Movie Reviews


Jul 23, 2015
I am 100% sure this man never stood face to face with a Klansman and ask to join. He would not have liked the answer he would have gotten, not in S.C. or N.C.


Jan 23, 2017
Yes, I watched that one last week and did some reading about Spencer Stone. He's a very brave man.
About that movie. The opening scene with the mothers at the parent teachers conference. The teacher wants to put their boys on medication. The mothers wouldn't do it. The vast majority of these HS shootings are done by boys who are on these medications. These medications are the reason for these shootings. There didn't used to be shootings of this type before these drugs were used. Now there are, so what does that tell you?

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
About that movie. The opening scene with the mothers at the parent teachers conference. The teacher wants to put their boys on medication. The mothers wouldn't do it. The vast majority of these HS shootings are done by boys who are on these medications. These medications are the reason for these shootings. There didn't used to be shootings of this type before these drugs were used. Now there are, so what does that tell you?
Those drugs confuse and disrupt the normal functioning of peoples' brains.

Some doctors prescribe them to create dependency so they keep coming back for more prescriptions and so the doctors have more business.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Death Wish (2018) is very good.

The leftist and gay movie critics bashed it because it's about a nice, normal white family who are the victims of a horrible crime.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Death Wish (2018) is very good.

The leftist and gay movie critics bashed it because it's about a nice, normal white family who are the victims of a horrible crime.

Anything those putrid vermin are “a’gin”...I’d be “fer” it. ;)

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Here's another one that is not politically correct, less so even than Death Wish, and so the critics predictably hated it even more:

Acts of Violence (2018)


It's better than Death Wish, in fact it's the best I've seen so far in 2018.
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May 1, 2015
Death Wish (2018) is very good.

The leftist and gay movie critics bashed it because it's about a nice, normal white family who are the victims of a horrible crime.
But were the perps black, White, a mix of both (like the original three that I liked, especially Death Wish 2) or some indeterminable mix of mutts that is so common in Amerika today?

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
But were the perps black, White, a mix of both (like the original three that I liked, especially Death Wish 2) or some indeterminable mix of mutts that is so common in Amerika today?
Most were white, although he shot a Negro drug dealer.

But in Acts of Violence, the leader of the drug and prostitution gang is a Negro.
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Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Here's another one that is not politically correct, less so even than Death Wish, and so the critics predictably hated it even more:

Acts of Violence (2018)

It's better than Death Wish, in fact it's the best I've seen so far in 2018.

Watching Acts of Violence right now. Enjoying it, my kind of Justice.

Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012
I am 100% sure this man never stood face to face with a Klansman and ask to join. He would not have liked the answer he would have gotten, not in S.C. or N.C.
They refused Catholics. But... it's "based on a true story," so it must be true!
Dec 18, 2004
Another very good movie, also ignored by the critics:

The Last Witness (2018) 9/10


The historical background is the allies' cover-up of the Katyn Massacre (the executions of 24,000 Polish intelligentsia carried out by the Bolshevik NKVD in April and May 1940).

At the Nuremberg trials, the Soviet judges tried to pin the Katyn Massacre on the German military and make it part of the indictment. The lawyers for the defendants said they would offer proof the Russians were guilty. The Russians spent about a day trying to get it in the trials but the American and British judges and lawyers quashed it.
Sep 12, 2016
Watched "The Last Witness" last night. Good film. Tells a story that most people have never heard of.

During the war, after discovering the bodies of the 24,000 murdered Polish officers, the Germans brought Allied POWs to the site so they could see the evidence for themselves. The Germans knew that the Soviet perpetrators would try to pin the crime on them.

The whole Nuremburg fiasco was a perfect example of "victor's justice." German Generals Kietel and Jodl were hanged for "waging a war of aggression" by invading Poland; prosecuted and convicted by Soviet lawyers and judges whose forces had committed the very same crime. Many young, ignorant people don't even know that the Soviet Union invaded Poland and divided it with the Nazis. German Admiral Erich Raeder was sentenced to life imprisonment for waging unrestricted submarine warfare, even though every single country that prosecuted and convicted him, including the United States, Great Britain, and France, along with the Soviet Union, did the exact same thing.

But World War 2 was "the good war," dontcha know.
Dec 18, 2004
Watched "The Last Witness" last night. Good film. Tells a story that most people have never heard of.

During the war, after discovering the bodies of the 24,000 murdered Polish officers, the Germans brought Allied POWs to the site so they could see the evidence for themselves. The Germans knew that the Soviet perpetrators would try to pin the crime on them.

The whole Nuremburg fiasco was a perfect example of "victor's justice." German Generals Kietel and Jodl were hanged for "waging a war of aggression" by invading Poland; prosecuted and convicted by Soviet lawyers and judges whose forces had committed the very same crime. Many young, ignorant people don't even know that the Soviet Union invaded Poland and divided it with the Nazis. German Admiral Erich Raeder was sentenced to life imprisonment for waging unrestricted submarine warfare, even though every single country that prosecuted and convicted him, including the United States, Great Britain, and France, along with the Soviet Union, did the exact same thing.

But World War 2 was "the good war," dontcha know.

Karl Doenitz, who succeeded Raeder as COC of the German Navy, was the one charged with unrestricted submarine warfare. A hundred or so American and British naval commanders, including Admiral Nimitz, wrote letter to the Court saying they had done the same thing. Nimitz said the United States had waged unrestricted submarine war from the start. Many historians have said every major country has carried out war of aggression.

Kietel and Jodl were hanged for passing on and signing Hitler's more gruesome orders, Generalplan Ost, for one of many examples.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Karl Doenitz, who succeeded Raeder as COC of the German Navy, was the one charged with unrestricted submarine warfare. A hundred or so American and British naval commanders, including Admiral Nimitz, wrote letter to the Court saying they had done the same thing. Nimitz said the United States had waged unrestricted submarine war from the start. Many historians have said every major country has carried out war of aggression.

Kietel and Jodl were hanged for passing on and signing Hitler's more gruesome orders, Generalplan Ost, for one of many examples.
I can't help but wonder, was "Generalplan Ost" really about ethnic cleansing of Slavs or was that just propaganda created to justify the ethnic cleansing of German civilians from Eastern Europe after the war? Interesting then how many Slavs served in the German army, and how Slavic countries like Croatia, Slovenia, and Slovakia were willing German allies. Why did they consider Ukrainians to be the purest white people? They did say Russians were an inferior race, but said it was because of the Asiatic admixture.

No doubt people like Hitler, Mengele, Eichmann and Himmler were war criminals.

However, Hermann Göring was certainly not worse than Winston Churchill, who deliberately targeted civilians in the Dresden bombing. Yet Goring too was sentenced to death. He actually advised Hitler to NOT send the troops into Poland in September 1939 - how many millions of lives may have been saved if Hitler had listened to him?

There were many war crimes committed in WW II and afterwards, but most of those on the winning side were never prosecuted.
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Sep 12, 2016
Karl Doenitz, who succeeded Raeder as COC of the German Navy, was the one charged with unrestricted submarine warfare. A hundred or so American and British naval commanders, including Admiral Nimitz, wrote letter to the Court saying they had done the same thing. Nimitz said the United States had waged unrestricted submarine war from the start.

Doenitz was still sentenced to ten years' imprisonment. Some say it was because Hitler named him his successor, which was just as unfair a reason as the "unrestricted submarine warfare" thing to imprison Doenitz, as he didn't want the position and Hitler only chose him because everyone else of high rank in the party had either committed suicide (Goebbels, Bormann) or tried to make a separate peace with the Allies once they realized the jig was up (Himmler, Goering).

Many historians have said every major country has carried out war of aggression.

Doenitz, personally, was charged on three counts at the Nuremburg Trials (conspiracy of a crime against peace, waging a war of aggression, and war crimes - specifically, the unrestricted submarine warfare). He was acquitted of the first charge and convicted of the latter two. Convicted of two things that you, I, and the Allies all admit that all the major powers of the world engaged in. One way or another, Doenitz's conviction and imprisonment were wrong.

Kietel and Jodl were hanged for passing on and signing Hitler's more gruesome orders, Generalplan Ost, for one of many examples.

The Soviets who prosecuted them, convicted them, and sentenced them to death committed war crimes that were as bad or worse. 95% of German POWs captured by the Soviets died in captivity. Stalin slaughtered millions of civilians, including his own countrymen. When the Red Army invaded Germany, they committed the largest mass rape in history, with liberals and neocon cucks rationalizing it by saying, "all dem German wimminz wuz Nazis, dey done deserved it. Muh dik." The communists had no moral authority to pass judgement on anyone.

Kietel did commit war crimes against the Slavic people. Whether he had enough blood on his hands to justify a sentence of death by an unbiased court is something we'll never have the chance to see. Jodl's death sentence was almost certainly unjustified, as there were questions as to exactly what he did and didn't do, to the point where one of the French judges dissented from the Anglo-Soviet majority and proclaimed him innocent of some of the charges. What Jodl is known to have done - signing orders for the summary execution of commandos and Soviet political commissars - were not legitimate reasons for hanging him, as the United States executed without trial German commandos who landed on U.S. soil to commit sabotage. As for the commissar order, anyone who knows exactly what Soviet political commissars actually did would agree that they deserved to be greased.
Sep 12, 2016
I can't help but wonder, was there really a "Generalplan Ost" or was that just propaganda created to justify the ethnic cleansing of German civilians from Eastern Europe after the war?

No doubt people like Hitler, Mengele, Eichmann and Himmler were war criminals.

But Hermann Göring was certainly not worse than Winston Churchill, who deliberately targeted civilians in the Dresden bombing. Yet Goring too was sentenced to death. He actually advised Hitler to NOT send the troops into Poland in September 1939 - how many millions of lives may have been saved if Hitler had listened to him?

Goering was not an ideological Nazi, and cared little for politics one way or another. Yet the pop culture history myth portrays him as some sort of clone of Reinhard Heydrich. Everything in the pop culture version of history has to be dumbed down and oversimplified. Germans bad, communists good. Four legs good, two legs bad. It's literally right out of an Orwellian novel.

As you probably do, I find myself in lively debates with both the pro-Churchill/Roosevelt contingent on this site who are still convinced that World War 2 was "muh good war," and the pro-Hitler brigades who deny Nazi atrocities against White people. It's a pretty good indicator that you're right.
Dec 18, 2004
I can't help but wonder, was "Generalplan Ost" really about ethnic cleansing of Slavs or was that just propaganda created to justify the ethnic cleansing of German civilians from Eastern Europe after the war? Interesting then how many Slavs served in the German army, and how Slavic countries like Croatia, Slovenia, and Slovakia were willing German allies. Why did they consider Ukrainians to be the purest white people? They did say Russians were an inferior race, but said it was because of the Asiatic admixture.

No doubt people like Hitler, Mengele, Eichmann and Himmler were war criminals.

However, Hermann Göring was certainly not worse than Winston Churchill, who deliberately targeted civilians in the Dresden bombing. Yet Goring too was sentenced to death. He actually advised Hitler to NOT send the troops into Poland in September 1939 - how many millions of lives may have been saved if Hitler had listened to him?

There were many war crimes committed in WW II and afterwards, but most of those on the winning side were never prosecuted.

Generalplan Ost was not propaganda. it was written down (the Germans wrote everything down) and carried out in Poland, in particular. Ask our friend Rebaljo.

The judges in the end didn't press the bombing of civilians charge. Apparently, they took the Allied bombing of Germany which killed thousands of civilians into consideration. During 1941-42 especially, Goering ignored the air war to concentrate on exploiting the Eastern territories, including the various massacres. He left a considerable paper trail and as one of the judges said, "had a pudgy finger in every pie."
Sep 12, 2016
I've been racially aware for a long time - ever since a "desegregation" busing program caused the percentage of dindus at my high school to jump from 4% to 40% - but the brainwashing that everyone in this society goes through is so deep that even people who are "awake" still find ourselves, years or even decades after our initial awakening, learning facts that our (((media overlords))) have lied about or simply covered up. It was only a few months ago that I learned that during World War II, the British invaded and occupied Iceland (officially to "prevent the Germans from doing so"), even though Iceland's distance from the nearest German-held territory on continental Europe combined with the strength of the Royal Navy would have made a German occupation of Iceland impractical, if not outright impossible. True, there was no blood shed during the operation, as the Icelanders didn't resist, knowing it would be futile, but the Germans occupied Denmark without bloodshed for the same reasons. Churchill also had plans to invade Norway, but the Germans got there first.

The Allies and the Axis look pretty damn morally equivalent. World War II was not the neocons' "muh good war" with Saint Winston, Saint FDR, and Saint Uncle Joe leading the brigades of light against dem wicked Krauts (nor was it Hitler's "good war" with Saint Adolf and Saint Benito doing the same against dem wicked Anglos). But it feels good to the simple-minded to think of one side as pure good and the other as pure evil. That's why most of the garbage that comes out of (((Hollywood))) is like that. It almost always has to end with the one-dimensional villain getting killed in a particularly gruesome or humiliating way so the sheeple can say "hur hur, dat wuz kewl." Rare is the film that makes people contemplate. Getting back to the original subject, that's why I liked The Last Witness.
Dec 18, 2004
There is a recent Danish film on the bad (against the Geneva Convention) treatment of young German POWs after the end of the war titled "Land of Mine." Rex Reed, a mainstream critic calls it ( "harrowing, intelligent, compelling, and intensely suspenseful investigation of a little-known footnote to world history: what the Danish people did to the young German soldiers left behind after the surrender of Nazi Germany in 1945."

The German youths, mostly age 14-17, were forced to remove some 45,000 land mines the Germans left on the west coast of Denmark. Food and water was withheld. About half were blown to bits from May-October 1945. The theme is the Danes acted as brutally as the Germans supposedly had. Like the better European films, the point is gotten across in a subtle way.

It was favorably reviewed in the United States with a very limited release. "Land of Mine" is on Blu-Ray and DVD. It sometimes plays on the STARZ movie channels.

Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
I recently watched the 1962 movie The Manchurian Candidate. It's a thought provoking movie. It's about Korean POWs who were brainwashed by the communists, one to be an assassin.

In our world today countless leftists have been brainwashed to attack anyone who disagrees with the party line, especially those who are pro-white. So the movie is relevant to today's conditions.

Unfortunately, there is propaganda in the movie. One of the characters is a thinly veiled caricature of the great Joe McCarthy. They make him look bad. The actor who plays one of the candidates, James Gregory, vaguely looks like Richard Nixon, an anti-communist at the time. This character is also made to look bad. At the end of the movie the assassin pointlessly dresses as a priest, which is a way of indirectly attacking Christianity.

Nevertheless, in spite of it's flaws, it's worth watching. You will be reminded of modern day leftists.
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Jan 23, 2017
There is a recent Danish film on the bad (against the Geneva Convention) treatment of young German POWs after the end of the war titled "Land of Mine." Rex Reed, a mainstream critic calls it ( "harrowing, intelligent, compelling, and intensely suspenseful investigation of a little-known footnote to world history: what the Danish people did to the young German soldiers left behind after the surrender of Nazi Germany in 1945."

The German youths, mostly age 14-17, were forced to remove some 45,000 land mines the Germans left on the west coast of Denmark. Food and water was withheld. About half were blown to bits from May-October 1945. The theme is the Danes acted as brutally as the Germans supposedly had. Like the better European films, the point is gotten across in a subtle way.

It was favorably reviewed in the United States with a very limited release. "Land of Mine" is on Blu-Ray and DVD. It sometimes plays on the STARZ movie channels.
When my wife and I saw that movie, we were the only ones in the theater. Even today, I wonder why it was shown here. It was an excellent movie. It was either a mistake showing it here or they knew no one would go to see it because of the sub-titles. After all, it wasn't a cartoon, so no one would want to see it.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
I've been racially aware for a long time - ever since a "desegregation" busing program caused the percentage of dindus at my high school to jump from 4% to 40% - but the brainwashing that everyone in this society goes through is so deep that even people who are "awake" still find ourselves, years or even decades after our initial awakening, learning facts that our (((media overlords))) have lied about or simply covered up. It was only a few months ago that I learned that during World War II, the British invaded and occupied Iceland (officially to "prevent the Germans from doing so"), even though Iceland's distance from the nearest German-held territory on continental Europe combined with the strength of the Royal Navy would have made a German occupation of Iceland impractical, if not outright impossible. True, there was no blood shed during the operation, as the Icelanders didn't resist, knowing it would be futile, but the Germans occupied Denmark without bloodshed for the same reasons. Churchill also had plans to invade Norway, but the Germans got there first.

The Allies and the Axis look pretty damn morally equivalent. World War II was not the neocons' "muh good war" with Saint Winston, Saint FDR, and Saint Uncle Joe leading the brigades of light against dem wicked Krauts (nor was it Hitler's "good war" with Saint Adolf and Saint Benito doing the same against dem wicked Anglos). But it feels good to the simple-minded to think of one side as pure good and the other as pure evil. That's why most of the garbage that comes out of (((Hollywood))) is like that. It almost always has to end with the one-dimensional villain getting killed in a particularly gruesome or humiliating way so the sheeple can say "hur hur, dat wuz kewl." Rare is the film that makes people contemplate. Getting back to the original subject, that's why I liked The Last Witness.
Despite the horrors of Dresden, which was done to show the Russians what Western air power was capable of, I think the Western allies were overall morally superior to the Jewish-led Bolsheviks. That's why millions of Germans fled to the west in early 1945.

For example, the Americans did stop some atrocities, like when the French let their oversexed African colonial troops loose on German women. Generally, the Americans were far more likely to take prisoners than the Russians, who usually just killed surrendering Germans.

What happened in East Prussia and other parts of Eastern Europe in 1945 was as bad as anything the Nazis ever did. I've been reading about it in Max Hastings book Armageddon.

The Genocide Against Germans in East Prussia

"The Germans are not human beings. From now on the word German is for us the worst imaginable
curse and strikes us to the quick. We shall not get excited. We shall kill. If you have not killed at least
one German a day, you have wasted that day....for us there is nothing more joyful than a heap of
German corpses."
- (((Ilya Ehrenburg)))