Steve Yzerman and retirement


Dec 22, 2004
Saw Steve on ESPNnews last night and he said I believe he may retire if season is canceled. Try to put this in perspective. Arguably the most popular sports figure in Detroit history--maybe include Al Kaline--and one of the greatest players and winners in hockey is on the verge of retirement and all the media can do is continue to ignore this lockout mess. Imagine if this happened to Jordan and the NBA was on strike. Do you think the media would stand idly by? Heck no. Why the media is not hammering the owners is a mystery. The ownerscould care less about the likes of Yzerman and are banking on guys crossing picket lines next year to force the players to give in completeley. It almost seems as if the media is glad hockey is going down the drain. More time for NFL puff pieces that Sports Illustrated started not to long ago.


Nov 2, 2004
Hello Sunshine

Thanks for your post about Stevie-Y. Today's YAHOO Sport (02 Jan) publishes a lament for "Hockey-crazy Detroit" on New Years Day without its beloved Red Wings on the ice. The Wings were a class act for the past twenty years, a joy to watch for their 1970s-like fluidity while the rest of the NHL played Plod-hockey, clutch-and-grab, to the detriment of the sport.

This hockey fan does miss the NHL and looks forward to its re-emergence. The hostile media will do itsbest to deny the NHL a return to television when it finally is ready.

I part company with you about who's at fault. I find the players to be dumber than dirt about economic reality in the US. Joe-NHL-fan simply cannot affort the NHL. I can't. The owners are exactly the greedy slimballs you describe, but sorry, this strike is classic Dumb and Dumber -- think of the sheer idiocy of statements coming fromJeremy Roenick and Jeff Halpern, Joe Sakic and Brett Hull. They truly believe they deserve their fantastically inflated NY-Yankee style salaries. Replacement players are right around the corner, and hockey-starved fans will receive them with relish -- on their opening-night hot dogs.

Let us know if you hear any more info from Hockeytown.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Yzerman is one of my all-time favorite players and it would be a shame if this is the end of his career. He's not just a great player but simply a tremendous leader. Ron Francis has the same qualities. They, like all hockey greats, get a tiny fraction of the media publicity they deserve, then the same people in the media state over and over that "no one cares about hockey." There's as many die-hard NHL fans in North America as there are NBA ones.

I haven't mentioned Todd Bertuzzi on the site's crime round-up because I can't stand the media overkill about it. He's a great combination of size and skill but the anti-white media wants to sacrifice his career because of one stupid mistake.

Bertuzzi's "crime" has gotten more media coverage than the lockout itself. No tears will be shed by anyone in the media for all the great NHL players whose careers will be ended or short-shrifted because of the lockout.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Lifelong Red Wings fan, I can remember when Stevie came here, he's a little younger then me. What a great guy! Look up classy athlete in the dictionary and you'll find his picture. There is just nothing bad to say about him. The worst thing about the strike is not seeing Yzerman play and if he retires without playing again it will be the ultimate sin. I was hoping the time off would let him heal some more, the guy doesn't have any cartiledge left in his knee. We'll see.

Bertuzzi's crime is overplayed. After it happened I searched the internet for video on it and watched the replay. I've seen a lot worse. The real reason for all the attention is the injury that was caused was so bad. Lots of guys have been mugged worse but walked away. Plus the media is not used to watching much hockey so when they saw it out of context they reacted too strongly. Bertuzzi deserved a severe fine but not all the media condemnation.


Dec 22, 2004
For sure hockey ticket prices are way too high. I believe at the end of the day after sorting through thingsthe owners are more responsible. As for Yzerman, if you had to pick one captain out of all four major sports he would probably be the first name mentioned.

That said the eerie media silence continues. Maybe I am being paranoid but does the media not want any spectacular white athletes in major sports anymore? Gretsky said something about a two year strike!! Somebody wake me up from this nightmare.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
As a lifelong Penguins fan, this lockout is the worst possible thing I could have imagined. My take on why the talking heads of the media are ignoring this are as followed:

As most of you know, the powers that be hate the NHL and hate hockey because it is the only team sport (maybe besides NASCAR) that hasn't been taken over by Hip-Hop America. You see, NWO uses our mass media to produce things (rap noise, interracial sex, being a pimp, drug use, etc..) to make the general populous stupid, and unable to think for themselves, because a stupid populous is a populous that is easier to control and manipulate. Things such as a white dominated sport like hockey don't fit that agenda, therefore they must be phased out existance completely. I can't think of how many times during the Stanley Cup playoffs in past years where I couldn't even find the scores, let alone actually watch a game.. why?.. because f*cking basketball was on! I mean how depressing

Another instance of what I'm talking about is what happened to heavy metal music in the 80's/early 90's. They pulled the plug on '70s-'80s melodic hard rock because it made White listeners feel too good. Seeing audiences composed of thousands of Whites drawing strength & confidence from each other made them highly uncomfortable. So they decided to do a complete about face and start brainwashing impressionable kids with ghetto "music". They replaced the handsome singers & guitar gods with Gold-toothed black gutter thugs who should be in prison instead of on their yachts.

All this left White teens depressed, alienated & full of self doubt - which was exactly what the record producers planned all along.

Anyway sorry to get off topic, but you look at the correlation between a white sport like hockey, and the white music of the 80's, you see a very similar scenario
Edited by: Lance Alworth


Nov 2, 2004
Lessee, Wayne Gretzky laments that the strike will last TWO years ... Waahh! Waahh!

Sorry but i've found The Great One to be a whiner in his retirement years ... In my hard-headed opinion, if Gretzky had two balls he would be blasting the overpaid children for striking. He irritated me in his final years in the league by, in my hard-headed opinion, gouging teams for a huge salary while his effectiveness had lessened. Wayne slowed down, the rest of the league's ordinary skaters caught up with him ... and kicked the crap out of him his last two years. He left the gamewhimpering.

Mario Lemieux had it right, he criticized the players for greed and stupidity, i.e. not recognizing that they have GREAT lives as NHL players while their friends and family slug it out in Declining America. Mario gave up a bunch of personal bucks to keep the Pittsburgh Penguins going. It's Mario who is the standard bearer for the decent hockey player. The rest of the Spoiled and Pampered Pets of the NHLPA, in my hard-headed opinion, deserve to lose their jobs to hungrier, younger hockey players.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I agree that Gretzky played too long. He was a shell of the player he used to be at the end, not Willie Mays-like, but definitely hung on a few extra years.

Lemieux is overall a class act, but he bought the Penguins for reasons other than just altruism. He was still owed about $36 mil on a guaranteed $42 million contract he signed with owner Howard Baldwin, whose free-spending ways put the team into bankruptcy. Considering his history of injuries, to give Mario a 6 year guaranteed contract for $42 million was stupid to put it mildly. Mario didn't look real good to some when he retired after the first year of the deal either. If the team had gone under he wouldn't have seen any of that $36 million, so he has understandable monetary self-interest involved besides wanting to see the team survive and prosper in Pittsburgh.

Lance, some interesting observations about music. I can remember when MTV was almost one hundred percent white videos with exceptions like Michael Jackson (back in the days when he was a Negro lol). The mainstream culture went over to rap almost overnight.

Most white rock music today is so downbeat. You see the rappers partying and having a good time, then you see the rock videos with the whites singing about failed relationships, despair, and suicide. It's not surprising that many impressionable white kids don't identify with the pro-death attitude of much of what's left of rock.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
Without a doubt Lemeiux is one of the most stand-up guys in all of sports. I'm a die-hard Penguins fan, and I can honestly say that we wouldn't have 2 Stanley Cup victories, as well as a team to cheer for altogether if it wasn't for him. He's definately in my top-3 favorite atheletes of all time

As for music, I listen to mostly 80's hard-rock/metal. I dig the hair bands like Ratt, Great White, and Cinderella as well as some of the heavier stuff from that era such as Slayer, Coroner, Exodus, and Helloween. When you think of the fact that rock musicianship went from the lofty heights of brilliant players like Yngwie Malmsteen & Eddie Van Halen to the abysmal depths of decadent hip-hop sewage with (c)rappers such as Puffy Combs and Dr. Dre, it really tells you just how much the anti-white, NWO crowd have to answer for


Oct 19, 2004
The musicianship has definitely deteriorated. I appreciate
cleaner, more polished music, whether rock or other genres,
not too course and sloppy like Jimi Hendrix and much of
today's stuff. It's no surprise that a lot of the best bands out
there have a "retro" feel. They don't get their inspiration from
today's music, so they have to go back in the past to absorb
some good white music.

MTV has moved away from music videos to a great extent.
The Fuse channel actually makes fun of that fact in a "Nick and
Jessica" spoof. There is way too much rap in the videos they
do show, but there are still some good bands like Franz
Ferdinand and Jet that get air time. Fortunately there are
some shows and various rock countdowns that are solely for
rock music, so I don't have to wade through all that filthy rap to
hear the occasional good rock song. And there's a couple of
country music channels that are inevitably rap free. I don't like
the cross over/ contemporary country like Shania Twain so
much, but the traditional country like Allison Krauss and Union
Station and Alan Jackson are good.