Things are HORRIBLE!!!!


Dec 22, 2004
A few things but let me open by saying that white athletes have to CHANGE their approach to sports this very moment otherwise they will go the way of the spotted owl. The first thing that needs changing is the idea that sports is a casual activity. Whereas blacks are dreaming and running and jumping like crazy right out of the crib whites kind of take their time and then when they do decide to play a sport they start out shooting a basketball or throwing a baseball and football. This lets play catch and lets shoot horse garbage has to end because the white athlete is being pushed aside so hard and so fast before we know it sports will be for blacks only. We are more than halfway there.Of course shooting etc. are important but right now we don't need more good spot up shooters or tight ends who run 5 yard patterns or slow classic drop back passers or pitchers and catchers etc. WE NEED STUD FAST ATHLETES. So crucially ,and whites are somewhat at fault on this point, young white athletes have to begin focusing on the speed and the leaping and the agility. And perhaps even more important they have to have DESIRE. That is what I see missing a lot. Have whites given up on sports in this country? In some ways yes. Look at the young sprint stars pre high school and high school. Whites have left the exit for the most part.

The past few bowl games have been so depressing I am thinking about taking up another hobby--I don't know---something. I can't stand hearing that ESPN(Cowturd) radio guy giggle like a school girl everytime a black QB scrambles his way into the endzone.The speed players like a Teddy Ginn and the media glee over Vincent Young not to mention other black skill players who shined with their speed, reinforces the stereotypes and unfortunately for the most part white players had little to offer to combat the sensation that white athletes are being buried alive for REAL. So people go on and on in their smug way about how black speed is not only wonderful but always the deciding factor. You will see this come World Cup soccer time--with Brazil etc--ughhhh as well. More on that later in soccer section.

I am depressed to be honest. The media has been pretty awful. Not all the media and not all the announcers but overall the feeling of black superman speed is the prevailing and ongoing thought. The mostly pale mediareaction to Joe Paterno and Fisher DeBerry's anti white rants were astonishing but not surprising.. In fact more were worked up at the perceived slight of black athletes. As JB Cash has mentioned white athletes are often "Invisible".

I don't thinkanti- white athleticismis right or left wing per say. Look at Paterno and Bowden, both right wing guys and both truly believe white athletes should be water boys and or kickers. But as we enter 2006 I am alarmed at how things seem to be getting worse on all angles--media, lack of white skill stars, general feeling of deep gloom. I hope to shake out of this gloom and it is probably a bad personal trait I have but I need to see some good news soon folks or I am heading to Jupiter.


Oct 21, 2004
Until we have at least one honest major media outlet in this country,
things won't change. The message we are sent nonstop is that the white
man is wimpy, stupid, annoying and generally incompetent. This kind of
brainwashing works all too well. and explains the negative attitudes
that white fans and "journalists" have towards white athletes. I don't
think the problem is with white athletes not trying hard enough; on the
contrary, so many have worked hard, become great producers on the
football field or basketball court, only to hit that Caste system wall
when it's time to play college ball. We need coaches at the most
powerful NCAA schools who will play the best players, regardless of
race. We need coaches in the NFL and NBA who will play the best
players, regardless of race.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I would never call Joe Paterno or Bobby Bowden right wing, no matter what I hear them or anyone else say to the contrary.


Dec 29, 2005
You will see this come World Cup soccer time--with Brazil etc--ughhhh as well. More on that later in soccer section.

Alright I will be keeping an eye out for it. But if I recall Germany almost always has a pretty good World Cup team (they have a pretty good Goalies as well if I remember) and they don't have many non-Germans either like the French have alot of Algerians.


Oct 19, 2004
sunshine said:
I am depressed to be honest. The media has been pretty awful. Not all the media and not all the announcers but overall the feeling of black superman speed is the prevailing and ongoing thought.

It sounds like what's bothering you is the media as much as what's actually happening on the field of play, if not more so. Have you thought about cutting back on ESPN Radio or SportsCenter or whatever it is you're listening to/ watching/ reading? It may improve your sanity and blood pressure!
I used to watch a lot of ESPN- SportsCenter, Around the Horn, PTI, Rome is Burning, NBA shows, etc.I hardly ever watch that stuff now. (I do like that "5 Reasons You Can't Blame" show, whatever it's called. That's fun.) And even when I'm watching sports it's generally when I'm surfing the Net, so I'm not paying that much attention to what the commentators are saying. Whenever a white player makes a great play, I'll look up and see what's going on, and when I accidentally hear a commentator say something really stupid, it gets my blood boiling, but that's about it. I still get frustrated from time to time, but I'm quite a bit more detached than I used to be.

Remember, we white white people have to be selective in what we expose ourselves to. Media is powerful. It can affect us deeply. So you can cut back a little if you want. And you can always get a lot of great info here, and elsewhere over the Net (the printed word isn't as "in your face" as TV and radio.) Just a thought.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Good points JD074.Another good thing to do is to watch and support the Gonzaga's of the World.Watch and root for teams that have a dominant white lineup with white stars at most positions.Fight the system sunshine.Make sure to tell people how the Caste System works.We can beat it by getting enough people educated.We need more stars in all sports but the future should be bright.Just look at wide receivers.Mike Haas,David Anderson and Jeff Samardijiza will on be playing on Sundays very soon.They are as good as anyone in the nfl right now.Kyle Bell will also help to break down barriers.He will be just too good for them to deny him the opportunity to carry the football!I can't wait.Patience is a virtue.It sucks waiting but the reward will be worth the wait.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I agree with your positive attitude white lightning. I don't thing the caste system is as bad as it was in 1996 as compared to now. We didn't have klitchko, wariner, rock, nowitzski,bennett, curtis, and the above mentioned stars in your post. If somehow we could end up with a duke-gonzaga matchup in the final four... it would be a big blow to the caste system.


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
I can tell everyone here that whites take baseball very seriously. As seriously as blacks take basketball. Whites have entrenched themselves so deeply into the sport at all levels that minorities can only make it to the highest level when they come from other countries. This is not the case 100% of the time, only 99% of the time.

I can also tell you that there are many fast and very fast white baseball players out there. But as we have discussed on this site before, they are being turned away for cheaper foreign labor.

I believe the lack of whites in basketball and football is cultural. I also believe the lack of blacks in baseball is cultural. It almost seems as if blacks and whites have reached an unspoken mutual agreement to segregate the sports.

I have always said that sports, like the X-Games and motocross biking, were invented by white kids to have a place to compete with each other without black culture being rammed down their throat. That is what happens in football and basketball locker rooms. Rap music, ebonics, gangsta mentality and thuggish behavior are not embraced by most white athletes. Jason Williams being the exception.

I would venture to say that the top College coaches and Pro scouts see a lot of white recruits in baseball and a lot of black recruits in football and basketball. The difference being that they fawn over the black recruits in baseball but show no interest in the white recruits in football and basketball. Which is why we're so pissed off here at Caste Football.


Apr 14, 2005
I also think another factor in the rise of black athletes and the fall in white athletes is economical as well. For instance white kids growing up now a days go over each others houses to play Madden and not actually play football like they used to. This is compared to maybe a poor black ghetto where they can't afford an X-Box or Playstation so they actually play the sports instead of virtually playing them like white kids. Also motivation is a huge part as a black kid in the poor crime ridden ghetto is motivated to get his family and slef out of there by means of sports. Whereas a white kid in the burbs plays sports with dreams to make the high school varsity team and not even dream of going pro. White people have a softer live style now a days as for instance my grandpa had it alot rougher growing up during the great depression. The bottom line is blacks kids more often than not grow up in tougher environments and it hardens them unlike some rich white kids getting spoiled since birth. Trust me I'm not spoiled or rich but I went to high school with a lot that were. Kids sometimes had nicer cars then the teachers, something isn't right here.


Oct 31, 2005
This softer lifestyle you talk about DOES include doing homework every
now and then. And maybe spending time with their dads learning to work
on a car, or hunt or fish.Maybe music lessons. Hell, they might be
spending time at home eating dinner with their families instead of
running around the 'hood shooting hoops until midnight.

Guess what? A lot white kids have nice things because their parents got
an education, a decent job, and earned them.There's nothing wrong
with parents wanting their kids to have nice things.Should we all
act like a bunch of poor, uneducated negroes just so our kids can be

You say something isn't right here? What's not right is that there are
plenty of TOUGH, white, talented athletes who are not given a chance
because of the caste system.


Apr 27, 2005
WhiteCB, I think what you say has a grain of truth, but there are alot of very successful high school football teams from the suburbs. The kids on those teams aren't from the ghetto, yet they don't have any problem destroying the inner city schools on a regular basis. Sure there are a lot of soft white kids out there, but there are also alot of talented kids that aren't wasteing their talent. The problem is them getting recruited.


Apr 14, 2005
SteveB your right I'm just saying there alot more white computer geeks and intellectuals than there are black computer geeks and intellectuals. Thereby lowering the total sum of possible athletic whites. In general there is more diversity among things to do among the white culture hence lowering the numebr of athletes that would actually put in the work to be a pro athlete. Blacks make a higher percentage of life style choics such as going home after school and playing bball instead of doing homework that makes them better at some sports. BWC 708 open up your mind and since your a new poster I'll give you some lee way. Those very comments you made about white kids fishing and hunting are actually spporting my pervious post. Your in essence agreeing with me that the diversitfied life style enjoyed by white people can actually hurt them in the sporting arena. Don't read into my "tough" thing that much as tough is not intangible with anything.


Oct 19, 2004
whiteCB said:
SteveB your right I'm just saying there alot more white computer geeks and intellectuals than there are black computer geeks and intellectuals.

But don't you think that is more than off-set by our much larger population? 190 million to 35 million.

whiteCB said:
In general there is more diversity among things to do among the white culture hence lowering the numebr of athletes that would actually put in the work to be a pro athlete.

I'll agree on the diversity part.

But I think the whole thing about the "tough ghetto blacks" is a bit over-the-top. The black middle class is pretty sizeable now, and not every black grows up in the inner city. I bet there are a lot of blacks in the NBA and NFL who grew up lower-middle class and middle class. If anything, the "tough Negro" thing is part of the mystique of blacks, and that contributes to the Caste System. We should try to de-mystify them to the greatest extent possible.

I've also read that blacks are, on average, the most overweight group in America, and that they watch more TV, on average, than whites. So a lot of them are "soft," too.

Edited by: JD074


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
1 In 3 Kids Not In Physical Shape

Black girls and Mexican-American boys were the least likely to be fit, according to the study.

Liz Szabo, USA TODAY, Dec. 21, 2005

One out of three U.S. adolescents is physically unfit, putting them at increased risk of heart disease when they get older, new research shows.

In a study in Wednesday's Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers asked kids to walk or run on a treadmill, then measured their heart rate and blood pressure.

About 34% of 3,110 adolescents fell into the bottom fitness level.

Unfit kids tended to have other health problems, too.

They were more than twice as likely to be overweight, according to the study. They were two to three times as likely to have high cholesterol than kids with higher fitness scores.

Black girls and Mexican-American boys were the least likely to be fit, according to the study.


Nov 25, 2004
Black girls and Mexican-American boys were the least likely to be fit, according to the study.

Great point, Jaxvid. I tried to point out in a different thread awhile back that although the younger generation of whites have soften some, they still are in better shape than any minority group. In general, whites still have a better work ethic and minorities (mainly blacks and mexicans) flat out lazy in comparison. This transcends into sports. I'll take a poor white country boy over a black street urchin anyday.

white tornado

Oct 5, 2005
I from an urban area and the whole tuff black thug stuff is mostly an act.