Europeans in boxing



Sean said:
Greb, I forgot to mention, fought most of his career being BLIND in one eye! When you look at all he accomplished, and add on to the fact he was half blind, with rapidly declining sight in his good eye, he is far and away greatrer than Robinson!
Again why do the Historians who have actually SEEN both fight say that SRR was the best ever ?. They must all be prejudiced against white guys right


Jan 8, 2005
godking said:
Sean said:
Greb, I forgot to mention, fought most of his career being BLIND in one eye! When you look at all he accomplished, and add on to the fact he was half blind, with rapidly declining sight in his good eye, he is far and away greatrer than Robinson!
Again why do the Historians who have actually SEEN both fight say that SRR was the best ever ?. They must all be prejudiced against white guys right

Because its hard to say which would win, but the fact that Greb beat Tunney, Gene Tunney, one of the greatest heavyweights of all time, thats what makes Greb better!


Dec 28, 2004
Hey pudking did you just get out of jail-it was good not to have you here.Don't try to ruin a good site.Start your own about colored people.We want to dicuss white fighters.I'am glad Vitali tore up Williams.I hope these Russians beat the blacks right out of boxing. Don't reply to my posts-your not wanted here.


Jan 8, 2005
godking said:
Saddler STOPPED Pep 3 times dipsh*t check the record

And again why do most people who saw Conn Grebb and SRR fight say that SRR was the best of them all . Where they al prejudiced against whites

Lastarza ????

Walker earned a gift decision against Flowers everybody who saw the fight knows it

Jeffries was raped by JAck Johnson end of discussion

Vitali is the ruler of a weak division nothing more.

I know the record, Pep was unable to continue twice due to injury.

Conn gave Louis a boxing lesson, and you claim Louis was the best heavy ever. Not even you agree with yourself.

The only reason Lastarza is unknown now, is because Rocky smoked him. Lastarza could have beaten many of the 70'sd heavys.

Walker beat Flowers, as you say, end of story.

Jeffries was old but that excuse only works for blacks in your mind, eh? But the real end of the story was Willard standing over a very unconscious Johnson.

Vitali is the best heavyweight around now, and the only reason you say its weak, is because a white mans the champ.


Dec 28, 2004
Lewis is scared stiff of Vitali! Bryd most likely will never fight him again,there dumb but there not that dumb to think they could get lucky twice.Jesse Jackson will have to go to the State Department and try to keep Russians out of the USA-trouble is then the Russians will just kick there butts in Germany,that is if they got the gonads to go there.Jones don't.Bryd said Wlad had something on his gloves-no stupid-it was his knuckles in his gloves that closed your eyes!


Sean said:
godking said:
Saddler STOPPED Pep 3 times dipsh*t check the record

And again why do most people who saw Conn Grebb and SRR fight say that SRR was the best of them all . Where they al prejudiced against whites

Lastarza ????

Walker earned a gift decision against Flowers everybody who saw the fight knows it

Jeffries was raped by JAck Johnson end of discussion

Vitali is the ruler of a weak division nothing more.

I know the record, Pep was unable to continue twice due to injury.

Conn gave Louis a boxing lesson, and you claim Louis was the best heavy ever. Not even you agree with yourself.

The only reason Lastarza is unknown now, is because Rocky smoked him. Lastarza could have beaten many of the 70'sd heavys.

Walker beat Flowers, as you say, end of story.

Jeffries was old but that excuse only works for blacks in your mind, eh? But the real end of the story was Willard standing over a very unconscious Johnson.

Vitali is the best heavyweight around now, and the only reason you say its weak, is because a white mans the champ.
Conn caught Louis on a bad night and still lost.

Flowers got ripped of against Walker

Pep was stopped 3 times end of discussion

Vitali has beaten Nobody and LOST his two biggest fights . He is only the best of a bad lot.


Jan 8, 2005
godking said:
Sean said:
godking said:
Saddler STOPPED Pep 3 times dipsh*t check the record

And again why do most people who saw Conn Grebb and SRR fight say that SRR was the best of them all . Where they al prejudiced against whites

Lastarza ????

Walker earned a gift decision against Flowers everybody who saw the fight knows it

Jeffries was raped by JAck Johnson end of discussion

Vitali is the ruler of a weak division nothing more.

I know the record, Pep was unable to continue twice due to injury.

Conn gave Louis a boxing lesson, and you claim Louis was the best heavy ever. Not even you agree with yourself.

The only reason Lastarza is unknown now, is because Rocky smoked him. Lastarza could have beaten many of the 70'sd heavys.

Walker beat Flowers, as you say, end of story.

Jeffries was old but that excuse only works for blacks in your mind, eh? But the real end of the story was Willard standing over a very unconscious Johnson.

Vitali is the best heavyweight around now, and the only reason you say its weak, is because a white mans the champ.
Conn caught Louis on a bad night and still lost.

Flowers got ripped of against Walker

Pep was stopped 3 times end of discussion

Vitali has beaten Nobody and LOST his two biggest fights . He is only the best of a bad lot.

Its so funny to hear you clutch at straws. Bad night? You have an excuse for everything. That wasnt a bad night...


But this was!!!!

Pep was injured in two of the bouts. Thats a fine excuse, just like how you cry that SRR was tired when Maxim beat him.

Walker beat Flowers, end of discussion.

Vitali injured himself against Byrd. Now tell me, do you think Byrd could beat Vitali? Of course not, because Wlad already gave Byrd the severest of boxing lessons. And dont even start with the Lewis fight. Vitali was winning, until the stoppage, which was brought about by an illegal blow!


Sean said:
godking said:
Sean said:
godking said:
Saddler STOPPED Pep 3 times dipsh*t check the record

And again why do most people who saw Conn Grebb and SRR fight say that SRR was the best of them all . Where they al prejudiced against whites

Lastarza ????

Walker earned a gift decision against Flowers everybody who saw the fight knows it

Jeffries was raped by JAck Johnson end of discussion

Vitali is the ruler of a weak division nothing more.

I know the record, Pep was unable to continue twice due to injury.

Conn gave Louis a boxing lesson, and you claim Louis was the best heavy ever. Not even you agree with yourself.

The only reason Lastarza is unknown now, is because Rocky smoked him. Lastarza could have beaten many of the 70'sd heavys.

Walker beat Flowers, as you say, end of story.

Jeffries was old but that excuse only works for blacks in your mind, eh? But the real end of the story was Willard standing over a very unconscious Johnson.

Vitali is the best heavyweight around now, and the only reason you say its weak, is because a white mans the champ.
Conn caught Louis on a bad night and still lost.

Flowers got ripped of against Walker

Pep was stopped 3 times end of discussion

Vitali has beaten Nobody and LOST his two biggest fights . He is only the best of a bad lot.

Its so funny to hear you clutch at straws. Bad night? You have an excuse for everything. That wasnt a bad night...


But this was!!!!

Pep was injured in two of the bouts. Thats a fine excuse, just like how you cry that SRR was tired when Maxim beat him.

Walker beat Flowers, end of discussion.

Vitali injured himself against Byrd. Now tell me, do you think Byrd could beat Vitali? Of course not, because Wlad already gave Byrd the severest of boxing lessons. And dont even start with the Lewis fight. Vitali was winning, until the stoppage, which was brought about by an illegal blow!
What illegal blow the Cut was opened by a Classic one two Lewis combination

Pep was stopped in the fight 3 times. SRR could´nt come out of his Corner Weighing 158 lbs to Maxims 175 lbs and was leading on the cards until he could´nt continue because of heat exhaustion.

And Pep has been accused of being afraid to continue in the last fight.

And Pep´s injurys where fight related caused by Saddler.

Conn lost BOTH fights with Louis .

An old 37 year old Louis was stopped by Rocky. Jeffries was 35 so i guess this victory is also legit.

Flowers was ripped of EVERYBODY knows it except offcourse our racist friends .

Edited by: godking


Dec 28, 2004
Your the racist! Rocky raped Louis that night and got paid good money for it.Lewis was going to tell Williams to sit down he'd take over-but he didn't he sat there in fear and watched Vitali give Williams a real beating and that is why Lewis isn't coming back!!!!


Jan 8, 2005
godking said:
What illegal blow the Cut was opened by a Classic one two Lewis combination

Pep was stopped in the fight 3 times. SRR could´nt come out of his Corner Weighing 158 lbs to Maxims 175 lbs and was leading on the cards until he could´nt continue because of heat exhaustion.

Conn lost BOTH fights with Louis .

An old 37 year old Louis was stopped by Rocky. Jeffries was 35 so i guess this victory is also legit.

Flowers was ripped of EVERYBODY knows it except offcourse our racist friends .

It was an illegal blow when they were in close.

Two of the stoppages were because of injuries. What part of that dont you understand! You seem to think that SRR had a good exxcuse, but he was not physically injured. Pep was.

I know Conn lost, because he tried to slug it out. But we're comparing Conn with SRR. Conn gave Louis a boxing lesson.

I'm not the one who thinks beating old guys is legit, but Louis fought Rocky coming off of an impressive win streak. Jeffries fought after being inactive for 4 years, and losing over 100 pounds. So, yes, Rocky's battering of Louis is much more legit than Johnsons win over a sick old man who hadent fought in years.

Your the racist. And, by the way, Walker won!Edited by: Sean


Sean said:
godking said:
What illegal blow the Cut was opened by a Classic one two Lewis combination

Pep was stopped in the fight 3 times. SRR could´nt come out of his Corner Weighing 158 lbs to Maxims 175 lbs and was leading on the cards until he could´nt continue because of heat exhaustion.

Conn lost BOTH fights with Louis .

An old 37 year old Louis was stopped by Rocky. Jeffries was 35 so i guess this victory is also legit.

Flowers was ripped of EVERYBODY knows it except offcourse our racist friends .

It was an illegal blow when they were in close.

Two of the stoppages were because of injuries. What part of that dont you understand! You seem to think that SRR had a good exxcuse, but he was not physically injured. Pep was.

I know Conn lost, because he tried to slug it out. But we're comparing Conn with SRR. Conn gave Louis a boxing lesson.

I'm not the one who thinks beating old guys is legit, but Louis fought Rocky coming off of an impressive win streak. Jeffries fought after being inactive for 4 years, and losing over 100 pounds. So, yes, Rocky's battering of Louis is much more legit than Johnsons win over a sick old man who hadent fought in years.

Your the racist. And, by the way, Walker won!
Pleazze The cut was CLEARLY caused by a 1 2 combination.

Pep ?

Stoppage 1 Ko'd in 4 rounds

Stoppage 2 TKO loss 8 rounds injured shoulder

Stoppage 3 Pep quits because of cut over eye

Newsflash injuries sustained in boxing do count for legit losses

Flowers won that fight and you know it.


Jan 8, 2005
It was a headbutt.

Injuries, no matter how they are sustained,count as legitimate excuses.

Lets see...State commission investgated, and UPHELD the decision. Flowers was beaten!

It must be sad to have to grab at straws like that


Dec 28, 2004
Hey pudking-quit talking about these old dead farts and answer the question-who is the black hope?Bring them ononeby one and watch the Russians have lots of fun!!!! Edited by: Gary
Oct 16, 2004
You shouldn't waste time arguing with someone who is brainwashed or
an agent provacateur. Sections of the, eh elitist bunch were working on
tilting sports and entertainment in a certain direction. You can easily look
up some of their public remarks, made in the 1920's, on a few nationalist
sites on the web. They stated that they would make the "negro supreme
in sports and entertainment". Fixing much of boxing wouldn't be hard to
do with a focused group of people, working as a group to ensure an
agenda was met. Controlling entertainment, and twisting it to present
certain images over a period of time wasn't hard either. Not that all
boxing was fixed, or all of entertainment, but a great deal of what we
have seen over the decades has been artificial.

SRR was not the greatest. Good fighter at welterweight, not very good
overall as a middleweight. Louis and Ali certainly not the greatest
heavyweights. More questions about some of their fights than in any 10
other fighters combined for the most part. Great white prospects were/
are generally derailed in the US by intentionally poor management or
outright discriimination and rigged events. See the docu "Broken Noses".
It gives great insight. A white kid in the film had an awful time at the '84
Oly trials (Andrew Minsker-who had fought with a damaged right hand
since '81). He had whipped Pernell Whitaker (and his stablemates who
were paper champs in the pros) easily in fights leading up to the trials.
Then there's the trials. White kid Minsker knocks the black media darling
all over the ring and wins again, not! The judges inexplicably give the
fight to the darker kid. Time for a box-off. White kid beats the daylights
out of the African hope again... and the disadvantaged minority youth
gets the nod. Turns out that Lou Duva was kicking cash to the Olympic
development coffers or some such, and more importantly, the media was
looking for... black fighters to promote! What a surprise. This is just a
small, tiny, example of what has gone on for decades, while the media
harps on the discrimination faced by black fighters, even today. It's like
the Willis shee-ite mentioned weeks back. Myth after myth. He was sailing
along at his peak when put out of commission by Sharkey, then all of a
sudden it's he was "past his prime" or "had a bad night". Apparently SRR
had a lot of bad nights against white middleweights then.

Again, it won't do you any good to argue with the brainwashed or the
followers of the agenda. They are either evil, or such cowards they'd
stand by while their own mothers were beaten (or worse) by the thugs
they idolize.


Colonel Callan said:
You shouldn't waste time arguing with someone who is brainwashed or
an agent provacateur. Sections of the, eh elitist bunch were working on
tilting sports and entertainment in a certain direction. You can easily look
up some of their public remarks, made in the 1920's, on a few nationalist
sites on the web. They stated that they would make the "negro supreme
in sports and entertainment". Fixing much of boxing wouldn't be hard to
do with a focused group of people, working as a group to ensure an
agenda was met. Controlling entertainment, and twisting it to present
certain images over a period of time wasn't hard either. Not that all
boxing was fixed, or all of entertainment, but a great deal of what we
have seen over the decades has been artificial.

SRR was not the greatest. Good fighter at welterweight, not very good
overall as a middleweight. Louis and Ali certainly not the greatest
heavyweights. More questions about some of their fights than in any 10
other fighters combined for the most part. Great white prospects were/
are generally derailed in the US by intentionally poor management or
outright discriimination and rigged events. See the docu "Broken Noses".
It gives great insight. A white kid in the film had an awful time at the '84
Oly trials (Andrew Minsker-who had fought with a damaged right hand
since '81). He had whipped Pernell Whitaker (and his stablemates who
were paper champs in the pros) easily in fights leading up to the trials.
Then there's the trials. White kid Minsker knocks the black media darling
all over the ring and wins again, not! The judges inexplicably give the
fight to the darker kid. Time for a box-off. White kid beats the daylights
out of the African hope again... and the disadvantaged minority youth
gets the nod. Turns out that Lou Duva was kicking cash to the Olympic
development coffers or some such, and more importantly, the media was
looking for... black fighters to promote! What a surprise. This is just a
small, tiny, example of what has gone on for decades, while the media
harps on the discrimination faced by black fighters, even today. It's like
the Willis shee-ite mentioned weeks back. Myth after myth. He was sailing
along at his peak when put out of commission by Sharkey, then all of a
sudden it's he was "past his prime" or "had a bad night". Apparently SRR
had a lot of bad nights against white middleweights then.

Again, it won't do you any good to argue with the brainwashed or the
followers of the agenda. They are either evil, or such cowards they'd
stand by while their own mothers were beaten (or worse) by the thugs
they idolize.
Are you werewolf going to tell us that Louis vs Schmelling 2 was fixed ????. or that Ali had glass in his glove in Cooper 1?.

SRR was the greatest WW of all time vs WWs he did'nt lose the only fight he lost was against a MW Lamotta which he avenged five times . But i guess all those fights were fixed. 16 of SRR defeats came after his comeback in 1955 when he was slightly past his prime and he still had enough to win the MW title a couple of times.

Pernel Whitaker is a top 15 P4P fighter what did this Minsker kid ever acomplish ?????.Edited by: godking


Jan 8, 2005
godking said:
Colonel Callan said:
You shouldn't waste time arguing with someone who is brainwashed or
an agent provacateur. Sections of the, eh elitist bunch were working on
tilting sports and entertainment in a certain direction. You can easily look
up some of their public remarks, made in the 1920's, on a few nationalist
sites on the web. They stated that they would make the "negro supreme
in sports and entertainment". Fixing much of boxing wouldn't be hard to
do with a focused group of people, working as a group to ensure an
agenda was met. Controlling entertainment, and twisting it to present
certain images over a period of time wasn't hard either. Not that all
boxing was fixed, or all of entertainment, but a great deal of what we
have seen over the decades has been artificial.

SRR was not the greatest. Good fighter at welterweight, not very good
overall as a middleweight. Louis and Ali certainly not the greatest
heavyweights. More questions about some of their fights than in any 10
other fighters combined for the most part. Great white prospects were/
are generally derailed in the US by intentionally poor management or
outright discriimination and rigged events. See the docu "Broken Noses".
It gives great insight. A white kid in the film had an awful time at the '84
Oly trials (Andrew Minsker-who had fought with a damaged right hand
since '81). He had whipped Pernell Whitaker (and his stablemates who
were paper champs in the pros) easily in fights leading up to the trials.
Then there's the trials. White kid Minsker knocks the black media darling
all over the ring and wins again, not! The judges inexplicably give the
fight to the darker kid. Time for a box-off. White kid beats the daylights
out of the African hope again... and the disadvantaged minority youth
gets the nod. Turns out that Lou Duva was kicking cash to the Olympic
development coffers or some such, and more importantly, the media was
looking for... black fighters to promote! What a surprise. This is just a
small, tiny, example of what has gone on for decades, while the media
harps on the discrimination faced by black fighters, even today. It's like
the Willis shee-ite mentioned weeks back. Myth after myth. He was sailing
along at his peak when put out of commission by Sharkey, then all of a
sudden it's he was "past his prime" or "had a bad night". Apparently SRR
had a lot of bad nights against white middleweights then.

Again, it won't do you any good to argue with the brainwashed or the
followers of the agenda. They are either evil, or such cowards they'd
stand by while their own mothers were beaten (or worse) by the thugs
they idolize.
Are you werewolf going to tell us that Louis vs Schmelling 2 was fixed ????. or that Ali had glass in his glove in Cooper 1?.

SRR was the greatest WW of all time vs WWs he did'nt lose the only fight he lost was against a MW Lamotta which he avenged five times . But i guess all those fights were fixed. 16 of SRR defeats came after his comeback in 1955 when he was slightly past his prime and he still had enough to win the MW title a couple of times.

Pernel Whitaker is a top 15 P4P fighter what did this Minsker kid ever acomplish ?????.

You missed his whole point...again!


Dec 28, 2004
Hey loser either answer the question or get off the site-who's your black hope?
Oct 16, 2004
godking: "Pernel Whitaker is a top 15 P4P fighter what did this Minsker kid ever acomplish ?????."

See, this is what I was writing about. Never mind Whitaker is one of the guys beat by ... Minsker (who was smaller than Whitaker). It's the fact that Whitaker was coddled and promoted early on, and the beneficiary of fixed fights, early on. Hell, pudking makes excuses for every loss by every black fighter, and Whitaker's claim to fame is his "moral" victory over an over the hill Chavez. However, a black in his prime fighting an 80 year old of any other race is battling extreme odds and racism I suppose.

Sean is right, the naive one (to have fun with it) missed my point(s). Again. And he presents a few false "facts". Again. At least he's consistent. How many hours he spends rubbing one out while surfing the net one-handed and looking for shots of black thugs is beyond me.

It's ridiculous to argue with these people. They know the truth. They saw it on TV. Or they read in the "The Ring" magazine. Neither has an agenda. Really. It's true. They'll tell you.


Colonel Callan said:
godking: "Pernel Whitaker is a top 15 P4P fighter what did this Minsker kid ever acomplish ?????."

See, this is what I was writing about. Never mind Whitaker is one of the guys beat by ... Minsker (who was smaller than Whitaker). It's the fact that Whitaker was coddled and promoted early on, and the beneficiary of fixed fights, early on. Hell, pudking makes excuses for every loss by every black fighter, and Whitaker's claim to fame is his "moral" victory over an over the hill Chavez. However, a black in his prime fighting an 80 year old of any other race is battling extreme odds and racism I suppose.

Sean is right, the naive one (to have fun with it) missed my point(s). Again. And he presents a few false "facts". Again. At least he's consistent. How many hours he spends rubbing one out while surfing the net one-handed and looking for shots of black thugs is beyond me.

It's ridiculous to argue with these people. They know the truth. They saw it on TV. Or they read in the "The Ring" magazine. Neither has an agenda. Really. It's true. They'll tell you.

Victories in the Ammy's dont mean sh*t this Minsker kid never did anything at pro .

What Whitaker fights in the pro's where fixed. Name them And i have actually seen the majority of Pernells fights. the only ''Fix'' was the Ramirez fight where WITHAKER was the one robbed.

Arguably Pernel only lost his last two fights. An old Pernell was still good enough to beat a young DLH even though DLH was given the decision.

Name the so called fights in which Pernell got Gift decisions.

Name the fights of Joe Louis which have question marks

Who made those comments in the 1920's ?

Is that you werewolf ???????????? remember the beating you got over the Louis vs Schmelling 2 fights when you where cornered to come up with actual proof and you ran like a coward ?.

I need a good laugh give us your sources you klnow that actually have to back up your claims with facts righ ?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Colonel Callan wrote:

"You shouldn't waste time arguing with someone who is brainwashed or an agent provacateur. Sections of the, eh elitist bunch were working on tilting sports and entertainment in a certain direction. You can easily look up some of their public remarks, made in the 1920's, on a few nationalist sites on the web. They stated that they would make the "negro supreme
in sports and entertainment". Fixing much of boxing wouldn't be hard to do with a focused group of people, working as a group to ensure an agenda was met. Controlling entertainment, and twisting it to present
certain images over a period of time wasn't hard either. Not that all boxing was fixed, or all of entertainment, but a great deal of what we have seen over the decades has been artificial."

That's hitting it on the head, as usual, and putting it in the proper historical context. The Caste system was designed many years ago, but it is only in recent decades, with the "progress" that the subversives had in the 1960s in turning society upside down, that it could be blatantly put into place like it is now.

The anti-American revolutionaries have been so successful at implementing their agenda that many if not most white sports fans believe that blacks in sports are still discriminated against, ala the "lack" of black quarterbacks, and that they are still somehow "held back" in the sports they don't dominate (which is approximately 98 percent of sports). Most whites believe that in any contest in any sport, a black will always beat a white. A people that psychologically manipulated and defeated is a people on the road to extinction, as whites are.


Dec 28, 2004
I will try not to answer any more of pudking's posts as he is here for one reason to cause trouble-he has broken evey guideline this site has set.He doen't come on this site to talk of whites in sports-all he can do is be unproductive-it's in his genes-look at the American cities before blacks came up in mass during the 1940's,they were liveable-now look at Balitmore,Detriot,Cleveland,ect.Pudking is a loser with no life-no hope.He's ashamed of his race for there lack of success in the whole recored history of man. He's most likely a shoeshine boy who lives on tips.He never didsay who his black hope was-the answer is simple.There is no black hope-The Russians in one decade drove the colored boys right out of the heavweight division. Now pudking get off this site,this is for white men to talk about whites in sports.You can go to the NAACP to talk about colored folk.
Oct 16, 2004
Most of the drive to make sports fit the agendas started long ago, over a
much longer period than most realize - much farther back than the 60's
or 70's. I don't want to get too 'political' (in some ways) on a sports site,
but you and many others know which groups I write about. As to the
quote about the "negro" being made "supreme", it's actually well known,
and it's easily looked up, of course. The shrillness of folks like godking or
whatever other name he and others use is amazing. It's almost as if they
expect the Secret Police to kick down their doors if they don't repeat any
and all materials they've been force fed over the years. They also
demonstrate a peculiar lack of historical knowledge when it comes to

History: take the defensive remarks about Whitaker, how he is an all-time
P4P. He was known as a runner, as a bore. He could run away all night,
and get a win just by being a media darling. And by showing no
aggression at all. Only aggressive toward journeymen, stiffs, or 'senior
citizens'. In terms of sports history, people like the frantic brainwashed
don't realize that the 'defensive' fighters of old still had to FIGHT. To
move forward, show aggression. The cowardly bicycle tactics of those like
Whitaker would have resulted in the fighter not being paid, or the fight
being stopped for lack of aggression. This type of 'boxing' became
popular because of Clay/Ali, who was allowed to get away with it, as the
sport felt he could save it, be a draw. This type of fighting also plays
toward black's strengths (never mind that it is easier to run, move
backwards, and very tiring to move forward and chase someone in the
ring - especially when the runner knows he doesn't have to fight, until his
opponent looks beat) just as rules were changed/ignored to help blacks
rule the NBA. In boxing, there was a profound change in the way rules
were enforced once Clay started getting away with this in earnest. He did
have tremendously fast hands, and of course, was carried along by the
agenda, as his cowardice toward the draft became bent into heroic
defiance by the haters, by the folks running the show. Ali would have had
easy duty, a la Joe Louis, had he done his time in the army.

As to Joe Louis? Well, he was beaten by an old Schmelling first time
around. Then beat an even older Max second time around. Of course,
Joe's weakness against over hand rights isn't the reason he lost the first
one, at least to the excuse makers, haters of whites, agenda followers,
the brainwashed. No, Joe had a bad night is all. Did Max have a bad night
second time around? Of course not... Louis' long reign as HW champ was
due to a few factors outside his talent. His title was frozen during the
war. He was fighting the members of the "bum of the month club" - it's
amazing how there were no real contenders to face the media darling. He
did fight a LOT of old/small guys too. Just look at his title defenses. 30
years of age in the 1930's and 1940's was a vastly different thing than
what it became in the 1990's up through today. Yes, he beat Billy
Conn,who was at least 25 lbs smaller. If
Conn had stayed away the last two rounds, after giving Louis a boxing
lesson and royal beating,
it's thought he would have won. I'm not so sure he would have gotten the
decision, even back then. Joe was the media's darling - and one of their
tools to further the agenda. After the war, the
white boxers were a depleted bunch, as they had actually had to serve
real time in the armed forces. Louis then received gift wins against
fighters like Walcott. If Marciano hadn't beaten Louis senseless and KO'd
him, it's not too far fetched to believe that Marciano would have been
derailed by a decision in Shufflin' Joe's favor. Louis' weakness against
overhand rights is one reason Marciano beat his brains out. And yes,
Louis was older. But how would the young Louis, who was beaten like a
drum by a 37 year old Schmelling have done against Rocky? His defense
wasn't as good as it became post WWII. He might have been KO'd by
Marciano even faster. Or maybe he could have stayed outside and run
away to a decision. Maybe. We'll never know. We do know that the effort
to tilt other sports in a certain direction picked up speed after the Second
World War. After whitey (being the soldiers) had taken care of other
elements of the evil folk's agendas. Most of the rush to get blacks into
sports wasn't driven by a desire to have 'equality' in America. No, it was
part of getting rid of white heroes, just as history is being re-written daily
to 'educate' young whites as to their own worthlessness. Most young
are so brainwashed, they freak when they read things like this, because
the inborn emotion of guilt has been twisted by these evil outsiders, to be
used against whites.

I can point to baseball today. Since American blacks lost interest, the
folks in charge put all their effort, and their money, into building baseball
academies in Latin America. If they can't make US blacks supreme, they'll
import them - along with their new favorite 'minority', mestizos. Now the
leagues are bloated with Latin American 'stars' - many times they are
players who are jumped over Americans who languish in the minors. I
won't even get into the obvious steroid use by many of these guys - just
remember, in Mexico on downward you can buy steroids over the
counter. Legally. (It is funny that 90% of the folks on the Balco list are
black but the media does its best to show the same five or six whites over
and over... : /)

It's all right there in everyone's faces, but they don't want to see it. Or
hear it. Or read it. But the the collapse is coming in all areas. There won't
be any way to
avoid it then.

Edited by: Colonel Callan