White infrastructure supporting the advancement of colored athletes

Aug 21, 2012
NJ Shore
I don't know why I notice it some much now, but it certainly bothers me. It's college football recruitment of H.S. players time. I see all these pictures of white coaches standing next to their colored athletes beaming like it was there son moving on to a D1 college. Also college basketball is also out of control with white coaches and their devotion to their colored athletes. I don't know what the solution is to the problem, but the enormous amount of time, effort and money used by a white infrastructure to promote advancement of colored athletes is very troubling and history will show stupid.....White men should be making efforts to advance their own kids.....


I think a realistic solution is to get involved politically and try to cut funding to these programs. Contrary to what the controlled media is reporting the economy has been getting worse and worse. Why are we paying millions of dollars a year to subsidize these affletes who can't even read at a 5th grade level. Can you imagine how much money the tax payers would save if we got rid of athletic scholarships all together ? Of course DWF would cry out that these affletes bring in so much money to the schools. But the fact of the matter is that these affletes are inconsequential to the school's financial success. People go to the games to support their schools not because of the affletes. Does anyone think that SEC stadiums would stop selling out every game if the schools stopped recruiting affletes and instead only allowed walk ons who got into the school academically ?


Oct 19, 2009
Of course DWF would cry out that these affletes bring in so much money to the schools. But the fact of the matter is that these affletes are inconsequential to the school's financial success. People go to the games to support their schools not because of the affletes. Does anyone think that SEC stadiums would stop selling out every game if the schools stopped recruiting affletes and instead only allowed walk ons who got into the school academically?

Lew, I think a better way to look at it is like this:

If a legit minor league (like baseball or hockey) was formed tomorrow and all these "great affletes" decided to leave for pay, would anyone go to those minor league games, even if they were loaded with future NFL first round picks?

For example, if all the blacks (and the few token whites) from LSU, Florida State, Tennesse and Alabama's football teams suddenly left college and decided to "play for pay" in the minors for the (hypothetical) New Orleans Breakers, Jacksonville Bulls, Memphis Southmen and Birmingham Vulcans, would these "superior affletes" even draw 5,000 fans per game, charging only $2 per ticket, even in more populated cities?

I say no way!

Same thing would happen, if every SEC and ACC school lost their current football and basketball rosters to minor league teams. Those teams would play in front of empty stadiums and arenas, no doubt.

Think it wouldn't happen?

How many fans does the Senior Bowl attract? And these are supposed to be "suppa-starz affletes"!!!!...Few hi-light's I've seen on TV of the Senior Bowl, there are only a few thousand fans (at best)...and how many of those are free tickets? Also, how well does the NBA's D-League draw?

There is no doubt, these white idiots that fill the seats at ACC and SEC games are just retards going for the atmosphere: Gawking at dizzy white cheerleaders (mostly bleached blondes), with bows in their hair (like 5 year olds), dressed up like whores...tailgating with other retards and reminiscing about their "glory days" like buffoons. If these "whites" had any brains at all they would boycott these trashy, mostly black programs.


That's a great argument Truthteller. I can't wait to use it against the DWF
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Jun 30, 2012
Truthteller, that is the best post I have seen in months. If that happened, those minor leagues would be EXACTLY like the minors in baseball, in every way. That means mostly white. Baseball is the whitest of the major sports for a reason, and the bottom line reasoning of the minor league system is a big part of it. Yes, there is social engineering in baseball, but it is failing. Baseball is the most easily quantified of the major sports, and it starts in the minors. Blacks are failing at it (comparatively), while whites and Hispanics thrive. A minor league system for actual pay, instead of a fake college education, would sink the entire Cultural Marxist endeavor over time.


Nov 25, 2013
Lew, I think a better way to look at it is like this:

If a legit minor league (like baseball or hockey) was formed tomorrow and all these "great affletes" decided to leave for pay, would anyone go to those minor league games, even if they were loaded with future NFL first round picks?

For example, if all the blacks (and the few token whites) from LSU, Florida State, Tennesse and Alabama's football teams suddenly left college and decided to "play for pay" in the minors for the (hypothetical) New Orleans Breakers, Jacksonville Bulls, Memphis Southmen and Birmingham Vulcans, would these "superior affletes" even draw 5,000 fans per game, charging only $2 per ticket, even in more populated cities?

I say no way!

Same thing would happen, if every SEC and ACC school lost their current football and basketball rosters to minor league teams. Those teams would play in front of empty stadiums and arenas, no doubt.

Think it wouldn't happen?

How many fans does the Senior Bowl attract? And these are supposed to be "suppa-starz affletes"!!!!...Few hi-light's I've seen on TV of the Senior Bowl, there are only a few thousand fans (at best)...and how many of those are free tickets? Also, how well does the NBA's D-League draw?

There is no doubt, these white idiots that fill the seats at ACC and SEC games are just retards going for the atmosphere: Gawking at dizzy white cheerleaders (mostly bleached blondes), with bows in their hair (like 5 year olds), dressed up like whores...tailgating with other retards and reminiscing about their "glory days" like buffoons. If these "whites" had any brains at all they would boycott these trashy, mostly black programs.

Quite off-topic, but when I played softball we wore ribbons in our hair to, as the coach quietly said, look more feminine and dispel the myth about softball players being butch lesbians.


Oct 19, 2009
Folks, thanks for the nice words, feedback and compliments for my theory. But isn't it a no-brainer?

Lew, Duke and Syracuse get huge crowds whenever they play in the Carrier Dome, perhaps over 30,000? Take those same exact players in some sort of "super elite minor league" of basketball and call them the Syracuse Nationals and the Durham Bulls and they'd be lucky to fill a high school gym, holding less than 1,000 fans/DWF's in either Syracuse or Durham.

In football, even non ACC and SEC schools would be the same: Imagine if the Oklahoma Sooners and U of Texas players were all suddenly Austin Chaparrals and Oklahoma Outlaws, think 90,000 idiot whites would show up? They'd be lucky to get 9,000 people at the game, most wouldn't even pay a dime to attend.

Examples can go on and on and I have no shortage of hypothetical nicknames from long defunct leagues.

As far as baseball, that brings up a good point. Baseball players are pretty much judged solely by their batting averages and ERA's (for pitchers)....So unlike the NFL, it's hard to hide guys that are clearly sub-par or wildly overrated. Notice, for example, how all the jack-@sses at ESPN hyped young and "dynamic" black center fielders from the Red Sox and Twins last spring?

But no matter how much hot air came out of the mouth of Rabbi Karl Ravech and his Caste an-cohorts, it's hard to take guys with .150 batting averages seriously -- both were demoted to the minors in fairly short order. In the NFL, they can better hide super scrubs like Aaron Curry, Darius Heyward-Bey, Keith Rivers, Jason Smith, Aaron Maybin, Tyson Jackson, Brian Robiskie, Trent Richardson and many others for several years and just praise them for their "unlimited upside". Some (example Knowson Moreno) actually become "serviceable" by the their 4th or 5th seasons.

In baseball, either you perform or you are soon sent packing. I guess the same can be said in the NFL for kickers, punters and maybe even left tackle and QB's. But there is no doubt, you can hide mediocre-to-poor players at the other positions, as long as the DWF's buy the media's lie that these are the best they can find.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Truthteller, you sure did live up to your name with those 2 posts. Knocked it out of the park.


Oct 19, 2009
Thanks Freethinker. So I suppose many here would agree with my theory that if we took all of these "suppa-popular" college football and basketball teams and turned them into minor league teams for the NFL and NBA, over 90 of the retarded whites/DWF's that fill their stadiums and arenas would pretty much disappear overnight.

But how have we gotten to this point?

Several months ago I saw a feature on some ACC Network show and they featured a barely literate quarterback from Clemson named Taj Boyd just walking around campus. It was simply revolting to watch, as his fellow students and even administrators and teachers were pretty much treating him like royalty -- can Taj walk on water, am I missing something? I bet if Jesus Christ showed up at Clemson, these white simpletons would be less impressed.

So, again, how did this happen?

1) Somehow, someway American's have this irrational connection to their local college sports teams. I mean, who cares if "State U." goes to a bowl game or not? Who cares if "State U." makes it to the NCAA tournament or not?

It sort of made sense to me as a kid and teen, but once I hit the age of (about) 23, I pretty just tuned out college sports totally -- even the "whiter sports" around the nation, including my former school. I mean, is there even one other nation on the planet where college athletes are put on such a high pedestal? Or are Americans the only stooges that froth at mouth over college athletes?

2) Once "they" got a sizable number of white retards to fall head-over-heels in love with these college teams, "they" eventually convinced these low IQ, white dregs that the best way to on-field success was to import a boat load of blacks into these college towns and cites. Weather they can read or write at even a 5th grade level** or have a serious criminal past is irrelevant, all that matter's is if Jarvoni, LaShondon, Taj Jami and Sen'Derrick can help your pretty-much all-black team beat your rivals pretty-much all-black team?

What else can one say, when talking about the average, modern day college sports fan? We're dealing with retards of the highest order. Jewish Marxists and others, who are no doubt intent on wrecking America as fast they can, couldn't be happier when they tune in and see modern day crowds at most Division I college basketball and football games.



Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Thanks Freethinker. So I suppose many here would agree with my theory that if we took all of these "suppa-popular" college football and basketball teams and turned them into minor league teams for the NFL and NBA, over 90 of the retarded whites/DWF's that fill their stadiums and arenas would pretty much disappear overnight.

But how have we gotten to this point?

Several months ago I saw a feature on some ACC Network show and they featured a barely literate quarterback from Clemson named Taj Boyd just walking around campus. It was simply revolting to watch, as his fellow students and even administrators and teachers were pretty much treating him like royalty -- can Taj walk on water, am I missing something? I bet if Jesus Christ showed up at Clemson, these white simpletons would be less impressed.

So, again, how did this happen?

1) Somehow, someway American's have this irrational connection to their local college sports teams. I mean, who cares if "State U." goes to a bowl game or not? Who cares if "State U." makes it to the NCAA tournament or not?

It sort of made sense to me as a kid and teen, but once I hit the age of (about) 23, I pretty just tuned out college sports totally -- even the "whiter sports" around the nation, including my former school. I mean, is there even one other nation on the planet where college athletes are put on such a high pedestal? Or are Americans the only stooges that froth at mouth over college athletes?

2) Once "they" got a sizable number of white retards to fall head-over-heels in love with these college teams, "they" eventually convinced these low IQ, white dregs that the best way to on-field success was to import a boat load of blacks into these college towns and cites. Weather they can read or write at even a 5th grade level** or have a serious criminal past is irrelevant, all that matter's is if Jarvoni, LaShondon, Taj Jami and Sen'Derrick can help your pretty-much all-black team beat your rivals pretty-much all-black team?

What else can one say, when talking about the average, modern day college sports fan? We're dealing with retards of the highest order. Jewish Marxists and others, who are no doubt intent on wrecking America as fast they can, couldn't be happier when they tune in and see modern day crowds at most Division I college basketball and football games.


Stupendous posts in this thread, my friend. I’m sure we’d all enjoying seeing you post at CF more often.

There is indeed something quite noxious about white adults becoming fanatical over an athletic team comprised of 18-22 year olds, many of whom are not a member of their race and aren’t even from the same state as “their” local school. I suppose when one considers the “big picture” of every wildly-unnatural “custom” that Western whites have been duped into adopting over the past 100 years (or 2,000 years if you consider the rape-torture-kill institution of Christianity upon European Pagans), zealously rooting for Marxism-flavored NCAA athletics isn’t too racially treacherous by comparison.

I graduated from PSU and despite having a partial academic scholarship, still cost me a total of around $20,000 (for my last 2 years) to basically teach myself engineering and surveying, as all of my professors were either jaded white liberals, or non-whites (mostly Indian and Asian) who could barely summon a single word of English. After graduating, why would I continue to financially support this despotically-Marxist educational corporation? The fact that such a vast majority of white “alumni” wouldn’t hold a grudge against an anti-white institution that essentially put them in debt for the subsequent 10 years (thankfully, I was making enough money to pay for it) is more peculiar than their cheerleading for teenage Negroes.

Anyway, I think I’ll utilize your erudite “what if college athletics turned into minor leagues?” arguments against my local Penn State-doting drunkards. Of course, PSU has always been a relatively-fair school with plenty of white football stars (particularly at LB)…but they’ve also “converted” a record number of hyper-talented white running backs into LB/safety, likewise with white WR’s into TE/DB, and they’ve recruited a plethora of criminal Negroes who’ve raised hell on their rural campus.

There are a few classes of PSU DWF's...


CAPTION: Mindless Inebriated Students


CAPTION: Young White Male Attention Whores


CAPTION: Pathetic Middle-Aged Whites


CAPTION: Scantily-Clad White Whores


CAPTION: Former Hippies / Baby-Boomers Turned DWF's
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Nov 7, 2004
For example, if all the blacks (and the few token whites) from LSU, Florida State, Tennesse and Alabama's football teams suddenly left college and decided to "play for pay" in the minors for the (hypothetical) New Orleans Breakers, Jacksonville Bulls, Memphis Southmen and Birmingham Vulcans, would these "superior affletes" even draw 5,000 fans per game, charging only $2 per ticket, even in more populated cities?

Glad you remember (or did your homework on) the USFL (NoLa and Jax) and WFL (Memphis and Birmingham), Truthteller. :)

Gawking at dizzy white cheerleaders (mostly bleached blondes), with bows in their hair (like 5 year olds), dressed up like whores.

They look mass produced (the Stepford Cheerleaders?). My HS and college's cheerleaders didn't have skirts that short (I'm talking 1975-1984).

(Just alerting you folks 12 hours in advance of the start of the Big Dance.)



Oct 19, 2009
Thrashen and Foreverfree, thanks for the feedback. Sorry it took me so long to respond, but I haven't had a lot of time to post in recent months.

Glad you remember (or did your homework on) the USFL (NoLa and Jax) and WFL (Memphis and Birmingham), Truthteller. :)

Foreverfree. By the way, if I had to come up with hypothetical names for Thrashen's Penn State vs. Ohio State, it would be the Philadelphia Bell (WFL 1970's) vs. The Ohio Glory (World League 1990's). I remember the WLAF from the 1990's fairly well, but the WFL from 1970's is before my time as a sports follower. Nonetheless, I have, at times, read up on the league.

Here's a great site, which looks at many teams, from long defunct leagues, that you might enjoy reading.


They look mass produced (the Stepford Cheerleaders?). My HS and college's cheerleaders didn't have skirts that short (I'm talking 1975-1984).

I agree. What I really find bizarre is all the ribbons and bows these college cheerleaders across America wear in their hair. What's next, make Teddy Bears and lollipops mandatory for major conference cheerleaders?

I suppose these are the perfect outfits (micro-mini skirts, bows, lollipops and teddy bears) to reel in the 30-plus year old pervert who likes checking out young girls? What an embarrassment for so many of these young woman, many of whom are great students and just months away from graduation or marriage. They are dressed up to look like recently-turned 18 year old, wanna-be porn stars?
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Feb 5, 2014
Blacks are horrible at sports without White help.

It isn't just in America but a world wide thing. Africa gets the least help which is why they are horrible at international sports competitions. Jamaicans only became good recently at track and field because of Whites.

Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
The economy is tough. Whites should withdraw all support for all of these sports organizations that discriminate against White people.

I believe that most White people worship blacks - literally. They view them as gods and giving them things such as money, praise, jobs and scholarships is making an offering to their gods. Some delusional white fans are so far gone they will place the comfort and luxury of blacks ahead of their own survival.

Most Whites have this attitude toward blacks because of years of brainwashing. We need to counteract this brainwashing. When the brainwashing is eliminated the worship of blacks will end. This will not be an easy task.