Planned Parenthood/Cecil the Lion

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
More evidence for the insanity that is the world we live in! Recently Planned Parenthood employees have been caught discussing the sale of aborted baby parts for profit over Chardonnay and dinner and very little has been done so far to shut down and or stop public funding of PP, yet everyone from Jimmy Kimmel to every other liberal is outraged over the killing of a Lion called Cecil.

Our destruction is right in front of us as the Bible predicts: "They exchanged the TRUTH of GOD for LIE. and worshipped and served CREATED things rather than the CREATOR-who is forever praised. Amen." Romans: 1:25.

There are more rights for animals and trees than there is for human life. You can get more jail time for killing a Lion, bald eagle, etc. than you can for killing a baby!


Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I saw a video earlier where Kimmel began choking up during his monologue (which is supposed to be jokes only) when talking about the dead lion.

I'm an animal lover but have posted before about how this ultra-twisted society values animal life above that of people. How many innocent civilians did the Pentagon kill or maim today? We'll never know because it's secret, even the number of wars of aggression this government is involved in at any given time is secret.

All the hate directed at the White man who shot the lion (quite likely following the advice of his black guides) is another indicator of how sick "America" is. The animal lovers/white haters would quite literally love to see this White man tortured for days before being dismembered and killed.
Dec 10, 2012
I'm an animal lover but have posted before about how this ultra-twisted society values animal life above that of people.. All the hate directed at the White man who shot the lion..

I'm also an animal lover; believe we all have a responsibility to care (to the best of our abilities) for all of God's creation. But you're spot-on about our society's selective and thoughtless outrage over killing animals.
A single hunter is not doing any large scale damage to the animal kingdom. He was singled out and sacrificed to the sanctimonious, Marxist nuts. Most of these nuts are completely ignorant or indifferent to all the sick sh-t happening in factory farming, but go haywire when they hear about a single lion. They also stay deaf, dumb, & blind about all the routine mistreatment of animals throughout native Africa. But focus their indignation on individuals like this dude (or the college cheerleader who was also harassed by the spiteful social justice warriors for big game hunting).

I guess ultimately if u care, get active.. care for stray animals, give to the Humane Society, or go vegetarian etc. Dogging a single Great White Hunter is just about conspicuous cultural Marxist posturing.
And it is really twisted.


I support abortion. Black women are considerably more likely to have abortions than White women. If it weren't for legal abortion then blacks would probably be like 40% of the population right now. Imagine how horrifying that would be. The US as a whole would turn into Memphis or New Orleans.

I also agree with the left on their condemnation of the dentist who killed that lion. I think he's a horrible human being. If someone had killed a lion 100 years ago it probably wouldn't have bothered me as much but as of right now so many of these beautiful majestic creatures in Africa are on the verge of extinction. 100 years from now or probably even less there may not be any more lions, elephants, giraffes, rhinos, etc left in the wild. And that's all thanks to the primitive blacks of Africa.

The only thing that bothers me about the left going after this guy as that they're using it as an attack on white men. They're trying to make it seem like evil white men are responsible for poaching and illegal hunting and causing these animals to be on the verge of extinction. But it's actually these primitive africans, who have no appreciation for nature and natural beauty, who are responsible for killing most of these animals.


I'm not against hunting the way most people in America go hunting but I think what this guy is doing is sick. I'm with Jimmy Kimmel on this one. I just don't understand how you gain pleasure from killing animals in that fashion. I could understand feeling pride in killing a wild animal if you were stranded somewhere and you needed to kill an animal in order to save your life. But to spend tens of thousands of dollars to go on hunting trips, where you probably face no danger, just so you can kill a defenseless animal from hundreds of feet away seems like such a cruel and cold blooded thing to do.




Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Extinction is forever.

[h=1]“The beauty and genius of a work of art may be reconceived, though its first material expression be destroyed; a vanished harmony may yet again inspire the composer, but when the last individual of a race of living things breathes no more, another heaven and another earth must pass before such a one can be again.â€￾[/h]
C. William Beebe

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
I'm not against hunting the way most people in America go hunting but I think what this guy is doing is sick. I'm with Jimmy Kimmel on this one. I just don't understand how you gain pleasure from killing animals in that fashion. I could understand feeling pride in killing a wild animal if you were stranded somewhere and you needed to kill an animal in order to save your life. But to spend tens of thousands of dollars to go on hunting trips, where you probably face no danger, just so you can kill a defenseless animal from hundreds of feet away seems like such a cruel and cold blooded thing to do.
I agree.

There is something sickeningly cowardly about trophy hunting. These same men probably get weak in the knees when it comes to standing up for our people.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
I don't support abortion! Again it's insane to care more about animals than human life! I'm going to assume that those here who support abortion have no children. I have five children and I teach them to love animals, love to eat them. I like some of the photos too, especially the buffalo, buffalo burgers are great! That's one of the reasons they were put here. However, humans were not put here to butcher as in procedures such as partial birth abortion.

It's cowardly and sick for doctor to pull a baby out of it's mother's womb by the legs and stab it's head and suck the brains out and dispose of the baby like a piece of trash.

Although blacks are more likely to have abortions in some areas of the country, of the almost 60 million abortions that have been performed since 1973, 55% of those were white. So approximately 33 million white babies have been aborted since 1973.

Again, thanks for the photos of dead animals, maybe I'll send in some photos of baby's being murdered and sucked from their mother womb.


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
I'm also an animal lover; believe we all have a responsibility to care (to the best of our abilities) for all of God's creation. But you're spot-on about our society's selective and thoughtless outrage over killing animals.
A single hunter is not doing any large scale damage to the animal kingdom. He was singled out and sacrificed to the sanctimonious, Marxist nuts. Most of these nuts are completely ignorant or indifferent to all the sick sh-t happening in factory farming, but go haywire when they hear about a single lion. They also stay deaf, dumb, & blind about all the routine mistreatment of animals throughout native Africa. But focus their indignation on individuals like this dude (or the college cheerleader who was also harassed by the spiteful social justice warriors for big game hunting).

I guess ultimately if u care, get active.. care for stray animals, give to the Humane Society, or go vegetarian etc. Dogging a single Great White Hunter is just about conspicuous cultural Marxist posturing.
And it is really twisted.

I'm concur AA, and I am also very pro-life when it comes to abortion. The human babies being slaughtered in this nation under the banner and cry of "pro-choice" is going to incur the divine and rightful wrath of God Almighty. These Marxist cult members misrepresent the entire narrative. It's what they do best. I believe some hunting is morally wrong for reasons stated by others. These bozos don't do it for food usually, as they aren't eating lions and rhinos. They are spineless twits for all I can tell. But the slaughter of the unborn, regardless of race, is sin and it is a terrible sin. I'll go one step further and say anyone who who is a pro-abort is not a Christian, or at the very least is completely out of the will of God. That includes all the demonic dirtbags in the media that have absolutely no problem with abortion and skew this whole thing for their own anti-White, anti-God means to their ends and agenda.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
I wholeheartedly agree that “trophy hunting†is an activity specifically reserved for ultra-materialist ******* with a complete absence of masculinity in their lives. The whole fake-macho practice revolves around having the poor animal “mounted†and displayed in one’s home, telling the harrowing tale of its demise to guests, and then bragging profusely of the “danger†they experienced. This dentist “jägermeister†reminds me of the vile Cultural Marxist, Jew-venerating, Negro-adoring, feminist-supporting midget, Teddy Roosevelt. That obese little silver spoon twerp loved blasting many of Africa’s finest…





Just another reason to chisel this prick’s ugly facade from Mt. Rushmore.

I don’t consider hunting to be a very manly activity in general. I come from a hardcore pro-hunting family in rural PA and I’ve always refused to partake. With modern weaponry/equipment, I think it’s way too easy. I understand deer and rabbit hunting to a certain extent, as whitetail and eastern cottontail are both plentiful and many die of starvation during winter anyway. Still, their dead bodies are a food source for coyotes, foxes, and other non-hibernating mammals or non-migrating birds.

Where I live, I could literally shoot a different deer, rabbit, or wild turkey every single day from the comfort of my back deck. I choose not to because I’ve done everything in my power to encourage animals to come to my property, because I cherish their presence. I’ve created two fish large ponds in my yard, constructed several gigantic “brush piles†for shelter, built dozens of bird houses, planted countless fruit trees, nut trees, grapevines, etc. A friend of mine runs a wildlife rehab center, and he's released many animals on my property with great results. If I absolutely needed to kill wild animals to survive, I’d simply raise fish or fence-in a population of rabbits.

I am pretty big into catch-and-release fishing, but I’ve never kept a single fish other than to initially stock my ponds.

I do own many rifles, handguns, and a crossbow, but they’re for protection and potential survivalist tools.


Jul 6, 2011
I wish those who call themselves animal rights supporters would notice that whites are probably the only people on earth who care about animal welfare. Last year some Florida chapter of the NAACP protested the arrests of some black youths who tortured some poor cat to death. Prosecuting animal cruelty is obviously racist! Throughout Europe disgusting halal slaughterhouses have become a source of anti-Muslim animosity. But without doubt the most cruel people in the world towards animals are the Chinese.

As for this Palmer fella I don't have much sympathy for him though it must be terrible for the staff of his dental office. He brought this on himself. Cecil the lion appears to have been lured out of the sanctuary, shot with a crossbow (wtf!) and died 40 hours later of a gunshot wound. I would assume its cubs will be killed now that there's no one to protect them.

As Thrashen says all this relatively easy killing of animals then posing with them like you are Alexander the Great is fake machismo. Let's not forget draft dodging war monger Dick Cheney did similar things. The ducks and pheasants he shot were pen-raised and released all at once so Cheney could shoot dozens at a time instead of tracking them down and doing it in their natural habitat. Quite the accomplishment there, Dick.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Carolina Speed said:
I have five children and I teach them to love animals, love to eat them. I like some of the photos too, especially the buffalo, buffalo burgers are great! That's one of the reasons they were put here.

That’s about what I’d expect from the Judeo-Christian perspective. Selfishness, decadence, materialism, and all worldly matters centered around helping only mankind. “Animals were put here for you!” Yeah right. We were put here for each other, but over the last few hundred years, our relationship has consisted of mankind taking everything, and giving nothing back. After white Europeans were forced (in many cases, under penalty of torture/death), to convert to Christianity, man-made animal extinction became commonplace.

Your Pagan European ancestors loved, respected, and were thankful for nature and animals. They observed the individual traits of wild flora/fauna and were captivated. Nature and animals were a major focal point of their folklore, traditions, and religion. This is what all whites once were, and hopefully shall be again someday.

Some of our best surviving ancient European folktales (which show a deep and beautiful connection to nature/animals) can be found in the Prose Edda and the Poetic Edda. Here are some of those tales put into audiobook...

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Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Thrashen, you address the part about me eating meat, however, the point of the thread was to address how backward we've become in placing animals above humans.

I don't believe in killing animals for fun and trophy's, etc., but I can't understand how you have no compassion for baby's being aborted for reason of convenience, which is what 90% of all abortions are about, but yet you have compassion for animals being murdered.

I don't place animal life above human life.


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
That’s about what I’d expect from the Judeo-Christian perspective. Selfishness, decadence, materialism, and all worldly matters centered around helping only mankind. “Animals were put here for you!â€￾ Yeah right. We were put here for each other, but over the last few hundred years, our relationship has consisted of mankind taking everything, and giving nothing back. After white Europeans were forced (in many cases, under penalty of torture/death), to convert to Christianity, man-made animal extinction became commonplace.

Your Pagan European ancestors loved, respected, and were thankful for nature and animals. They observed the individual traits of wild flora/fauna and were captivated. Nature and animals were a major focal point of their folklore, traditions, and religion. This is what all whites once were, and hopefully shall be again someday.

Some of our best surviving ancient European folktales (which show a deep and beautiful connection to nature/animals) can be found in the Prose Edda and the Poetic Edda. Here are some of those tales put into audiobook...


Although your post earlier contains admirable things you have done on your property for the benefit wildlife and the habitat there, your post here misses the point and sounds NOWish to the core, almost like the tripe of University liberal snobs. You seemingly can't take a lighthearted remark he made about loving to eat certain animals, and called him selfish for believing God truly did endorse mankind to have dominion over living creatures (but not to abuse them for selfish purposes). I think you own CS an apology, but that's up to you.
And btw, the forced and tortuous "conversions" you're probably referring to were done almost entirely by the Roman Catholic Cult, not true Christians. Read Bright Lights in Dark Times for a taste of what happened to my European Christian brothers at the hands of Rome...
Anyway, people will go to great lengths to squelch their responsibility to submit and obey the True and Living God so that they can be their own, or create God in their own image and for their own purposes. Animal Rights Extremists are just one example.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Thrashen, you address the part about me eating meat, however, the point of the thread was to address how backward we've become in placing animals above humans.

I don't believe in killing animals for fun and trophy's, etc., but I can't understand how you have no compassion for baby's being aborted for reason of convenience, which is what 90% of all abortions are about, but yet you have compassion for animals being murdered.

I don't place animal life above human life.

I’m very much against abortion. If I had my way, it would be illegal to abort white children and programs would be developed to set them up with white families for adoption.

I didn’t mean to attack you. Perhaps you were just kidding, in which case I apologize.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Last night I asked relative if he was upset with the killing of the lion. He said of course. I next asked him why no outrage by him or his party over the killing/late term abortions that his party supports and PP. All I heard that night were crickets........The next morning I called him a fraud. Then said I feel bad that the lion was killed, because he deserved to live. Just like the millions of healthy babies aborted in the womb. How F**ked is that Democratic party is today! Unreal.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
I've never hunted and I don't particularly consider it a masculine activity. Killing animals doesn't make a man "tough" or masculine. If you really wanted to be tough you'd take up a combat sport, work out to get muscular, start a business (these are much more masculine activities). Personally I don't see how a person can derive pleasure from killing an animal as a recreational activity.

Let's see how tough these hunters are in a boxing gym, probably not very tough at all.

I once killed a wolf in Quebec, about an hour North of Montreal. Totalled my car's front bumper, cost me 250$ to repair, but I felt bad about killing the wolf. Other than that I've never killed an animal. Since then I avoid driving in the country side at night. Never know what's going to run on the highway (moose, bear, deer, coyote) especially in Canada there is a lot of wild life here.

I do eat meat regularly, so maybe I'm a bit of a hypocrite though!
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Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I am often saddened by the thought of the cruel and vicious death experienced by the particularly beautiful creatures that populate much of my native habitat. Their lovely feathers and proud bearing provide no protection against those wimpy, cowardly, phonies that think they are doing something manly and providing a useful purpose but are in reality just butchers. Of course I'm talking about chickens. I do like McNuggets though.
Dec 10, 2012
Not begrudging anyone's opinions.. but I don't think trophy hunting is defined by it's cowardice (suggested earlier in the thread). I think it's defining message is that we as humans are still wired to hunt. Hunting's a healthy urge for people to stay in touch with.. I believe the cult-Marxist bigots resent that urge in Westerners specifically, and want to deracinate & then eradicate those who are still in touch with it.. hear me out,

To me, big picture, this is simply another piece of the fraudulent 'social justice' puzzle. Which is always (@ core) about demonizing & neutering Western culture. When defenders of the West jump on board with these so-called social justice campaigns they are inadvertently helping uphold the politically correct Panopticon against White Westerners. This hunter is a single case, who is really insignificant in the real work of protecting animals from mistreatment.. but he's being used as another piñata for the anti-West bigots.. ie- look at the mean Great White Hunter, to distract us from all the evil criminals and Marxists destroying our country.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Depends on the circumstances but if you have ever hunted you would know that killing a big predator with a bow is pretty bad ass. Humans kill animals with bows and guns because animals kill people with claws and teeth. Hunters use the weapons they have at hand. No matter how much time you spend in the gym, you wouldn't stand a chance against a big predator, or an out of shape guy with a gun for that matter.

Animals are property. They belong to someone or else they are fair game. Modern african safari hunts are the number one way that animals are saved. It provides money to the locals and discourages them from killing them for either meat or to prevent attacks. It funds anti-poaching efforts. The money that dentist spent saved the lives of hundreds of other animals. Also note that lions are NOT on the endangered list.

When was the last time anyone here even saw a living lion? How many times do people even go to zoos? Is the idea that there are no longer some animals out there in the world walking around in a place you will never see really that heart rendering?
Dec 10, 2012
..heart rendering?

Yeah, I think there's a hypocrisy in the selective outrage over animal killing. Some people are indignant over the killing of a single lion.. but routinely stuff their faces w/bacon-wrapped steaks, veal cutlets, etc. Why is the lion's suffering any more or less valid than any other animals (?)
All animals experience pain & fear.. We as consumers of factory farmed food contribute to that suffering. Why is this dentist any more villainous than anyone else.. if at all (?) Would the social justice warriors get on Facebook to harass the guy if/when they found out he ate a stack of veal: those cows suffer a lot to be turned into an unnecessary delicacy. The inconsistencies and sanctimony of Cecil's defenders is perverse.

And I don't think caring about unborn children, or animals, are competing interests. They both need care & protection, but my opinion, the cultural Marxists aren't truly, morally fit for either.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
I'm no supporter of the hunting of endangered species for sport, though I think that a person should be able to hunt animals if he intends to eat them.

The USA is such a sick, uneducated society.

Some limp-wristed ****** wearing women's skinny jeans and with a long Civil War beard can go judging all of us for polluting or "animal rights" this, and "global warming" that, meanwhile he doesn't even realize how much pollution Toyota factories dump into the ozone to create his gay little Prius, nor does he care that his "ultra skinny slim suit" that he bought from Topshop was sewn together by Indian and Chinese slaves, nor does he care that he runs his air conditioner all day and creates an utterly TITANIC carbon footprint.

All that dude cares about is posturing and faux anger.

I see it time and time again.

They LOVE to talk about equal rights and how they aren't racist, but you see how fast they lock their doors and drive a little bit faster when they roll through Compton, because they clearly AREN'T down with the hood.

Liberal animal rights activists, civil rights activists, environmentalists, feminists, et al, (code for "Anti White male") LOVE to imagine this fake world where the White man is somehow TRYING to hold them down. I mean, STFU, seriously!

No one is "holding" these losers down.

If anything, they're holding THEMSELVES down because they just CAN'T HANG with the White man.


Basically White dudes over the past forty odd years have been compelled to apologize for being a superior branch of humanity.

Sorry, but the truth hurts.

We see it in the media, too.

Black doctors, women firefighters, Black Navy Seals, minorities solving the mysteries of science, women routinely outsmarting men, minorities coming to the rescue in a crisis.


We all know the real deal.

That's just fantasy land.

When there's a real disaster, a real problem, the same thing will happen, as has happened since the dawn of time.

Everyone else will get the F*CK out of the way, and let the White man solve the problem.

So, boo hoo to the liberals and the animal rights activists turning some ****** killing a lion into an ant-White issue because that's all they're ever thinking about.

The White man rules.

Deal with it.
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white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Depends on the circumstances but if you have ever hunted you would know that killing a big predator with a bow is pretty bad ass. Humans kill animals with bows and guns because animals kill people with claws and teeth. Hunters use the weapons they have at hand. No matter how much time you spend in the gym, you wouldn't stand a chance against a big predator, or an out of shape guy with a gun for that matter.

Animals are property. They belong to someone or else they are fair game. Modern african safari hunts are the number one way that animals are saved. It provides money to the locals and discourages them from killing them for either meat or to prevent attacks. It funds anti-poaching efforts. The money that dentist spent saved the lives of hundreds of other animals. Also note that lions are NOT on the endangered list.

When was the last time anyone here even saw a living lion? How many times do people even go to zoos? Is the idea that there are no longer some animals out there in the world walking around in a place you will never see really that heart rendering?
If the money was truly spent on the animals and reserves to save them, the 50K for a kill would be well worth it, but how much is really spent on this? I would bet X percent of that is lost due to graft. Also how does a dentist afford 50K for hunting? That's a lot of crowns to fill for 50K...

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
That’s about what I’d expect from the Judeo-Christian perspective. Selfishness, decadence, materialism, and all worldly matters centered around helping only mankind. “Animals were put here for you!â€￾ Yeah right. We were put here for each other, but over the last few hundred years, our relationship has consisted of mankind taking everything, and giving nothing back. After white Europeans were forced (in many cases, under penalty of torture/death), to convert to Christianity, man-made animal extinction became commonplace.

Your Pagan European ancestors loved, respected, and were thankful for nature and animals. They observed the individual traits of wild flora/fauna and were captivated. Nature and animals were a major focal point of their folklore, traditions, and religion. This is what all whites once were, and hopefully shall be again someday.

Some of our best surviving ancient European folktales (which show a deep and beautiful connection to nature/animals) can be found in the Prose Edda and the Poetic Edda. Here are some of those tales put into audiobook...

Awesome post, Thrashen. :thumb: