they think that blacks are superior, in their minds, "staying in compliance with this anti-white culture," is the way to win. They're synonymous. By your logic, coaches and GM's prefer blacks regardless of whether they think those black athletes can help them win or not.
NO. That's your philosophy. Remember?

TaxiDriver said:
The media is praising the most dominating player in golf, Tiger Woods.

JD074 said:
And the corporations pay him 80 million dollars a year. Do you honestly think they would pay a white man that much money?
What does that have to do with anything? You're just throwing out non-sequiturs.


Jul 6, 2006
White Shogun said:

You don't follow boxing.
You haven't heard the complaints about the Houston Astros.
You don't follow track & field and don't know who Jeremy Wariner is.
You don't know that Venus and Serena are no longer even in the top ten in women's tennis, yet you consider them the most 'dominating' women in the game.

I pointed out that I hadn't heard the complaints about the Houston Astros just to point out that the complainers aren't as vocal as you perceive. Honestly, I read the sports section every day and watch ESPN most days. I never heard any complaints in mainstream media about it. Just for fun, I did a google search for (houston astros all-white team) and guess what? "castefootball" is listed as the top 2 results. What does that mean? That you guys are the ones consistently bringing it up. You're counter-reaction is obviously larger than the initial so-called reaction against the Astros.

White Shogun said:
You think there are no incongruities in the media that they praise the 'most dominating' player in golf, Tiger Woods, but you have probably never heard of Annika Sorenstam, who has won 10 majors, right behind Wood's 11.

I have heard of Annika...many many times. I even knew that she had 10 compared to Tiger's 11 before you said this. Who told me? ESPN...twice. They even aired a press conference by her airing her reaction to Tiger's 11th and they pointed out the next major that Annika will have the chance to tie Tiger.

White Shogun said:
Outside of some commentary about the Jazz and a few NFL quarterbacks, you haven't displayed enough knowledge of sports in order to criticize those of us who do follow sports, those of us have who taken notice and umbrage at the disparate treatment received by whites on the field and in the media.

I read and listen to the sports more than most people. Track and field and Boxing are not that mainstream. I am simply relating my experience with the media. Since yours is so different, you obviously will make a claim that I haven't been exposed to enough of it. Let me offer an alternate explanation. You are perceiving something that doesn't exist.

White Shogun said:
The media teaches you that blacks are the best basketball players on the planet, but they get beat in international play by teams of whites.

Yes, that was an ugly sight. It was quite obvious that the team the USA fielded was unconcerned about teamwork, defense, outside shooting, sportsmanship, everything necessary to a good basketball team. You surely cannot claim that it was because of a lack of athleticism.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York

The number that you should be using is 67.4% (white, non-hispanic). If you use that percentage in calculating the ratio between b/w population and interracial violent crime, you will find that there are 5.2 whites for every black. You will also find that there are 6.8 b on w violent crime for every w on b violent crime. Conclusion: Blacks are disproportionately more violent towards whites relative to the population.

Edited by: C Darwin

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
TaxiDriver said:
I pointed out that I hadn't heard the complaints about the Houston Astros just to point out that the complainers aren't as vocal as you perceive. Honestly, I read the sports section every day and watch ESPN most days. I never heard any complaints in mainstream media about it.

Dude: It was even on the ESPN radio show.

TaxiDriver said:
I have heard of Annika...many many times. I even knew that she had 10 compared to Tiger's 11 before you said this. Who told me? ESPN...twice. They even aired a press conference by her airing her reaction to Tiger's 11th and they pointed out the next major that Annika will have the chance to tie Tiger.

Sure.. she gets noticed by comparison to Tiger Woods.

TaxiDriver said:
Yes, that was an ugly sight. It was quite obvious that the team the USA fielded was unconcerned about teamwork, defense, outside shooting, sportsmanship, everything necessary to a good basketball team. You surely cannot claim that it was because of a lack of athleticism.

You say that like its a good thing?

TaxiDriver said:
So, "80% of interracial crime is black on white"

Yeah on the surface that sounds high and I totally believe it is true. Why? The USA is 80.4% white.

Because whites are 4 out of 5 people, they should logically be 4 out of 5 victims regardless of the perpetrator. This would explain why black on white crime is so much higher than white on black crime.

Check out the graphics on this page: Racial Violence

If 80% of the population is white, and whites are thus 80% of the victims in interracial crime, why aren't 80% of all total crimes committed by white people, if its simply a numbers game?


Jul 30, 2005
Since you ignored my first post I thought I might try again. You provided a link to an article about a violent crime committed by a white male presumably against a black girl (did the article say?) and I retorted that I would provide 20 examples of black on white violence for every example of white on black violence that you could provide.

In response to your link here are my first 20+. Check out the dates of these examples...most are all very recent (within the past 5 - 8 weeks). I've also provided a couple of BONUS links for you. One is a link to a graphic of the countries most dangerous cities. Guess what, they all have populations that are at least 50% BLACK while the safest cities are majority WHITE. I provided another link to a study called "The Color of Crime" which you should find interesting. Anyway, here you go:

[url] nt&task=view&id=1231&Itemid=2[/url]

[url] 5wheeling-crash,1,3098902.story?coll=chi-news-hed&ctrack=1&c set=true[/url]

[url] PDATE/607220413[/url]

[url] _13[/url]

[url] _13[/url]

[url] =FLTAM&SECTION=US[/url]

Is reality sinking in yet? Had enough of the love?

[url] 574&SecID=17[/url]

[url] /NEWS01/607140402/-1/all[/url]

[url] news/7486080.html[/url]

Here are the bonus links:

[url] dangerouscities.adp[/url]

Eagerly awaiting what is sure to be a stunningly brilliant reply.


Sep 9, 2005
TaxiDriver said:
I pointed out that I hadn't heard the complaints about the Houston Astros just to point out that the complainers aren't as vocal as you perceive. Honestly, I read the sports section every day and watch ESPN most days. I never heard any complaints in mainstream media about it. Just for fun, I did a google search for (houston astros all-white team) and guess what? "castefootball" is listed as the top 2 results. What does that mean? That you guys are the ones consistently bringing it up. You're counter-reaction is obviously larger than the initial so-called reaction against the Astros.


"On the theory that even HuffPost readers cannot live on Scooter & Karl alone, I cannot let the just-ended World Series go by without a comment. It was a great series.

It was made better for me by the fact that the very diverse Chicago White Sox, who look like America, defeated the retro-looking, and very pale, Houston Astros.

Hank Aaron is right. It is disturbing that the Houston Astros, whose World Series Opening Game roster featured 0 African Americans, 0 Asian players, 1 Latino, and 9 Whites (counting the DH), are just too White to root for. I mean, it is 40 years since Texas El Paso whipped Adolph Rupp's Kentucky..."


"Joe Morgan worries about the face of baseball. Watching the World Series, the Hall of Famer is troubled by what he sees. His old team, the Houston Astros, is down 2-0 to the Chicago White Sox, but it's not their lineup that concerns Morgan. It's their makeup.

The Astros are the first World Series team in more than a half-century with a roster that doesn't include a single black player.

"We know that we have to work to do," Commissioner Bud Selig said Tuesday. "We'll continue to intensify our efforts. I'm very aware, I'm extremely sensitive about it, and I feel badly about it. But we need to get to work to change things."


"The Houston Astros are the first World Series team since the 1953 New York Yankees without an African American player on their active roster. That troubles all-time home run king Hank Aaron, who said Wednesday that the Astros need to make an effort to sign African American players."

It took me a total of two minutes to find those quotes and links.