Why are Whites not allowed to play certain positions but allowed to play others ?



One thing I've always wondered about is why are there some positions that Whites simply aren't allowed to play while there are also some position that Whites are allowed to play . Some positions that Whites are not allowed to play at all are cornerback, running-back, and nose tackle. I think the reasoning behind this is that those are some of the easiest positions to play from a cerebral perspective. They're positions where Whites and Blacks can be equal. A great white running-back probably won't produce better results than a great black running-back, same goes with cb and nt. So you can just give it away completely to black players without losing too much on the field(other than the occasional boneheaded plays from blacks).

Then you've got some positions like wide receiver(especially slot), safety, defensive end, inside linebacker, etc where Whites are allowed to play sometimes and usually flourish because those are positions where White characteristics will benefit the team. Whites have higher intelligence than blacks, better situational awareness, more mental fortitude, and better hand eye coordination. A White safety or inside linebacker is going to be more valuable to his team than his black counterpart. So you can justify keeping a few whites around in the eyes of the caste system to play these positions.

Then are positions that are either 50-50 or white dominant like quarterback, tight end, anything on the O-line, kickers, punters, and long snappers. These are positions that Whites on average are extraordinarily better than Blacks at. If you replace a random white player at any of these positions with a random black player at the same position then you're guaranteed to get a worse player. Blacks who play those positions are usually a detriment to their team.

I don't know as much about football as some of the posters here so I'd really be interested to hear what you guys have to say. Feel free to correct me on anything you disagree with.
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Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
This site, through articles and the discussion forum, has discussed and answered your question over and over again. Surprised that someone as smart as you and with as many posts as you have would even ask it.

Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
One thing I've always wondered about is why are there some positions that Whites simply aren't allowed to play while there are also some position that Whites are allowed to play . Some positions that Whites are not allowed to play at all are cornerback, running-back, and nose tackle. I think the reasoning behind this is that those are some of the easiest positions to play from a cerebral perspective. They're positions where Whites and Blacks can be equal. A great white running-back probably won't produce better results than a great black running-back, same goes with cb and nt. So you can just give it away completely to black players without losing too much on the field(other than the occasional boneheaded plays from blacks).

Then you've got some positions like wide receiver(especially slot), safety, defensive end, inside linebacker, etc where Whites are allowed to play sometimes and usually flourish because those are positions where White characteristics will benefit the team. Whites have higher intelligence than blacks, better situational awareness, more mental fortitude, and better hand eye coordination. A White safety or inside linebacker is going to be more valuable to his team than his black counterpart. So you can justify keeping a few whites around in the eyes of the caste system to play these positions.

Then are positions that are either 50-50 or white dominant like quarterback, tight end, anything on the O-line, kickers, punters, and long snappers. These are positions that Whites on average are extraordinarily better than Blacks at. If you replace a random white player at any of these positions with a random black player at the same position then you're guaranteed to get a worse player. Blacks who play those positions are usually a detriment to their team.

I don't know as much about football as some of the posters here so I'd really be interested to hear what you guys have to say. Feel free to correct me on anything you disagree with.

I think you have an interesting insight. Most posters here would agree with you.


This site, through articles and the discussion forum, has discussed and answered your question over and over again. Surprised that someone as smart as you and with as many posts as you have would even ask it.

Maybe I'm not that smart because I've spent a lot of time reading this forum and I haven't seen an answer to this question. I'm not asking why the caste system exists, I'm asking what the reasoning is behind certain positions being black-only while some other positions are open for whites to play(if only in small numbers). Why are whites allowed to play safety but not cornerback, wide receiver but not runningback, offensive tackle but not nose tackle ?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Maybe I'm not that smart because I've spent a lot of time reading this forum and I haven't seen an answer to this question. I'm not asking why the caste system exists, I'm asking what the reasoning is behind certain positions being black-only while some other positions are open for whites to play(if only in small numbers). Why are whites allowed to play safety but not cornerback, wide receiver but not runningback, offensive tackle but not nose tackle ?

Whites aren't allowed to play safety and wide receiver. Five percent or so in the NFL is hardly "being allowed to play."

Cornerback is more of a speed position than safety, thus the tiny amount of White safeties versus no White cornerbacks. Wide receiver and running back are both "speed" positions, but running back is the offensive equivalent to quarterback -- traditionally there was just one at that position until recent years -- so it long ago became a black only thang. And the few Whites allowed to start at WR were never stars, until Welker and Nelson broke through in recent years (and a few others to lesser degrees). And of course we are now seeing the reaction: putting Whites "in their place" at receiver with few or none being drafted and developed.

Defense in general has become over 90 percent black. White d-linemen are as rare as White defensive backs. In the case of the d-line it is because according to Caste System mythology, Whites are slower and not as strong as blacks.


Whites aren't allowed to play safety and wide receiver. Five percent or so in the NFL is hardly "being allowed to play."

Cornerback is more of a speed position than safety, thus the tiny amount of White safeties versus no White cornerbacks. Wide receiver and running back are both "speed" positions, but running back is the offensive equivalent to quarterback -- traditionally there was just one at that position until recent years -- so it long ago became a black only thang. And the few Whites allowed to start at WR were never stars, until Welker and Nelson broke through in recent years (and a few others to lesser degrees). And of course we are now seeing the reaction: putting Whites "in their place" at receiver with few or none being drafted and developed.

Defense in general has become over 90 percent black. White d-linemen are as rare as White defensive backs. In the case of the d-line it is because according to Caste System mythology, Whites are slower and not as strong as blacks.

You're probably right I guess I'm just over thinking it. But here's what I don't get; the reason for the existence of the caste system in sports along with black glamorization and overrepresentation in movies,television, and music comes down to social engineering. The goal is to try to normalize black people and make black men seem attractive to white women. We all know there are very few positive images of blacks in society outside of sports and the media. So if not for the false portrayals of blacks in the media and sports the only image most Americans would have of black people is black criminality. And as a result nobody would put up with close proximity to blacks and no miscegenation would take place.

The idea of blacks being athletically superior has already been very deeply planted in the minds of all Americans. But I don't think it's because black people dominate cornerback and rb in the NFL it's because they make up the vast majority of the NFL,NBA,NCAA football and basketball, and they dominate track and field. When the average person turns on Sunday Night Football and they see blacks all over their screen, with maybe a few whites sprinkled in, I don't think they're looking at it from a position by position stand point. They just look at the overall numbers. Just put yourself in the position of the wives, girlfriends, and the very casual fans who occasionally watch a game because everyone else is watching. They don't know that cornerbacks are slightly faster than safeties or that d-lineman are maybe a little stronger than o-lineman. To them everybody on the field except for the kicker is a great athlete. So if qb suddenly became a completely black position and cb became a white position what difference would it make from a social engineering stand point ?

There are already so many blacks out on the field so if your team wins you're going to associate the win with black people. You're going to associate athleticism with blacks. We've already seen how the few examples of great white athletes in football don't do anything to change popular perceptions of white athletes. Jordy Nelson may be the best receiver in all of football but since whites make up a small percentage of overall receivers nobody will make a connection to whites having the ability to excel at the position. The same goes for Hillis, Welker, and all the Whites dominating on defense. They all get lost in a sea of black. If some wildcard owner decided to trot out a couple of white cb's for an entire season while having a 90% black team then so what ?

Now here's where I lose confidence in my argument. It has to do with the trickle down effects of the NFL on to the youth, high school, and lower division college football levels. I said earlier that I think most people watching the NFL aren't fully aware of who's really athletic and who isn't but there's a group of avid NFL viewers who are fully aware of that and those are the people coaching and recruiting kids to play amateur football. When they see blacks dominating the speed positions at the NFL it stands out to them. These guys really are much faster huh ? So it makes them want to fill their teams with black kids, especially at the speed positions. If you watch a high school that's overall 80% White and 20% black I bet you their running backs and receivers are going to be black. Maybe a lot of high schools are even using black quarterbacks to try and replicate the success of the read option. Those are the glamour positions. What's going on is that even though they're not aware of it the idiots coaching these teams are helping carry out the cultural marxist agenda of social engineering. Earlier I said it's about accomplishing the nearly impossible task of making black men seem attractive to white women.

Well in high school and college the most popular guys are the ones who excel at athletics. These are the guys who women find attractive because they have very high status among their peers have a lot of social capital. If you're a star football player at your school you can have any girl you want there. Across thousands of high schools and colleges in America blacks are the sports stars. They're the popular guys who get to date the attractive girls. This is one of the trickle down effects of the caste system. Some people say Israel Cohen's quote about helping blacks rise to prominence in the areas of sports and entertainment so they can intermarry with Whites is just an anti-semetic forgery but regardless that's what's happening today. Yes turning ghetto blacks into millionaires in the NFL,NBA, and music industry will allow them to marry White women but it's the trickle down effects of those things which are much more successful, or damaging depending on how you look at it. The thousands of black pro athletes will spawn millions of amateur black athletes who'll never make it to the pros but who'll become stars of their high school and college teams and gain enough social status to marry a white woman. I don't want to get into it here but the music industry is dominated by blacks for similar reasons.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
You're probably right I guess I'm just over thinking it. But here's what I don't get; the reason for the existence of the caste system in sports along with black glamorization and overrepresentation in movies,television, and music comes down to social engineering. The goal is to try to normalize black people and make black men seem attractive to white women. We all know there are very few positive images of blacks in society outside of sports and the media. So if not for the false portrayals of blacks in the media and sports the only image most Americans would have of black people is black criminality. And as a result nobody would put up with close proximity to blacks and no miscegenation would take place.

The idea of blacks being athletically superior has already been very deeply planted in the minds of all Americans. But I don't think it's because black people dominate cornerback and rb in the NFL it's because they make up the vast majority of the NFL,NBA,NCAA football and basketball, and they dominate track and field. When the average person turns on Sunday Night Football and they see blacks all over their screen, with maybe a few whites sprinkled in, I don't think they're looking at it from a position by position stand point. They just look at the overall numbers. Just put yourself in the position of the wives, girlfriends, and the very casual fans who occasionally watch a game because everyone else is watching. They don't know that cornerbacks are slightly faster than safeties or that d-lineman are maybe a little stronger than o-lineman. To them everybody on the field except for the kicker is a great athlete. So if qb suddenly became a completely black position and cb became a white position what difference would it make from a social engineering stand point ?

There are already so many blacks out on the field so if your team wins you're going to associate the win with black people. You're going to associate athleticism with blacks. We've already seen how the few examples of great white athletes in football don't do anything to change popular perceptions of white athletes. Jordy Nelson may be the best receiver in all of football but since whites make up a small percentage of overall receivers nobody will make a connection to whites having the ability to excel at the position. The same goes for Hillis, Welker, and all the Whites dominating on defense. They all get lost in a sea of black. If some wildcard owner decided to trot out a couple of white cb's for an entire season while having a 90% black team then so what ?

Now here's where I lose confidence in my argument. It has to do with the trickle down effects of the NFL on to the youth, high school, and lower division college football levels. I said earlier that I think most people watching the NFL aren't fully aware of who's really athletic and who isn't but there's a group of avid NFL viewers who are fully aware of that and those are the people coaching and recruiting kids to play amateur football. When they see blacks dominating the speed positions at the NFL it stands out to them. These guys really are much faster huh ? So it makes them want to fill their teams with black kids, especially at the speed positions. If you watch a high school that's overall 80% White and 20% black I bet you their running backs and receivers are going to be black. Maybe a lot of high schools are even using black quarterbacks to try and replicate the success of the read option. Those are the glamour positions. What's going on is that even though they're not aware of it the idiots coaching these teams are helping carry out the cultural marxist agenda of social engineering. Earlier I said it's about accomplishing the nearly impossible task of making black men seem attractive to white women.

Well in high school and college the most popular guys are the ones who excel at athletics. These are the guys who women find attractive because they have very high status among their peers have a lot of social capital. If you're a star football player at your school you can have any girl you want there. Across thousands of high schools and colleges in America blacks are the sports stars. They're the popular guys who get to date the attractive girls. This is one of the trickle down effects of the caste system. Some people say Israel Cohen's quote about helping blacks rise to prominence in the areas of sports and entertainment so they can intermarry with Whites is just an anti-semetic forgery but regardless that's what's happening today. Yes turning ghetto blacks into millionaires in the NFL,NBA, and music industry will allow them to marry White women but it's the trickle down effects of those things which are much more successful, or damaging depending on how you look at it. The thousands of black pro athletes will spawn millions of amateur black athletes who'll never make it to the pros but who'll become stars of their high school and college teams and gain enough social status to marry a white woman. I don't want to get into it here but the music industry is dominated by blacks for similar reasons.

The major goal is to diminish White confidence and White masculinity, which is also the primary goal of so-called "feminism." Pandering to blacks is important, but secondary.

The White woman-black male thing peaked decades ago and is stagnant at best. But -- Whites are being replaced/displaced at breakneck speed due to immigration, which is promoted by the media, in which the demographic cast of every single ad, every single show, is carefully considered. Whites are being replaced by "hispanics" and Asians, not blacks.

Those still obsessed with "mudsharks" miss the bigger picture by far. 50 years from now the average "American" will look like the average citizen of Khazakstan, or Argentina, not some black-white hybrid mix.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
The major goal is to diminish White confidence and White masculinity, which is also the primary goal of so-called "feminism." Pandering to blacks is important, but secondary.

The White woman-black male thing peaked decades ago and is stagnant at best. But -- Whites are being replaced/displaced at breakneck speed due to immigration, which is promoted by the media, in which the demographic cast of every single ad, every single show, is carefully considered. Whites are being replaced by "hispanics" and Asians, not blacks.

Those still obsessed with "mudsharks" miss the bigger picture by far. 50 years from now the average "American" will look like the average citizen of Khazakstan, or Argentina, not some black-white hybrid mix.

Good summary. Last paragraph is spot on. I have disdain for mudsharks but looking at the bigger picture Asians and Hispanics are the bigger threat numbers wise. Family structure is very strong amongst those communities and their birth rates dwarf Whites.

Blacks population has remained steady due to cycle of violence and drugs in their communities. Keeps population level when majority of homicides in nearly every urban city are black males. Prisons full of black males not to mention planned parenthoods in ghettos.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Black players are seen automatically as strong and athletic whether they are or not. In essence given the benefit of the doubt with limitless upside.

Also many Blacks project a sort of arrogance/overconfidence . For example when they make a good play they have the look at me "I'm balling" mentality compared to most white players who are humble keep their head down and work hard mentality.


The major goal is to diminish White confidence and White masculinity, which is also the primary goal of so-called "feminism." Pandering to blacks is important, but secondary.

The White woman-black male thing peaked decades ago and is stagnant at best. But -- Whites are being replaced/displaced at breakneck speed due to immigration, which is promoted by the media, in which the demographic cast of every single ad, every single show, is carefully considered. Whites are being replaced by "hispanics" and Asians, not blacks.

Those still obsessed with "mudsharks" miss the bigger picture by far. 50 years from now the average "American" will look like the average citizen of Khazakstan, or Argentina, not some black-white hybrid mix.
I don't know about the White woman-black male thing peaking decades ago. Maybe it's a geographical thing because where I live it's extremely common. Everywhere I go I see a young interracial couple or a mudshark with her mulatto abomination offspring. Black men are so hyper sexually propagandized by the media that it's no wonder so many women become mudsharks. I know that there are statistics that record the number of interracial marriages and the numbers don't reflect my observations but that's because these people aren't getting married. They're just dating and having kids, the women get knocked up and the blacks leave. Then these women become tainted in the eyes of White men and none want anything to do with them.

I don't worry about immigration as much as others do because none of the groups coming here in large numbers are beneficiaries of sexual propaganda the way that blacks are. Whites becoming outnumbered isn't my fear, it's Whites breeding themselves out of existence which is the ultimate threat. If the US were 30% White and 70% Mexican with zero Jewish influence then there would be no reason to worry. Whites would gravitate towards the top of society just like they do in Central and South America. White women would only marry White men. White women are naturally only attracted to White men, it's propaganda and brainwashing that causes them to race mix. There's probably close to 100 million non-White non-black people in America right now and there's no propaganda aimed at getting White women to breed with them.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Blacks are barely 10% of the U.S. population, and only about 10 to 20 percent max of White women will date/mate with them. Do the math.

There are more White men dating out of the race than White women thanks to feminism poisoning so many White women. Orientals are the most numerous race, and White/Asian admixtures are the future as things stand now. "White nationalists" or whatever it is that can never see beyond "black and white" are way behind the times as far as seeing what's going on. Fact, though I also know that "White nationalists" are incapable of understanding what I'm saying.


Blacks are barely 10% of the U.S. population, and only about 10 to 20 percent max of White women will date/mate with them. Do the math.

There are more White men dating out of the race than White women thanks to feminism poisoning so many White women. Orientals are the most numerous race, and White/Asian admixtures are the future as things stand now. "White nationalists" or whatever it is that can never see beyond "black and white" are way behind the times as far as seeing what's going on. Fact, though I also know that "White nationalists" are incapable of understanding what I'm saying.
well when you put it that way it doesn't sound as bad.


Sep 29, 2011
White Nats are stuck in 1960 reading off Rockwell's script and IMO nearly useless for whites but good for the anti-white fund raisers.