Inherent White Greatness


Feb 23, 2013
New York
If the video below does not draw any emotion or inspiration out of you what will? Here this remarkable 7 year old boy swam to shore for an hour to save his family. He did this without a flotation device! How many adults would have drunk themselves to death with water in the same position as this boy? Hemingway's Old Man had a skiff to save himself; this boy had nothing but his love of family, a certain manly will, and the inherent great resolution of his ancestors to carry him ashore.


Sep 19, 2012
not Brooklyn
I watched the electric screen's remaining right-winger, current talisman Christopher Rufo, interviewed by a hostile black host. Rufo has been making the rounds opposing 'Critical Race Theory'. He is doing quite a tiring job promoting 90's Republican values.

The maleficent black host threw a 'gotcha' question at him - something like "what are things that you like about BEING WHITE?" Understand what they are doing to you and why they are asking it of you.

If you give answers about trends, dispositions, and personalities (timeliness, deliverance, creativity, industriousness, reverence), THEY will challenge the whiteness aspect, as if no other race could handle it. If you answer that you enjoy fly fishing or bird watching, THEY will mock you that it is irrelevant to the current year. And if you give an obscure answer, like square-dancing or suspenders, THEY will declare that there is no need to keep this "whiteness" at the expense of your others.

Important = others do it too
Rare = not us, so WE ALL sacrifice it
Unique = you're willing to keep a system of RACISM just for this???


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
All you can really do is play the game. Ask them why the enjoy being whatever shade of brown they are. Tell the you like living in a modern world with electricity, running water, technology, a stable job. And ask them if they do not enjoy the same things.

If they bring up the why do you like being White question again just tell them Whites are comprised of several different backgrounds and cultures and we are not homogenous. Then if you are at all familiar with your family’s lineage you can state some the things you enjoy from your ancestors culture(s).

As a kid I would notice the black pride/Hispanic pride stuff and question why they were allowed to outwardly state that pride yet White people could not. It all makes sense now as Whites have been effectively conditioned to be ashamed of their heritage and race. This is why the current status quo exists


Feb 23, 2013
New York
I watched the electric screen's remaining right-winger, current talisman Christopher Rufo, interviewed by a hostile black host. Rufo has been making the rounds opposing 'Critical Race Theory'. He is doing quite a tiring job promoting 90's Republican values.

The maleficent black host threw a 'gotcha' question at him - something like "what are things that you like about BEING WHITE?" Understand what they are doing to you and why they are asking it of you.

If you give answers about trends, dispositions, and personalities (timeliness, deliverance, creativity, industriousness, reverence), THEY will challenge the whiteness aspect, as if no other race could handle it. If you answer that you enjoy fly fishing or bird watching, THEY will mock you that it is irrelevant to the current year. And if you give an obscure answer, like square-dancing or suspenders, THEY will declare that there is no need to keep this "whiteness" at the expense of your others.

Important = others do it too
Rare = not us, so WE ALL sacrifice it
Unique = you're willing to keep a system of RACISM just for this???

I see what you wrote, but I did not put the video up in response to that critical race nonsense Marxist deciples are preaching. I put that video up to show no matter how young we are a special type on these islands we call Earth. Our individual and collective genius is evident in centuries of creativity, ingenuity, invention, and advancement. We are the envy of the races and that is why we are targeted. But, I, as positive as ever, think that regardless of our present challenges we will succeed and surpass. The old saying is: you can't keep a good man down.


Feb 23, 2013
New York
All you can really do is play the game. Ask them why the enjoy being whatever shade of brown they are. Tell the you like living in a modern world with electricity, running water, technology, a stable job. And ask them if they do not enjoy the same things.

If they bring up the why do you like being White question again just tell them Whites are comprised of several different backgrounds and cultures and we are not homogenous. Then if you are at all familiar with your family’s lineage you can state some the things you enjoy from your ancestors culture(s).

As a kid I would notice the black pride/Hispanic pride stuff and question why they were allowed to outwardly state that pride yet White people could not. It all makes sense now as Whites have been effectively conditioned to be ashamed of their heritage and race. This is why the current status quo exists

We don't need anyone's permission or approval to be proud of our people. Have White families; make White friends; join with White groups; trade with White men and women; and regale with happiness.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Here is what just may be the ultimate truth which they hide. The chosen ones are not really who they claim to be. I've seen many websites and videos talking about this and most of them are quickly banned. What
if Anglo Saxon Celtics Whites are the real chosen ones and that's why they must eradicate us before we wake up and remember who we are. I can see this as a very clear possibility. Only white countries are attacked with
mass non white forced migration to destroy all aspects of white societies worldwide. We are the chosen ones.


Aug 22, 2012
Whites have by far been the most productive race when it comes to mathematics. Known since the Sumerians, the quadratic formula allows one to find solutions to a degree two polynomial equation with complex coefficients. In the early 16th century, Italian mathematicians discovered a analogous formulas for cubic equations and quartic equations. In all these formulas, every solution is able to be represented in the form of basic arithmetic and the use of radicals. Naturally, it was wondered if such a formula, using only basic arithmetic and radicals, existed which could solve quintic equations and beyond. If no such formula existed, then which polynomials were solvable by such means?

In the early 19th century, the 22 year old Norwegian mathematician Niels Abel proved that it was impossible to generalize a formula to solve quintic equations which used only basic arithmetic and radicals. The Abel prize, which is possibly the most coveted prize in all mathematics, bears his name for this contribution and many more.

A few years later, the teenaged French mathematician Évariste Galois developed a new field of mathematics which now bears his name. His genius allowed him to classify exactly which polynomial equations of degree five and beyond were solvable using basic arithmetic and radicals.

In the span of a decade, two young white mathematicians had solved a 300 year old problem. Unfortunately, Abel would die of tuberculosis at the age of 26 and Galois would die in a duel at the age of 20. They had accomplished arguably more than any non-white mathematician ever has and neither lived to be 30. Sometimes when I'm feeling down on the future of our race, I think of people like Galois and Abel, and pray there's more young white geniuses to come.

galois abel.jpg


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
From the channel. Very true today:
Aug 30, 2020
Whites have by far been the most productive race when it comes to mathematics. Known since the Sumerians, the quadratic formula allows one to find solutions to a degree two polynomial equation with complex coefficients. In the early 16th century, Italian mathematicians discovered a analogous formulas for cubic equations and quartic equations. In all these formulas, every solution is able to be represented in the form of basic arithmetic and the use of radicals. Naturally, it was wondered if such a formula, using only basic arithmetic and radicals, existed which could solve quintic equations and beyond. If no such formula existed, then which polynomials were solvable by such means?

In the early 19th century, the 22 year old Norwegian mathematician Niels Abel proved that it was impossible to generalize a formula to solve quintic equations which used only basic arithmetic and radicals. The Abel prize, which is possibly the most coveted prize in all mathematics, bears his name for this contribution and many more.

A few years later, the teenaged French mathematician Évariste Galois developed a new field of mathematics which now bears his name. His genius allowed him to classify exactly which polynomial equations of degree five and beyond were solvable using basic arithmetic and radicals.

In the span of a decade, two young white mathematicians had solved a 300 year old problem. Unfortunately, Abel would die of tuberculosis at the age of 26 and Galois would die in a duel at the age of 20. They had accomplished arguably more than any non-white mathematician ever has and neither lived to be 30. Sometimes when I'm feeling down on the future of our race, I think of people like Galois and Abel, and pray there's more young white geniuses to come.

View attachment 3418
As a fellow math enthusiast I can confirm that the work of Abel and in particular of Galois is nothing short of incredible. "Solved a 300 year old problem" doesn't even do it justice, in my opinion. It's virtually undisputed that what Galois accomplished before the age of 30 is leagues beyond any other mathematician, with Abel, Srinivasa Ramanujan, and perhaps Terry Tao being the only ones that even come close.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004