Bud Selig to retire after 2014 season


Dec 29, 2012
Miami FL
Good riddance! One of the worst commissioners any major sport has ever seen. Lets take a look at all his blunders in his 20+ years as commissioner: competitive imbalance, the cancellation of the 1994 World Series, PED's running rampant, negro ass kissing (Jackie Robinson day, Rebuilding baseball in inner cities program) The talking heads on MLB network are gushing with love over this POS. Yeah, he brought labor peace, but only because he's too spineless to stand up to the corrupt players union. I hope whoever is the next commissioner isn't some stooge for the owners and actually gets tough by trying to rid the game of the inept morons currently ruining it.


Aug 22, 2012
Baseball is a joke in this country now, how can anyone say Selig has done a good job? I'd rather blow my brains out than go see the local team play. The Yankees payroll is like 6 times the payroll of my local MLB team. Of course with those descriptors I could be speaking of 2/3 of the teams in the MLB.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Like the NBA (and the pathetic WNBA), MLB is another pro sports league that is propped up in large part by Big Media. As the sport has been diluted by poor fundamentals, a huge influx of non-American hispanics, juiced up players producing phony stats, the domination of large payroll teams over non-competitive smaller ones, and an overall product that is frankly quite boring to most sports fans, especially in this era of micro-second attention spans, Big Media does its best to make baseball seem more popular than it is. And just as with the NBA, attendance figures are inflated by large corporate purchases, giveaways, counting tickets sold and given away rather than the actual attendance, etc.

The ridiculous guaranteed salaries the players command turned me off to baseball more than any of the above. The fact that the owners pay them shows that the corporate media/corporate ownership model that runs and promotes MLB is quite profitable, but that certainly doesn't mean it's a better product than it was pre-Selig. And yes, Selig's ultra-liberal (meaning strongly anti-White) ideology fits right into contemporary Caste System America. His replacement will be no different.

The NFL has the largest and most passionate fan base, followed by the NHL. And no thanks to Gary Bettman and the corporate media for the NHL's popularity. Then there's a large dropoff to baseball and the NBA.


Dec 29, 2012
Miami FL
The commentators on MLB Network actually have the audacity to say that Selig brought parity to the league. Meanwhile, the Kansas City Royals haven't made the playoffs since 1985 and up until this year, the Pittsburgh Pirates went 20 straight years without a winning season. Then you have teams like the Yankees with a 200 million dollar payroll while the Houston Astros had a paltry 18 million to their payroll. How in any way is that parity?

Don hit the nail on the head with the assessment that Big Media, much like the NBA, makes MLB to be much more popular than it is. The reality is, baseballs fan base is aging, attendance numbers are inflated, interest in small market cities is at an all time low (take a look at any Marlins game for proof of this) and the sport overall is dying. Bud Selig, being the cultural Marxist that he is, can't see the real problems with the sport. He caved to the players union during the '94 strike, he's done nothing about Tampa Bay's attendance, or the craphole the A's are currently playing in. He would rather concentrate on non-issues like trying to shoehorn more blacks into the league and of course, the never ending ass kissing of Jackie Robinson. I'm not sure if Selig's successor will be any different (probably not) but I'm glad to see him finally step down.