Airhead !!


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Our spin-masters have done a fine job.You can bet there are untold millions who would agree with her.

[url] 6method=full%26siteid=64736-name_page.html [/url]
<DIV =M2FullAStandfirst>Star says 'breeding' is out while kids starve
<DIV =M2FullAByline>By Toby Mcdonald
HOLLYWOOD superstar Ashley Judd has told her Scots race ace husband Dario Franchitti she will not have a baby - as long as starving children are dying in Africa.
Aug 5, 2005
North Carolina
Above everything else, this sort of sickening mentality makes my blood boil. Franchitti should kick that filthy pig to the curb.

The "death culture" among some Whites is truly frightening, particularly since it appears most prevalent among Hollywood types: just look at Kidman and Jolie (yeah, I know she's pregnant but she has already adopted 2 non-whites).

Simply stated, a White woman who doesn't breed by choice is good for nothing. Now, I understand completely that some women and couples can't have children, and that is truly sad and my heart goes out to them. But intentionally refusing to bear children is the supreme demonstration of self-hatred, not only for herself but also for her parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. Ashley Judd deserves to be a pariah, and she deserves no better than to be spat upon by every decent White person. Barren whore.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Southern Knight said:
Above everything else, this sort of sickening mentality makes my blood boil. Franchitti should kick that filthy pig to the curb.

The "death culture" among some Whites is truly frightening, particularly since it appears most prevalent among Hollywood types: just look at Kidman and Jolie (yeah, I know she's pregnant but she has already adopted 2 non-whites).

Simply stated, a White woman who doesn't breed by choice is good for nothing. Now, I understand completely that some women and couples can't have children, and that is truly sad and my heart goes out to them. But intentionally refusing to bear children is the supreme demonstration of self-hatred, not only for herself but also for her parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. Ashley Judd deserves to be a pariah, and she deserves no better than to be spat upon by every decent White person. Barren whore.

How many kids should a white woman have? Is there a minimum? What about using public assistance / welfare to help pay for food etc if she can't afford to raise them? Is it okay for an unmarried white woman to have children, as long as the father is white?


Mar 8, 2005
United States
My goal someday is to have enough money to adopt as many starving Africans as possible and bring them to the U.S.

I think we would all agree that our countries needs cultural enrichment as our number one priority, what we need is more people of color and more cultures, and to combat the stagnant boring old whites. Also, more diversity will lessen white racism because the racists will see that our brothers and sisters of color are good people.

So let's lobby for the federal government to import those starving brothers and sisters from Africa!


Jan 7, 2005
Well I don't have a problem with the Hollywood types not
reproducing. However, many non-movie star whites have
bought into the myth of overpopulation and consequently are working
overtime to render the white race extinct. What idiots!
Don't they know that the brown, black and yellow man are
multiplying at an exponential rate and will soon have whitey out
numbered? Oh, and none of the other colors of the rainbow
particularly care for the white man.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Bart said:
she will not have a baby - as long as starving children are dying in Africa.

Fortunately, women in the past were not of the same mindset. If so, whites would be extinct, since Africa has always had starving children! How is not giving birth to a white child going to solve the problems in Africa?Some of these women think the solution is to adopt Negro babies. Now that is a great idea! Over the course of time it guarantees the destruction of the foolish countries bringing them in. The stupid African leaders of Zimbabwe waged war on it's white population. After brutalizing, maiming and killing the farmers, they are now free-at last , in total control of their destiny. Without the white man they are reverting back to the stone-age and are once again experiencing mass starvation as the remnantsof civilization crumbles about them. Being unable torectify the situation, stupid white people will again volunteer time, money, blood, sweat and tears in an effort to raise them up from the dung heap. And the wheel turns and turns and turns...


Oct 19, 2004
What a stupid liberal piece of garbage. She epitomizes everything that's wrong with our people. With trash like her it's increasingly difficult to have pride in my race. So many white people just flat out suck. Because Africans are starving, white people shouldn't have children? It's the opposite, Africans and other Third Worlders should die off and we should re-inherit the world.

On the other hand, maybe it's a good thing that white liberals like her don't breed. Do you really want scum like her propagating their leftist anti-white ideology to white children? We right wingers can easily out-breed people like her. In a few generations white liberals will be a forgotten memory. Now if we could just keep out those hordes of baby-making Third Worlders....

White Shogun said:
How many kids should a white woman have? Is there a minimum?

1.9 per woman is the replacement rate, so two children would be the minimum.)

(EDIT: that's 2.1, not 1.9.)

White Shogun said:
What about using public assistance / welfare to help pay for food etc if she can't afford to raise them?

No, parents should be able to take care of their own children, that goes without saying. (And obviously this c*nt Ashley Judd can easily afford however many children she could pop out.) As you know, we need to end all welfare since it's a magnet that draws non-whites to white countries.

White Shogun said:
Is it okay for an unmarried white woman to have children, as long as the father is white?

It's almost always best for a child to be raised by both biological parents. A wealthy white woman could raise children on her own from a financial context, but it's better for children to have a father figure.

But I have a feeling you already know all this....

Edited by: JD074


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Ashley Judd is a big abortion activist. She is a leading spokesbitch for white ethnic cleansing.

This is not surprising and anyway she will get older, hear her clock ticking as the number of eggs gets close to zero, and do her hillbilly duty and have kids. They will probably grow to hate her and embrace the things that she hates. All good for us.
Aug 5, 2005
North Carolina
White people - married or not - should have as many children as they can afford to raise. The percentage of unwed or single mothers has never been a relevant indicator of the child's intelligence or prospects for future success. Iceland has one of the highest percentages of single mothers in the world, and yet Iceland has universal literacy and they read more books, per capita, than any other country. They also have a astonishing literary culture for country of such small size and relative isolation. Of course, they also have White people and virtually nothing but.

White families should strive to have at least 3 and preferably 4 children, but more is better. The replacement rate is 2.1 children per woman (not 1.9, as indicated in a previous post). You have to have slightly more than 2 to overcome the infertility of some men/women and the untimely deaths of some children prior to reaching reproductive age.

On the other hand, the birth of a second child to a welfare queen should result in the termination of public assistance and the forced sterilization of the "mutha." As it is now, our governments actually pay the most unproductive parasites in our society to reproduce by increasing benefits with the sh*tting out of each additional varmint.

In fact, one state (I believe it was Wisconsin) introduced a program that would curtail public assistance if the receipient continued to spawn but the FedGov stepped in and declared that every American (apparently even those who haven't contributed a g*ddamned thing to our society in 400 years) has a "right" to reproduce. This -- like every other "right" created by the Supreme Court -- is bullsh*t, of course. No one who is on welfare has a right to a freakin' thing if it comes at someone else's expense. And those poor starving Afreakin' chillen' that Ashley Judd adores also wouldn't exist without massive Western welfare dollars and medical technology. If they ain't born they can't starve. Why doesn't she support the sterilization of African women?

I'm sorry to ramble but if Whites were reproducing at a decent clip, our FedGov couldn't justify the endless importation of non-White sludge into this country. Nor could the government justify paying blacks to take a dump every 9 months.

Spread the word -- have babies and preserve the race. God knows the sorry bitches like Asjhley Judd won't do it.

P.S. I just read that Meg Ryan has adopted an Asian baby. It hasn't gone unnoticed that her career is in the toilet, and I'm sure that she knows adopting a non-White will thrust her back into the spotlight again. That's life in Jew-merica -- if you're WHite and you hate your race openly, then you are a useful idiot for the ruling class.

My wife and I are expecting our 3rd child this summer.


Jan 7, 2005
I'm the proud father of five boys, so we (my wife and I) have done our share. NOW GET OUT THERE AND SPAWN!

white tornado

Oct 5, 2005
Im only 19 but when the time comes I plan on haveing four or five.


Oct 19, 2004
Southern Knight said:
Iceland has one of the highest percentages of single mothers in the world, and yet Iceland has universal literacy and they read more books, per capita, than any other country.

How involved are the fathers in their children's lives?

Southern Knight said:
The replacement rate is 2.1 children per woman (not 1.9, as indicated in a previous post).

You're right. I read that the birth rate among white Americans is 1.9 per woman, I got those numbers mixed up. Bu it's even worse in the European countries. It gets as low as 1.2, 1.5, etc.


Nov 3, 2004
United States
My wife and I have two and I would have a dozen more if she would agree! Ashley Judd is a feminist turd who has made no contribution at all to white society other than look cute. Let her genes die along with the mudsharks among us.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Another very informative article about the hunger problems in Africa. Despite malnutrition, incopetency and AIDS, the sub-Saharan population has doubled since 1975. The readers's comments are right on the money.

[url] _systemic_crisi.php[/url]
"Sub-Saharan Africa 's population has grown faster than any region over the past 30 years, despite the millions of deaths from the Aids pandemic," the UN Population Fund says.
"Between 1975 and 2005, the population more than doubled, rising from 335 to 751 million, and is currently growing at a rate of 2.2% a year."


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
This guy is relentless and stupid as hell!! I'm sick of this fool!! His sense of justice is totally perverted. 6/323/bono-asks-bush-billions-help-poor.html&amp;e=l_news_dm

WASHINGTON (AFP) - U2 frontman Bono, quoting the Koran, the Bible and rock band Dire Straits, urged President George W. Bush to boost US aid to the world's poor by some 25 billion dollars.

"This is not about charity, it's about justice," the singer and activist told the annual US national prayer breakfast, which included Bush, members of Congress, and Muslim, Christian, and Jewish leaders.

"That's too bad, because we're good at charity," he said. "But justice is a higher standard. Africa makes a fool of our idea of justice it makes a farce of our idea of equality."

"There's no way we can look at what's happening in Africa and, if we're honest, conclude that, deep down, we would let it happen anywhere else," said the rock star, a champion of funding to fight AIDS and famine worldwide.

"Mr President, Congress, people of faith, people of America, I want to suggest to you today that you see the flow of effective foreign assistance as tithing, which, to be truly meaningful, will need an additional one percent of the federal budget tithed to the poor," said Bono.


Oct 19, 2004
"Let it happen?" What are we, omnipotent? We can just rescue hundreds of millions of people at the drop of a hat? We can't even control our own borders for crying out loud.

Besides, Bush already thinks that his duty is to "rid the world of tyranny," we can't afford him getting on another ultra-expensive crusade that's bound to fail anyway. Bono should just donate all his money, or move there, or something, and leave the rest of us alone. Get off your stupid ego trip about being the savior for blacks. Edited by: JD074