Thousands rally in La. to support Jena 6


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Jena 6 thug racists should go free

Ok to beat whitey if he "hangs nooses"

JENA, La. - Thousands of chanting demonstrators filled the streets of this little Louisiana town Thursday in support of six black teenagers initially charged with attempted murder in the beating of a white classmate.

The six teens were charged shortly after the local prosecutor declined to charge three white teens who hung nooses in a tree on their high school grounds. Five of the black teens were initially charged with attempted murder, but that charge was reduced to battery for all but one, who has yet to be arraigned; the sixth was charged as a juvenile.

"This is the most blatant example of disparity in the justice system that we've seen," Sharpton told CBS's "The Early Show" before arriving in Jena. "You can't have two standards of justice."
Jun 21, 2007
Outside North America
Everyday white people have to come to the realization that the ONLY feature that the African sub-species sees is race. Africans do not see justice, they do not see right/wrong, they do not see character. They see race, race, and race. They always cover for each other as well.(Especially when it is someone of another race that is harmed)I believe it is best to try and limit contact with anyone of African descent as it pertains to your personal life. I am aware that these young kids that got maimed by these beasts of burden had no choice in the matter. They, like many of us through out the course of our lives are just another casualty of desegregation.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
I didn't know bush made a statement on this matter. What a lousy bum.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
This is exactly the way most blacks think. The white kid was beaten and now they want the charges to be dropped. Oh boy now if it was a black kid beaten they would be calling for the whiteboys heads. Can you imagine if it was a black kid beaten by a bunch of whites and thousands of whites rallied to get them free. They would be the biggest racists on the planet.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
this is so incredibly ridiculous that it nearly defies description!

somehow the 6 blacks who beat the 1 white are "the victims" in this case... despite the fact that none of the blacks have been convicted of a crime and all the charges have been reduced! how are they victims?!?!

in all this "righteous outrage" the fact that 6 black thugs (but i repeat myself) did create one innocent victim, yet none of the colored folk or their supporters care at all.

i'd hate for another "white man's hurricane" to hit Jena while they are all gathered down there. that would at least get rid of the estimated 60,000 troublemakers.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
If blacks feel theyhave been dissed by the use of the -N - word or by some symbolic gesture or prop,they feel they are justiffied in taking any action they wish, with impunity! Why not?? Our hi-jacked government has encouraged them and fostered their behavior.


All these pathetic people have is intimidation of nice white people, and nothing else to show for their lives. Not a one of them will amount to much and their lives revolve around brow beating white people into subjugation.


Aug 13, 2006
Bart said:
If blacks feel they have been dissed by the use of the -N - word or by some symbolic gesture or prop, they feel they are justiffied in taking any action they wish, with impunity!   Why not??  Our hi-jacked government has encouraged them and fostered their behavior.

Jew-jacked government. Get it straight.


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
This insane double standard against our people by these thugs and propaganda whores like alter-pimp whore sharpton incenses me and any other person who has a brain regardless if they're white or not. The scum who are going to support six thug N's are numbering in the thousands. Why do we as a race continue to let the jew-run media give the N's side and make it look like the thug N's are the VICTIM???!!! INSANE. Our race seems to be content on rolling over and turning up the soft white underbelly (no pun) and letting jews in the cesspool called the mass media and N's destroy us. Forget about terrorist Arabs, we are being systematically and purposely destroyed in every way they can find to eventually wipe us out if they could. Don't even begin to doubt that. Begin to believe it! And stand up and speak out. I DO! How about you? Sorry if anyone is offended, but this is a serious situation in our nation, and this is a place to vent as it says in the forum header.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Excelent article!

[url] fense-of-jena-louisiana_2788.html#more-2788 [/url]

Justin Barker, the forgotten White victim
David Duke Speaks out in Defense of Jena Louisiana

Much has been made of the fact that I won an overwhelming majority of votes in Jena Louisiana in my election bids for U.S. Senator and for Governor. Such is said to falsely label the people in Jena as "racists." In fact, I won the overwhelming majority of the White vote in the entire state of Louisiana, not just in Jena. Since the people of Jena voted for me twice to speak for them as their Senator and as their Governor, I will ardently speak forthem now.

The people of Jena, the people of Louisiana and I are not racist. We simply want justice to be done. We understand that White people in America have lost our basic civil rights. Whites are now deprived of human rights by racial discrimination in jobs, promotions, scholarships, college admissions and in many other programs. More importantly, Whites are increasingly victims of Black racial violence and hate crimes. In fact, a White person is 40 to 50 times more likely to be a victim of Black gang violence than a Black is likely to be a victim of White gang violence.

Michael Bell, the Black hate crime attacker who has now become a hero with hardly a mention in the media of his previous four convictions for violence

Not only is there almost no media coverage of the Black violent hate crimes against Whites, but in high profile cases when Blacks are prosecuted for heinous crimes against innocent Whites, the White victims are ignored and the Black criminals are turned into "real victims" by the media.

Nothing more clearly illustrates this point than what has occurred over the past year in Jena, Louisiana and the orgy of hatred that Jena has suffered. today, September 20, the town has been invaded by thousands of thugs like Al Sharpton who seek to make violent Black hate criminals such as Michael Bell and the rest of the so-called "Jena Six" into heroes. Even worse the entire White population of the town is facing a media lynching by beinglabeled racists who are unjustly persecuting Black young men.

Michael Bell, who has been convicted of four previous violent crimes, (a fact scarcely revealed by the media), led a group of six Black students to attack and unmercifully beat a White Student at Jena High School in what can only be described as a vicious hate crime. Motivated by racial hatred, the six Blacks attacked one lone White student, Justin Barker. They stomped and kicked him to unconsciousness and continued to kick him and stomp him as he lay helpless. The attack could have easily have taken his life if others had not intervened. Only by the grace of God did he survive.

To show the insane bias of this whole case, just imagine if the facts were reversed.

If a gang of six Whites motivated by racial hatred and led by a White with four previous violent-crime convictions had attacked a lone Black student, kicking and stomping him into unconsciousness, would there any concern that the leader and the other White gang members could be charged with aggravated assault? Would not there be national demands to charge the White attackers with the most serious of federal civil rights violations and hate crimes? White leaders from all over the country, even the leaders of the local town of Jena, would not be defending the White attackers, they would be condemning the attacks and calling for the harshest of punishments allowed by the law.

As far as the Media are concerned, oh yes the supposedly unbiased media, they would be interviewing the Black victim on every TV talk show across the land, discussing his fear, his pain, his suffering. They would be interviewing his crying relatives and friends. They would notbe voicing any fear that the White attackers would be treated too harshly. No, they would be demandingthe harshest of penalties.

Federal officials from the President on down would be calling for additional serious charges of federal civil rights violations. But you see, in the America of 2007 Whites are no longer deemed to have any "civil rights."

When a lone White kid is beaten savagely by a gang of six hate criminals, the media is only concerned about how the Black attackers are being treated too harshly. And if you are waiting for civil rights charges to be filed against the Black attackers who violated the civil rights of the boy they almost beat to death, don't hold your breath.

The entire Jena scenario and the coverage of it by the media show once again that it is not the people of Jena whoare racists. By voting for me and by demanding justice in this case, they have shown rightly that they believe in fairness to all and that White people are now the real victims of racism in America. Once again it is shown that we must have advocates for our rights and heritage just as any other group is permitted to do so.

May the District Attorney and the people of Jena stay strong and never give in to those who seek take away their rights of life and liberty as guaranteed by the United States Constitution.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
BeyondFedUp said:
This insane double standard against our people by these thugs and propaganda whores like alter-pimp whore sharpton incenses me and any other person who has a brain regardless if they're white or not.

We have a term for people like Sharpton. It's called a "Poverty Pimp". Basically because he preys on lower-class black Americans (which he does) and coaches them to hate Whitey every time a racial issue arises to public attention. He is the worst kind of human being possible. Not only does extort millions of dollars every year by way of threatening organizations with lawsuits, but he uses his own people to do it. The best thing black people can do for themselves is wake up and realize that he is a fraud of the worst kind. Sharpton is total scum and I'm still trying to figure out why people (of all races) still pay any attention to this clown what-so-ever.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Jared Taylor gives more details. Typical scenario.


December 4 was the first day of school after the fire. There was considerable chaos, with students meeting in makeshift classes. After lunch, black football star Mychal Bell walked up to a white student named Justin Barker and punched him to the ground from behind. Some eight to ten boysâ€â€￾all blackâ€â€￾then started kicking him. Witness statements taken later used phrases like "stomped him badly," "stepped on his face," "knocked out cold on the ground," and "slammed his head on the concrete beam." According to court documents, Mr. Barker was probably unconscious before he hit the ground, where his attackers stomped his "lifeless" body. The Jena Times calls it "one of the most violent attacks in Jena High School's history."

When Assistant Principal Gawan Burgess got to the scene, he thought the boy was dead. He was bleeding from ears and nose and showed no sign of life. An ambulance took Mr. Barker to LaSalle General Hospital, where he was in the emergency room for about 2-1/2 hours and racked up a bill of $5,467. A brain scan showed no anomalies, and he was released.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
again i ask, how exactly are the blacks supposed to be the victims in this whole deal?

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
here is a live link, and i will c/pSailer's brief recapbelow. wow! i mean, just wow!
[url] onal-media-has-gotten-wrong/[/url]

- Jena does have racial problems. Jena does have bigotry and prejudice, just like every other town in America, perhaps even worse than some. If there were no racial problems, there would have been no nooses hung from a tree. There would not be one white student beaten and six black students charged with attempted second-degree murder. The local ministers would not have hurriedly called a meeting to deal with the issue. The cameras of the world would not have focused their lenses on Jena.

- The actions of the three white students who hung the nooses (on a tree at the high school) demonstrate prejudice and bigotry. However, they were not just given "two days suspension" as reported by national news agencies. After first being expelled, then upon appeal, being allowed to re-enter the school system, they were sent to an alternative school, off-campus, for an extended period of time. They underwent investigations by Federal and Sate authorities. They were given psychological evaluations. Even when they were eventually allowed back on campus they were not allowed to be a part of the general population for weeks.

- There was no "fight" on December 4, 2006 at Jena High School, as the national media continues to characterize the event in question. Six students attacked a single student who was immediately knocked unconscious. According to sworn testimony, they stomped him, as he lay "lifeless" upon the ground.

- Justin Barker, the white student attacked, was not the first white student targeted by these black students. Others had been informed they were going to be beaten, but stayed away from school and out of sight until they felt safe.
<A id=more-3357></A>
- CNN reported that there were "obviously no witnesses to the fight." In fact, over thirty eyewitnesses, students and teachers, were questioned immediately following the attack, all of who implicated one or more of the black students arrested in the case. In fact, some of the accused black students did not stop stomping Barker until they were pulled away from him by some of the teachers, according to testimony given in the trial of Mychal Bell.

- The media continues to make the point that Justin Barker "attended a party" later that evening, insinuating that his injuries were not very severe. The Barkers, by no means a wealthy family, face medical bills already over $12,000 from the emergency room visit. Imagine what an overnight visit would have cost. Justin Barker was advised to remain hospitalized but decided he would not let the event keep him from participating in the once-in-a-lifetime, traditional Ring Ceremony at First Baptist Church in Jena, where class rings are presented to the upcoming senior class.

- The fight on December 4 was unrelated to the noose incident, or any other incident that occurred earlier in Jena that week. The media keeps reporting otherwise. There are three different boys named "Justin" involved in three different events that the media have morphed into the "Justin" who was attacked on December 4:

A. A juvenile named Justin, whose name was not released to the media, was one of the boys who hung nooses from the trees in September.

B. Three months later, Justin Sloan, not a student at Jena High, fought with one of the black students, Robert Baily, at the fair barn when a couple of black students tried to enter a private party. The next evening, at "Gotta Go" store, Justin Sloan and Robert Baily confronted one another in the parking lot. There were two other black students with Baily. As they ran towards Sloan, Sloan rushed to his truck to get a shotgun, which the black boys wrestled from him and fled.

C. On December 4, six black students at Jena High School attacked Justin Barker, who is neither of the previously mentioned young men.

- The speech given by [District Attorney] Reed Walters that included the now infamous statement "I can end your life with the stroke of a pen" was not given to a group of black students. It was given during a speech to the entire student body in an assembly called by the school's principal to calm a community that was pulling their children out of school because there were two fights one day with racial overtones. Two girls, one white and one black fought. Another student was taken to the emergency room to receive stitches.

- The national news media has not mentioned a single time that there was an FBI investigation into the hanging of the nooses and the conduct of Reed Walters that concluded there was no criminal activity or "hate crime" involved. The report is available to the media, along with court records and sworn testimony, none of which has been reported.

- It has been reported that the school has two standards of justice since white students who attacked a black student were not treated as the black students who attacked a white student. No group of white students attacked a black student at Jena High School. Fights that have occurred have always been handled equally. This was not a fight. This process was taken out of the hands of school officials when the ambulance was called to bring Justin Barker to the hospital for the attack. Both the appearance of the ambulance and Barker's visit to the emergency room requires an investigation by law enforcement.

- The "Jena Six" have repeatedly been held up as heroes by much of the race-based community and called "innocent students" by the national media. Some of these students have reputations in Jena for intimidating and sometimes beating other students. They have vandalized and destroyed both school property and community property. Some of the Jena Six have been involved in crimes not only in LaSalle Parish but also in surrounding parishes. For the most part, coaches and other adults have prevented them from being held accountable for the reign of terror they have presided over in Jena. Despite intervention by adults wanting to give them chances due their athletic potential, most of the Jena Six have extensive juvenile records. Yet their parents keep insisting that their children have never been in trouble before. These boys did not receive prejudicial treatment but received preferential treatment until things got out of hand.

- The entire black community of Jena is not being heard in this controversy, just the parents, relatives, and close friends of the Jena Six. The black community of Jena has not been involved in the protests and demonstrations called by national race-based organizations. Some state and national race crusaders have chastised them for not "rising up" with the parents to force law enforcement to "free the Jena Six." Many do agree that the charges seem wrong, but they also know the criminal history of the boys referred to as the "Jena Six." It is their neighborhood these boys have terrorized. Not even all of the parents claim that these boys should be set free with no consequence for their actions. One of the parents was interviewed, saying that the boys should suffer the fair punishment for their actions. He suggested that simple battery would be an acceptable charge. With one exception, the local black pastors do not support the demonstrations. They have been openly criticized for their lack of cooperation with the national race crusaders. One of them counseled the "Jena Six" families to not stir controversy for controversy's sake. The black pastor was openly condemned by a local radio personality sympathetic to the cause of the black parents. The rhetoric grew so intense that the black pastor was referred to as Reed Walter's "house Negro" on the local radio talk show. The pastor is consistently accused on this show of working in cooperation with Reed Walters in a plot to undermine the "Jena Six."


To Reed Walters: Charge these young men with the crimes of which they are guilty.

To The Parents: Hold your children accountable for their actions.

To The White Community: Stop claiming, "There is no racism here" or "We have no problems here." Live by the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If twelve percent of our community is feeling estranged, we should listen to their grievances.

To The Black Community: If you believe these six black students are innocent, we can "free the Jena Six" today by having the black students, who thirty witnesses testify attacked Justin Barker, step forward and take responsibility for their actions.

To The National Media: Please, get it right. Report the facts. Let them take you to the truth. Stop making Jena, Louisiana, a national scapegoat for America's sin of racism.

To America: Judge not unless you be judged. You will be judged by the same measure you judge this little town. Until you know the facts, reserve judgment. Do not believe everything you see on TV.


Nov 25, 2004
ESPN did a segment on Jena during the pregame. Full of the usual propaganda. I only caught part of it and could hardly listen without swearing at the screen. My favorite was when ESPN said that the beaten student takes offense to calling the "incident" a fight - and then ESPN continued with the segment and continued to use the term "fight" five or six times to describe the beating. Pathetic.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
I saw the same segment. They interviewed the black students, the black parents, the black lawyer, and the white football coach to keep the story "balanced". No whites representing the other side of the story were interviewed.
Edited by: C Darwin

Solomon Kane

Jul 3, 2006
10 blacks attack one white guy. Wow--these be real badass brave mofos!

But what a contrast reality is with the MSM....

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Well Reverend PO Box is at it again. Where was Jackson? Oh he was with his mistress.....

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005

the link is working for me... but i copy/pasted his entire blog anyway, so you can read it at your leisure.