Dumping the South's race problem on the North


Nov 23, 2006
When the CSA gains independence all these people who have U.S. citizenship or have been imposed by the U.S. government by action or inaction in CSA territory and can't become Confederate citizens or residents and the Yankees would complain about being under the control of White Southerners and probably they won't want it either, so the best solution would be deportation to the USA. :D

Maybe these people could be deported from one Southern state to a Northern state. About 44.5 million but since many "Hispanic" are real Whites that would lower the count some especially in places like Florida with all those Cubans, but other counted as White like nonwhite Arabs, Jews and other nonwhites who are counted as Whites would increase it slightly. Only rough estimates.

We could send 3.5 million from Georgia to Pennsylvania, 2 million from Maryland to New Hampshire,
2.7 million from Virginia (maybe more if West Virginia is included) to New York, 3.2 million from
North Carolina to Rhode Island, 600 thousand from Kentucky to Vermont, 1.6 million from Tennessee to Ohio, 1.6 million from Louisiana to Indiana, 1.8 million from Alabama to Connecticut, 1 million from Missouri to Maine, 800 thousand from Arkansas to Illinois, 8 million from Florida to New Jersey, and 14 million from Texas to Michigan. How to deal with Oklahoma would have to be worked out with Indian tribes and what happens to Washington D.C., hear that Minnesota and Massachusetts? ;)

You Yankees aren't going to be like that Kiwi girl when they had some brouhaha when a black "entertainer" was refused entry due to a criminal record, and all New Zealand's PC politicians fell over themselves trying to be PC, I informed her that we had a hundred million more that they could have. She said to keep our own trash! How politically incorrect! :)

Look at the good parts at least you aren't in Michigan, well most of you aren't! ;)


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
When the CSA gains independence all these people who have U.S. citizenship or have been imposed by the U.S. government by action or inaction in CSA territory and can't become Confederate citizens or residents and the Yankees would complain about being under the control of White Southerners and probably they won't want it either, so the best solution would be deportation to the USA. :D

Maybe these people could be deported from one Southern state to a Northern state. About 44.5 million but since many "Hispanic" are real Whites that would lower the count some especially in places like Florida with all those Cubans, but other counted as White like nonwhite Arabs, Jews and other nonwhites who are counted as Whites would increase it slightly. Only rough estimates.

We could send 3.5 million from Georgia to Pennsylvania, 2 million from Maryland to New Hampshire,
2.7 million from Virginia (maybe more if West Virginia is included) to New York, 3.2 million from
North Carolina to Rhode Island, 600 thousand from Kentucky to Vermont, 1.6 million from Tennessee to Ohio, 1.6 million from Louisiana to Indiana, 1.8 million from Alabama to Connecticut, 1 million from Missouri to Maine, 800 thousand from Arkansas to Illinois, 8 million from Florida to New Jersey, and 14 million from Texas to Michigan. How to deal with Oklahoma would have to be worked out with Indian tribes and what happens to Washington D.C., hear that Minnesota and Massachusetts? ;)

You Yankees aren't going to be like that Kiwi girl when they had some brouhaha when a black "entertainer" was refused entry due to a criminal record, and all New Zealand's PC politicians fell over themselves trying to be PC, I informed her that we had a hundred million more that they could have. She said to keep our own trash! How politically incorrect! :)

Look at the good parts at least you aren't in Michigan, well most of you aren't! ;)

Actually Michigan has had enough slave dumping from the south already. I will also bet you that if the "CSA" ever gains independance it will be as "New Mexico 2" not some white homeland. Are you really expecting the whiggerized, negro loving, southerners of today to form some sort of independance movement???

You've already lost south Florida to the hispanic conquistadors and South Carolina will soon follow suit. Atlanta and every other large city is run by the black political machines. What is going to be the capitol of this new CSA? A trailer park in Opelika?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
jaxvid, I expected you to respond and rightly so. Michael, with all due respect, I think you've been drinking a little too much LS (or similar) kool-aid. If/when what is left of the US falls apart, there is no reason to think that it will default to the War of Northern Aggression geographical borders. There are vast chunks of the geographical Old South that are now culturally anything but. If the US breaks up, we won't see wholesale shipments of diversities to other places. What we will see will be blacks and mexicans occupying parts of the country where they already are the majority. At least a couple of those places (probably more) would be in the South. In and around those areas you would have some people, Whites and non-whites, who would have to leave the area to survive. I sure wouldn't want to be White and living in the middle of Atlanta, Memphis, Birmingham, or Jackson when that happens. I'd like to believe things haven't changed that much in the South since The War, but the realization is that way too much has changed for us to end up with anything remotely similar to what we had then.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
So jaxvid, Reb, Michael's story wasn't a joke? You mean he's serious? And I chortled great guffaws after initially reading it. The "CSA" is a just a fond memory for some, but is just that, a memory. Perhaps Michael should spend some time in those former white-coat wearing great southern cities. But make sure that you're well armed.


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
The race problem is wherever the blacks are. North, South, East or West.


Nov 23, 2006
jaxvid, I expected you to respond and rightly so. Michael, with all due respect, I think you've been drinking a little too much LS (or similar) kool-aid. If/when what is left of the US falls apart, there is no reason to think that it will default to the War of Northern Aggression geographical borders. There are vast chunks of the geographical Old South that are now culturally anything but. If the US breaks up, we won't see wholesale shipments of diversities to other places. What we will see will be blacks and mexicans occupying parts of the country where they already are the majority. At least a couple of those places (probably more) would be in the South. In and around those areas you would have some people, Whites and non-whites, who would have to leave the area to survive. I sure wouldn't want to be White and living in the middle of Atlanta, Memphis, Birmingham, or Jackson when that happens. I'd like to believe things haven't changed that much in the South since The War, but the realization is that way too much has changed for us to end up with anything remotely similar to what we had then.

A real breakup of the USA would not be pretty. It would make Yugoslavia's breakup look like high tea.

The above post start when I ask myself if the North only wanted to free the slaves why didn't they just ask the South for the blacks as the price of independence, but money was the real reason for the war. Since the war Yankees have used blacks and now other nonwhites as a reason to look down upon and oppress White Southerners, but to many Yankees dismay after they targeted the South, the "elite" moved on to use the same strategy on the North and what could they say after cheering on the "Civil Rights" movement in the South? Divide and conquer. Since they claim that the nonwhite is why they must oppress and keep the South in the Union why not move them up North. At first I was going to suggest sending Arkansas 750 to 800 thousand blacks to Michigan since they were sister states but then remembered Jaxvid came from there and Texas has around 15 million nonwhites.

In reality, there is no way the Yankee would want those "precious" "beautiful" black and other nonwhite peoples, and that is the whole point.

As for what a breakup would look like, mass starvation, cannibalism (just wait for the bleeding hearts to take food to starving blacks only to become food), genocide, ethic cleansing, possible use of nuclear weapons, worst case scenario hundreds of millions dead and if it spreads would wide billions.

Some states may hold at least partly together while other fall completely apart into city states, after the fighting on military forts and bases ends some commanders may help a faction as other seek to become a factions onto themselves. Some factions will fight each other, others ally together to fight others. European country may intervene both for and against the White and Asians will likely invade the West coast to help their people and themselves to land. Don't be surprised if Asians gain the land West of the Rockies.

In this near worst case scenario, blacks aren't likely to remain free if they remain at all for these Whites would be battle harden warriors, the bleeding hearts literally being eaten at the beginning of these scenario, this type of Whites aren't likely to let weakling blacks remain free on their own land especially considering the blacks will, probably, not be able to feed any sizable number, so either they have too few blacks to fight or will raid White areas for food either way they be targeted. Mestizos will fight and hold out longer and it may be many years before their defeat as a real Reconquista drives them out, they may even lose parts of Mexico both to Whites and Asians.

Borderlines in this scenario would form based not on old borderlines but on what a faction can conquer and hold. In time, they likely form into Western European size nations and several of them. Not a pretty scenario to get there.

The USA is an untenable country and will fall apart, but the amount of time could be centuries as various types of dictatorships try to hold it together or it could happen tomorrow, but it will happen and most likely be more horrifying worst than cannibal horror movie. My guess would be that it will happen in this century.

The current "elite" will do nothing to stop it because they would lose their power if they did.

Do not underestimate the small number who created the CSA, in the first place and the USA. Only about 5% is needed if the time is right to recreate the CSA and if the time is right most of the rest will go along. The odds are low that it will recreate itself as of old but nothing is impossible. Don't forget rank and file communist will become National Socialist on a dime if their leaders demand it. Most people are sheep. And there is a real division between the north and the south which can still be seen in voting patterns. Blue states and red states as they said. Even with rigged votes and two wings of one party it still is there.

We must be willing to try and find a way to prevent the massive violence that will follow an uncontrolled breakup. The odds maybe against us but we must try, and we must face unnerving truths if we want to succeed.

The first post in this thread was a joke proposing an unworkable solution in order to get people to think.


Nov 23, 2006
Dear @*#Yankees,

You are always going off about how people need to be free. Why not free the Southern White people. Just imaged getting rid of a bunch of White trash, red necks, hillbillies and their opposition to you abolishing the first and second Amendments and the rest of the U.S. Constitution. You could outlaw guns and free speech, oh, I mean "hate" speech that you don't like so you can build you liberal utopia. .

Oh, you don't trust us with nonwhites (including Jews) and worry that we won't give them special rights. No problem, after all they are U.S. citizens or residents so we just gather them up and ship them to you. After all they aren't our people. Just think all that extra diversity that will give you. We can even pay them the twice the value of any real property they own in the CSA, so they will be whole. We can even give you the prisoners even the rapist and murders but since you believe them all innocent you have no problem letting them back into society where they can demonstrate how bad Southern Whites are and how good liberals are.

We can even take the politically incorrect White trash, red necks, hillbillies in Yankeeland into the CSA even jaxvid if you demand it. Giving you a politically correct country.

How do we handle the national debt? What debt? The CSA has no debt since 1865, and much of that is payable in cotton, since they have been occupied but tell you what why don't we pay our people for the debt owed to them after all you won't pay them anyway and you pay everyone else. Just think of all the money you get when you raise taxes to 90% and all the production that all those nonwhites will bring with them, and you can cut the defense budget after all you only need the military to have a small number of homosexuals and minorities. We could pay you for your old military equipment even buy your nukes that way you be a nuclear free zone.

You won't have to worry about any defense budget except for a politically correct one, no space exploration, you can put all you money into social programs and create your liberal utopia! All for just letting the CSA be a free nation once more.
Jun 30, 2012
Constitutional government would mean no/little reason for a split.

Our federal system was already split at conception, and brilliantly so. This is why I accuse liberals of being the true fascists. If New York wants to be a liberal utopia, go for it. If Alabama wants to go another direction, go for it. As long as people can travel freely, and trade can go across state lines freely, the people and their money will choose accordingly. If Vermont wants gay marriage, fine; just don't force everybody else to accept it at the point of a gun. If California wants affirmative action, go ahead, have dumb and weak police and firepersons (?). No liberal has ever been able to explain to me what is wrong with this. Oh, the one restriction I would favor strongly is limiting immigration from the North. They leave those hellholes, come down here, and then start voting for the same crap that turned their previous homes into hellholes in the first place.

The response I usually get is that southern states take in more tax money than they pay. It's funny when you explore the reasons for that. I just can't figure out why places like Memphis and Birmingham take in lots of federal money. Hmmm, it's a real puzzler. Is there something about the demographics of Mississippi that stands out ......


Nov 23, 2006
Dear @%*$Yankees:

You don't want the South to be independent because you are worried about how we would treat the nonwhites, how about a very simple solution, we can send them all to you along with the perverts and other white liberals, and we could in turn take all those White racist you have up north off your hands.

Just think you can make the north into a multicultural workers paradise where perversion and decadence thrives amongst 90% taxes for Whites, welfare for all nonwhites, as environmental laws rule the law and tens of million or even hundreds of millions of nonwhites flock to your utopia of total gun control. You won't have to worry about that pesky constitution either no first amendment getting in the way of hate speech laws, no second amendment getting in the way of total gun confiscation, and no tenth amendment or any other amendments to get in the way of laws to protect your people's democracy.

Just imagine how those nonwhites removed from all the hate and bad memories of the South will thrive in Yankeedom as the stereotypes fall away when they encounter enlighten Yankees and their nonjudgmental ways. This would lead to a bright new future like when Rhodesia became Zimbabwe. You will be able to spend all the dollars you need and print more when needed without those pesky Southerners telling you that need to live with in your means. You will become the symbol of what happens when all the different peoples of the world come together under one government.

Of course, the South would become a place surrounded by walls to keep different people out, unlike your walls to keep (clearly mentally unstable) White taxpayers (of course, it would be insensitive to make nonwhites pay taxes after all the labor whites stole from their ancestors) from fleeing the workers' paradise. In the unenlightened South even little children will be taught to use firearms, unlike, the enlightened north where only loyal government thugs, uh, I mean, protectors, yes that's the word, have them. The South would try silly things like living within their means and producing the goods that they need within their own land and providing jobs to her own people and not giving a second thought to those poor third world nonwhites who could do the job cheaper and increase the corporate profits so the enlightened rich can help create a better society by setting up foundations to promote special interest. The South would likely do all sort of unenlightened things like outlaw abortion on demand, promote marriage between men and women, outlaw perversion, have only men in combat rolls, promote Christianity, even try to help poor Whites who are down on their luck.

To sweeten the pot even more, we could even give you the nonwhite murders who are on death row, even though they should die for their crimes to prevent future crimes by nonwhites in the South the sacrifice could be make and we could even pay to have halfway houses built in your most exclusive neighborhood far away from the Southern border where they can learn to be model citizens. Just think how good and morality superior it will make you to take the South's most depraved and harden criminals and turn them in to model citizens while only risking a few peoples lives.

Just imagine you could create a multicultural workers' utopia in the north and all it will cost you in the South that is loaded with White people you hate.

Okay, do you all think the @%*$Yankees: are dumb enough to fall for it or that their hypocrisy will prevail.
Dec 10, 2012
The first post in this thread was a joke proposing an unworkable solution in order to get people to think.

fair enough..
I have a thought on modern secession..
I'm a proud Southerner, but I wouldn't want it to happen.., bcuz I think states can still distinguish their destinies w/out leaving the Union.

I remember when David Duke ran for gov. of Louisiana; the guy almost won.. even with his own party & the media at-large working against him. If you look at the election results, Duke carried a number of parishes.. but bcuz the governorship is an all-or-nothing election, Duke supporters got nothing.
I always thought Duke should've subsequently started a political party in his state & run like-minded candidates in those friendly parishes. Who knows how many local & state level positions Duke allies could've won (?) It may have made a difference in the way their state does business. Guys like Duke can change their states, with or without explicit racial politicking.. those guys would make their counties & states more liveable, and are really in the mold of real states-rights Southerners.

(Red parishes are the ones Duke won in '91 election)

I also believe a modern secession wouldn't break just North-South..
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Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
So jaxvid, Reb, Michael's story wasn't a joke? You mean he's serious? And I chortled great guffaws after initially reading it. The "CSA" is a just a fond memory for some, but is just that, a memory. Perhaps Michael should spend some time in those former white-coat wearing great southern cities. But make sure that you're well armed.

it wasn't a joke? wow, scary to think...


Sep 2, 2012
. Are you really expecting the whiggerized, negro loving, southerners of today to form some sort of independance movement???*

In my carpet bagging experience most southern males are somewhat racially aware but its a narrow majority. The main problem with the south is misegenation. You haven't seen mudsharking until you've spent some significant time in the south. In new jersey where I grew up you would see some sharks but they fit the mold. Fat, tattooed and unpleasant. Most southern sharks fit this mold too but there is much more of them and a growing percentage of good looking ones. It is not the least bit shocking to see a negro with a girl that is young, hot and blonde. Its not a huge percentage but where I live I would say about 15-20 percent breed with negroes which is an unsubstainable number demographically. In NJ I would say that number is 2-3%.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
. Are you really expecting the whiggerized, negro loving, southerners of today to form some sort of independance movement???*

In my carpet bagging experience most southern males are somewhat racially aware but its a narrow majority. The main problem with the south is misegenation. You haven't seen mudsharking until you've spent some significant time in the south. In new jersey where I grew up you would see some sharks but they fit the mold. Fat, tattooed and unpleasant. Most southern sharks fit this mold too but there is much more of them and a growing percentage of good looking ones. It is not the least bit shocking to see a negro with a girl that is young, hot and blonde. Its not a huge percentage but where I live I would say about 15-20 percent breed with negroes which is an unsubstainable number demographically. In NJ I would say that number is 2-3%.

Its not surprising considering that southerners have been targeted with the most intense guilt propaganda. These southern whites are making the ultimate mends for the sins of their evil fathers by breeding the noble descendants of their fathers victims.


Jul 15, 2011
The south seems to love the blacks when it comes to sporting events. I remember Bobby Bowden, a right wing Christian, who refused to offer opportunities for white players like Dan Kendra. I think if the Confederate state did secede from the union they would still be recruiting black players. The truth is this problem is are on doing, if we would have just picked are own cotton, and not tried to cut corners we wouldn't be in this predicament in the first place. We were well aware of how these people treated their own kind, by making slaves out of them, and somehow we ignored it, because they were a good source of cheap labor. This is the same problem we are having now with the illegals.


Sep 2, 2012
Its not surprising considering that southerners have been targeted with the most intense guilt propaganda. These southern whites are making the ultimate mends for the sins of their evil fathers by breeding the noble descendants of their fathers victims.

Most of em know better luckily. Its the few that don't that can be disheartening. I try to look on the brightside though that they are removing the scum from the gene pool. Plus their unhappiness provides a lesson to potential sharks. Nothing discourages race mixing more then seeing a used and abused, single mother hoisting around 3 misbehaved mudskippers and paying with food stamps.


Mar 25, 2013
The good guys won the Civil War

If the South were to win

(1) We'd have two countries. Both weaker than the current United States.
(2) We'd have blacks living here still as the Southerners are too dumb and coward to deport them
(3) Both countries would be infiltrated by Jews and flooded with non-White immigrants

Than theres the possibility of the Soviet Union and Bolshevik jews taking over one or both countries.


Sep 2, 2012
The good guys won the Civil War

If the South were to win

(1) We'd have two countries. Both weaker than the current United States.
(2) We'd have blacks living here still as the Southerners are too dumb and coward to deport them
(3) Both countries would be infiltrated by Jews and flooded with non-White immigrants

Than theres the possibility of the Soviet Union and Bolshevik jews taking over one or both countries.

3 already happended.


Mar 25, 2013
My point is the South winning the Civil War doesn't protect us from the Jewish enemy within. The Jews have been able to infiltrate MOST white countries and flood them with non-White immigrants

The ones who dont have much non-White immigrants were ironically protected by Jewish Communism. But they re slowly begining to catch up as the Jews push for multiculturalism in Eastern Europe.


Sep 2, 2012
My point is the South winning the Civil War doesn't protect us from the Jewish enemy within. The Jews have been able to infiltrate just about ALL white countries and flood them with non-White immigrants

The ones who dont have much non-White immigrants were ironically protected by Jewish Communism. But they re slowly begining to catch up as the Jews push for multiculturalism in Eastern Europe.

Ohh ok. Agreed.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
a lot of bashing of Southerners. Interracial mixing is a big no no for everyone I know, didn't even see at any of the local colleges, although I did see a racial fight (Whites vs blacks)at that college in Mobile while visiting. I am sure there is some, you just don't see it that much, maybe one interracial couple if you go to a wal mart, which I rarely ever go to. Even the "liberal" Southerners don't want anything to do with blacks, although they will give money to help them out, just don't let them into their neighborhoods. Hell, even black creoles don't want anything to do with blacks, they consider themselves above the darker blacks. White people in my area know blacks are prone to crime, and its not because of them being poor. There are a lot of poor Whites, many in parts of one of those parishes that voted for Duke, St Bernard, which got destroyed in Katrina yet you didn't hear a word about it, and they didn't get the help rebuilding like places such as the 9th ward, where Brad Pitt spent tons of money for these eco friendly houses that you don't have to spend a dime for regarding electricity. A lot of people in St Bernard also affected by the oil spill but not much said about that either.

Its also not due to what the black people consider a conspiracy to bring them down which is "the government bringing in drugs into black communities." There are probably factions of the government that do bring in drugs but I don't think its to bring the black community down. They think crack was invented to bring them down. Nobody told them to smoke it. They were already doing cocaine before that, and freebasing it, although freebasing was more dangerous because it involved chemicals that were explosive, which is how Richard Pryor caught on fire one time. Drugs are everywhere, both in the black and White communities. Its a serious problem. Yet it doesn't seem to make Whites prone to violent crime like it does in the black community. Meth is big in small rural towns, which tend to be poor. Where is the violent crime? Maybes it due to the fact that most blacks wouldn't have money outside of government checks, sports and dealing drugs.

It seems that the Southerners that live further away from large communities of blacks seem to be more tolerant of them. Most that live in a majority black area, or close to it (which they probably left due to White flight), seem to have a general idea about what is up.

The United States is already weak.
Lincoln had the idea to deport the freed slaves but didn't follow through with it.
like the above poster said, number 3 has already happened.
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Dec 10, 2012
The good guys won the Civil War

If the South were to win

(1) We'd have two countries. Both weaker than the current United States.

hey brother.. I'm not sure that an independent CSA would've been weaker than the modern USA..
If the Confederacy had stayed true to their principles of limited federal government, they would've maintained a more non-interventionist foreign policy. Without fighting one foreign war after another, they would've kept their population up, and resources preserved. America's wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Korea, Afghan., etc have cost us many precious lives & $. Maybe no Cold War expenditures either (?)
I also believe if the CSA had brought a willing Cuba into thier Union, which was speculated upon, that would've increased their wealth and squashed the potential for a future (draining) Marxist distraction that America has struggled with..

A CSA may have been able to ward off the corrosive 60s Civil Rights movement more effectively than America as a whole did, because the Southerners were more motivated against it, but were eventually overwhelmed by Fed. intervention... just some thoughts.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I travel extensively through the south on business. There are plenty of black thugs and white skanks with black thug boyfriends. Don't kid yourself about that. Not to mention that large swaths of the old confederacy is soon going to be the new mexico. That said I would like to point out a very important point made by the website "Occidental Dissent" (which should be required reading for CF'ers).

The South reliably votes for the White man in presidential elections. White liberal Mitt Romney a venture capitialist from ultra-liberal Massachusetts, member of an odd ball north-western based religion still got all his electoral support from White rednecks, hillbillies, and crackers who have nothing in common with him except skin color. The white people of the northern states of New England, & the industrial midwest, voted the black man into office. In other words the country sucks because of stupid race ignorant white Yankees.

As the web site states:
The most important reason Romney lost the 2012 election though is because the Northeastern phalanx delivered all 112 of their electoral votes to Obama within minutes of each other on election night. The “Hispanic voteâ€￾ is a sideshow compared to the Yankee vote in the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and the West Coast and the enclaves (think Boulder, Asheville, Austin, Missoula, Jackson (WY), Cary, etc.) it has established in the South and West.

The Yankee vote is why states like Iowa, Ohio, and Pennsylvania vote Democrat where there are lots of White rural conservatives there who otherwise vote like the Whites in West Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Western Iowa, Pennsyltucky, and Southern Illinois and Southern Ohio are reliably and predictably Republican because Yankees aren’t predominant in those areas in contrast to Eastern Iowa, Philadelphia, Chicagoland, and Cleveland and the Western Reserve.

If you look at the county level map of the Western states, you can see a massive divide between the Whites who live in the coastal and inland Pacific Northwest and those who live in coastal and inland California. Once again, the Whites who live in the coastal areas are responsible for tipping those states into the Democrat column.

This division in the White vote, not the “Hispanic vote,â€￾ is why the Democrats are winning presidential elections – the effect of minorities is simply to augment and nullify White Republican voters, but it is not sufficient by itself to, say, to elect non-Whites to statewide offices outside of extreme cases like Hawaii.

American politics can be summed up as one group of Whites based in the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and West Coast aligning themselves with non-Whites to gain an electoral advantage over a rival group of Whites who are based in the South, Interior West, and the Lower North.



Sep 2, 2012
I travel extensively through the south on business. There are plenty of black thugs and white skanks with black thug boyfriends. Don't kid yourself about that. Not to mention that large swaths of the old confederacy is soon going to be the new mexico. That said I would like to point out a very important point made by the website "Occidental Dissent" (which should be required reading for CF'ers).

The South reliably votes for the White man in presidential elections. White liberal Mitt Romney a venture capitialist from ultra-liberal Massachusetts, member of an odd ball north-western based religion still got all his electoral support from White rednecks, hillbillies, and crackers who have nothing in common with him except skin color. The white people of the northern states of New England, & the industrial midwest, voted the black man into office. In other words the country sucks because of stupid race ignorant white Yankees.

As the web site states:
The most important reason Romney lost the 2012 election though is because the Northeastern phalanx delivered all 112 of their electoral votes to Obama within minutes of each other on election night. The “Hispanic voteâ€￾ is a sideshow compared to the Yankee vote in the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and the West Coast and the enclaves (think Boulder, Asheville, Austin, Missoula, Jackson (WY), Cary, etc.) it has established in the South and West.

The Yankee vote is why states like Iowa, Ohio, and Pennsylvania vote Democrat where there are lots of White rural conservatives there who otherwise vote like the Whites in West Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Western Iowa, Pennsyltucky, and Southern Illinois and Southern Ohio are reliably and predictably Republican because Yankees aren’t predominant in those areas in contrast to Eastern Iowa, Philadelphia, Chicagoland, and Cleveland and the Western Reserve.

If you look at the county level map of the Western states, you can see a massive divide between the Whites who live in the coastal and inland Pacific Northwest and those who live in coastal and inland California. Once again, the Whites who live in the coastal areas are responsible for tipping those states into the Democrat column.

This division in the White vote, not the “Hispanic vote,â€￾ is why the Democrats are winning presidential elections – the effect of minorities is simply to augment and nullify White Republican voters, but it is not sufficient by itself to, say, to elect non-Whites to statewide offices outside of extreme cases like Hawaii.

American politics can be summed up as one group of Whites based in the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and West Coast aligning themselves with non-Whites to gain an electoral advantage over a rival group of Whites who are based in the South, Interior West, and the Lower North.


That may be true but I would rather my son or daughter be a dopey liberal over a wigger or mudshark any day, regardless of geography.