Writer Thinks White Baseball Fans are Boring


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
[h=2] The sports site SB Nation had an article recently titled: MLB players talk about celebrations and the changing culture of the game. [/h] (http://www.sbnation.com/mlb/2015/5/15/8601875/mlb-celebrations-international-game)
[h=2]Here’s a snippet,[/h] Baseball can be boring. Not because of the game itself, but because of the traditions that try to keep it so formalized. Its diverse cultures have become such a significant part of the game, that to ignore it is to disrespect the game and a large portion of its players. To strip away how emotions are expressed means to deny players a part of their culture, and what makes the game so unique.

The 2015 season is comprised of 230 players born outside the United States, or 26.5 percent, more than a quarter of the players on major league rosters. And that's not counting players in the minors. Players like Yasiel Puig, Miguel Cabrera, and David Ortiz are examples with a particularly recognizable style of play. Yet, their personalities can be met with criticism on occasion, and sometimes that criticism can be enough for players like Puig to tone down the very aspects that make them who they are.

[h=2]This article is a classic case of anti-white bias expressed in a neutral manner so as to make the point without ever really saying it. Baseball is boring because of tradition, that’s code for white cultural norms. Note that baseball should now be LESS boring because of the 26.5 percent of players that are foreign. All of those players come from more vibrant places then the plain old vanilla United States and apparently are being held back from being their exciting vibrant selves by mean old whitey. I mean tradition. [/h] [h=2]The point is poorly made with examples. Puig, yes his over the top obnoxious behavior would have been curtailed by his parents were he raised in the US, but Miguel Cabrera and David Ortiz as further examples? Cabrera is a good hitter but about exciting as oatmeal. He is very reserved and virtually never speaks to the media and his on field “flair†might include watching a towering home run or flipping his bat or perhaps not running on a double play grounder. But that’s it. Perhaps they are referring to his off field problems with his drinking but I doubt it. [/h] [h=2]As for the recognizable play of David Ortiz, isn’t his game hitting long home runs and jogging around the bases? Maybe the reference is to some other aspect of his game but once again I don’t think the rampant abuse of PED’s by players from south of the border is the “excitement†referred to here.[/h] [h=2]The article continues: [/h] That doesn't mean everyone has to celebrate every little thing, from hard-hit ball to a run scored to a key strikeout. There is a right way to play the game, and players either know what that is or they learn. But it does mean acknowledging this isn't the same sport it was in the 1950s, and that some of the unwritten rules need not apply today.

Yes the game is being played exactly like it was in the 1950’s. As is typical of anyone writing from the viewpoint of the liberal victors of the cultural revolution, it is always 1950 (65 yeas ago) and virtually nothing has changed, so the war against white cultural oppression must still be waged at full force.

"Some of us have that flare, because of our culture, because of how we were raised," said Rajai Davis, outfielder for the Detroit Tigers. "It's good to have some diversity, I think diversity's good. You don't want everyone doing the same thing, I think that would get boring if you get everybody doing the same thing. We're not created that way. We're not all created to act the same, we're not all created in the same environment, don't have all the same cultures."

Rajai Davis, is an American black, born and raised in Norwich Connecticut. Since I am assuming that Norwich Connecticut is not one of the places considered as a source for the excitement that baseball lacks, I will have to guess that if Davis is “exciting†then it comes from something else then boring American culture. So it’s all about race then. Well why not say that?
But wait. It’s not just that that it is no longer 1950:

The MLB game hasn't changed just because time has passed. Players who spend time in winter ball during the offseason immediately notice a stark contrast between the crowds in the states and those in countries like Venezuela, Puerto Rico, or the Dominican Republic. And any player who's spent time in Japan knows how different the atmosphere is there.

So let’s see. South America, Central America, the Caribbean, even Japan and Korea. White people are soooo boring they are even MORE boring then the Japanese. That’s really boring. What’s being stated here is that everyone on the planet that plays baseball is more exciting then white people. Because let’s face it. Baseball fan attendance in the US is about 90% white, so we are talking differences between the races and their cultures.

By comparison to other regions that enjoy baseball, fans in the United States are dull. That's not a knock on fans themselves, there is simply a marked difference.

Yes that’s a knock on the fans. It’s the whole point of the article.

During pretty much any part of the year leading up to the last month of the season, the crowds are moderately participatory at best, with many fans leaving well before the game is over. The direct opposite is the case overseas.

"I think the fans are more passionate there, in reality," Davis said. "They're just more passionate there. ... They don't have a sign that says ‘OK it's time for you to cheer' like we do at Comerica (Park, in Detroit), the billboards. You don't have to tell them to make noise, they just make noise. We gotta give instructions, they don't need instructions. I guess it's just more a part of their culture, baseball is more a part of their culture than it is ours."

This observation is true for the most part. Baseball in the US is not a 4 hour semi-riot. It’s an enjoyable day in the summer at the ballpark. The game does not lend itself to constant cheering and yelling. There is too much time between pitches/innings/plays to be yelling for no reason. Fans leave early because there are huge crowds at US games and the stadiums are usually a long way from the homes of the white fans who have to travel to the small oasis of civilization that have been erected in the war zones of decaying black run cities. When I was a kid I could take a bus to the stadium or make a long walk, so I could stick around until the last out.

And when the playoffs come along or there is a big game the crowd is more into it but apart from that there has to be something to cheer about. Like a rally, a great defensive play, great pitching. I was at a game recently and the home team was down by 6 runs in the bottom of the ninth. A guy got a base hit with two outs and the scoreboard exhorted the fans to MAKE SOME NOISE. Dude it’s a 6 run game with two outs. It’s not surprising people are leaving for the exits.

Furthermore there are other reasons that white American baseball fans are more restrained. The average ticket price is probably 100 times what it is in South America, so the people at games in the US are going to be older, and richer, which is going to mean more restrained. There are also 162 games, in very large stadiums.

Sports contests south of the border are well known for their vibrancy. Often the crowds, full of exciting fans with a great flair, end up rioting and killing each other. Sometimes the players are targeted and often organized gangs control huge swaths of fans.

So the real issue here is that white people generally (not always) act with restrained enthusiasm, and due to cultural norms (quickly disappearing) refrain from the large scale rebelliousness that often spills over into rioting and extreme, often tragic, violence.

However fear not fans of more vibrancy and flair. The changing demographics of both baseball and the population at large ensure that soon, you too will be able to enjoy baseball with the same excitement, style and eventually bloodshed, as our neighbors to the south. While I don’t think the author of the article dares to think that far ahead and realize the eventual results of overturning white cultural norms, neither do those that set our national policy.

Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
Calling white people and their culture boring is a political tactic frequently used by the leftists. It's one of the main themes they use to denigrate white people and their culture.


Sep 11, 2021
Great article and insights. The funny thing that the astute author of the original article (ahem, ahem, sorry was choking there) misses is that baseball is more boring now than it was 30 years ago because the amount of time in between pitches allowed is ridiculous.

Don’t believe me? Just go back and watch the Mets v astros 1986 pennant deciding games on YouTube . This wasn’t ancient history. It’s even available in color!

The whole pace of the game was different and better. In 1986 guys didn’t step to the plate wearing body armor (thanks Barry Bonds) many didn’t even wear batting gloves .

Gloves and body armor that batters step out and adjust nine ways after every pitch which makes what was once a really great game to watch into mostly a yawn.

wonder why he missed that? Perhaps it didn’t fit his narrative either?


Mar 21, 2022
Well I don't see white fans as boring, probably this person has never been to a football game in the Balkans, or seen what England games were like before the Premier League

Fans of eintracht Frankfurt (germany), in The Europa League in this years

Of course, the fan culture in the United States seems to be different from that of Europe and South America, But not exclusive to whites americans.


Sep 11, 2021
Agreed. Clearly this is just another uninformed tool of the political left with a propaganda piece