Mossad and 911 discussion

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Maple Leaf just correctly pointed out in the boxing forum that this topic would be better discussed in the Happy Hour forum.

Our member Werewolf stated that George Bush had a hand in 911. I say that's nonsense, but there IS evidence that the Israeli agency Mossad was at least aware that it was going to happen, and yet failed to inform the US or do anything to prevent it. In fact, it's not impossible that the attacks that day were orchestrated by the Mossad, using some simple-minded, overly fanatical Muslims as patsys, much the same way as they used Lee Harvey Oswald as a patsy when they assassinated JFK.

The three floors of Goldman Sachs, the richest financial company in the world, where every employee made at least $1,000,000 last year, were closed on Sep 11/01 - coincidence? They were previously always open on weekdays.

The owner of the World Trade Center, Larry Silverstein, took out a $6 billion insurance policy on the buildings shortly before it happened - coincidence? Larry was usually in his office near the top of one of the towers before 9 am, but he wasn't there that morning - coincidence?

Some Mossad agents just happened to be filming the World Trade Center towers on top of a building a half-mile or so away when it happened - coincidence? They were reported to be happy - even dancing with joy - just after the planes hit!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
There are way too many weird incidents surrounding 9/11 to think there wasn't more to the conspiracy than a bunch of Saudi's who overstayed their visas.

What happened to WTC 7? Why did they say they pulled 'it,' then tried to say they meant the firefighting crew?

How did one of the hijacker's passports just happen to land at Ground Zero, when everything was embroiled in flame that was supposedly hot enough to melt steel?

Why did the hijackers ship their 'burial clothes' and diaries in their luggage? Wtf? This was even called the 'Rosetta stone' of the investigation, the key to unraveling the identity of the hijackers. Oddly enough, none of them were even listed on the passenger manifests. Wtf?

There is obviously way more to the weirdness than just the few that I posted here, but there isn't much point in re-documenting everything that has been done in detail elsewhere on the web.

My own personal opinion is that Bush is a puppet, and has been since he was nominated for his first term. 'They' maybe even let him think he is in charge once in a while, lol.


Oct 20, 2006
Excellent points, White Shogun. Bush is a puppet.

Also, on 911:

1) NORAD and the Defense Dept were running a drill with the same
scenario of planes being hijacked at the exact same time the
real planes were being highjacked. The London bombings on 7/7 had the
exact same scenario, where the government just happened to be running
drills of a subway bombing at the exact same 3 stations that the
actual bombings occurred!

2) The hijackers listed their addresses as US air bases, and it was
confirmed that many were trained at US air bases.

3) WTC building 7 is the smoking gun. The damn thing was even left out
of the 911 report. As an engineer, I can tell you that way the 3 buildings
that collapsed that day cannot be explained without the use of

I thought 911 was an inside job about a week after it happened. No way
the US can't scramble jets to defend the nations capitol, where the Prez,
Congress, Supreme Court, and Pentagon are. There is no way that
happens if you know even a little bit about how big a deal security is in

Watch Loose Change and Loose Change (Second Edition) on Google video,
JD1986. That's probably the best compilation of the facts of our own
government killing us to whip up the people for a foreign war I know of.
A government that would kill us has lots of ways to do it--nukes,
biological weapons, and also chemical weapons. Don't think they won't
use them on us if it suits them.

And yes, Bush knew about it all in advance.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
In a sense it may have been an inside job, because a few Jewish Supremacists on the inside knew about it, and were pulling strings that day. Here's another coincidence: A Zionist, Ben Sliney, was on his first day on the job as Director of Air Traffic on Sep 11/01!

But don't be fooled by some of the theories you read about. The purpose of those may be to distract us from the truth - place the blame somewhere else, just like the movie JFK blamed the CIA and the military industrial complex for Kennedy's murder, when the assassination was really a Mossad orchestrated operation.

You are absolutely right about Bush being a puppet of the Zionists, but I don't think he knew about 911 before it happened. He'd been resisting the Jewish Supremacists in his administration (Wolfowitz, Libby, Abrams, Kissinger and Perle) who were pushing for a war with Iraq in the spring of 2001. Old Henry Kissinger apparently did his best to persuade Bush to attack Iraq months before 911.

Who benefits from the events of 911? The Muslims? Definitely not. The US government? No, not at all. Only Israel benefits, since the US has since gone to war with its enemies! It also greatly reduced the American and world sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians.


Oct 20, 2006
I'm sorry, but you really need to get off the anti-semitic bandwagon. Jews
do hold many positions of power and influence both inside and outside
our government, but they are not the great bogeyman. You need to resist
the idea that any one ethnic group is to be blamed for all of the ills of the
world. There are more than enough "Christians" who are also working to
undermine the US and whites in Europe and America.

The real situation is that there are super rich elites of ALL stripes and the
rest of humanity. To them, we are simply slaves and our lives are
worthless. They lie and misprepresent reality to us in order to herd and
control us. They think nothing of our lives, and will kill us without
thinking twice. We exist to work and to be milked for money. The super
elites collude together and their influence stretches across racial lines and
geographic boundaries.

The use of mexicans and blacks to divide and ruin the US is far more than
some kind of jewish conspiracy. Bush is a puppet of the super rich elites.
And he does what they tell him. The race system in the US and the right-
wing jews-are-the-problem are simply ways to get us to attack each
other while the real puppeteers remain hidden from view. Anybody who
pushes these arguments is playing into the elites' game.

911 was an inside job, and Bush knew all about it beforehand. The
people who really benefit from 911 aren't just some wealthy jews, but all
the super rich elites, as they get to turn the US into a police state and
control the oil in the MIddle East and Central Asia, and profiteer from the

I'm not an jew-hater. I find the jews-are-responsible-for-everything
argument tiresome. You need to recognize that all groups have ethnic
cohesiveness and prejudice against outside groups. But the anti-semitic
argument is one carefully crafted to keep your mind in a box while your
pocket is picked. All that jew hatred does is discredit what people talk
about here and make us look loony.

If you want to contine the discussion, please watch the videos I
recommended. They are free on the web. And if you have time to watch
reruns or post stuff here, you probably have plenty of time to watch those
vids too.They'll open your eyes. Its not the jews vs. whites vs. the
blacks vs. the mexicans vs. ........Its the super rich elites vs. the
common man. And they mean to enslave us, beat us down, kill us, and
win.Edited by: PitBull


Our member Werewolf stated that George Bush had a hand in 911. I say that's nonsense...


I don't know why you often want to pick a fight with me, JD1986, but that's your business and it doesn't really matter. But if you're going to quote me, try to quote me correctly. The little homosexual moron Dubya is too stupid to tie his own shoelaces, let alone having a hand in anything, except insofar as doing what he is told to do by his handlers, that is if he doesn't want another pretzel jammed down his throat. I think they had him on a triple dose of thorazine on 911.

As I said on the boxing board thread, I've been telling people that 911 was a hoax right from day one. I recognized what they were trying to pull off right then and there. 911 was a joint Mossad-Bush crime gang false flag operation, with the full complicity of the controlled and embedded US zio-media and the bought and paid for politicos in Washington. Arabs had nothing to do with it, except to serve as the fall guys, the patsies.

Anyway, I'm not going to start into it all over again here. Like I said, I'm on under a different name. Though I haven't been posting there too often lately, my specialty is exposing the 911 hoax. I'm going to be posting an evidence list that I prepared there, evidence connecting Israel to 911. You can find me on their 911 board (actually there are two 911 boards there and don't ask me why). Also, if you draw up the longest ever thread there and feel like wading through it, that was mine.

White Shogun and Pit Bull - you seem to know your stuff and I'd like to particularly invite you to come over there, or perhaps yo know a better place, but there's no sense putting a lot of effort into trying to talk to a few sports fans. JD1986, you too, hostile to me or not, it doesn't really matter. What matters is fighting the lie!

Edited by: werewolf

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I kind of agree with both Pitbull and JD. I think Bush is an idiot, a figurehead who may have known what was planned. Or not. But I certainly don't think Bush was the mastermind.

I think the dancing Israelis who were mysteriously deported in the months following 9/11 is a significant clue that the Israelis knew in advance what was going to happen, if they didn't plan it themselves. Not to mention the text message received by an Israeli communications company warning of the attacks prior to the event. I agree with JD that the real, and probably only, political beneficiary of the war in Iraq (and Iran) is Israel.

But I don't think the Israelis are the sole power responsible for 9/11, either. There is a lot of money to be made in war, and the fact that Cheney was a big shot at Halliburton before he became VP a mere a 9 months before 9/11 is another clue for the objective inquisitor.

Regardless, it's a huge mess, and the only person running for President right now who wouldn't continue the status quo is Ron Paul.


Oct 3, 2007
JD1986 said:
Our member Werewolf stated that George Bush had a hand in 911. I say that's nonsense...

I'm not sure what you mean by "had a hand in 911", but I believe Bush implicated himself of his fore-knowledge of the WTC disaster in his White House news release of 12/04/2001 when he said:

"I was in Florida. And my Chief of Staff, Andy Card -- actually, I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works. I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on. And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot. I said, it must have been a horrible accident."

[url] html[/url](President Bush's answer to the 31st question in Town Hall Meeting he was in at the time)

Remember, this is the first Bush heard of the event. This means the plane he said he saw hitting the WTC had to have been the first plane because the second plane didn't hit until 17 minutes later. Bush surely would have heard of the first plane hitting by the time the second one hit. Especially if he's watching the second plane hit on TV because all the news stations did was show both towers that morning.

How could Bush have seen the first plane hit? Who would have been expecting it to hit? Why would TV cameras be on the WTC as it was just an ordinary day up until the first plane hit? The TV news stations didn't have that shot. So how could Bush have seen it?

If Bush saw the first plane hit the tower he obviously had to have had inside knowledge that it was about to hit else why would he be looking at the WTC on TV in a school in Florida?

While I doubt Bush had much input into the WTC event if what he says is true he is an accomplice to what happened because he obviously knew it was going to happen and did nothing about it.

To me, at least that's having a "hand" in the 9/11 disaster.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Yes, White Shogun, not only were Kissinger, Perle, Libby, Wolfowitz and Abrams trying to convince Bush to go to war with Iraq even before 911, but Cheney was in agreement with them. Perhaps his association with Halliburton had something to do with it.

Pitbull, I've already seen all those videos. I know we're all conditioned by the media to consider the Jews as infallible and inherently good, and to consider anyone who points out what they're doing as evil anti-Semites, people you wouldn't want to be associated with. But please keep an open mind about it. Read the book Jewish Supremacism, one of the best selling books in many countries, although it's banned in my country and yours. It is NOT anti-Semitic, because it quotes many Jews. Read a website like to enlighten yourself on what's really going on in the world. Gradually the pieces will begin to fit together.

I am not anti-Semitic - in other words, I'm not against Jewish people in general. I don't like the passages in the Jewish Talmud that state non-Jews are less than human. I am against Jewish Supremacism, but not against any Jews who consider white gentiles to be equal and have no hatred for us. I am tired of all the bullsh*t from people like Alex Jones, who choose to ignore the elephant in the room, Zionism, when explaining what's happening in the world.

Werewolf, I like you and I'm not trying to pick a fight with you. Hopefully you will continue this discussion with us in this thread. I enjoy reading your posts, and agree with much of what you write.


Oct 20, 2006

Thanks for the invitation. I would post more on this topic, but I don't
really have the time. I'm going to start doing some voluteering for the
Ron Paul campaign starting tomorrow. I'm convinced that if we Paul
supporters can get boots on the ground to spread the word about Paul
that the mainstream media is not doing, we can win in a landslide. BTW,
you are probably doing a yeoman's job over there without our help.

Its been six plus years since 911 (hard to believe) and there has been
ample opportunity for anyone and everyone to get informed. Loose
Change has been downloaded some 50 million times off the web. There's
no excuse not to know that 911 was an inside job unless you are simply
unwilling to hear the other side of the story. The real secret about 911 is
that only the minority of Americans really believes the "official" story
anymore, and its a smaller minority everyday.
Edited by: PitBull


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
JD1986 said:
Who benefits from the events of 911? The Muslims? Definitely not. The US government? No, not at all. Only Israel benefits, since the US has since gone to war with its enemies! It also greatly reduced the American and world sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians.

You are correct.We used 911 as a pretext to reduce Iraq to piles of rubble. Countless numbers of men, women, and childrenslaughtered, and their oil stolen. Almost everyone by now agrees that links to Hussein and hijackers were spurious. Faulty intelligence my rear end! Iran is next.It hosted the Holohoax conference and will surely pay dearly. Once again the beanie brigade and it's lackeysare beating the drums of war.Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, Iraq, has been changed to Bomb Iran. It has been revealed recently that members of our intelligence community have come to the conclusion that Iran's nuclear capabilities and intentions are not at all what we've been told. Rush didn't like that, so he's been crusading against them. Anti - semitic? I really hate that term. It always causes everyone to cower. Arabs are also semites, aren't they?Is anyone called an anti- semite for criticising Arabs? People really mean anti-jew, not anti-semite. The term also maligns everyone to whom it is hurled against, implyingthere is never any valid justification for discussing the negativeaspectsof jewry in our world. Oh no, NEVER, all the research, facts, and evidence is dismissed with a wave of the hand followed immediately by the verbal trump cards. You are a bigot, hater, liar, anti-semite and Nazi. End of argument.


PitBull said:

Thanks for the invitation. I would post more on this topic, but I don't
really have the time. I'm going to start doing some voluteering for the
Ron Paul campaign starting tomorrow. I'm convinced that if we Paul
supporters can get boots on the ground to spread the word about Paul
that the mainstream media is not doing, we can win in a landslide. BTW,
you are probably doing a yeoman's job over there without our help.

Its been six plus years since 911 (hard to believe) and there has been
ample opportunity for anyone and everyone to get informed. Loose
Change has been downloaded some 50 million times off the web. There's
no excuse not to know that 911 was an inside job unless you are simply
unwilling to hear the other side of the story. The real secret about 911 is
that only the minority of Americans really believes the "official" story
anymore, and its a smaller minority everyday.

Hi, PB - I've been doing volunteer work for Dr P here - tho not nearly as much as some of the others, and contributing too. I just heard Dr P on the Beck show last night (via YouTube). The Beck Shill cornered him with the 911 Party Line - and Dr P sucked up to him. Disappointing, but I suppose that's the way ya gotta do it, and Dr P ain't the second coming, but he's the best we got right now .



Good post, Bart. The anti-semites are the Israelis and their American lackeys, mass-murdering Arabs, Arabs who are real semitic people, not Khazars like the Israelis.

Last year the Israelis dropped over 4 million fragmentation bombs on the civilian population of Lebanon - bombs paid for by US taxpayers. Dragon Lady Hillary was screeching for them to drop more, more, more, but Obango Baraku or whatever the f it calls itself, did the bitch one better - he cakewalked over to israel to cheer them on!



Werewolf, I like you and I'm not trying to pick a fight with you....


OK, bro, that's cool! I don't mind if you disagree with me about some things either, even though I am always right about everything!




Piggy said:
JD1986 said:
Our member Werewolf stated that George Bush had a hand in 911. I say that's nonsense...

I'm not sure what you mean by "had a hand in 911", but I believe Bush implicated himself of his fore-knowledge of the WTC disaster in his White House news release of 12/04/2001 when he said:

"I was in Florida. And my Chief of Staff, Andy Card -- actually, I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works. I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on. And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot. I said, it must have been a horrible accident."

[url] html[/url](President Bush's answer to the 31st question in Town Hall Meeting he was in at the time)

Remember, this is the first Bush heard of the event. This means the plane he said he saw hitting the WTC had to have been the first plane because the second plane didn't hit until 17 minutes later. Bush surely would have heard of the first plane hitting by the time the second one hit. Especially if he's watching the second plane hit on TV because all the news stations did was show both towers that morning.

How could Bush have seen the first plane hit? Who would have been expecting it to hit? Why would TV cameras be on the WTC as it was just an ordinary day up until the first plane hit? The TV news stations didn't have that shot. So how could Bush have seen it?

If Bush saw the first plane hit the tower he obviously had to have had inside knowledge that it was about to hit else why would he be looking at the WTC on TV in a school in Florida?

While I doubt Bush had much input into the WTC event if what he says is true he is an accomplice to what happened because he obviously knew it was going to happen and did nothing about it.

To me, at least that's having a "hand" in the 9/11 disaster.

Great post, Mister Piggy! Bush said that he saw the first plane crash into the first WTC tower before he minced into his little classroom to spend a lazy morning blinking and smirking and chatting about pet goats. He thought it was pretty funny, "That's a terrible pilot," he quipped. We have him on camera saying this, twice. The problem is, as you know, there was no publicly known film of the first plane crash until the following day when the Naudet brothers film surfaced, so what tv station was Bush watching? Private feed from the high-fiving Urban Moving Co. Mossad camera crew in NJ perhaps? And where is the film that those happy fellows took of the attacks? According to the NY Times and the AP and FOX News, they had their camera equipment set up before the attacks started. Their film should be the best documentation we have of the event. Where is it? What has Michael Chertoff done with it? Also, when Bush was exiting his limo to enter the school, the school custodian caught a glimpse of a plane crashing into a big building on the limo tv.



Oct 20, 2006

Don't be too hard on Ron Paul on the 911 issue. He knows the truth. Most
of the public knows the truth. But if he admits it, its the MEDIA that will
relentlessly make him out to be a "kook". Its all they will talk about.

He just needs to play it cool, keep the stated campaign issues going, and if
he gets into office, we will see the real Dr. Paul emerge. That is, if the
Powers that Be don't kill him first.Edited by: PitBull


Nov 25, 2004
So many unanswered questions and classified documents.

Start with how did tower 7 crash?

How did a passport survive when steel melted?

How did the 19 highjackers get IDed within hours? Popular Mechanics say they were IDed by DNA???

Why is most of the evidence still classified? The case is solved. Isn't it?

Why did we release the dancing Israelis? and if they are innocent why did they and the whole Israeli company flee to Israel never to return?

Too many unanswered questions.

BTW, Ron Paul does answer this the only way he can and still he is correct. OUR government wasn't involved. Elements within our government were.


Jul 30, 2007
I agree with PitBull. Blaming one single group for everything is ridiculous. Zionists are not the only people who are calling the shots. I believe that Zionists as well as globalists like the Rockefellers work together, probably grudgingly, to achieve their goals, the globalists to create a one world government, the Zionists to protect Israel at all costs. I think that people like David Duke are wrong with their mentality of blaming Zionists for everything, and I believe that Alex Jones is wrong to turn a blind eye away from the Zionist role in many of our problems. The point I am making is that no one single group is responsible for all of our problems, and that blaming a single group for everything is stupid.


I believe that Zionists as well as globalists like the Rockefellers work together..


Absolutely, GSM. The zionists couldn't get away with what they do for one minute without the full cooperation and collaboration of the American traitors - the bought and paid for politicians, the military traitors, the white power structure, the talking heads on the embedded media, etc., etc.



Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The Globalist Elite (aka NWO) includes many with varying roles and levels of influence. At the top are probably the Old Money/13 Dynasty Families (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Duponts, etc.) or some semblance thereof. Included are probably the Bilderberger "leadership". The mid-tier are probably the secondary leadership/members of the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, CFR, Club of Rome...folks like Javier Solana, Maurice Strong, Henry Kissinger, etc. The Central Banking Cartel is controlled from the top tier (more than likely). Also at the middle level are the "New Money" players like Warren Buffet, Bill "Eugenics" Gates, Rupert "Moloch", George Soros, etc. Their puppets are the figurehead-shills like Dubya & his Neocon pals (Cheney, Wolfowitz, Kristol, etc.), 95-98% of Crapitol sHill, other foreign "leaders"/pawns like Stephen Harper, Calderon, Sarkozy, Shimon Peres, etc. There's definitely a pecking order of some sort, but their end-game/agenda is largely the same...creation of a One-World government & religion in conjunction with a pseudo-socialist dystopia via eugenics/population reduction and a totalitarian police state (ala Orwell's "Oceania")

***Here's some insightful, informative books on the Globalist Elite... by: DixieDestroyer


Aug 9, 2005
Yes, Dixie is right. It's very easy to find out who they are. They're pretty much hidden in plain sight, and they're most definitely not all Jews.

The mass media that they control is not concerned about the 10 percent who have it figured out. They are concerned about the 90 percent in the dark. If the 10 percent grow to 15 or 20, then the elite will use the 80 to 85 percent to kick the crap out of the "conspiracy nuts."

9/11 isn't even close. Forget about all the crazy crap about holograms and no planes, etc. Just check into Building 7.


It's common knowledge, he reveals, CIA, Mossad behind terror attacks


By the Staff of American Free Press

Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga, who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, has told Italy's oldest and most widely read newspaper that the 9-11 terrorist attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad, and that this was common knowledge among global intelligence agencies. In what translates awkwardly into English, Cossiga told the newspaper Corriere della Sera:

"All the [intelligence services] of America and Europe...know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part ... in Iraq [and] Afghanistan."

Cossiga was elected president of the Italian Senate in July 1983 before winning a landslide election to become president of the country in 1985, and he remained until 1992.

Cossiga's tendency to be outspoken upset the Italian political establishment, and he was forced to resign after revealing the existence of, and his part in setting up, Operation Gladio. This was a rogue intelligence network under NATO auspices that carried out bombings across Europe in the 1960s, 1970s and '80s. Gladio's specialty was to carry out what they termed "false flag" operationsâ€â€￾terror attacks that were blamed on their domestic and geopolitical opposition.

In March 2001, Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra stated, in sworn testimony, "You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force ... the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security."

Cossiga first expressed his doubts about 9-11 in 2001, and is quoted by 9-11 researcherWebster Tarpley saying "The mastermind of the attack must have been a sophisticated mind, provided with ample means not only to recruit fanatic kamikazes, but also highly specialized personnel. I add one thing: it could not be accomplished without infiltrations in the radar and
flight security personnel."

Coming from a widely respected former head of state, Cossiga's assertion that the 9-11 attacks were an inside job and that this is common knowledge among global intelligence agencies is illuminating. It is one more eye-opening confirmation that has not been mentioned by America's propaganda machine in print or on TV. Nevertheless, because of his experience and status in the world, Cossiga cannot be discounted as a crackpot.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
White Shogun said:

I think the dancing Israelis who were mysteriously deported in the months following 9/11 is a significant clue that the Israelis knew in advance what was going to happen, if they didn't plan it themselves.

This story shouldhave been HUGE! If not for the woman who called police we never would have known about the dancingIsraeliMossadagents. Interviewed in Israel one of them said their purpose was to document the event. This and the Fox News story about the extensive Israeli spy ring should have sent investigative reporters, the media, and congress into a frenzy.But no, except for a few internet sites, it has all gone down the memory hole.Most Americans are toostupid to connect the dots, others are afraid to admit what it means in the grand scheme of things, and of course, some know fully well where the trail leads, but do their best to divert the rest of us.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Bart said:
White Shogun said:
. I think the dancing Israelis who were mysteriously deported in the months following 9/11 is a significant clue that the Israelis knew in advance what was going to happen, if they didn't plan it themselves.

This story should have been HUGE!   If not for the woman who called police we never would have known about the dancing Israeli Mossad agents.   Interviewed in Israel one of them said their purpose was to document the event.  This and the Fox News story about the extensive Israeli spy ring should have sent investigative reporters, the media, and congress into a frenzy.  But no, except for a few internet sites, it has all gone down the memory hole.Most Americans are too stupid to connect the dots, others are afraid to admit  what it means in the grand scheme of things, and of course, some know fully well where the trail leads, but do their best to divert the rest of us.

Good post, Bart. People are really in denial about Jewish Supremacism. For some, it has to do with brainwashing by the news media and entertainment industry, which is largely controlled by Zionists. At the same time, many better-educated, more intelligent people are aware of it, but are afraid to speak out.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I dont know much about this but here is what I do know, nearly every group on the planet hates jews with a vengence: American blacks despise them, the Arabs will commit suicide jsut to kill a few of them, the Germans once had a policy to rid their country of them, every UN vote in favor of Israel is 300-1 against (the US being the one vote "for"). You gotta be doing something wrong to generate that much universal hate.