WBC: Vitali best P4P!


Nov 25, 2004
Rosenthal asks "what would have boxers like Lennox Lewis and Mike Tyson done to Gomez?" Well since jokers like Hashim Rahman and Buster Douglas knocked them out the best answer is - I don't know. But we all know what the Klitsckos do to every opponent. No question marks, no doubt, and no real competition for these guys.

And to have the gall to mention Lennox Lewis as a great while denying Vitali (the very guy who beat Lewis from pillar to post).

The stupid arguement of "they haven't fought anyone" is such a bunch of bull. The reason their opponents never rise to prominence is because the Klitsckos soundly defeat them before they can. Are we to believe that there is suddenly some sort of weird scientific genetic mutation that left only terrible boxers on the planet after Lennox Lewis left? The same mutatations that occured during the Marciano era? HmmmmmEdited by: Kaptain Poop


Mar 23, 2009
Rosentahal just grabbed onto the only argument he could come up with to put down the best boxer in history, which inconveniently happened to be white.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Talking to some of these wiggers on Youtube is incredible. Every single one says the best black boxers are playing basketball and football. The fact is there are many blacks boxing today. Check on boxrec and you will see that the US has hundreds and hundreds of black professional boxers. These excuses are all propoganda to put whites down and hurt our pride. We still have the last laugh every time another "bruva" goes down.


Oct 18, 2008
I wonder which bruva playing in the NFL, or NBA, the wiggers think could beat a Klitschko?
Who could the chosen dark one be? Tomlinson, Ray Lewis, Kobe Bryant, Ben Wallace? I mean seriously, that argument dosent even mean anything.


Nov 23, 2008
whiteathlete33 said:
I have heard Lebron James, P-nut Lane.
Again, a very stupid excuse from these people. Does a great athlete always have to be black?

I think whites are on par with blacks on every sports, with very minor differences (whatever they maybe).

These people sure have lost touch with reality.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
GiovaniMarcon said:
One general difference between self-aware White people and [what passes for] self-aware Black people is that Whites can look at a man like Tiger Woods and accept the fact that right now he is the best golfer in the world, without any bitterness or excuse-making. Whites can even overlook the fact that Tiger Woods is half-Asian and give "full credit" to Woods being black.

Whites may harbor a prejudice that tells them that whites, in general, are better golfers, but they accept without animosity or hate that the world-beater right now is a Negro. No excuses, no "hunt for the great white hope" that will prove that somewhere out there, there's a white Tiger Woods. Just an acceptance and enjoyment of a good golfer doing good things.

Blacks are different because they not only refuse to accept the fact that Vitali Klitshcko is the best HW boxer in the world right now, despite all the evidence, they refuse to even accept that he is a GOOD boxer. Blacks not only assume they are better boxers in general, but also that if the champion isn't black, something must be wrong with the sport.

The fact that all their black hypes have gotten their skulls crushed by the Klitschkos (or any number of other superior white boxers) does not deter them from this belief. If their black hopes fail, it is because of the failure of boxing to attract the best black athletes, and that's why mediocre white ones are excelling right now.

Black people mistake their unfounded arrogance for the EARNED pride one gets for ACTUALLY achieving something, and not just for assuming you're better than everyone else.

This incredible lack of maturity, and baffling sense of self-entitlement is a major reason why blacks -- I believe -- have a long way to go before scared white people actually BELIEVE blacks are equal to whites, instead of just SAYING blacks are equal to whites, in order not to seem racist.

The self-entitlement often goes hand in hand with extreme self-confidence. Sometimes that self-confidence works in their favor (as with Tiger Woods and the Williams sisters in white dominated sports), but often it coversfor a stark inferiority complex, shown for example in continuing black paranoia that white racism is everywhere and that no matter how well whites treat them, the Klan is always on the verge of a huge revival.

Most current studies I have seen find that blacks are more confident on average than whites. Another factor involved is that blacks are far less inhibited than whites; inebriated whites often act like blacks do when they're sober.

The Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision of 1954 that desegregated the government schools nation-wide, thus all but destroying them over time, wasjustified in largepart on a study that claimed that black children often preferred white dolls to black dolls.

Today we can safely assume that most black children would prefer black dolls to white dolls. And I'll bet that most white kidsnow prefer black dollstoo, given that whites now idolize blacks in sports, entertainment, politics and other spheres to adegree that is irrational and creepy.

But that was the whole point, wasn't it? Blacks not preferring their own kind is seen as a tragedy, but whites preferring blacks is seen as a triumph. The whole power structure is geared, first and foremost, not to uplifting blacks (patronization and appeasement are better descriptionsof the policy toward them), but to bring whites down to the level of blacks. The Caste System is a key component of that ongoing agenda.Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I am honestly afraid of what this country will become in the near future. There are hordes of young white kids listening to rap music and trying to act black. Black actors are considered "cool" while white actors are considered losers of some sort.

Whites are constantly taught that we should embrace black culture but forget our white culture. Sure there is some white pride. We have events such as the Pulaski Day Parade and St Patrick's day but mainly immigrants who came here not long ago celebrate these days. However the key here is that they celebrate their countries and not their race. Blacks can celebrate their race freely through BET and the negro college fund. Whites do not have this privilege.

Yesterday in my local paper I read an article about a pro-white group who was having their weekly meeting and was attacked. The article didn't mention the race of the attackers but I am sure we can figure that out. I tried to find a link online but I guess it is not up. This is what happens when whites showe any pride.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
whiteathlete33 said:
Yesterday in my local paper I read an article about a pro-white group who was having their weekly meeting and was attacked. The article didn't mention the race of the attackers but I am sure we can figure that out. I tried to find a link online but I guess it is not up. This is what happens when whites showe any pride.

I'm very familiar with the group. A couple of my good friends were at the meeting when it was attacked. The One People's Project was behind the attack, along with Anti-Racist Action. They split into two groups, some wearing masks. Onegroup tried to force openthe locked meeting room door (they were meeting in a public library), the other group went outside to the windows of the room and yelled at and harassed the attendees.

The group attacked was not "neo-nazi" or anything close to it. It's called the League of American Patriots. Their beliefs are similar to that of Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul. The people attending this meeting were your typical white middle class types, including some women. From what I understand, the white men stood their ground and successfully fended off the attackers, who were mostly white and scrawny, until the police arrived. But understandably the women attending and others were frightened by this unexpected terror attack on them.

The OPP is multi-racial. The head of it is a black named Daryl Lamont Jenkins, but many of its supporters are white. Anti-Racist Action is even more militant and violence prone. When you hear of fights between hard-core white groups and counter-protestors, it's usually ARA involved. They're the types that throw bags of urine and feces at their targets, or gang up ten to one on someone and use weapons on them.

To go after a group like the League of American Patriots is despicable, and may be a sign of things to come in Obamanation. Here's their website: http://leagueap.org/wordpress/Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Don Wassall said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Yesterday in my local paper I read an article about a pro-white group who was having their weekly meeting and was attacked. The article didn't mention the race of the attackers but I am sure we can figure that out. I tried to find a link online but I guess it is not up. This is what happens when whites showe any pride.

I'm very familiar with the group. A couple of my good friends were at the meeting when it was attacked.The One People's Project was behind the attack, along with Anti-Racist Action. They split into two groups, some wearing masks. One group tried to force open the locked meeting room door (they were meeting in a public library), the other group went outside to the windows of the room and yelled at and harassed the attendees.

The group attacked was not "neo-nazi" or anything close to it. It's called the League of American Patriots. Their beliefs are similar to that of Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul. The people attending this meeting were your typical white middle class types, including some women. From what I understand, the white men stood their ground and successfully fended off the attackers, who were mostly white and scrawny, until the police arrived. But understandably the women attending and others were frightened by this unexpected terror attack on them.

The OPP is multi-racial. The head of it is a black named Daryl Lamont Jenkins, but many of its supporters are white. Anti-Racist Action is even more militant and violence prone. When you hear of fights between hard-core white groups and counter-protestors, it's usually ARA involved.

To go after a group like the League of American Patriots is despicable, and may be a sign of things to come in Obamanation. Here's their website: http://leagueap.org/wordpress/

Damn I wish the article was online. The paper stated it was a group who tries to raise awareness about whites diminshing population in the US. I know this group is not racist and is more of a white pride organization. Whenever a group like this tries to conduct their normal business they are attacked or intimidated. Why are whites so worried about groups like this but do nothing to all the black hate groups? Any white who was involved in this attack or any attacks is nothing more than a coward. I actually found an article. http://nyc.indymedia.org/en/2009/03/104223.htmlEdited by: whiteathlete33


Nov 23, 2008
These folks need to stand their ground. They will soon be the only real hope for the USA's survival in the the future.


Mar 23, 2009
Don Wassall said:
The Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision of 1954 that desegregated the government schools nation-wide, thus all but destroying them over time, wasjustified in largepart on a study that claimed that black children often preferred white dolls to black dolls.

Today we can safely assume that most black children would prefer black dolls to white dolls. And I'll bet that most white kidsnow prefer black dollstoo, given that whites now idolize blacks in sports, entertainment, politics and other spheres to adegree that is irrational and creepy.

But that was the whole point, wasn't it? Blacks not preferring their own kind is seen as a tragedy, but whites preferring blacks is seen as a triumph. The whole power structure is geared, first and foremost, not to uplifting blacks (patronization and appeasement are better descriptionsof the policy toward them), but to bring whites down to the level of blacks. The Caste System is a key component of that ongoing agenda.

So sadly true. And with most teachers preaching liberal agendas I don't see that changing. Whites are encouraged to think this way.

To think tthat these groups do such things is horrible. Why don't they target the NAACP too? If things don't start changing I'm going to move to another country that puts their flag on the doorstep and actually means it.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
"Today we can safely assume that most black children would prefer black dolls to white dolls. And I'll bet that most white kids now prefer black dolls too, given that whites now idolize blacks in sports, entertainment, politics and other spheres to a degree that is irrational and creepy.

But that was the whole point, wasn't it? Blacks not preferring their own kind is seen as a tragedy, but whites preferring blacks is seen as a triumph. The whole power structure is geared, first and foremost, not to uplifting blacks (patronization and appeasement are better descriptions of the policy toward them), but to bring whites down to the level of blacks. The Caste System is a key component of that ongoing agenda."

Don, these two paragraphs are very well written and thoughtful.

I learned of the now infamous "doll study" while in elementary school...along with the scripted "black enslavment" tear-jerking mantra.

The most ironic and hypocritical peice of the "anti-racism" agenda is the fact that every strategic move made by the powers-that-be has attempted to completely "turn-the-tides" on it's "own" people.

Gee, I wonder if immagrant whites would be extended the same courtesy in India, the Middle East, Africa, or Asia? This is a laughable question....as every other race is allowed to practice bigotry, ethnocentrism, and hate without consequence.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
People who are truly equals feel no qualms about receiving criticism, or giving it. Nor do they feel inhibited in giving praise, nor suspect that praise given in reciprocity is disingenuous or motivated by selfish political reasons.

In rendering blacks "off limits" with regards to criticism or calling them out for their immaturity or poor behavior, liberal whites, black leaders, et al are inadvertently admitting their racism toward blacks. Rendering blacks immune to criticism doesn't make them a "perfect" race, it implies that they are an INFERIOR race.

Why? One treats a CHILD with kid gloves. One protects a child's sensibilities and feelings with praise or favors, in order to spare their feelings or keep them from crying. Who would do this? A lousy parent, of course. And the child they treat with kid gloves will grow up to be a spoiled, self-entitled, self-absorbed bratty twit. Everything a child does is "good", because if you inform a child that what he does is bad, it will "destroy" his self-esteem and turn him into a monster.

So, when white apologists or black leaders (Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, etc.) fly off the handle every time an inconvenient truth about blacks is put to light, it is like they are saying blacks are no better than children, because, like spoiled children, they will react to a scolding or criticism with crying, spurious self-justification, sulking, or temper tantrums. Riots. Shootings.

This heinous disrespect to the Klitschkos is an example of the Black mentality, and whites' racism toward them, and even Black peoples' racism racism toward themselves. A small example, but indicative of a bigger problem. Like spoiled kids, blacks can't accept that someone might do something better than them, has something nicer than they might have, is happier than they are.

Kind of ironic, considering that these racist morons accuse US of being the racist ones, simply because we want to treat blacks as equals -- with the right to criticize, and the right to BE criticized.