Black Boxing Superiority



Does anyone have any thoughts on why Black boxers have dominated boxing for the last four decades? Are Blacks gifted with superior athletic attributes, or did Whites buy in to a belief of Black superiority and thereby losethe psychological edge? Is the old boxing adage that "Blacks don't like it to the body" , a myth? Black people seem to be more strongly developed around the jaw area, giving them a possible advantage in resistance to knockout. Are there effective ways for White atheletesto elimitate the seeming advantages enjoyed by Black athletes in this sport?

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Blacks on the average have thicker skin which doesn't cut as easy.That along with the longer arms on the average can help.The bottom line though is that there is no perfect type.Anyone can be good with talent and hard work.Alot of the boxers in this country just choose to go into other areas of life or different sports.Trust me,there are thousands of whites in the US that could be outstanding boxers.It is more about economic need than anything else.That is why you have so many hungry Russians coming over here and winning.They are starving to death over there just like in the ghetto.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I smell a troll.


Oct 19, 2004
There are many possible reasons that have been brought up many times here:

Most of the boxing gyms are located in urban areas where there are few, if any, whites

Many white parents don't want their kids involved in boxing

The Iron Curtain that kept out many Eastern European fighters (who are clearly talented, as we are now seeing)

The socio-economic aspect: many of the Italians, Irish, and even Jews who used to compete in boxing have found other ways to make a living than constantly getting pounded in the head and face

Theoretical non-athletic differences: jaw, skull, skin, arm length

And the ever-present slotting process (aka Caste System) where white athletes are shuttled to certain sports and positions (from football to baseball, running back to fullback, etc.) If this exists everywhere else, why not in boxing?

And finally, who needs boxing when you have MMA ?!?
Edited by: JD074


Nov 25, 2004
Is there any study that shows a black advantage in arm length? I have seen none. I don't think we should assume this exists without some evidence. One scientific study should do. Surely it would be an easy thing to study.


May 20, 2005
The brief period when blacks were dominant in boxing (E Europeans and Latins are now giving them a run for their money) is as others stated, a matter of socio-economic conditions. The Irish, Italians, and Jews were in turn dominant in boxing as successive waves of immigrants moved into the ghetto and then moved out.

Even generally anti-white caste author Jon Entine believes that black dominance in boxing is sociological, as the superior strength and endurance of Whites ought to counterbalance black advantages in boxing.

As for body shots, the only difference would be that blacks often do have smaller, thinner bodies than whites. Their hips and wastes are narrower.if you have an especially powerful body shot, it hurts a smaller-bodied person worse, all things being equal.

Maybe psychology also factors in: Believe it or not, hard body shots HURT more than a hit to the head, and keep on hurting. Dealing with hardship is not a big thing in the urban black culture.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Another psychological factor that may be at play is BELIEVING YOU CAN ACTUALLY FIGHT.

So many white men today have it ingrained in their heads that they are no match for a black, so they don't even bother. Obviously, this isn't true, but how many boys and young men feel dominated this way? This idea is ground into their heads subtly and not-so-subtly through television, music, movies, ad nauseum, from cradle to grave.


Interesting input. I wouldn't put all performance disparity down to environment. I think that Black atheletes dominate some sports like sprinting because of physical advantages. It seems to me that ahigher than average proportion of fast twitch muscle fibres; faster reaction times;differences in thehip to shoulder ratio;,arm length and cranial morphology, mustgive Blacks an advantage in modern ten round big-gloved boxing. It has to be borne in mind, when talking aboutimmigrants and poverty, that boxing was a more or less segregated sport for most of its existence, thus most of these great Irish boxers of yesteryearweren't fighting Blacks. Couldn't it be argued that Blacks aren't attracted intoMMA for the same reason they are not attracted into Rodeo?


May 20, 2005

No, they're not attacted into MMA because you ******** get your ass kicked 90% of the time in a fight with (almost) no rules.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Interesting input. I wouldn't put all performance disparity down to environment. I think that Black atheletes dominate some sports like sprinting because of physical advantages. It seems to me that a higher than average proportion of fast twitch muscle fibres; faster reaction times; differences in the hip to shoulder ratio;,arm length and cranial morphology, must give Blacks an advantage in modern ten round big-gloved boxing. It has to be borne in mind, when talking about immigrants and poverty, that boxing was a more or less segregated sport for most of its existence, thus most of these great Irish boxers of yesteryear weren't fighting Blacks. Couldn't it be argued that Blacks aren't attracted into MMA for the same reason they are not attracted into Rodeo?

Golly gee, Beav, you sure are smart! Why did you bother asking the question in the first place if you already had all the answers?

From your first post:
Are there effective ways for White atheletes to elimitate the seeming advantages enjoyed by Black athletes in this sport?

Suddenly, these advantages aren't so "seeming," are they, judging from your last post. And just what does 'elimitate' mean, anyway?

Calvin, you're just another guy who believes in black male athletic superiority. Nobody around here is buying what you're selling.

Thanks for coming.
Edited by: White Shogun


Shogun, I'm a White male who believes in the reality of racial difference. I actually think that modern boxing favours Black athletic attributes. I think you've got to give credit where credit is due. Blacks are good at boxing, at least in its modern form. I don't mind giving Blackskudos for this, but it pisses me off how sports which Whites dominate (strength and endurance events etc) seem to be presented as subsidiary to Black dominated sports like modern boxing and sprinting and how the liberal media venerates Black boxers whilstregarding White champions as mere caretakers.My proposition is that Blacks came to dominate boxing at a time in which social factors (poverty) converged with rule changes within the sport of boxing to give Black atheletes an edge. In terms of fighting there is no question that the caucasian systems ofboxing and wrestling are superior to any combatstyles on the face of the planet.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I don't but it.He is saying just enough to try not to get banned.If blacks are superior at boxing,someone forgot to tell the Klitshcko Brothers.Ha.ha.ha.


Apr 17, 2005
Tell a big lie over and over again and it becomes the truth. We willall be thankful to the Klitschko brothers for saving our race and our country.


C'mon guys! I agree 100% that Black athletic prowess is well overrated and that Black sporting achievement is distorted by pro-Black establishment bias, but Blacks do seem to have a natural flair for SOME sports, like sprinting and MODERN boxing. Like many White people I'm not much interested in watching ten Africans dart accross my tv screen or in watching oversizedBlacks, fattened up on White social welfare programmes and using a White combat system, whuppingdopey White giants ina sportwith rules which nowfavour unique Blackathletic strengths. If you start saying that racial differences are not a factor in sporting achievement you are opening the door for the White liberal champions of Black atheletes to claim that Blackswould dominate tennis, cycling, equestrianand skiing, etc., if only they didn't suffer fromsocial and cultural discrimination

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
If you start saying that racial differences are not a factor in sporting achievement you are opening the door for the White liberal champions of Black atheletes to claim that Blacks would dominate tennis, cycling, equestrian and skiing, etc., if only they didn't suffer from social and cultural discrimination

Only if you believe that blacks are naturally superior athletes. Otherwise, why should I believe they would dominate any sport in excess of their numbers in any given population group?

I *might* cede short sprinting superiority to certain black phenotypes, but even then, without the caste system , slotting, and the social-psychological hurdles white athletes must face and overcome to even believe they *can* compete in sprints, even my concession in that arena is dubious.

And as for black domination of boxing, what with their superior speed, reflexes, arm length, and thick skills, why do they get outjabbed and outboxed by Eastern European fighters? Do the Slavs and Poles and Ukrainians have faster reflexes than their Western European counterparts? And it isn't because there aren't any black men in Europe, there are plenty. Lennox Lewis and Danny Williams ring any bells?

And what of Latino fighters? Do you consider them white or black, racially? There are plenty of lighter skinned Hispanic fighters who dominate the lower weight divisions in boxing.

There may be racial differences that permit some black athletes a slight edge in certain, specific athletic events, but there is NO WAY it is so great as to lead to the percentages of black athletes we see in sports today. And yes, that includes boxing.


Shogun, differences may be minimal, butwhen the human body isbeing pushed toits limits minimal differences can become critical differences.What I'm getting at is that maybe East European boxers have retained links to a long tradition ofcaucasian athletic culture.I think that maybe the East European fighters have the advantage of not trying to fight likeBlack fightersand not training like Black and Western boxers. I agree that they also have the advantage of not having bought into the mystique of the Black uberathelete.


Dec 28, 2004
Can anyone tell me why Eastern European men seem so tough-since they have been permitted to turn pro they have taken over the Heavyweight Class!! They do very well in mixed martial arts fighting-Win the World's Strongest Man Contest-Have dominated weightlifting for decades and win more then there share of Olympic medals[winter and summer!!]. How many really great fighters did we miss in the past 50 years because of the Iron Curtain! By the way how many of you think calvin is pignuts?


Dec 28, 2004

Just a couple of reasons why Eastern Europeans kick so much booty. Andrei Arlovski MMA fighter and Vitali Klitschko the Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the World!!


Dec 28, 2004
Russia won the world amateur boxing championships some months back. Team Africa was last. Can anyone tell me why these Russians dominate Boxing, Weightlifting,Greco-Roman wrestling, hockey and Africans come in last!


Dec 28, 2004
Did it ever cross your mind what a solid impact these Eastern Europeans have had on the Heavyweight Class in just 1 decade!! It is truly amazing by any standards. Vitali Klitschko is the Champ-his brother Wlad is a top contender, so is Nicolay Valuev, so is Oleg Maskaev. Most of the top prospects have names like Boytsov, Lyakhovich, Sultan and Timor Ibragimov, Jirov, Dimitrenko, Chagaev, Virchis, Bibenko, Vidoz and Povetkin[Olympic Gold Medalist]!!This is a short list I could add more!! If these men were from Africa the jock sniffers would have this on Sportscenter every 5 minutes. Never has boxing seen such a rapid change in so short a time period!
When you consider these men come from nations short on food, money and have come through communism, famine, wars[27 million dead from Russia in WW2].This is an amazing feat and it will only get better. These men have tasted the good life and many more will follow. Boxing history is being written right before our very eyes!!


If you guys think that some great reservoir of caucasian athleticgreatness just happened to hide itself in the easternmost reaches of Europe you are kidding yourselves on. The Russians invested massively in sport for decades. The Soviet system produced hundreds ofthousands of Russian atheletes who are now free to ply their trade in the West.Russia is also a place of harsh climate where people are far more used to hard physical labour.

Anyway, I didn't come here to stick up for melanoids. Have you seen this clip of Klitshko/ Saunders set to inspirational European folk music?


Dec 28, 2004
They are kicking black booty pignuts that is all we need to know. How about Vitali's terrible beating of the hapless Danny Williams set to Elvis singing "Shake,Rattle and Roll" with Williams head!!Russia produces great athletes-Kenya don't. In order to produce great athletes you must have some genetic potential to work with the Russians got it the Africans don't. Check the medal count in the Olympics! They took X-rays of Williams head and found nothing


Gary, I considercalling me "pignuts" to be in the nature of a challenge. Why are you issuing a challenge to combat in an arena where that challenge cannot be met? For all you know I might be the heavyweight champion of Scotland. In any case there is virtually no chance of two random forum posters ever coming face to face and you know it.In considering this,calling me "pignuts" is simplyimmature macho posturing from the safety of the distance placed between us by the internet. Didn't you like the Ukrainian music or something?

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Calvin, did you read any of the threads on the boxing forum prior to posting?

"Pignuts" is a euphemism for one former member of Caste Football, the erstwhile "Pugnus." Pugnus was banned a number of times and always reincarnated in some form or other to continue his rants of black supremacy. Gary evidently thinks you are the latest reincarnation of "Pignuts."

I, on the other hand, am unconvinced. Unless Pugnus took spelling and grammar lessons during his latest absence, you are NOT "Pignuts!"

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
The Russians invested massively in sport for decades. The Soviet system produced hundreds of thousands of Russian atheletes who are now free to ply their trade in the West.

And the United States has not? And the Chinese? The only difference that I can see is that the majority of the 'investment' in Eastern Europe went to whites, whereas in the USA it went to blacks. Ever heard of affirmative action?