Bruce Sutter: Hall of Famer


Sep 27, 2004
by J. B. Cash
Bruce Sutter: Hall of Famer

Former Cubs and Cards relief ace Bruce Sutter was recently elected to the Hall of Fame. Most of the media stories I read about Sutter had the same theme: Was he deserving or not?

Apparently it is impossible for the media to get on the bandwagon of a white athlete and just celebrate and congratulate him for the honor. How the sports media can ask that question about one of the great closers of all time is beyond me. They constantly give slavish praise to black and hispanic closers, the only real pitching most non-whites seem able to do, and declare that any team without one is doomed to loser status.

Sutter seemed to be important enough in his time as he signed contracts for millions of dollars. He was generally considered the best at his position when he played. One can argue if relievers are deserving of such honors as the Hall of Fame, but it seems unquestionable that they are integral to a team's success and thus part of the ever-changing baseball tradition.

Bruce Sutter is the ideal "average guy." That is meant as compliment since there are so many "irregular" guys that the world could do without. His election to the Hall of Fame should have been more warmly greeted and his career and life celebrated.

Why? Because guys like Bruce Sutter are the kind of men that everybody should want their sons to grow up to be. As a role model Bruce Sutter should be put on a pedestal. The media should ignore Terrell Owens, Michael Vick, LeBron James, and Kobe Bryant. Put guys like Bruce Sutter front and center and reward him for his life choices so that our youth are impressed with the idea that right living is the way to go. But instead the various sociopathic thugs, gangsters, hip hoppers and rappers are the ones held up to our children as "role models".

Sutter grew up in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He must have come from solid stock as the name "Sutter" appears frequently among our best athletes and soldiers and in the names of towns and villages across our land. He played ball with his friends on local fields, he played little league and high school ball, he played in college and the minors and eventually got his shot in the majors. He pitched as long as his arm would hold out, longer actually, as he pitched in extreme pain at the end of his career. He was a quiet unassuming sort who went out and did his job. What would you give for a country full of men like that?

He was a regular guy in the best sense of the word. He was often shaggy-haired and bearded as many men are wont to be. Ever notice how many men sport some type of facial hair and then notice how few of the "elites" do? Nearly all of my male neighbors, co-workers, and even the business men I see as I traverse the country sport some type of facial hair as a sign that yes, they are men, and men have hair on their face, men are not just women that dress in drab clothes.

Yet nearly all politicians, media talking heads and other prominent establishment types are totally clean shaven as if the dragging of a razor across their face imparts to them some semblance of respectability, when in fact it just sends a message to most guys  you are not one of us.

Sutter signed some BIG contracts as befitted a player who was a virtual lock to hold a lead when he went to the mound. He structured his contract to spread the money out over thirty years, using the foresight that he would have to provide for his family after baseball as well. His keen sense of planning for the future is one of the key genetic qualities of European descended people  the ability to plan far into the future and delay instant gratification for long-term stability.

Note how many highly paid black athletes are now broke. Ask yourself how any man could go through many millions of dollars in just a few years and realize that those things are not just cultural but in fact part of the genetic make-up of a person. Those genes determine the type of culture they live by and the decisions they make.

Bruce Sutter's other genetic inherited quality, for which he can be thankful, was his excellent ability at spacial cognition. Not only could he throw a ball at high speed to a small target with great accuracy, he could do it with the ball jammed between his index and middle finger. Sutter pioneered the widespread use of the "splitter" once popularly referred to as the "forkball". This pitch is thrown with the ball placed between the first two fingers of the throwing hand. I cannot even get a baseball to stay in that position let alone throw one.

Sutter could not only throw it, he could throw it hard, fast and accurately. The splitter imparts a lot of spin on the ball which enables it to appear much faster in motion than it really is. It then suddenly drops down toward the plate, out of the reach of the batter and typically ends up making the hitter look foolish, as he waves at a ball that is no longer where he expected it to be. Sutter once struck out 3 batters in a row in the ninth inning of a game on just the minimum nine pitches needed, almost all of them splitters. It was typical of the dominant pitcher he was.

Sutter mentioned that he if he did not get elected this year, that at this time next year he would be hunting, so he would not obsess over the matter. Hunting and fishing; another sign of a good man. It is curious how black supremacists always try to paint the black race as being "closer to the earth" or more "sensitive to nature" than supposedly over-civilized white people. Yet in all my years I have rarely seen a black hunter and just a few that regularly fish, and they are usually only guys that go out locally.

White men will however invest a fortune in their love of the outdoors. I know dozens of men for whom their love of nature is the defining quality of their lives. I can also name off the top of my head five guys that I know that will just go out, by themselves, in the most out of the way wilderness for a week at a time, just to be close to nature and be undisturbed. I have never heard, not once in my life, of a black man that would do that.

White people must make up 99 percent of sportsmen and an equal percentage of backpackers, hikers, trail-riders, and certainly conservationists and ecologists. Nearly every white person I know sees one of the following activities as the ideal way to spend leisure time: skiing, snow-mobiling, canoeing, biking, boating/watercraft, water skiing, bird or nature watching, and the aforementioned sportsmen's activities.

I do not know of one black person that engages in these activities in any great amount and I rarely, if ever, see them at any of these activities when I engage in them, even though I live in an area with a large minority population. Thus black people, supposedly so "at one with nature" and "in harmony with mother earth," never voluntarily spend their time outside except at a basketball court or picnic, and instead prefer to remain locked away in an air-conditioned or heated apartment watching TV or engaging in some indoor activity.

The only "outdoors" type black people I know of are the ones who cannot escape from it because they do not live in a white society that allows them to do so. Please remember all this next time someone starts up with a rant on how white people are "ice-people" and in a constant struggle with nature but black people are "sun people" and in harmony with the earth. It is just another lie to try and smear our people who are without question the greatest lovers of the beautiful and lovely planet that we inhabit and constantly strive to care for in as careful a manner as possible consistent with providing a healthy life for our children and families.

Bruce Sutter is a fine representative of our people. A family man that worked hard, played clean, didn't break the law, provided for his future, and was eventually rewarded for it with the highest honor in the game.

Was Bruce Sutter deserving of the Hall of Fame? Unquestionably, he is actually deserving of much more. He should be first in line for one of those presidential medals that are given to so many undeserving minorities and useless celebrities. What Bruce Sutter accomplished in his life is worthy of the gratitude of a people. At Caste Football we commend and congratulate him for it.


Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Here's a fun fact: Bruce Sutter will be the first member to have a full beard on his Hall of Fame plaque.