Ted Cruz booed off stage at In Defense of Christians summit for Pro-Israel rant.


Dec 2, 2013
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Jul 15, 2011
Ted Cruz is an idiot. He is the typically neocon corporate crony. Trying to get the jew vote or the latino vote, and willing to throw white christians under the bus for it.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
There's no such thing as the Jew vote.
Lew, please explain what you mean by this. I don't want to assume I understand what you're saying, so please provide some specifics.
As far as Cruz goes, he's pretty much a cookie cutter neo-con. I get so tired of hearing these limp-wristed "Judeo-Christians" (sic) who bow down to the Zionist agenda. Cruz is a lame joke.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Cruz is a lame joke.
And just to think that he is one of the best that the current political crop can produce is very, very sad. On domestic policy, Ted Cruz is somewhat palatable, especially when contrasted with the rest of the bunch in the Senate. But on foreign relations and the Middle East in particular, he is just like the rest, and unfortunately, like the majority of the American sheeple. Lew is correct in that any politician that fails to appease the Jewish media and money is doomed, making real progress difficult, indeed.


Jul 15, 2011
Jews make up around 1% of the U.S. population, but they have a lot of power, because they control the media and are very wealthy. Most jews do vote democrat, but many wealthy jews like Sheldon Adelson vote republican, because they have a vision of the jews controlling the middle east.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Jews are concentrated in urban areas and particularly in the largest population states, so their bloc vote does influence a lot of local, state and national elections. But their power stems mainly from their financial and lobbying clout as well as their disproportionate positioning in all institutions of power and control.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Jews are concentrated in urban areas and particularly in the largest population states, so their bloc vote does influence a lot of local, state and national elections. But their power stems mainly from their financial and lobbying clout as well as their disproportionate positioning in all institutions of power and control.

Don, you are correct. This was the point I was going to make once Lew clarified what he meant by "no jew vote." They are a small percentage of the overall population, but they are concentrated enough in certain areas to make the difference. Lew is pretty close with his numbers, as the cloven ones vote D 3 times as often as they vote R in national elections (at least since the last D/R political flip flop back in the 60s). They are much more influential in the aforementioned institutions where they tend to mass. Scenes like this one of Cruz make me ill, especially knowing that nearly every White "Christian" I would meet would have the same blind/twisted view as Cruz when it comes to "Christians having no greater ally than Israel." Yeah, I guess I forgot about all those weepy "Jews united for Christians" solicitations all over the Talmudvision. :(


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I grew up in such a different age. when I was taught Christian ideas it was understood that the jews were responsible for the death of Jesus and many transgressions against God. For that they were eternally cursed and only could be saved by accepting Jesus. What happened to that? Jews were especially bad because they had been given so much by God and had turned away from Him. Unlike, say heathens who had never heard the word. Now somehow the cursed ones are special? How about that they are going to hell because they haven't been saved. Shouldn't Ted Cruz and his fellow Christians be trying to SAVE these people? Not worshiping them. Do I have something wrong? Am I missing some interpretation? Was there a special edict from God in the last 40 years that changed all this? I just don't get it.

Note that I don't think jews, or muslims, or atheists, should be treated differently under the secular law, I am strictly speaking about religion.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
jax, I was taught the same thing as you, and I'm sure you'll find plenty who'll say the jews need to be saved and some missionaries who have that as their focus. The problem is that Zionism via dispensationalism has taken hold within many Christian denominations so much so that any questioning of Israel is near blasphemy. I've gone back and forth with several pastors who simply refuse to even honestly critique any of the horrible things that the state of Israhell does, even to the Christians who live in the middle east. They have a very warped view of Scripture and it has affected their thinking beyond reason. We can thank John Nelson Darby, Dwight L. Moody, C.I. Scofield (among many others), and the dispensational premillennial theology that they helped create and popularize. Their influence is almost everywhere now, having helped create Christian Zionism and of course jews everywhere rejoice. :(


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
I grew up in such a different age. when I was taught Christian ideas it was understood that the jews were responsible for the death of Jesus and many transgressions against God. For that they were eternally cursed and only could be saved by accepting Jesus. What happened to that? Jews were especially bad because they had been given so much by God and had turned away from Him. Unlike, say heathens who had never heard the word. Now somehow the cursed ones are special? How about that they are going to hell because they haven't been saved. Shouldn't Ted Cruz and his fellow Christians be trying to SAVE these people? Not worshiping them. Do I have something wrong? Am I missing some interpretation? Was there a special edict from God in the last 40 years that changed all this? I just don't get it.

Note that I don't think jews, or muslims, or atheists, should be treated differently under the secular law, I am strictly speaking about religion.

Jax, you are right on with this. I sometimes wonder why mainstream Christianity has been so duped but the Colonnel summed it up nicely:

jax, I was taught the same thing as you, and I'm sure you'll find plenty who'll say the jews need to be saved and some missionaries who have that as their focus. The problem is that Zionism via dispensationalism has taken hold within many Christian denominations so much so that any questioning of Israel is near blasphemy. I've gone back and forth with several pastors who simply refuse to even honestly critique any of the horrible things that the state of Israhell does, even to the Christians who live in the middle east. They have a very warped view of Scripture and it has affected their thinking beyond reason. We can thank John Nelson Darby, Dwight L. Moody, C.I. Scofield (among many others), and the dispensational premillennial theology that they helped create and popularize. Their influence is almost everywhere now, having helped create Christian Zionism and of course jews everywhere rejoice. :(

Thanks Colonel for that post. I was "amening" you and Jax's summations. Agreed on all points as well as to who the suspects are. You are much in line with my position of opinion on these issues, except I am premillennial, but not pre-trib. I'm Pre-wrath, if you want specifics.


Nov 25, 2004
I grew up in such a different age. when I was taught Christian ideas it was understood that the jews were responsible for the death of Jesus and many transgressions against God. For that they were eternally cursed and only could be saved by accepting Jesus. What happened to that? Jews were especially bad because they had been given so much by God and had turned away from Him. Unlike, say heathens who had never heard the word. Now somehow the cursed ones are special? How about that they are going to hell because they haven't been saved. Shouldn't Ted Cruz and his fellow Christians be trying to SAVE these people? Not worshiping them. Do I have something wrong? Am I missing some interpretation? Was there a special edict from God in the last 40 years that changed all this? I just don't get it.

Note that I don't think jews, or muslims, or atheists, should be treated differently under the secular law, I am strictly speaking about religion.

That's how I grew up too. Somewhere in the 80's in noticed increasing preacher-talk of worshiping Israel and modern day Jews. I got to believe that I and all people my age have only seen a glimpse of the steady change in Christianity of more than a hundred years that has now escalated to point of worshiping Jews above everything else - even often minimizing Jesus and ridiculing his disciples. I don't attend church anymore unless I have to because of a baptism or something but without exception I always hear the same kind of pitch for the new brand of worship - putting Israel and Jews on a pedestal as well as worshiping at the alter of diversity. When they pass the plate I put in an empty card.

I think this progression has been going on for awhile and largely unnoticed until now. And only noticed now because it has become so obviously ridiculous to the small population of thinking people. If you went back hundreds of years Jews were absolutely despised and most Christians just naturally believed that white people were the true descendants of the Israelites and then spread all over Europe just as Christianity spread - to its people. That would be a natural and logical belief.

I am Christian Identity. There is no bigger enemy of the ZOG than Christian Identity. Just ask Randy Weaver. When you read the Bible from the Identity perspective it finally makes sense. Try it if you haven't.
Jun 30, 2012
There's a lot to see with this incident. One angle I haven't seen discussed is Ted Cruz's colossal ignorance of his audience. Middle Eastern Christians are not foaming at the mouth to eradicate the Jews, but they are not what you would call big fans of them, either. They are more like what was said in The Godfather:

"Your father did business with Hyman Roth, your father respected Hyman Roth, but your father never trusted Hyman Roth!" ―Frank P

These people are being driven from lands that their people have held for literally all of recorded time. They survived the Arabs sweeping across with their death cult, and the Turks colonizing them under that same death cult. The remnant that has not already fled to the U.S., Mexico, or Brazil, is in dire straits. To stand in front of them and tell them they have to support Israel was incredibly stupid and arrogant. They might be asking what Israel has ever done for them (nothing). Cruz is reportedly a smart man. This is some evidence to the contrary.


Nov 28, 2013
And just to think that he is one of the best that the current political crop can produce is very, very sad. On domestic policy, Ted Cruz is somewhat palatable, especially when contrasted with the rest of the bunch in the Senate.

Honestly, after doing research, he is John Insane McCain on steroids. His problem with the current immigration system is that we don't bring in enough immigrants, not that we don't enforce the laws on the books. He wants to DOUBLE legal immigration and increase H1B visas from 65,000 to 300,000 a year as part of doubling immigration. He is total zionist and corporate shill. But I will give him credit, he knows donors a certain ethnic group that can't be named will give him loads of cash for this kind of rhetoric when he runs in 2016.


The only man in the Senate worth our time in my view is Jeff Sessions because of his strong stand on immigration(opposing amnesty and reducing legal immigration) and social views. Except Sessions has already said he won't run. He wrote a good article the other day on Obama undermining US sovereignty and the Constitution through his threat to grant amnesty by executive order. Also talks about the the convergence of the political left and corporate lobbies on this issue.



Nov 28, 2013
I grew up in such a different age. when I was taught Christian ideas it was understood that the jews were responsible for the death of Jesus and many transgressions against God. For that they were eternally cursed and only could be saved by accepting Jesus. What happened to that? Jews were especially bad because they had been given so much by God and had turned away from Him. Unlike, say heathens who had never heard the word. Now somehow the cursed ones are special? How about that they are going to hell because they haven't been saved. Shouldn't Ted Cruz and his fellow Christians be trying to SAVE these people? Not worshiping them. Do I have something wrong? Am I missing some interpretation? Was there a special edict from God in the last 40 years that changed all this? I just don't get it.

Note that I don't think jews, or muslims, or atheists, should be treated differently under the secular law, I am strictly speaking about religion.

Most of these pro-Israel evangelicals have no concept of Church history, they think Christian doctrine begins an ends with their shallow and materialistic mega-church.

The fact is, scripture is clear in John, the God's Kingdom is not of this Earth, that believers in Christ are the new Israel(Romans), and the jews covenant with God is voided and obsolete when Christ returned(Hebrews).

On a lot of neo-con websites like Daily Caller, I have heard these neo-conservative "christians" say that because Middle Eastern Christians don't support Israel(who persecutes Christians in Israel, drove Palestinian Christians from their lands, bombed Christians in Lebanon for decades, and to this day aid islamists rebels who fight the pro-Christian Assad) they deserve to die at the hands of these ISIS monsters. These people should just become jews already, since they are willing to throw their christian brothers who are being genocided right now just because they don't like Israel. Jew-Worship is at the core, the foundation of their faux-christianity.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
BeyondFedUp, I'm glad you got something out of my post. I first posted about this problem several years ago, when I was trying to educate some Christians I know on the topic. I'm a historic premillennialist (aka post-trib), which was a widely held view among Christians before the rise of dispensationalism over the past 150+ years. I can count the number of Christians I know who share my view on one hand. Almost all the rest hold to a pre-trib dispensational view. As far as "Israel" goes, I'm a traditional supersessionist.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Cruz is a neocon globalist puppet. He's just another DC shyster who cannot be trusted.

Like the good Colonel, I too am a post-Trib Christian supercessionist. On that point, here's a link to a trailer for the (anti pre-Trib) documentary entitled "After the Tribulation". This film does a fine job of Biblically "calling out" the (hyper-dispensationalist) "pre-Trib rapture"...

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Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
Cruz is a neocon globalist puppet. He's just another DC shyster who cannot be trusted.

Like the good Colonel, I too am a post-Trib Christian supercessionist. On that point, here's a link to a trailer for the (anti pre-Trib) documentary entitled "After the Tribulation". This film does a fine job of Biblically "calling out" the (hyper-dispensationalist) "pre-Trib rapture"...


Good post DD,
That video is exactly the position I hold and as briefly stated in my post to Colonel. I watch that video from time to time in pieces and always am the better for it. It's a position technically called Pre-Wrath, which is different from the standard Post-trib, but is similar.

Good to see there is some common ground amongst the posters here on such vitally important topics.
Oct 4, 2013
Shiite Iranians have made alliances with Christian groups in the Mideast. Iranians are unable o kill Sunnis on there own, they need help. Cruz was booed by on of these groups. They are probably from Lebanon. The Lebanese are very anti-Semite, for whatever reason. the Mideast is a complex region.