Sen. Landrieu threatens Bush


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Well Mary, the fact of the matter is the Mayor of New Orleans, the Governor and the so-calledlocal leadership proved themselves to be totally incompetent.No foresight , planning, co-ordination,or direction was to be found in yourwonderful affirmative action paradise. And oh yeah, that police force performed very well also. Steady, dependable, reliable and trustworthy as hell. They were role models for all. I would suggest you drop the felony requirement for future hires.

Sen. Mary Landrieu threatened the president of the United States with physical violence on Sunday, saying that if he or any other government official criticizes New Orleans police for failing to keep civil order in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina - "I might likely have to punch him - literally."

"If one person criticizes [our sheriffs], or says one more thing, including the president of the United States, he will hear from me - one more word about it after this show airs and I - I might likely have to punch him - literally," Landrieu railed on "ABC's "This Week." Edited by: Bart


Oct 21, 2004
Wow- even an idiot like Bush must be shaking in fear over the threat of
being punched by the fearsome fighter from Louisiana. This situation
shows in microcosm exactly how hopeless things are in Don King's
America. Bush is a complete joke, who was barely roused from his month
long vacation to belatedly respond to the terrible Katrina situation.
On the other side, we are left with the likes of the Black Caucus,
whose criticism of the president predictably revolves around charges of
racism, and Sen. Mary Landrieu, who struggled up the ladder of success
as the daughter of longtime Louisiana hack party politician "Moon"
Landrieu. Neither side will ever criticize the shameful behavior
exhibited by too many blacks in New Orleans, including the woeful black
police officers, some of whom were caught on tape looting themselves.
Yeah, we can all respect how this white woman feels compelled to make
threats of violence against anyone who would dare to criticize these
wonderful cops. As for the mayor, I heard clips of his profanity-laden
words on radio, and even I can't believe he's the mayor of a big city.
I guess Slugger Mary has been watching too many t.v. shows and movies,
and thinks that it is her responsibility to punch out any white man she
sees. And behind it all stands the mass media, lying and distorting
until the whole mess seems like a second rate movie of the week. We
basically need to replace all of our leaders.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
bigunreal said:
We basically need to replace all of our leaders. 

Hear, hear! I've spent most of my adult years trying (in vain) to open up Americans' minds when it comes to both the corruption of the political system, and how closed and restricted it is. We have two nearly identical, permanently entrenched political parties that allow no real opposition, nor does their controlled media. What is the difference between that and an open, one-party dictatorship? Very little, which is the reason we end up with fifth-rate individuals like George W. Bush as president.

Let's hope that out of this catastrophe comes sufficient awareness and activism to clean house. If ever a government needed to be swept out of town and replaced, it is the Permanent Regime in Washington, D.C.


Apr 13, 2005
There are Louisianians sitting in my house right now who would like to throw a rope around the necks of just about every public official in the city and state.


Oct 21, 2004
To be honest with you, I am growing more and more convinced that our
only hope lies in a second American revolution (or war for
independence, if you prefer). Even if we could somehow get the
sitcom-drenched sheeple to ever vote for the likes of Pat Buchanan and
other decent 3rd party candidates for Congress, it is doubtful that the
votes would be counted honestly. The late Collier brothers wrote a
great series on voting fraud, entitled "Votescam." If you just
type that title into Google, you'll be able to access info. about it,
as well as several online chapters from their book. Right now, what we
are basically doing on forums like this is conducting the 21st century
brand of the old Committees of Correspondence that were utilized by the
early advocates of independence in colonial America. Until some
eccentric billionaire buys a television network and allows the truth
about current events to be shown to the public, the internet is the
only real weapon we have against the powers that be.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
It may be wise to study the Bolshevik Revolution. The same people, from what I've read also invented -Hostile Takeovers- in the business world. The majority of whites not in positions of authority are kept in check by a plethora of government agencies. The ruling class of politicians, academics and media lackeys are cowards plain and simple. They fear the fury of unleashed blacks.Instead of denouncing violent horrific behavior they excuse, mollify and coddle the offenders. Oh please don't hurt us, we are your best friends. We hate those evil rotten white people as much as you do! We don't blame you for murdering, raping andterrorizing whites, they deserve it.


Oct 21, 2004

You probably know that the Bolshevik Revolution was anything but
"Russian" in nature. "Revolutionary" leader Leon Trotsky, for
example, was born Lev Bronstein in New York City. He grew up playing
chess against members of the Rothschild family, who would seemingly be
the enemies of such a committed anti-capitalist. Our own American
revolution, however, was really waged by a handful of the population.
These were wealthy men who, for once in history, were so committed to a
good cause that they were willing to risk their lives and fortunes.
Somehow, I just can't imagine the likes of Bill Gates and Ted Turner
throwing tea into a harbor or writing a new version of "Common Sense."
Still, I feel that is our only real hope.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Bigunreal, I am well aware of the group behind the revolution. Tha same crowd rules America but most of us don't have a clue as to their identity. Our leadership is owned lock stock and barrel by these interlopers. If our only hope is with these traitorous sell-outs we will surely be doomed. I'm tired of working within the system, it 's broken beyond repair. Edited by: Bart


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Mary Landrieu can go jump in Lake Pontchartrain. Her and Ray (angry black) Nagin. These people are making it hard for me to have any sympathy for what the others are going through down there. What a bunch of incompetant and arrogant idiots. They don't know what taking responsibility means, after years of blaming the white man for everything, they can't stop now.


Bart- it is too bad about your situation it isvery unfortunate, however I think that is one of the funniest threads I have ever read, I had tears coming from my eyes. I have got to tell some people about this web site.