mike hass is doomed :(


Apr 23, 2005
United States
well lets just forget about hass, today i was on sirius radio and i asked soloman wilcox (a guy who i really respect by the way) and i asked him why is mike hass not talked about as the best receiver in the draft, and what wilcox told me was he does not have the "upside" of a chad jackson, when i counterd with, well he has better stats, better hands etc, he told me at the combine, when the gm's interview all the receivers and asked them who in the nfl they feel they will develop into, jackson said terrell ownes, santonio holmes said santana moss, and mike hass said RICKY PHROEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE f**k is wrong with him! why would he pick a career back up to compare himself too???? why in god's name did he not say torry holt!! thats what he shound have said. so what i got from this is, mike hass is already a defeated man b4 he even got to play in the nfl, which i think is sooo sad because he could have been the gamebreaker we all KNOW he could be, what a shame. with this attitude i dont know what to think...i his f**king agent should have prepped him to say torry holt or joe horn, etc, but whateve, lets just pray jeff smardjija has a great senior year and hope for the best next year.


Apr 27, 2005
Unfortunately, when it comes to breaking down the caste system, we have to think in increments. Last year we had Matt Jones, who had a good rookie season. Next year he must break out. This year, Hass and Anderson need to get on the field and be productive. Next year, Samardzija needs to go high in the draft and have a good rookie season, and so on. Just like in boxing, the caste system will eventually break down, but it takes time.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Hass' comments are typical of white culture. he doesn't prop himself, or his accomplishments, up with false hype or seemingly egotistical braggadocios because of his humility and respect for the game/team.

white folks usually prefer to let their actions speak louder than their words. blacks, on the other hand, let nothing speak louder than their incredibly outrageous antics. in the negro-phile world of the NFL, this difference of substance versus image is just one more barrier blocking white athletes from achieving stardom.


Apr 23, 2005
United States
sorry i disagree, what we need are more shocky type players. what hass should have dont is told every gm in every interview that he is insulted that he is not considered the clear and away favorite to be the first receiver off the board. and when asked for a comparison, it should have been torry holt. if he would have done this, i think it would have impressed all the gm's into thinking...gee maybe this kid is this good.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I agree with psychosid too.Hass and many other white athletes in general need to start fighting back.He should be looked at as being a top 10 pick in the first round.He has the most talent of any receiver in the country.Mike Hass is also alot faster than people give him credit for!He has always beat people deep and the Pac 10 has alot of good athletes/cb's. We need these athletes to demand a chance to start.If Hass doesn't deserve it then who the hell does?He has broken just about every record out there.He is a white J.Rice!


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
i wish it didn't come to that, best WR in draft shouldn't be forced to brag about his abilities just to move up on the board... anyways he still should have more self respect and say he will develop in someone better than Ricky Proehl (a very good and proven receiver in his own right, although never given a chance to start)

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i didn't say that i agreed with his humility. i only said i understand it. it is typical with the way white folks go about their business. we don't need to tell everybody we do a good job; it's just understood.

it's a different set of cultural values, however, that our guys have to deal with the afaleete loving folks in the NFL and NBA. and i agree that they have to make some noise in order to get their deserved respect in that upside down world where everything is stood on its head.


Apr 14, 2005
Thank god Samardijiza is on the way. A white guy playing a "black" position who is not afraid of showboating, extreme confidence, and knows he's that good. I mean come on Hass wake up and smell the coffee. I'm sure Santoino Holmes and Chad Jackson weren't comparing themselves to Carl Pickens and Webster Slaughter. Good recievers but not guys you, as a potential 1st Rd pick, would compare yourself to because teams drafting someone in the 1st Rd want a Jerry Rice not an Andre Rison.


Aug 10, 2005
Hass should have compared himself to Steve Largent. That's who he could be like. That's pretty darn good.


Dont write Hass off. He has played with a chip on his shoulder and knows he is disrespected. All he has done is prove himself over and over again. Do not be pissed because he compared himself to Proehl because Proehl is just like Hass. A guy who can get it done no matter what. When he is on the field he performs extremely well.Proehl was one of only a few white wr's who made it through the dark period of the mid 90's and came out on the otherside. I think Hass will do what he has done all his life and that is prove people wrong. Some team has probably already fallen in love with him so he will be drafted and thats all he can really ask for.


Draft Prospect Q&A: WR Mike Hass

Oregon State WR Mike Hass By: Alain Poupart
Associate Editor
Date: Apr 24, 2006

Mike Hass isn't considered among the top handful of wide receiver prospects in the 2006 NFL draft because he lacks the type of speed that teams love. But before you dismiss Hass as just another prospect, remember that he had to walk on at Oregon State because he wasn't considered a great prospect out of high school, either, and all he did at OSU was have three 1,000-yard seasons and win the 2005 Biletnikoff Award winner. Hass talks about being the underdog, and more, in this exclusive interview.

MIKE HASS Q. What kind of emotions are you experiencing as the draft gets closer and closer?
A. "Anxiety, that's for sure. A little nervous and anxious for sure."

Q. Have you come to relish your role as underdog after coming to Oregon State as a walk-on and leaving as the winner of the 2005 Biletnikoff Award?

A. "I don't know about relish, but it's a role that I've been forced into, that's for sure. I'm used to it. It's fun to prove people wrong, that's for sure. When people doubt you it's just a lot of fun to go out there and prove them wrong."

Q. Does that role get old after a while?

A. "Yeah, definitely. You hear the same things and they're not necessarily true. It's not like I'm slow or unathletic or anything like that."

Q. You are aware, however, that the book on you heading into the draft is that while you have a lot of positives as a wide receiver, you speed isn't ideal for the position. What do you make of that?

A. "Yeah, but there's a lot of guys like that. I'm not the only guy. There's obviously the burners and there's a lot of guys that do other things. I've been successful, that's all I can say about it."

Q. Why do you think you have been able to overcame that lack of ideal speed?

A. "I think I'm quick. I'm quick. I may not be the fastest guy, but I'm pretty quick and a good route-runner with good hands, reliable, make a lot of things happen."

Q. Would you call yourself a "gym rat"?

A. "I guess. I don't know if I'm necessarily a gym rat, but I definitely work out and stay in shape and try to keep my body ready to go at all times. ... It's one of those things where people think that I would have to do that to be successful, and that's not the case."

Q. Is any part of you surprised that you've gotten to this point considering the way you first came to Oregon State?

A. "No. You know, I'm not satisfied yet. I had a good college career, but I want to take it on to the next level. So there's nothing to look back on and say I've accomplished all that much until I go to the NFL and do something."

Q. What NFL receivers would you compare yourself to?

A. "I look at a guy like Ricky Proehl or Anquan Boldin, those guys, they make a lot of plays. Ricky Proehl played for a long time and was very productive in all parts of the field, and then a guy like Anquan Boldin, people questioned his speed out of college and you saw what he did. All he does is catch a lot of balls, and people don't ask anymore about his 40 time or anything like that."

Q. What did it mean to win the Biletnikoff Award?

A. "Oh yeah, it meant a lot. That was kind of my goal coming into the season. I knew I'd be up for it, and it was one of those things where I walked on and then I won the Biletnikoff; it's a pretty cool story for people to hear about. It gives a lot of people in high school a lot of hope."

Q. Any thought on where you might be drafted?

A. "No. I mean, I don't think anybody really knows where we're going to go, except maybe the first-round guys. I don't really know at all."

Q. Do you have a target round where you would like to get drafted?

A. "I don't know. No, I'm not going to say that. I'll be happy to play in the NFL, period."

Q. Are you planning on watching the draft from the start?

A. "No, I don't know, probably not the start. I probably won't even watch that much of it. It's a stressful time, it's hard to watch, especially when you see guys you think you're better than being picked in front of you and things like that."

Q. What teams have shown the most interest in you?

A. "I don't know, there's been a certain number of teams that have shown interest. You interview with every team at the Combine and the all-star games, and the interviews are kind of the same. I think every interview went pretty well. I think I interviewed well and I think it's just a matter of the teams liking me on film and what I do."

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
A great receiver for Hass to compare himself to would be Larry Fitzgerald, whose stats for Arizona last season were 103/1,409/10 in his second year in the NFL.

Both had great college careers, and neither are speed burners, at least as far as straight line speed. Fitzgerald's 40 times were slower than Hass's, but he makes up for it with intelligence, great hands and excellent route running ability, just like Hass does. Fitzgerald's strengths are those usually found in white receivers, but the big difference is the racial one -- Fitzgerald was the third pick of the first round, while Hass is predicted to go anywhere from the third round to the sixth round. There's no reason Hass can't be as productive as Fitzgerald is in the NFL if he gets the same opportunity to succeed.


Aug 10, 2005
Hass isn't as tall as Fitzgerald(6-3). It's only two inches difference, but height is also something scouts can foolishly rank above production. Neither speed or height is the biggest knock on Hass. He's "hideously white" as they say in Britain.

The Duke

Jan 19, 2006
Fitzgerald is also the rare black receiver who simply hands the ball to the ref after scoring. No dances, no pelvic thrusts.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Must have something to do with his last name: "Fitzgerald." Some Irish up the line somewhere.


Apr 25, 2006
I think the Fitzgerald comparision is an excellent one and Haascould easily be as productive if given the chance. Fitzgerald's success also proves that good hands, the ability to run routes and a proven record at the college level is far more important than straight line speed.

Maybe Haas has listened too much to the vacuous talking heads on ESPN, who will usually compare him to a white possession receiver, when they do bother to mention him at all.....Edited by: pt.guard2


Apr 23, 2005
United States
i think its an ok comparison, but i belive toryy holt is the ideal comparison, they are clones of each other, same size, great hands, i dont think holt is a burner but might be a tad faster then hass. if given the right system, i really beleve he will be a consistant 1000 yeard receiver.


Nov 26, 2004
Any answer would have been the wrong one.

'In terms of productivity I see myself having a career like Jerry Rice.' Egomaniac.

'I prefer not to compare myself to other players. I am who I am and I do what I do.' Flake.

'I just hope to make a contribution in any way I can. Team, that's what I'm all about.' Soft.

'I'm sorry, but I fail to see the point of your question.' Troublemaker. Problem with authority.

'God will guide my career and my life.' Total flake.
Oct 16, 2004
Charlie's right, there is no correct answer for a white player. There is no
wrong answer for a black either, as the filters in place will tend to most
foot in mouth episodes.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I agree, there's no correct attitude for a white athlete to take, and the worst one is to come across as too brash. But Hass isso talented that he's going to be one of the rare whites to play (eventually) and he'll be a thousand yard receiver, maybe on a yearly basis.

Here's a good article on Hass, though it doesn't mention the glaringly obvious reason why he has been continually disrespected ever since tearing it up in high school.

http://www.dailynewstranscript.com/sportsColumnists/view.bg? articleid=74940


Mar 22, 2006
Webster Slaughter
! Now that is funny as hell! Josh

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
We are almost to the 3rd round and there is still no interest in Hass.This really pisses me off.They are drafting kids out of small schools but no team has the intelligence to draft the leading receiver in the country.Mike Hass deserves better.I hope he gets drafted soon and goes to a team that will actually play him.


Aug 10, 2005
I hope he ends up in Green Bay. It's unlikely that they take him since they've already taken Greg Jennings ,but they still need receivers. With A.J. Hawk on one side and Hass and Favre on the other, this season could be fun.