Gatlin busted for steroids!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Co World Record Holder in the 100 meters,Justin Gatlin of the United States tested positive for being on the juice.His testosterone levels were extremley high.This is his 2nd offense as he was caught while at Tennesee.If they convict him of a 2nd offense,he could possibly be banned from track.This doesn't suprise me at all.If only Jamaica would test the right way,Powell would have been busted years ago.


Aug 9, 2005
this was on track and field news:

World and Olympic 100 metres champion and joint world record holder Justin Gatlin said on Saturday he had failed a drugs test after a relay race in Kansas City in April.

"I have been informed by the United States Anti-doping Agency that after a relay race I ran in Kansas City on April 22, I tested positive for "testosterone or its precursors," Gatlin said in a statement.

"I cannot account for these results, because I have never knowingly used any banned substance or authorised anyone else to administer such a substance to me."

"Since learning of the positive test, I have been doing everything in my power to find out what caused this to happen.

"I have been and will continue to cooperate fully with USADA as it moves forward with the process it has initiated and hope that when all the facts are revealed it will be determined that I have done nothing wrong."


Gatlin is the joint World Record holder over 100m with Asafa Powell of Jamaica (9.77s) although has been absent for many of the big meetings this season through injury.

The 24-year-old American also won the 200m at the World Championships in Helsinki and faces a life ban if found guilty after failing a drugs test as a youth on account of medication for an attention deficit disorder containing an amphetamine.

"That experience made me even more vigilant to make certain that I (do) not come into contact with any banned substance for any reason whatsoever, because any additional anti-doping rule offence could mean a lifetime ban from the sport that I love," Gatlin added in his statement on Saturday.

"Since the positive test at the University of Tennessee, I have been involved with efforts to educate people about the dangers of using drugs and would never do anything to disappoint my fans and supporters," said Gatlin.

"It is simply not consistent with either my character or my confidence in my God-given athletic ability to cheat in any way."

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
All I can say hallelujah I have seen the light........
Well Ben Johnson has the last laugh.......

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
When I first glanced at the forum home page, I thought it said GATTI busted for steroids, as in Arturo.


Jul 30, 2005
The world's fastest juicer! Look at'im go!


Aug 9, 2005
Remember the Rocky movie where Rocky was in Russia training for his bout with Ivan Drago. They showed various training scenes to contrast Rocky's old fashioned hard-core approach with Drago's modern, labratory type methods, injections and all.

There was sort of this implication that Americans did it the hard way while the Eastern Europeans relied on high tech chemical approaches. Now it's turning out that the most advanced drug regimens are right here in the free world, especially America (and probably have been all along).

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
We have always been just as guilty as some of the old block countries at doping our athetes.It has been being covered up for over 40 years as Colonel Callen has said on many occasions.It's about time that a few are going down.This makes the last two black US 100 Meters World Record Holders in this event test positive for roids and thus their records and medals will be stripped.It's about time there is some justice done.I am very happy that the USATF is finally working more with WADA.I commend them.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Gabor Dobos just got caught too. Maybe the tests are getting more sophisticated. If they are a bunch of heads will roll and times will flatten out. Dobos wasn't much of a century guy, but he did final at the indoors and holds a 6.54 pb which isnt too shabby....
Edited by: white is right


Jun 15, 2006
New York
I knew Gatlin would get caught sooner or later. I'm surprised Crawford hasn't been caught. Powell is next! I think his injuries last year was for bullet dodging. Ben Johnson said that once you start running under 9.9 your cheating. I tend to believe this. I think man can only run so fast. track type and shoe technologies can only go so far. as for Dobos,it kills me when a white athlete goes bad! not to change topics, but what ever happened to Roland Nemeth. back in 1999 he ran a 10.08 & 20.49. he was another fast Hungarian.


Jul 30, 2005
Now I hear that Gatlin's coach is going to get banned...huh? WHAT ABOUT GATLIN! Don't see anyone trying to pin Landis' drug abuse on his coach. WTF!

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Trevor Graham has had alot of athletes test postive, and has had a Mexican national come out and say he was his drug supplier. If that's not a smoking gun what is. All you would need is Gatlin to flip and the jig is up for Graham...
Edited by: white is right


Oct 15, 2004
I can see a ban for Graham but if they burn him in lieu of coming down on Gatlin himself I'll be pissed. If Gatlin is let off the hook it will show that US track and field is doing business as usual, protecting the the high profile affletes so that the Nikes, Reeboks etal will continue ponying up what amounts to hush money at this point.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I think if they would commute Gatlin's sentence to 2 years they could get a worse problem to the sports integrity out of the game. There could be wiggle room for Gatlin as his first positive could be annulled as he may have not been dirty then. I have no doubt that he is dirty now as he has been popping off sub tens like candy. Really if the sport can get rid of or lessen the impact of the steroid gurus it's better for the sport as a whole. Gatlin post sentence wouldn't be a factor in the US or world scence anyway, so it would kill two birds with one stone and he could maybe leave the sport with some grace....


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Is there a black athlete that has ever admitted to using steroids? Ever? It's always "Oh I thought it was flaxseed oil" or "My trainer must have rubbed some 'steroid' cream on me" or "I had no idea what I was taking".

Black people bitch when white people call them dumb then they act like they are total dumbasses when it comes to their training regimen. How about a little of that 'black bravado' that the media is so fond of telling us exists. How about one of these drugged up wussies actually saying something like "Yeah, motherf--cker, I was taking the sh*t, kiss my azz whitey, a brotha does what he needs to do to WIN". That kind of dude I could sympathise with.

And the focus on the trainer is so patronizingly racist. It's like: poor little "Sambo" he don't know what he doin', must be evil whitey using his big brain to invent drugs and trick the poor innocent kid into taking them. Give me a break!


Oct 15, 2004
You've nailed it Jaxvid. What you describe is like some weird flip-side of the race card that blacks can flash that says "I just don't know no betta'" What was formerly a chest-thumping, finger-pointing menacing brute suddenly becomes a sad, abused childlike victim. Gatlin deserves no breaks. Graham's record speaks for itself. Only an idiot or maybe a sufferer of attention deficit disorder, wouldn't realize that taking on Graham as coach might result in extra scrutiny.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
surfsider said:
You've nailed it Jaxvid. What you describe is like some weird flip-side of the race card that blacks can flash that says "I just don't know no betta'" What was formerly a chest-thumping, finger-pointing menacing brute suddenly becomes a sad, abused childlike victim. Gatlin deserves no breaks. Graham's record speaks for itself. Only an idiot or maybe a sufferer of attention deficit disorder, wouldn't realize that taking on Graham as coach might result in extra scrutiny.
Actually Ben Johnson tried to do this in 88' until the Canadian government threatened him with jail time for perjury. All of a sudden his IQ went up about 30 points and he took the stand and talked articulately.....

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I like what Michael Johnson said.He said that there is just about no possible way that Gatlin got set up.He needs to be banned anywhere from 2 years to life.MJ has actually been in our corner believe it or not.He has tried to encourage white sprinters to continue and believe in themselves and now calls it like it is.Gatlin and Graham are both guilty as charged.Throw the book at the both of them!

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -An Oregon massage therapist denied Wednesday that he applied testosterone cream on American sprinter Justin Gatlin, a charge raised by Gatlin's coach during a doping investigation.

On Saturday, the co-world-record holder acknowledged that the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency informed him of a test indicating he had used testosterone or other steroids. Gatlin promised cooperation with the agency but said he didn't know how steroids got into his system.
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Trevor Graham, Gatlin's coach, has contended Gatlin was the victim of a vengeful massage therapist who rubbed testosterone cream on his legs without his knowledge. In an interview with an Italian newspaper, Graham identified the massage therapist as Christopher Whetstine, who has a practice in Eugene.

Whetstine denied the allegation.

"Trevor Graham is not speaking on behalf of Justin Gatlin, and the statement about me is not true,'' Whetstine said in a statement read over the phone by his attorney, Elizabeth Baker. "I have fully cooperated with the investigation into this matter.''

Baker said Whetstine denies using a banned substance on Gatlin "or any other athlete.''

Graham trains Gatlin and has been involved with at least a half-dozen other athletes who have received drug suspensions. If the allegations against the Olympic and world champion hold up, Graham could be barred from track and field

If found guilty, Gatlin would face a life ban and the loss of the world 100-meter record. He equaled Jamaican Asafa Powell's mark of 9.77 seconds in May, a month after the positive test. Gatlin would keep his Athens gold medal in the 100 and world 100 and 200 titles from 2005... Let the smear campaign begin........


Oct 15, 2004
Lord knows that Hell hath no fury like a massage therapist scorned! WTF...Graham has a pair on him. The downside(among several) to "smearing" the therapist is that it would seemingly take away the the sample was tainted/and or not mine argument since Graham is conceding that the offending substances were/are in Gatlin.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
It looks like Gatlin will accept whatever the IAAF gives him for his PED violation. It also looks like this will be BALCO II, this could become a soap opera.........

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Now this soap opera is having another twist.... Justin Gatlin said Friday he has "no idea how any banned substance got into my body," and he restated his plan to appeal the eight-year ban from track he received earlier this week after acknowledging he tested positive for doping.

In a statement released through his publicists, the Olympic and world champion in the 100 meters reiterated his disdain for cheating in a sport that has been wracked with doping issues.

"Cheating, in any form, is completely contrary to who I am as an athlete and a person," said Gatlin, who has long positioned himself as a champion of drug-free competition in track. "I will continue to cooperate with USADA and with their efforts to get to the bottom of this situation."

But, he said he still fully intended to file for arbitration, in hopes of reducing the eight-year ban he received from the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency.

"I expect when that process is concluded that this entire matter will be resolved favorably," he said.

Gatlin has six months to appeal to an American arbitration panel. After that, he can take his case to the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

On Tuesday, Gatlin and USADA reached an agreement that scaled back his penalty from a lifetime ban to a maximum of eight years in exchange for Gatlin's help in other doping investigations -- presumably one involving his coach, Trevor Graham.

The agreement also acknowledged that Gatlin's first positive test, five years ago, was an honest mistake -- the result of his taking medicine to treat attention-deficit disorder.

In exchange, Gatlin agreed not to argue the validity of the latest positive tests, which found testosterone or other steroids in his system after an April race. He retained his right -- as all athletes do -- to appeal the case to arbitrators in hopes of a reduced sentence.

Gatlin's attorney, Cameron Myler, would not confirm that she will argue Graham's claim -- that Gatlin was sabotaged by a vengeful massage therapist who rubbed steroid cream into his skin. On Tuesday, Myler said she wasn't prepared to offer her strategy for the arbitration. She did not return messages left by The Associated Press on Friday. USADA chief executive officer Terry Madden declined to comment.

With the Olympics less than two years away, the clock is ticking fast for Gatlin. Even if his suspension were reduced significantly -- say to two years -- he would miss the Olympic trials in June 2008.

"We're shooting for something way less than two years," Myler said earlier in the week. "The goal is to have him back on the track as soon as possible."

Meanwhile, also Friday, Nike terminated its contract with Graham and suspended its contract with Gatlin until further notice.

"He will not receive payment while the contract is suspended, and there is no specific date or speculation as to when we would re-up that," said Nike spokesman Dean Stoyer, who would not disclose details of the contracts.

Graham's attorney said Nike's move was made without just cause.

"The contract cannot be terminated based upon innuendo and suspicion," attorney Joe Zeszotarski said. "We have contacted Nike regarding this matter, and we are awaiting their response. We hope to avoid having to take legal action but will do so if necessary."

Gatlin remains convinced all this will blow over.

"As an athlete it is frustrating for me to be on the sidelines, and have people drawing conclusions that I have cheated," he said. "I have put my faith in a system that I believe will clear my name and that I believe will allow me to compete again." I guess he is trying to star in the remake of See no Evil Hear no Evil. Who will play Gene Wilder?


Oct 15, 2004
On Tuesday, Gatlin and USADA reached an agreement that scaled back his penalty from a lifetime ban to a maximum of eight years in exchange for Gatlin's help in other doping investigations -- presumably one involving his coach, Trevor Graham.

What a crock of crap this whole agreement business is. He agrees that he failed a doping test, gets an 8 year suspension instead of a lifetime ban and has the right to arbitrate to have that reduced even further. In return he is supposed to supply info that will help root out the evil of PEDs in T&F. But he maintains that he is innocent and has no idea how such things could have gotten into his system(see vengeful massage therapist) so how can he be of any use? This is a pathetically obvious ploy to make this embarrassing episode go away and to get Gatlin reinstated.

"We're shooting for something way less than two years," Myler said earlier in the week. "The goal is to have him back on the track as soon as possible."

Sadly, I think his lawyer's comment will prove prophetic.

It is a pretty neat trick to turn what looks like a confession into a get out of jail free card.Edited by: surfsider