NFL Buys Into Obesity Myth

Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
I'm sure you've seen the commercial. Some football player's voice is telling the public that 1 in 3 childen are obese. Mind you, nowhere in this commercial is a footnote to back this claim. Then we see Eli Manning (NY Giants QB) cavorting with children on a practice field, and a few other football players doing likewise. The NFL's campaign to eliminate childhood obesity is called "Play 60", telling elders that children should devote 60 minutes a day to doing something physical.

When I was growing up, me and my friends spent most of our time outside, riding bikes, playing in the streets, running around; sometimes we'd be outside for hours (unless we had to go inside for dinner). Even though we had Atari, Colecovision and such, we still spent most of our time outside getting exercise without thinking about it.

You can see how low the NFL has sunk in recent years to appease the PC establishment. This latest folly, jumping on the obesity bandwagon, is really pathetic. Not to mention that Fox NFL Sunday would plug this "Play 60" concept every minute on its bottom ticker.



Mar 25, 2008
The biggest issue I have with stuff like this is when they claim that obesity is an "epidemic" or a "disease". Pathetic claims of genetic predisposition to eat or be bigger make me ill. Does that mean I had genes that caused me to be active and play sports my entire life?

People need to call it like it is and stop it with this culture of victimization. These are the same people who overdiagnose their children with "conditions" such as ADHD. No one takes responsibility for their mistakes anymore. Why worry about raising your child properly when there is Ritalin and diet pills to cover your parenting inadequacies?

Anyone hear me on this?


Oct 21, 2004
First of all, while Americans are becoming woefully out of shape, it is impossible that 1 in 3 children are obese. Overweight, yes. Obese, no way.

Now, if they wanted to claim that 1 in 3 black NFL players is obese, I'd believe it.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
PhillyBirds said:
The biggest issue I have with stuff like this is when they claim that obesity is an "epidemic" or a "disease". Pathetic claims of genetic predisposition to eat or be bigger make me ill. Does that mean I had genes that caused me to be active and play sports my entire life?

People need to call it like it is and stop it with this culture of victimization. These are the same people who overdiagnose their children with "conditions" such as ADHD. No one takes responsibility for their mistakes anymore. Why worry about raising your child properly when there is Ritalin and diet pills to cover your parenting inadequacies?

Anyone hear me on this?

Exactly! The wussification of America is fostered via the (socialist minded) "victim mentality". ADHD was concocted by Big Pharma (in cooperation with the Globalist Elite) to create a giant revenue stream....while the Elite gained from the mass drugging of our children. The obesity epidemic "diagnosis" carries much of the same spirit.