Here are my thoughts....


Jul 8, 2005
United States
My thoughts.....

First, read this article. It's about the usage of illegal substances in Track and Field at the Elite level.
This article speaks about distance running. I don't know a whole lot about sprinting, so that's why we've got White lightning...but I am here to inform you guys about the other half of track, distance.

Now, distance running(800, 1500, mile, 3k steeple, 5k, 10k and marathon), is a whole different world then sprinting. It requires years and years of aerobic, endurance training. If you read this article you will have a good idea then of former and current WR's for these respective events. Also, keep in mind that distance runners use different forms of substances then sprinters, like EPO. Anyway, of the those WR's....the ones from 1969 are totally clean. Those are all held by runners of caucasian descent...the obviously drugged-up "world records" in 1999 are ALL dirty and ALL held by runners of African descent. See a pattern here?

Here is a good example of mine. The mighty Kenyans....who have all the depth in the world(thanks to a culture that pumps out runners like the mother queen off of the movie "Alien vs Predator" and massive amounts of aerobic mileage by the time they start to compete), only hold TWO distance running world records(the mile is held by a morrocan who is more white then black), the 800 meter(half mile) and the 3000 meter steeplechase. Anyway, so the 800 meter world record is held by Kenyan Wilson Kipketer in a time of 1:41.11 in 1997(when EPO and other drugs were rampant). Compare that to the most prominent middle distance runner of the early 1960's, white half-miler/miler Peter Snell of New Zealand. In 1962 he set a WR of 1:44.3 in the 800...on a GRASS track...WITHOUT use of illegal substances. Just some sick talent and loads of mileage. Remember that cinder track conversion with Ron Clarke? Same thing applies here too. Snells 1:44.3 on a grass track easily converts to 1:42 flat on a nice, rubberized modern track. And again, WITHOUT illegal substances that Wilson Kipketer most likely used. John Entine...screw you buddy...Kenyans ARE NOT genetically superior to whites.

So basically, Kenyans, Ethiopians and other manner of African distance runners are dominating at the elite level because they have what the majority of current white distance runners dont....illegal substances. And in my humble opinion, the same reason goes for sprining.

Let's go back to the cinder track conversion. Ron Clarke's 27:39 on a cinder track for a world record, convert that to 27:14.3 for a modern day track. The current WR for the 10k is 26:20, held by Keninesa Bekele of Ethiopia. Take away his illegal substances and he MIGHT break 27.....


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
good stuff nordic_miler!

it is no secret that the Africans can easily beat testing because they are so remote from the testers. Also some of the European testers are said to be reluctent to bust them as it is the only way for them to make any money.

here is a post from colonel callahan back in Feb, that sums it up: Topic: Steroids in Track & Field

------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------

Oh, all kinds of athletes use steroids. However, blacks have enjoyed
tremendous cover by officials and the media for about 40 years,
while whites (like the E. Germans) were always having fingers
pointed at them. I told people this for many years - my involvment
with the sport was far beyond that of casual or even fan. No one
believed me about athletes like Carl Lewis, among others. Then a
little tax investigation into Balco dovetailed nicely with Marion Jones'
old coach turning in a syringe with the residue from a "new" steroid
in it. Sure enough, it turned out the USATF, TAC, AAU, USOC, WADA
etc. had been covering up for blacks for years - not only in the US,
but in other countries as well.

Wariner? He's not on anything right now. That much is obvious. He is
probably the fastest ever runner - clean runner - over that distance.
How many other runners like him have quit the sport due to lack of
encouragement or bias? It's scary to ponder. Whites are
discouraged, blacks are encouraged and handed every advantage.
When I hear stories of "disadvantaged black or brown youth" etc. I
cringe, as they have so many avenues of free help, free facilities, free
training, you name it, here in the US and many places abroad. And
the facilities etc. abroad are many times funded by organizations
from the US!

I will relate the "alleged" (snicker) Michael Johnson story again. In
'92, fans will recall MJ contracted food poisoning, and ended up not
running as well as predicted. He couldn't make it through the rounds
of the 200, but did get a medal in the 4 x 400 relay. Well ...
"allegedly" (I snicker for reasons that will be all out in the open one
day) what really happened was MJ was popped on a random drug
test. The IAAF/IOC freaked. They didn't want another Ben Johnson
situation. So they brokered a deal. MJ would be constantly
monitored. If he stayed clean, he could run. Any hint of further drug
use, out he goes. Folks in the circle say MJ's confidence went down
the tubes - as did his muscular, ripped physique. Well, between '92
and '96, "supposedly", synthetic HGH (Human Growth Hormone) was
added to his drug *******tail by his doctors/sponsors/agent. He
became heavier and faster as we all saw in the Atlanta Games. His
19.32 200 was also the product of an illegally thin/hard track as well
as drugs. Look at the times of the second and third place runners -
who weren't drug free either - they never approached those times
again, never mind MJ. Sure, people will say it's made up. The folks
at Track and Field News know all the details, but won't say a thing,
calling it all rumour. Sure.

Anyway, whites were/are being purposely running out of sports. No
white heroes are wanted. The puppet masters can't control
everything, and the pendulum always swings the other way. I suspect
that we might see more whites succeed in "black" events/positions
simply due to young people rebelling against what they are told - as
long as they can also fight against the psychology that has made so
many whites timid, unwilling to fight or compete - and I'm not only
writing about sports. The internet is a great tool for us - as is the
emergence of DV/HD/DVD editing and creation on the PC. I am
working with some others on a possible project concerning much of
what we see/read on this site.

Back to track - whites were purposely KO'd from the sprints, as the
100 was and is the glamour event (with the mile in second).
Distance running was the next target, with that being almost totally
dominated by Europeans with four or five Kenyans or Ethiopians
making some impact. Once Dr. Gabriele Rosa fled cycling during a
drug investigation (of course, he was just tired of the sport, etc.) and
began training Kenyans, things changed within months. Kenyan
runners began running faster and faster and faster. With no changes
in training or mileage. Hmmmm. Jos Hermens, from the same bunch
as Rosa I might add, goes to Ethiopia and the same things happen.
And of course, E. Africans never undergo random drug tests at
home, always off in some remote village or some such if a tester can
even make out of the airport in Nairobi or Addis Ababa. When E.
Africans have been caught, like Kenya's greatest miler, Bernard
Lagat, politics intervene, and here come the excuses and stories,
such as Lagat's impossible "false positive" test, which then turned
into a "technicality" when the snickers turned to roars.It should
also be noted that Lagat's manager has been warned by the
governing bodies to not mention stories of "false accusations" and
the like under penalty of being barred from the sport. It's all the
same politics that black sprinters (especially American blacks) have
enjoyed for decades. Note that despite all the help, Europeans
managed to get in and scalp them in some distance events, as did
Morocco's Hicham El Guerrouj. (The Kenyans and Ethiopians only
won two golds total on the men's side in the distances)

Enough ranting. Have to concentrate on the playoff game right now ;


Jul 8, 2005
United States
Nice. Thanks jaxvid! That really shed some light on this fuzzy topic.

I was doing some thinking, and the success of the black Kenyans and Ethiopians hangs on more then one factor(like illegal substances) though. East African distance runners are at the top of the world right now, just like white Americans, Europeans, and white Australian/New Zealanders once were(50s, 60s, 70s). Oh sure, there was the occasional African star running amongst multitudes of caucasians. Kip Keino and George Kerr come to mind(although caucasians Jim Ryun and Peter Snell usually made short work of the two, respectively).

Anyway, the East Africans are tasting the success that European descent runners of the 50s-70s had because they did 4 MAIN things that Europeans, Americans, and New Zealanders did.(and another thing)

1. High Mileage(meaning really high aerobic thresholds through miles and miles of training)
2. Active Youths
3. Healthy Eating
4. Barefoot/less shoe then normal

These four are what it takes to be an Olympic Champion in a distance event. But then East Africans runners have a massive advantage(adv #5) in, and yes, you guessed it, illegal substances. Like I was pointing out before, take all the East Africans and put them on a crappy, old beat up cinder or grass track and without EPO or other illegal substances and have them go up against the grisled, tough, badass European runners...Snell, Ryun, Davies, Halberg, Shorter, Walker, Dixon, Vesala, Clarke, Mills...the list goes on.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
So what do you think of guys like Alan Webb.He is fun to
watch.There are alot of good white guys in the distance
races.Ivan Heshko is probably as good as anyone in the
world in my opinion.Then you have Craig Mottram of
Australia who beats the Africans on a regular basis.He is
flat out amazing and hasn't peaked yet.Benita Johnson is
outstanding too and she is from there.Also don't forget
the amazing Paula Radcliffe of England who is the world
record holder in the marathon.


Oct 15, 2004
RALEIGH, North Carolina (Reuters) - Michael Johnson could lose the last of his five Olympic gold medals five years after the Sydney Games when a court in Switzerland rules on a doping scandal on Thursday.

The Lausanne-based Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) will announce at 0800 GMT whether Johnson and his American team mates should forfeit their 4x400 meters golds because of a doping violation by squad member Jerome Young in 1999.

Athletics world ruling body, the IAAF, has recommended to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that the American squad be stripped of their medals.

The recommendation came after CAS ruled in 2004 that Young should not have been allowed to run in Sydney because of the 1999 positive test for nandrolone that was overturned by a U.S. apeals panel after a secret hearing.

The U.S. Olympic Committee (USOC) disagreed that the entire team should be penalised and appealed to CAS, whose decisions are binding, to order the IOC and IAAF to "to desist in their efforts to change the results."

If CAS upholds the USOC request, the medals stay with Johnson and team mates, three of whom have been hit with doping bans in recent years.

If CAS disagrees, IAAF officials are expected formally to annul the Sydney result and ask the IOC to vote to redistribute the medals. Nigeria would then claim gold, Jamaica silver and the Bahamas bronze.

If CAS turns down the American appeal, the IOC is likely to leave any formal decision to reallocate the medals to its executive board, which next meets in October in Lausanne.


Johnson, now an agent who represents Olympic 400 meters gold medallist Jeremy Wariner among others, has said little publicly about the affair.

When the IAAF made its 2004 recommendation to strip the medals, the 200 and 400 meters world record holder said "there is nothing for me to do until the final decision is made."

The 4x400 meters relay provided a fitting end to Johnson's astonishing Olympic career.

He had won the 400 meters at Sydney in a repeat performance of Atlanta, becoming the first man to achieve this double. He headed into the relay confident of another gold, so strong was the American team.

Olympic silver medallist Alvin Harrison, 1991 world champion Antonio Pettigrew and Harrison's twin brother Calvin gave Johnson a comfortable lead although it would have taken a 400 meters approaching 42 seconds to tie the world record, which another Johnson-led relay team holds.

So the talented Texan ran within himself, before turning on the steam off the final curve to ensure a two-second victory.

"There was a lot of pressure coming in here to end my (Olympic) career like I started it, winning gold," Johnson told reporters after the race. "I didn't want to let these guys down, and I knew they wouldn't let me down."

The gold made it a perfect five for Johnson. He had helped the U.S. win the 4x400 meters relay with a world record at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, then added golds two and three in Atlanta with a world record in the 200 meters -- one of the great Olympic performances -- and victory in the 400 meters.


Pettigrew, like Johnson, is retired from running. Young and the Harrison twins are also out of the sport.

Young was banned for life after a 2004 positive test for banned blood-boosting substance EPO. The Harrisons are serving suspensions for doping violations.

Hurdler Angelo Taylor and Young shared in the relay golds by running in Sydney's early rounds, and Young's checkred route to the Olympics has now returned to haunt the Americans.

Even before Johnson crossed the finish line in the relay, rumors were spreading that an American athlete had tested positive before the Olympics but had been cleared to compete.

The identity of that athlete remained secret until the 2003 world championships in Paris when the Los Angeles Times identified him as Young, who had just won the world 400 meters title.

The USOC confirmed Young's identity but USA Track & Field (USATF) refused to name him, citing an earlier CAS ruling and its confidentiality rules.

The action touched off an international row involving the IOC, IAAF, USOC and USATF. Finally, under threat of losing its sanctioning power, USATF relented.

Young had tested positive for the banned steroid nandrolone in 1999 but had been cleared by a USATF appeals board meeting in secret, USATF documents confirmed.

Copyright © 2005 Reuters Limited.



Oct 15, 2004
Galen Rupp intrigues me. I believe he now holds the American junior records for the 3000, 5000 and 10,000.


nordic_miler said:
My thoughts.....

First, read this article. It's about the usage of illegal substances in Track and Field at the Elite level.
This article speaks about distance running. I don't know a whole lot about sprinting, so that's why we've got White lightning...but I am here to inform you guys about the other half of track, distance.

Now, distance running(800, 1500, mile, 3k steeple, 5k, 10k and marathon), is a whole different world then sprinting. It requires years and years of aerobic, endurance training. If you read this article you will have a good idea then of former and current WR's for these respective events. Also, keep in mind that distance runners use different forms of substances then sprinters, like EPO. Anyway, of the those WR's....the ones from 1969 are totally clean. Those are all held by runners of caucasian descent...the obviously drugged-up "world records" in 1999 are ALL dirty and ALL held by runners of African descent. See a pattern here?

Here is a good example of mine. The mighty Kenyans....who have all the depth in the world(thanks to a culture that pumps out runners like the mother queen off of the movie "Alien vs Predator" and massive amounts of aerobic mileage by the time they start to compete), only hold TWO distance running world records(the mile is held by a morrocan who is more white then black), the 800 meter(half mile) and the 3000 meter steeplechase. Anyway, so the 800 meter world record is held by Kenyan Wilson Kipketer in a time of 1:41.11 in 1997(when EPO and other drugs were rampant). Compare that to the most prominent middle distance runner of the early 1960's, white half-miler/miler Peter Snell of New Zealand. In 1962 he set a WR of 1:44.3 in the 800...on a GRASS track...WITHOUT use of illegal substances. Just some sick talent and loads of mileage. Remember that cinder track conversion with Ron Clarke? Same thing applies here too. Snells 1:44.3 on a grass track easily converts to 1:42 flat on a nice, rubberized modern track. And again, WITHOUT illegal substances that Wilson Kipketer most likely used. John Entine...screw you buddy...Kenyans ARE NOT genetically superior to whites.

So basically, Kenyans, Ethiopians and other manner of African distance runners are dominating at the elite level because they have what the majority of current white distance runners dont....illegal substances. And in my humble opinion, the same reason goes for sprining.

Let's go back to the cinder track conversion. Ron Clarke's 27:39 on a cinder track for a world record, convert that to 27:14.3 for a modern day track. The current WR for the 10k is 26:20, held by Keninesa Bekele of Ethiopia. Take away his illegal substances and he MIGHT break 27.....
My God its so obvious now only black elite runners use illegal substances . The Kentereris scandal ? Never happened . Eastern European ''women'' in track and field during the communist era sure they where all ''clean''


white lightning said:
So what do you think of guys like Alan Webb.He is fun to
watch.There are alot of good white guys in the distance
races.Ivan Heshko is probably as good as anyone in the
world in my opinion.Then you have Craig Mottram of
Australia who beats the Africans on a regular basis.He is
flat out amazing and hasn't peaked yet.Benita Johnson is
outstanding too and she is from there.Also don't forget
the amazing Paula Radcliffe of England who is the world
record holder in the marathon.
Would'nt Craig Mottram also have to be using steroids to beat africans since afterall every african runner is using steroids right ?


Oct 15, 2004
Something called the Court of Arbitration for Sports has upheld the USTAF's appeal regarding the 4x400 at the Sydney Olympics. Meaning Michael Johnson and the other cheaters get to keep their medals though it did recommend that Jerome Young be stripped of his. The ruling was strictly a procedural one. The wording of the IAAF rules in force at the time didn't allow for disqualifying a whole team for the actions of one(?) member. Anything that Masback or any other official in US track & field says about wanting to clean up the sport should be taken with a chokingly huge grain of salt. Why was Young given a pass and allowed on the team? Why would they fight the IAAF on this as opposed to joining them to send a message? The answers to these questions can be found in the offices of Nike, Adiddas, Reebok etc...the true overseers of American track.


Jul 8, 2005
United States

Not neccesarily. About 38 distance runners have ever broken 13 minutes for 5000 meters. Only 3 are white and the rest are East African. Craig Mottram's PR is 12:55. So let's say that every runner under 13 is on illegal substances. There are dozens of whites running in the range of 13:10-13:30 5k range and if you juiced them up like the East Africans then they could slip under 13 too.

Besides, the East African success is more a cause of nurture then nature. East African countries have every concievable advantage over a first world country(USA, european countries) in producing world-beating distance runners.


nordic_miler said:

Not neccesarily. About 38 distance runners have ever broken 13 minutes for 5000 meters. Only 3 are white and the rest are East African. Craig Mottram's PR is 12:55. So let's say that every runner under 13 is on illegal substances. There are dozens of whites running in the range of 13:10-13:30 5k range and if you juiced them up like the East Africans then they could slip under 13 too.

Besides, the East African success is more a cause of nurture then nature. East African countries have every concievable advantage over a first world country(USA, european countries) in producing world-beating distance runners.
In other words you cant prove that the East africans all juice . And why would the white runners not use juice if it was available ?.


May 20, 2005
So fauxfighter, the East Africans must be winning because they are GENETICALLY superior for the event, right?


White_Savage said:
So fauxfighter, the East Africans must be winning because they are GENETICALLY superior for the event, right?
Always with the genetic superiority angle right ?.

I think the fact that long disance running running has historically been a big thing in East africa and to a slighlty lesser extent Morroco has something to do with those countries pumping out good distance runners. Are swedes and Canadians genetically superior because they are good at Ice Hockey ? and you dont see any africans playing Ice hockey ?.

You are all to easy.


Jul 8, 2005
United States
Of course I can't prove that all East Africans are on EPO. So Lagat was basically caught using illegal substances....he's the best Kenya(well, the USA now) has in the mile/1500, with the exception of Noah Ngeny. It always seems like it's the so-called "elite" that get caught using it. Illegal substances are rampant in endurance sports, like middle and long distance running, swimming, and bicylcing. Do I think that Lance Armstrong is on EPO or other illegal substances? Yes. Do I believe that Micheal Phelps is, too? Yes. They are white like myself but I think that the majority of top-notch distance athletes including runners are on something. Bekele, Gebressalsie, Lagat, Tergat, Gebramarian etc.

I personally know a runner who should I say it...sub-elite. His 5,000 meter PR is close to 13:30. I can gaurantee you, without a doubt, he is not on any sort of illegal substances. Give him 6 more years of high level training, he will be 26 years of age and running 13:10. Add to that recipe some EPO and he, too, would be running 12:50 like many East Africans.

Like I was saying before, of course it's not just Africans that use EPO or other drugs. Many whites and asians use drugs to cheat in many other sports. Many female whites probobly use it in distance running, who knows(although one case where it is totally obvouis is the womens record of 3:50 for 1500 meters set by a chinese women in the 90's). But African males are the ones who monopolize the world of distance running, because they monopolize who gets the EPO, which would be themselves.


Jul 8, 2005
United States
Long distance running has not been a big thing "historically" in East Africa.

You should learn your distance running history.

Since my favorite event is the mile, here are the Giants of each decade in that event. From the 20's to the 80's it was all whites, Kip Keino is the only African that stood out. I should say, that there are other distances of course...but the mile was by far the most important. There were Africans here and there in the 5k and 10k in the 70's(whatever ones that competed before the 70's in distance, few that they were, never made an impact), but before that, it was all Europeans and New Zealanders in the 5k and up.

20's-Paavo Nurmi, Finland

30's-Jack Lovelock, New Zealand
Glen Cunningham, USA

40's-Gunder Hagg, Sweden
Arne Andersson, Sweden

50's-Roger Bannister, Great Britain
John Landy, Australia
Derek Ibbotsom, Great Britain
Herb Elliot, Australia

60's-Peter Snell, New Zealand
Jim Ryun, USA
Kip Keino, Kenya

70's-John Walker, New Zeland

early 80's-Sebastian Coe, Great Britain
Steve Ovett, Great Britain
Steve Cram, Great Britain

So, where are the East Africans. Nowhere. They have very little history with distance running. Only a few come to mind, like Abebe Bikele(marathon), Mirus Yifter "the shifter", or maybe Filbert Bayi.


May 20, 2005
So you're saying with the same training and work ethos, the English, Chinese, or Inuit could do as well at distance running as the Kenyans?

Your 180 on the matter of inborn talent (IOW, genetics) vrs. training is glaring and inexplicable. You spend all this time explaining to us how it is not just black athletic culture that results in X athlete being the greatest at Y sport (in your opinion anyway), it's all this inborn (genetic) talent. None of us could be like Coleman, you carefully explained, even if we had the same regimen and the same 'roids he does, none of us you say could be like Tiger even with his massive level of training. Then when I prove your view is essentially a racial view (which, in and of itself, there is nothing wrong with, you act like I accused you of eating babies), you do a complete reversal and insist it's training, culture. Yes you say, those Kenyans have a long history of running, it's in their culture, just like ice hockey*. (Which is almost as silly as that commentator the other day who mentioned some diseases as being more common to the African-American "culture"-I could have been raised from a infant in the black "culture" and not absorb black genetic predispositions) Can you really be this inconsistent and self-contradictory without realizing it? God, I could beat you in a debate even if you were RIGHT, which is kind of sad.

*Whites are dominant in hockey btw, partially because of culture, but you should also look to the athletes' feet. What do you see? Ice skates, something that takes away the #1 advantage the black athlete has, his sprinting speed. Hockey players must utilize all the other athletic attributes, strength, reflexes, stamina, and given the layout of hockey, it would seem that white athletes are at least the equal if not the better of blacks in all these areas. It's something to ponder.


White_Savage said:
So you're saying with the same training and work ethos, the English, Chinese, or Inuit could do as well at distance running as the Kenyans?

Your 180 on the matter of inborn talent (IOW, genetics) vrs. training is glaring and inexplicable. You spend all this time explaining to us how it is not just black athletic culture that results in X athlete being the greatest at Y sport (in your opinion anyway), it's all this inborn (genetic) talent. None of us could be like Coleman, you carefully explained, even if we had the same regimen and the same 'roids he does, none of us you say could be like Tiger even with his massive level of training. Then when I prove your view is essentially a racial view (which, in and of itself, there is nothing wrong with, you act like I accused you of eating babies), you do a complete reversal and insist it's training, culture. Yes you say, those Kenyans have a long history of running, it's in their culture, just like ice hockey*. (Which is almost as silly as that commentator the other day who mentioned some diseases as being more common to the African-American "culture"-I could have been raised from a infant in the black "culture" and not absorb black genetic predispositions) Can you really be this inconsistent and self-contradictory without realizing it? God, I could beat you in a debate even if you were RIGHT, which is kind of sad.

*Whites are dominant in hockey btw, partially because of culture, but you should also look to the athletes' feet. What do you see? Ice skates, something that takes away the #1 advantage the black athlete has, his sprinting speed. Hockey players must utilize all the other athletic attributes, strength, reflexes, stamina, and given the layout of hockey, it would seem that white athletes are at least the equal if not the better of blacks in all these areas. It's something to ponder.
You claim that you can take any big white guy and train him just as long and hard as Woods and he would produce the same results. BS Besides his training Woods like Nickaus has that extra bit of talent thats puts him above the rest. So does Gary Coleman and Arnold. In East african countries more people participate in long distance running so there is naturally a bigger chance to find more elite runners.

Its a simple premise that a dumbass like you is incapable of understanding.


May 20, 2005
Never claimed ANY big white guy and you know it-take big ATHLETIC white guys, train them the same way, and some would be phenoms like Woods. ATHLETIC I say, which means coordination and control to me. You know damn well I didn't mean a guy with 10 thumbs, though truth be told, I think alot of un-coordinated individuals goes back to not moving, the kind of sedentary lives people have from childhood on, etc...but that's a digression.

Woods is the latest guy you've made your paragon of innate ******* physical superiority, and now you're crawdadding all over the place. Don't bother, everyone here knows you're a racist, hell, good on you for it, just quit tossing the ephitet around at US like it means something.

In fact, you've done such a 180 that I've now got you praising white athletes as "talented", i.e, having the good genetics. So what is it now, could Nicklaus be as "great" as Woods with the same childhood (I realize he's GREATER than Woods folks, but I'm humoring faux-fighter), would Ah-Nold be as big as Coleman with the nifty steroids they have these days? Or will you flip-flop again, going back to "talent"-gentics and proving yourself a racis, rather than admitting that blacks may not be the greatest at everything?


White_Savage said:
Never claimed ANY big white guy and you know it-take big ATHLETIC white guys, train them the same way, and some would be phenoms like Woods. ATHLETIC I say, which means coordination and control to me. You know damn well I didn't mean a guy with 10 thumbs, though truth be told, I think alot of un-coordinated individuals goes back to not moving, the kind of sedentary lives people have from childhood on, etc...but that's a digression.

Woods is the latest guy you've made your paragon of innate ******* physical superiority, and now you're crawdadding all over the place. Don't bother, everyone here knows you're a racist, hell, good on you for it, just quit tossing the ephitet around at US like it means something.

In fact, you've done such a 180 that I've now got you praising white athletes as "talented", i.e, having the good genetics. So what is it now, could Nicklaus be as "great" as Woods with the same childhood (I realize he's GREATER than Woods folks, but I'm humoring faux-fighter), would Ah-Nold be as big as Coleman with the nifty steroids they have these days? Or will you flip-flop again, going back to "talent"-gentics and proving yourself a racis, rather than admitting that blacks may not be the greatest at everything?
Arnold would'nt greater then Coleman Coleman has better bodybuilding Genetics. Prime Arnold 6,1 240 lbs Prime Coleman 5,11 290 lbs

Nicklaus maybe but physically Tiger has a slight edge

And Woods is the better player head to head Nicklaus is historically the better player for now Woods will soon overtake him though.

And when have i ever said that white players did not have talent idiot. Its only a fool like you who makes everything racial. Its you who has a racial agenda not i .
Jun 12, 2005
No, Arnold Schwartzenegger was shorter than people think, about 5'11'' or 6'0'' and about 260 lbs in his bodybuilding prime, not 6'1'' - 240. He's very similar in height and weight to Coleman, and was (arguably) stronger and better built. Edited by: hollywoodnorth1


May 20, 2005
For the last time, when you go to a site that is specifically about the white athlete, when your whole purpose here seems to be to assert that X White athlete is not so good and that Y blacka athletes are greater or the greatest, then to claim you're not making things racial is an absurdly obvious lie.

Heres a challenge for you. Name ONE white athlete who in your honest opinion is the all-time best at what he did, or name ONE sport which you think white guys tend to do better at, (without holding said sport in s******ing contempt). Or will the effort choke you?


May 20, 2005
On a side note...
I find it amusing that most of the word "s n i g g e r i n g" was cut out of my post. Almost as silly as that English official and the hubub over his use of the word "n i g g a r d ly", another word which bears no connection to the traditional term for our little brown bruthas. Another reason why censcorship is not cool guys.
Oct 16, 2004
A lot of people miss the point, so to speak, depending on the topic. Take
distance running for example. The E. Africans do enjoy some advantages
for training, with the altitude. There is also a high percentage of them
'built' for long distance running - skinny and small. Same for N. Africans
to some extent. Running is popular there, as it is a way out.

Running dropped in popularity in Europe, in part due to a huge increase
in the already super popular sport of soccer. However, the dominance we
now see by the Africans is somewhat artificial. As I had mentioned before,
while the Kenyans had enjoyed success since the mid 1960's, it wasn't
until Dr. Gabriele Rosa left cycling and began training Kenyans in late
1986 that all of a sudden they emerged with an army of runners. Rosa
left cycling during a drug investigation. Period. His "runners" all of a
sudden had tremendous drops in time. With no changes in mileage or
training protocol so to speak. Jos Hermens, whose questionable
background needs no intro to those who have followed track, then
decided to head to Ethiopia and do his coaching there. Neither the
Kenyans or Ethiopians face out of season testing. WADA officials have
constantly complained about runners always missing, out of town in
remote villages with 'no phones', etc. That's if the officials can get out of
the airport without being held up by all manner of nonsense once
government workers find out who they are. One of the funnier stories to
look up is the tale of John Ngugi, the Oly 5k champ and multiple World XC
champ who did everything he could to avoid testing. He was eventually
suspended for two years. The Lagat situation has been discussed before.
He was caught red handed, and politics intervened. His teammate
developed a sudden case of pneumonia and missed the World Champs -
yet managed to run his fastest 800 meters ever about 10 days after the
championships. Since they are Africans however, they are immune to
scrutiny, protected. Then there is the constant complaint from athletes
from Europe and Japan that the Africans don't face spot tests during the
circuit sched either. To show everyone wrong, Lagat gets tested, and
boom, he's shootin' up EPO!

It's sad we also have to witness spine cracking contortions by
brainwashed whites and drive by trolls on boards such as this who set up
straw man arguments to try and take the focus off the reality in front of
all of us. Sure, whites have used drugs. However, as the truth has slowly
become more and more visible, it has turned out that it has been blacks
protected by officials when it came to drug use. Ah, could there be a
larger political game in play here. No doubt blacks have been protected
for a long time. Case in point; Carl Lewis. All he now says is that he was
doing what everyone else was doing when it comes to his drug use. Dr.
Rosa said no African would even take an aspirin. Then Chepchumba, one
of he and his son's prized pupils was caught loaded to the gills on EPO.
Oh, officials went into overdrive to fix things, but in the end, they had to
sacrifice one of their pets. Makes it look as if they are doing their jobs.

One thing you should do is talk to the athletes and coaches on the circuit.
It will open your eyes. Forget about Track and Field News telling you the
truth. They knew all about the Michael Johnson drug story way back
when. They knew Marion Jones was the biggest doper on the track. They
know a lot of things, but won't admit them. They toe the line and follow
orders from the PC Kommisars. Things will get a bit worse before they
get better. But they will get better.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Welcome back C.Callan.It's been a long time.You tell it
like it is better than anyone.I love your insider info.
Some people are so ignorant.There is just no way that a
black athlete could ever are all superior.
Ha.ha.What a joke.Yes,as you say they are protected.Then
you have someone like Kenteris who is crucified for the
possibility of him being on something.He never tested
positive,Lagat did and Lagat is still competing.It is a
complete joke.Look at Montgomery.Man did he fall quickly.
What is your opinion on Asafa Powell?Thanks again.