2019-2020 NHL Season


Mar 16, 2013
The NHL got underway last night as the surprising defending champs St. Louis were knocked off at home by Washington.

My favorite player Connor McDavid, who has recovered from his knee injury, scored the winning goal for Edmonton last night. I saw the highlight and of course it was dazzling. This CM is a speeding bullet and it would be nice if his team becomes more competitive this season. The Oilers have been in the dumps forever it seems despite a rash of high draft picks.

As we all know ESPN does it's best to shove hockey talk into a back page corner. The best hope of hearing much of anything is to watch a late night sports center show where the always excellent Barry Melrose gets a word in edgewise amidst the highlights.

One very intriguing story line in the media capitol.

We might be witnessing a Willie Mays- Mickey Mantle ( NYC early 50's) ordeal with W Kaapo Kakko of the Rangers and C Jack Hughes of the Devils. Hughes was chosen first and reminds me of Steve Yzerman. The extremely talented Kakko was picked second. The NY market has a couple of jeweled rookies to focus on this season and beyond which bodes well for the future of the NHL.

Exciting stories await in this white friendly league.
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Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The anticipation surrounding the Penguins new season quickly turned to disappointment when they looked the same way they did when meekly exiting against the Islanders in four straight playoff games in April -- slow, immobile clueless defense, lack of effort and heart. Everyone had expected them to come out with a high compete level and it didn't happen. Only one game but not a good sign considering how dispiriting last season was.


Mar 16, 2013
I kept my eye on the Devils last night as they were on the NHL network. What a disappointing loss at home. They blew a 4-0 lead but their starting goalie left due to injury.

The Devils have a couple of black players including defenseman PK Subban who I admit is a good player. Their presence doesn't bother me as this team has former MVP and super talented first round pick Taylor Hall, who by the way looks like former MLB star Chipper Jones. Plus Jack Hughes the shiny new rookie. Hughes didn't put up a point and missed his penalty shot. That hurt. But Barry Melrose compared him to Pavel Bure. Hughes doesn't look like he is skating. He floats. You can see his otherworldly talents in glimpses last night and if you like hockey he is must see TV.

Melrose was effusive in his praise and the Devils with their maniac fans might have the most exciting team in hockey this season. The joint was jumping last night especially when they introduced Hughes before the game. Hughes is about future Hall of Famer Patrick Kane's size but he really takes your breath away with his dazzling skills and beautiful skating ability. He is tough for his size too.
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Feb 11, 2016
Hughes deserved the number one pick and the Devils are going to challenge the Atlantic this year but I have been a Ranger fan since 86' and I think rookie Kapo Kaako is going to have a better year than Hughes. Now if the Rangers could clean up their defense they might have a shot at the playoffs this year. BTW I hate the Penguins and Caps.
And I don't know the percentage of black players right now but like ten years ago Edmonton had 5 players on one roster.


Mar 16, 2013
No question Kapo Kaako is another exciting young talent and the New York metro area will be buzzing about hockey like crazy this season and beyond.

The Penguins situation is dicey and you hate to see one of the greatest players ever in Sidney Crosby being trapped on what looks like a mediocre team but as long as Sid the Kid is around I find it hard to see them slipping into the abyss.

The Caps have an emerging speedster in Jakub Vrana who already is making noise. He was a first round pick in 2018 and is just 23.

This looks to me to be one of the most exciting years in the NHL. So many young stars bursting at the seams. Wild crowds and sheer enthusiasm
from coast to coast.


Jun 3, 2016
PK Subban is not a good player, he is average at best, he is a defensive liability most nights. He is not mobile and has an average shot from the point. Cant scrap worth a penguin's ass. Comparing Hughes to Pavel Bure in his skating is a big, big jump. Bure is/was the best skater to ever lace up skates period, I would rate Paul Coffey the second best skater to ever grace the NHL. There are many NHL players now that are as good or better skaters than Hughes. Give him a few years and that may change.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Subban is very over-rated, for the usual reason.

The Pens started off the first game of the season like last season's disaster never ended, but they've quickly come around and bought into Mike Sullivan's system, which they should have done the past two seasons but the team's prima donnas ruled the roost. Getting rid of Phil Kessel was a huge step forward. Malkin and several other forwards were quickly injured at the beginning of this season, which resulted in the team bringing up several young AHL players from Wilkes Barre who've been just what the doctor ordered. They play hard, fast, and relentlessly, which is how the Pens won the Cup in '16 and '17, but definitely the '16 team was faster and more relentless. Will be interesting to see if Malkin buys into Sullivan's system when he returns; if not it wouldn't be surprising if he's traded.

Not sure how their season will play out, but the Penguins now come to play every game, which is how it should be but has for the most part not been the case in recent decades, when their skill players turned it on when necessary after coasting way too much. That's all I want from a professional sports team. Given how much money they make and how much the fans shell out to watch them, the least they can do is listen to their coach and give their all every game. Especially hockey players, who are supposed to still be above the antics so often seen in football, basketball and baseball.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
what is the black count in the NHL this season? it has to be a historical number?
I have seen totals from 19 to 27 but that can vary due to injuries and demotions/promotions. This also includes Mulattos and a few guys who even look White but have known African ancestry.


Mar 16, 2013
Out of sight out of mind I haven't seen much of the literally colorful Canadian hockey commentator Don Cherry the last few years. He was always a bracing presence. Now at 85 he has been canned for having an opinion ( that is probably accurate) that rubs many in the media the wrong way. To his credit he hasn't backed down and "apologized" which wouldn't get his job back anyway. Nothing he has said should get him fired but these days one has to tip toe through the tulips or else you could get into trouble.

See below details.


Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Cherry's said a lot of "controversial" things over the years, but in this speeded-up era of hyper-cultural communism one comment was all that was needed to kick him to the side of the road.


Jul 23, 2015
I guess if he had said it wearing black-face they would have given him a pass like their PM.


Mar 16, 2013
Don Cherry, who was enormously popular and why not, he was passionate about hockey and his enthusiasm was infectious, appears to have a lot of supporters see below article.

Again I haven't seen him in a while but I liked his intense approach to the sport. I don't agree with all of his commentary . For instance I have no problem with female reporters ( Cherry did) being in the locker room as long as the men are properly covered up but so damn what? He didn't make a federal case out of it but he is entitled to his opinion.

It reminds me of when ESPN pulled the plug on Curt Schilling. No reason other than a prejudice against someone who doesn't follow the rules of the day. Differing opinions are healthy and by censuring those that don't toe the company line we are succumbing to Authoritarian tactics.

ESPN lets black supremacist pusher Mike Greenberg and others go hog wild every stinking morning but that approach is deemed OK. Believe me if Russell Wilson matches up with Lamar Jackson in the Super Bowl Greenberg will be jacking off in a corner.



Mar 16, 2013
Connor McDavid had a hat trick and three assists tonight in a big win for the Oilers.

Bad news. Sidney Crosby will be out close to two months with a core injury. A real shame. Crosby has been playing really well. Don must be sick to his stomach.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I'm happy with the way the Penguins are playing so far; they show up every game and play fast and relentlessly, the first time that's been the case since the 2015-'16 team went on a run in the second half of the season that ended in winning the Stanley Cup. It's an untimely injury on top of the bunch they've had already but they should be able to hang in there without Crosby for 6 to 8 weeks this early in the season.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Grapes, You are an Inspiration to us All!
Posted on November 13, 2019
Throne, Altar, Liberty
The Canadian Red Ensign

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

It was greatly to my disgust that I learned, yesterday, that Sportsnet had fired the legendary Canadian institution, Don Cherry, over remarks he made on Coach’s Corner this past weekend. Here is what he said on Saturday:

“You know, I was talking to a veteran. I said ‘I’m not going to run the poppy thing anymore because what’s the sense? I live in Mississauga, nobody wears — very few people wear a poppy. Downtown Toronto, forget it! Downtown Toronto, nobody wears a poppy.’

He says, ‘Wait a minute, how about running it for the people that buy them?’

Now you go to the small cities, the rows on rows.

You people love — that come here, whatever it is — you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey. At least you could pay a couple of bucks for a poppy. These guys paid for your way of life, the life you enjoy in Canada. These guys paid the biggest price.

Anyhow, I’m going to run it again for you great people and good Canadians that bought a poppy.”

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, it needed to be said, and kudos to Grapes for saying it.

Of course, the lily-livered whiners, the woke snowflake mob, got all triggered by the words “you people” and started throwing conniptions. (See the opening scenes of the 2000 Farrelly Brothers film Me, Myself and Irene staring Jim Carrey and Renee Zellweger for a hilarious satire of those who read all sorts of ridiculous things into just this phrase).

For a day and a half these modern day Salomes were all over the social media demanding that Don Cherry’s head be given them on a platter. Corrupt mainstream media outlets, such as the CBC which for decades carried Hockey Night in Canada in which Coach’s Corner was featured, provided them an additional platform to make these demands. Finally, on Remembrance Day, the sniveling scoundrels at Sportsnet, issued a statement about how Cherry’s patriotic call to respect and honour our veterans was “divisive remarks that do not represent our values or what we stand for” and so he would no longer be appearing on their program.

In an interview with Joe Warmington, Cherry said that this was not a problem and that “I know what I said and I meant it. Everybody in Canada should wear a poppy to honour our fallen soldiers.”


This is exactly how everybody ought to respond when some politically correct mob takes offence at his words and calls them “racist”, “sexist” or some other of the growing list of -ists and -phobics. If there were more of these refusals to grovel and apologize, there would be a lot less of these politically correct mobs.

Don Cherry is an inspiration to all of us who are sick and tired of wokeness, political correctness, cancel culture and all the rest of that nonsense. Let us follow his example. Posted by Gerry T. Neal at 8:25 AM


white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Don Cherry, who was enormously popular and why not, he was passionate about hockey and his enthusiasm was infectious, appears to have a lot of supporters see below article.

Again I haven't seen him in a while but I liked his intense approach to the sport. I don't agree with all of his commentary . For instance I have no problem with female reporters ( Cherry did) being in the locker room as long as the men are properly covered up but so damn what? He didn't make a federal case out of it but he is entitled to his opinion.

It reminds me of when ESPN pulled the plug on Curt Schilling. No reason other than a prejudice against someone who doesn't follow the rules of the day. Differing opinions are healthy and by censuring those that don't toe the company line we are succumbing to Authoritarian tactics.

ESPN lets black supremacist pusher Mike Greenberg and others go hog wild every stinking morning but that approach is deemed OK. Believe me if Russell Wilson matches up with Lamar Jackson in the Super Bowl Greenberg will be jacking off in a corner.

Here's a PC piece on Cherry's firing and moaning of how White hockey is, while I think Cherry was giving the equivalent of the bird to management when he went off script about politics, he had been doing this for years and could have been canned for homophobic slurs, perceived misogyny, xenophobia and other "hate" crimes. It looks like money was as much of a reason for his canning as these modern day thought crimes. https://globalnews.ca/video/6160984/the-whiteness-and-privilege-of-hockey

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
The PTB must be targeting hockey at the moment as Bill Peters(Flames head coach) is accused of using a racial slur against a Black player when they were in the minors 10 years ago, why this came up now is beyond me and is not provable either way. If he admitted guilt or there was a recording in the past sensitivity training and a fine could save his job but these days the media probably want his head on a spike......
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Dec 29, 2012
Miami FL
Akim Aliu is channeling Kaepernick. Maybe a Nike deal is in the works :rolleyes:

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I remember a few years back Metis (Mestizo) fighter Chris Simon called Mike Grier a racial slur after being called a slur himself but the equivalent of a double minor was a national soap opera with Simon being the villain and Grier being the victim. Now we have this and hockey is being dragged through the mud once again......

PS, the Calgary coach is toast as he has already apologized for his language, if he had called an ethnic Italian player a slur or rural Anglo Saxon a "redneck", nothing would be happening but this is tantamount to raping a minor to the media.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Watched a fun and super-entertaining game last night, especially because the good guys won. Penguins went up early on Vancouver at home and were dominating, but Matt Murray had a horrible game and somehow the Canucks were scoring again and again. Murray was pulled at the end of the second period, the Canucks went up 6-3 early in the third, then the Pens scored five straight goals to win 8-6. It was reminiscent of many NHL games back in Gretzy's era and early in Lemieux's before today's mostly lamentable "dead puck" era.


Hall of Famer
Jul 20, 2018
I remember a few years back Metis (Mestizo) fighter Chris Simon called Mike Grier a racial slur after being called a slur himself but the equivalent of a double minor was a national soap opera with Simon being the villain and Grier being the victim. Now we have this and hockey is being dragged through the mud once again......

PS, the Calgary coach is toast as he has already apologized for his language, if he had called an ethnic Italian player a slur or rural Anglo Saxon a "redneck", nothing would be happening but this is tantamount to raping a minor to the media.

Groveling 101. They always apologize. For once wouldn't it be nice for a guy to just say "I have no friggin clue what they're talking about. I didn't say that. End of story."

At least the old timer Cherry stuck to his guns.

To the NHL fans, what are the chances Milwaukee ever gets a team? I was thinking the other day how I'd probably be more of a hockey fan if my hometown had a squad.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Groveling 101. They always apologize. For once wouldn't it be nice for a guy to just say "I have no friggin clue what they're talking about. I didn't say that. End of story."

At least the old timer Cherry stuck to his guns.

To the NHL fans, what are the chances Milwaukee ever gets a team? I was thinking the other day how I'd probably be more of a hockey fan if my hometown had a squad.
While the Badgers are one of the traditional powerhouses in college hockey, Milwaukee has never been seriously considered for expansion or moving a poor attendance team to. I recall somebody saying that the basketball team and a potential NHL team would destroy each others fan base for attendance.


Hall of Famer
Jul 20, 2018
While the Badgers are one of the traditional powerhouses in college hockey, Milwaukee has never been seriously considered for expansion or moving a poor attendance team to. I recall somebody saying that the basketball team and a potential NHL team would destroy each others fan base for attendance.

Thanks for the response. I recall hearing some grumblings Milwaukee might be a destination once they have the new arena. New arena is here and looks like talks have died down.


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
I remember a few years back Metis (Mestizo) fighter Chris Simon called Mike Grier a racial slur after being called a slur himself but the equivalent of a double minor was a national soap opera with Simon being the villain and Grier being the victim. Now we have this and hockey is being dragged through the mud once again......

PS, the Calgary coach is toast as he has already apologized for his language, if he had called an ethnic Italian player a slur or rural Anglo Saxon a "redneck", nothing would be happening but this is tantamount to raping a minor to the media.
I went to that vid on youtube and listened to one or two sentences and gave it a thumbs down for the anti-White NWO drivel that it is and closed it out. The down-votes almost equal the up-votes and I hope some CFers go over there and vote it down too. Of course, the comments are turned OFF. Oy vey, shut it down!!