NCAA Indoor Championships

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I wanted to start a thread so we can post the results
as they start to come in over the weekend.We have a
core of guys we are following like Dusty Stamer,
John Woods,Nate Probasco,Matt Scherer,and Domenik
Peterson.Good luck to all of these excellent sprinters
going into the last big weekend of indoor track.


Dec 9, 2004
Dusty Stamer qualified for the final with a time of 6.70,while John Woods failed to make with a run of 6.72.In the 400 Matt Scherer qualified for the final with a run of 46.61,Dirk Homewood was DQ'ed.Nenad Loncar failed to qualify in the 60 hurdles.


Dec 9, 2004
Nate Probasco just failed to qualify for the final in the 200 as he finished 9th in the preliminary round.His time of 20.93 was his personal best.The good news is that Domenik Peterson did make it to the final where he finished 4th in an Arizona State school record of 20.43.This is the secound straight year Peterson finished 4th in the NCAA final.The finals for the 60,400 and 4x400 relay will take place tonight.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Man is that a unbelievable time for Domenik Peterson
as he is only a sophmore.To run a 20.43 indoors is
probably about the same as running a 20.15 outdoors.
Nate had a little bit of a slow start and it is really
too bad he could not make the final.To miss out by the
blink of an eye has to hurt.He will be alright as
he is a better outdoor sprinter anyway and that is where
the money is.I almost look at indoor track as spring
training with the main events to come later this spring
and all summer!I predict Dusty will come in the top 3
tonight!I'm pulling for him.Go Huskers!


Dec 9, 2004
I totally agree that the indoor season is spring training,it's like and appetizer for what we are really looking for and that is the outdoor season which is the true test of these athletes.


Dec 9, 2004
What can you say about Dusty Stamer.He finished secound tonight in the 60 with a time of 6.62 behind Dabryan Blanton the guy he beat in the the Big 12 championship.So that's a first in the Big 12 and a secound in NCAA's,that's outstanding.Now for the outdoor season,bring it on.Unfortunately Matt Scherer didn't fair so well as he finished 5th in his section and 9th overall with a time of 47.15.It wasn't his meet,but that's okay because at least he did make the finals as did Dominik Peterson,so way to go guys!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Stamer is a beast!He is one bad man and has shown all
of the doubters that he is for real!I am so happy that
he took 2nd.I predicted a top 3 finish and I guess I
was right.If Dusty can improve his start just a little,
he will be in the elite of the elite category.I really
would like to see him close in on the magical 10 second
barrier.With him being a senior,he has the confidence to
get it done.He fears no one!There would be nothing better
that to see him win the outdoor ncaa championships and
run a sub 10 in doing so!Way to go Stamer!Also,good job
by Peterson & Scherer.Woods will be back.


Dec 9, 2004
In the 4x400 relay Mark Teter ran lead as his Baylor team finished secound with a time of 3:04.72,while the mostly white team,Northern Iowa with Cody Eichmier,Ryan Kedley and Dirk Homewood finished 3rd with a time of 3:04.95.The aforementioned three ran legs 2,3 and 4.Oregon with Travis Anderson running lead and Matt Scherer the anchor finished 5thwith a time of 3:05.26.Arizona State with Domenik Peterson running lead were DQ'd.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Thanks for the reports guys. Would love to see Stamer become The Man in the 60 and 100. Like Wariner, another great football talent robbed for the crime of playing a "black" position.

Was this televised at all? I was looking for a listing of it and couldn't find anything.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I will be watching it and probably recording it.I want
to see Stamer staring down the guys with his game face.
Ha.ha.I started a thread on him at the Track & Field
News Message board but almost no one will post on him.
Even after finishing 2nd in the country,he still gets
very little or no respect.His nickname should be
Rodney Dangerfield. They will have to show him respect
soon if he keeps running the way he has been.I really
am excited about this years outdoor season!
Oct 16, 2004
Track & Field News - especially their message board - is as PC as you can
get. Oh, they'll harp on about the "hardships blacks face today," knowing
full well blacks are handed most everything these days, while getting a
leg up in other areas. A few months back, on the old board I believe, I
stated that if Wariner won the Oly gold, a 'great black hope' would emerge
(or several) so that the folks really in charge could knock him off, or at
least try to. After seeing the change in LaShawn Merritt's physique over
the last 5 months, not to mention what I have seen happen with a few
other runners, I think it's safe to say the cards are on the table. Sure, I'm
just a nut. Things like that don't really happen. Just like our borders are
left open despite outcry from the white public. It's all accidents and

Stamer will only get attention if he can take some scalps outdoors, and hit
close to 10 if not break 10. He does possess the talent - now it's time to
see if he believes it, and if his coach(es) believes it.

Sorry I don't post very often these days - as I did on the old board - I am
still buried at work and involved with helping a very ill family member.
Hopefully I can rolling full tilt soon. I keep thinking I'll have the time, then
things work against me. All will work out for the best I keep telling

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
First off,best wishes for you and your family.I will
keep them in my prayers.Second,you are right on about
Merritt and some of the others.They seem to have put
rollerblades on to see them run that fast that quick.
This kids are looking like bodybuilders out of high
school and as underclassman in college!Anyone can look
at Wariner and know that he is all natural.He has the
build of a 13 year old boy at 20 years of age but man
can he run.He is a natural.If he ever was on what these
guys take,MJ's record would dissapear forever.I want him
to stay clean though.I agree that Stamer has to do it
outdoors.No one remembers indoors in track.It is what
you do in the World Championships,Olympics,& in Europe.
He needs to finish his senior year off with a bang and
get down to the sub 10.10 range.Then if he can do that,
turn pro and get the best coach,massage therapist,and
dietician to help him put it all together.I wish him
the best of luck as he is one of my 3 favorite sprinters!