Hostile Work Environment

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004

by J. B. Cash

(This article is also on the Caste Football homepage, without the accompanying photographs.)

Socialization is an important part of the work place. If a person is uncomfortable at work then they will often have problems on the job and their work will suffer. While sports fans do not often stop to think about it a professional sports team is nothing more then the workplace for the players that make up the team. As such it is a place that has the same characteristics of any workplace, the same distinct corporate culture, office politics, cliques, and quirks that make up any business enterprise.

In professional sports such as football and basketball, the majority of the "employees" on the team are black males from the urban environment. Like any group of males that work in a competitive environment they are fierce in their control of it and zealously guard it against interlopers. Black men have established a good thing for themselves in the NBA and NFL. They make millions and are famous and popular beyond imagination, in some cases they are nearly above the law.

Being naturally aggressive by nature, and especially aggressive by virtue of being selected for that quality in sports, woe unto anyone that may dare challenge their favored position. One may note that many blacks in other walks of life, not just sports, will act in an irrational manner, to the point of rioting, to maintain control of an area they believe belongs to them. Imagine what lengths that violent prone men in a physically punishing environment will do to keep control. Into this atmosphere comes the few brave white players that dare trespass into that type of situation.

One can imagine walking into the locker room of a professional football team. Undoubtedly the players are gathered together in various groups by race. This is the same way people gather together in a school cafeteria, at a work picnic, or in a prison yard. There are special cliques for the small white special team guys, kickers and punters. They generally work alone, so there is no reason to hang out with anybody else. There are the quarterbacks, usually white, that work closely with the coaching staff. Probably a few white linemen together, big guys, talking about hunting, fishing, etc.

Then you have all the rest of team. The superstar running backs, the big play receivers, the defensive backs, the defensive lineman, and all of the ball-handling position back-ups. They know each other, they have come from the same environment. They control what music is played, what food is served, what entertainment is arranged, all of the specific cultural artifacts of a work environment. It is their game, their locker room, their workplace.

So where does the white running back sit? Or the white receiver? Who are his "homies"? Who does he hang with during drills, during position specific practice. After they leave the locker room who does he go out to eat with? If he is into the urban black lifestyle he could possibly mix in with the other black players. If he likes rap, and clubbing, and some of the other "lifestyle" choices so popular with black professional athletes such as woman and drugs, he may be able to fit in.

Probably though his best bet is to be a "loner". Not associate with too many others, not try to draw too much attention to himself. If he is good, if he is successful, then he is going to take the job of a black player that will have many friends on the team. People that have grown up in a gang environment may not be too welcoming to an outsider that has come to send one of their group out on the street. Especially if that outsider is a white man. Whites are regularly demonized by the rap stars, politicians, social and religious leaders that make up the world of the black player.

Would it be natural for those black players to act in a manner that would disadvantage the white players competing for playing spots at black positions? Would the tendency towards those white players be unfriendly, cold, even angry? Would there be a desire to hit them a little harder in practice? You bet. Would this tend to decrease the success of whites at the ball-handling positions? Sure.

What would be the worst strategy for a white player in that environment? The worst thing a white player could do is to be a flamboyant, high profile type of guy. The type of flashy player that advertisers and fans love. Acting in that manner just puts a bulls-eye on that player's back. Thus the very quality that would make a white player a popular and famous athlete in these marketing conscious times is the very thing that would cause the worst backlash from his teammates. Consequently there are very few of these players in the NFL and NBA and almost no successful ones. All successful white players in both leagues are always down-home, plain, next-door type of guys. They act modestly, say little, and refrain from emotional displays and flashy looks.

That strategy mollifies the black players that determine their success level. Black players are not fools. They know that if the league was suddenly flooded by flashy white players with blond hair, classic white good looks, AND athletic talent, then the need for dark, surly, gangsta looking black heroes would be over. If the NFL or NBA could change from looking like an inner city ghetto to looking like a suburban mall then the reign of the black player would end.

White youth, the future of sports entertainment revenue, are turning to professional wrestling and NASCAR, extreme sports, and motocross. That is the type of entertainment where the competitors look more like the audience. Currently the NFL and NBA attract the mostly older white male crowd that can pay the big bucks for tickets and buys into the "black-as-superior-athlete-and-the-only-ones-worth-watching- myth" that the younger generation is rejecting.

Would it be a surprise if the blacks in the NFL and NBA sought to destroy white players that present a more attractive image and that could put them out of a job? Here are some examples where this situation could possibly have occurred.

Michael Vick is considered the most popular athlete in the NFL. Here is a picture of Vick:

Compare to the picture of a young white QB withlots oftalent but who is constantly denigrated by his black head coach and gets little press, Josh McCown of the Arizona Cardinals.

Which one would you rather have sell Nikes or Adidas?

Randy Moss is the most popular receiver in the game. Here's a picture of him.

Kevin Kasper is a white receiver with amazing athleticism and football talent, who has been shut aside and given little chance to play because he is white.

Who would you rather build a marketing campaign around??

Here is a popular NFL running back, Corey Dillon of the NFL champ Patriots.

Here is a talented white back that got little chance to play, Travis Jersey.

Who gets your marketing dollars?

Rob Konrad never got to play much in Miami no matter howmuch they needed a running back;they did however feature a pot smoking, dreadlock wearing running back as the centerpiece of their offense, Ricky Williams. Who would you rather cheer for?
Ricky Williams

or Rob Konrad?

As you can see from these pictures the "marketing" possibilities of the players discriminated against would have been endless. Instead we are fed a stream of black athletes that neither look nor behave like the audience that is watching.

What kind of marketing is this? And how long will we endure it? Blacks have seized control of the teams they play for and make it nearly impossible for talented white players to become stars. Until fans rail against the caste system that supports this racial discrimination we will never see white players as popular andextroverted superstars.
Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Thisarticle is a real eye opener. Nobody in their right mind would choose that rag tag group of black'sover the wholesome good looks and appeal of their white counterparts.When Jerveyplayed for the Packers, women went bonkers over his good looks and muscles. He could have been the poster boy for any number of products.

He was only visible racing down field making great plays on special teams. In contrast the gargantuanly ugly Gilbert Brown's image was plastered everywhere. You would think with virtually every seatat Lambeau field occupied bywhitesit would make sense to cater to their preferences... unless of course there is a hidden agenda somewhere.

I'm reminded of a friend'sson who earned a scholarship to play basketball at a southwestern university. He was quite good but felt he wasn't getting nearly enough playing time. He was a terrific student with an excellent attitude. His team mates were ghetto blacks, some with criminal records and no aptitude at all for higher learning. Coach said the white kid was disrupting team chemistry. Being a straight laced Mormon he didn't hang or fit in with their culture. The situation became intolerable so he played for another school without a scholarship. Why are we filling our colleges with moronic fools who barely function at a third grade level and make it so tough on achieving whites?


Dec 9, 2004
Think what it must be like for a lot of these athletes going into an environment like that after spending all their early life in an all-white neighbourhood and school,having white friends,listening to white music and then having to go into this black urban jungle of a locker room where you know you are not respected.Maybe some of you on this board have been in that position before,but if not just think about it for a minute.These white athletes are really up against it and hats off to the guys that do make it like a Drew Bennett,who must have real mental toughness to get past all the crap they inevitably have to put up with.Another fine article J.B.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Man, I don't know where to start. You hit the nail on the head with this one JB. There has to be a conscious attempt by the powers in these leagues to keep blacks on the field. How else can you explain the blatant discrimination against whites? Hopefully, a lot of guests are reading this article and finding out the truth for themselves.
Oct 19, 2004
West Virginia
Excellent article. The white coaches are aware of what you write about consciously or unconsciously, which can't help but affect recruiting and playing decisions. The caste system is maintained from above, by the media and the coaches and recruiters, and from below by the black players. It's really no different than how the great white middle class in America is being squeezed from above and below when it comes to politics, economics and social policy.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
You're right about the middle class being squeezed. But it's white males across the board particularly of the lower and middle classes who are targeted for extinction. The government is the largest emplyer of females and minorities. Their hiring preferences are heavily skewed in favor of females and non whites. Congress has passed countless laws designed to screw white men in every sector public and private.Then of course our judges, courts, school systems and educators also relish in kneeing whites in the groin.

Most of the white men governing my city are nearing retirement. All the open positions are filled with women, blacks, browns, and asians. Our borders are wide open encouraging a surplus of workers to keep wages low for the remaining white tradesman and laborers. Even trans-gendered things have pre-eminent status over the lowly scrubby white guy.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
True about coaches not being aware of the problem, which makes it worse. Also true that we are getting squeezed from every corner. The values and heritage of White guys, especially Christian Southern White men, is regularly spat on and denigrated, to the point of erasing history. It makes me sick, and I will always fight against it, because it is quickly killing this country.