Mel Gibson’s Tirade Against ’The Chosen’

Dec 18, 2004
Gibson was doing 87 mph in a 45 zone. He could have killed somebody, himself included. In photos at the Malibu bar a few minutes before his arrest, Gibson looked to be bombed, with an idiotic smile on his face. Naturally, most of the Talking Heads are more concerned about Gibson's drunken comments.


Oct 15, 2004
A California legislator will probably soon introduce a bill that will double the penalties for any motor vehicle infractions if it can be determined that the driver was also under the influence of "bad thoughts" regarding race, ethnicity, gender or national origin. Bad thoughts will be defined as anything that would more likely than not be offensive to the average reader of the San Francisco Chronicle and/or cause a national black leader to break into a neologistic paroxysm. It will be contended that "Mel's Law" should be seen as a tool, not just to rid the state's roads of bad drivers, but to give them more time to reflect on the damage that their "bad thoughts" have wrought. The bill will have a provision that if the incarceration of said malefactors strains the state penal system, a current inmate that is a member of the group that the offending driver did aggrieve with his thoughts will be released to make room for what is clearly a greater menace to society. Additionally, abject public apologies will not be considered as a mitigating factor in sentence determination though they will be required of the defendant.


Nov 25, 2004
Not surprisingly I did a search to find out if the arresting officer and leaker of information was in fact what Mel Gibson asked - if he was a jew. Low and behold he was a jew! Just another coincedence??? What are the odds?

officer is a jew


Oct 19, 2004
Don Wassall said:
I think bigunreal's description of Buchanan nailed it. 

Except about him being a "former" mainstream figure. He's still in the mainstream. I understand that he's a disappointment to many, but he's still in the mainstream. That's the only argument that I made (and that Gibson can be portrayed as a "monster.")


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jaxvid said:
He's done for. The man who portrayed staunch white heroes that stood up for what they believed even when threatened with their lives is nothing but a pussy. He has no excuse for his cowardice. He is not in jepordy, he is filthy rich, there is no reason for him being the one white man in the modern era to stand up and say "I said what I said and I meant it, you can all go to hell if you don't like it!"

Hi Fellows,

I hadn't intended to post again until some personal issues were resolved. I thought it would be wiser to withdraw from the scene for a period of time to channel my thoughts and energies in directions more uplifting and positive. Well, I'm still between a rock and a hard place so what the heck, may as well wade in on the Mel Gibson situation.

Are there any white men of power and wealth on this planet who we can rely on to fight for and with us? Some of us thought Arnold S. was awhite man who would fight for us. Well, he has shown time and time again that we were fooled by his Austrian accent and anti -girly man - rhetoric. He has sold out the conservatives who pinned their hopes on his sagging pectorals. He recently made some statements indicating he is on the side of the Mexican invaders and is handing over the state, lock stock and barrel to Pancho Villa's relatives. He has repeatedly spoken of his love for Israel and has many trips to that country. He has just been endorsed by Speilberg and some other big name Hollywood directors and Rabbis. Is it a wonder he flip flopped from being the Governator tojust another Goventraitor?

One of my brothers is an avid Gibson fan, often watching the "Patriot " and "Braveheart "inhis home theater . He can quote Mel's famous line about fighting for freedom ... blah... blah...blah! How can anyone ever watch that movie and not toss their cookies? Do you remember the look on his face when he found out who betrayed him on the battlefield? That is the same expression many of his fans are now wearing.

If you think about it, most of Mel's movies are about white men slaughtering other white men, while Mel bathes himself in their blood. Even his partnerships with Danny Glover had them teaming together to wipe out the bad guys who were usually white and Gibby seemed to relish killing all those evil white South African racists in one ofhis "Letthal Weapon" hit movies.

Dirty Harry (Clint Eastwood) was another hero who has done his best producing, directing and starring in some real questionable stuff. Forget Hollywood suckups and our politicians. Our heroes should be the little nobodies who get thrown into jail and have their lives destroyed for having the courage to write articles exposing the utter curruption of the -Holocaust- shakedowwn and those who dare stand up for white people. They are persecuted, hounded and left to rot in jails, having their wives and children left with little to sustain them after losing all their resources fighting enemies who seem to have limitless reources.

The so-called White Nationalist movent has virtually no money, clout or political power. Every lefty casue has thousands of organisations and foundations funding their efforts to destroy us. Where are the multi-millionaire white men who care for this cause? Are there any? Is there a single Mel Gibson type, to be foundwho could fund sites like Caste Football or provide a national platform for a JB Cash?

I once had a bosswho trained me as a salesman, he was a Jew. His constant refrain was- Money Talks, Bullsh*t walks. We have a whole lot of one and not enough of the other. Mel Gibson could have provided a platform and a source of revenue for some of our causes. Who do you suppose bought most of the tickets for the Passion? It wasn't Abe Foxman and his pals. Do you relize how many movies he could make about any number of subjects or people worthy of our attention? But no, he'd rather disappoint myriads of us who looked up to him. Not to mention making his dad look stupid. But Mel knows who hired the band , sohe dances to their tunes. He'll be producing, starring and directing in another Shidler's List. Gibson's characters were very courageous men who would rather die than ..... do what he did! Chickenheart!


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Good post Bart. I feel the same way.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004

Good one Bart! I'll be using that myself everytime I refer to him.

Really great to see a post from you too! Keep em' coming.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Bart said:
The so-called White Nationalist movent has virtually no money, clout or political power. Every lefty casue has thousands of organisations and foundations funding their efforts to destroy us. Where are the multi-millionaire white men who care for this cause? Are there any? Is there a single Mel Gibson type, to be foundwho could fund sites like Caste Football or provide a national platform for a JB Cash?

I've been at this full-time for 20 years and there are no rich whites who will help create a genuine opposition patriotic movement that I'm aware of.

For several years a subscriber to The Nationalist Times would donate a grand or so in response to my fundraising appeals. Most appreciated and helpful to be sure. This individual died several years ago. The size of his probated estate -- over $800 million. He had no wife (divorced many years before), and no children. Amount left to The Nationalist Times or any other pro-white cause: $0.

But the problem goes beyond rich whites to racially conscious whites in general. Just to throw something out there -- if 200 of the 400+ registered members of this board contributed an average of $200 each (for a total of $40,000), I would hire a full-time writer-reporter-researcher to work for Caste Football, or two part-time reporters at about $30,000 for salary and 10K for expenses (phone, research, travel tosome sports events).

Now I'm not scoffing at $200, but thanks to inflation two hundred bucks isn't nearly what it used to be. My guess, given the intelligence level of posters here and also taking into consideration that we have posters who are high school and college age or slightly olderwho areprobably piss poor, is that $200 is about 1/300 of the average income of a Caste Football poster. Considering that 1/10 is the standard tithe to churches, 1/300 isn't a great sacrifice.

But I wouldn't attempt to try and raise that amount because experience tells me that $200 total might not come in,much less$200 as an average amount from two hundred people.

The Jews and the liberals support their own. And that is even with untold millions from the government going to their causes, and even more money coming in from corporations and foundations. Whites, with notable exceptions,don't support their own. Even with our small numbers compared to the general population we could have a far greater impact than we do with minimal sacrifice. But it's not there, and we continue to perish.


May 13, 2006
Don Wassall said:
  Whites, with notable exceptions, don't support their own.  Even with our small numbers compared to the general population we could have a far greater impact than we do with minimal sacrifice.  But it's not there, and we continue to perish.

That's what's so depressing about the situation. All of the problems we complain about have been self inflicted.



I got mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, those Jewish people who made such a big tirade against Mel Gibson's movie were way out of line. The movie just depicted what was in the Gospels, and as such just reflected a historical document, and never was there any "jew-bashing" in it, anyway.

Then, another thing, is that Mel Gibson should be free to say whatever he wants, according to the 1st Amendment.

That all said, I think it was a bit narrow-minded of Gibson to point to the fact that it was all "Jews" up on Calvary when Christ was crucified, because, the last time I read my Bible, I noticed that it was Roman soldiers who were driving the nails and spear into Jesus, not the Jews. Like, duh...


Nov 25, 2004
uh.... I believe the Roman soldiers were depicted in the movie as well.

My only feeling is that Mel should have made a stance a long time ago and stuck to it. He was attacked by Jewish Organizations and Jewish run Hollywood simply for making a movie about Jesus. How absurd is that? He should have openly labeled Jewish run Hollywood as anti-christian after all he had a perfect right to.

The arresting officer, police spokesman, and the newspaper reporter who leaked the story were all Jews. What are the odds?


Oct 19, 2004
Don, you're absolutely right. Most of us simply aren't willing to make sacrifices for the movement... or so-called "movement." We need to look in the mirror and ask ourselves what we're really willing to do to advance the best interests of our people. Right now, the answer is: not much. Every single one of us needs to take personal responsibility for motivating ourselves to work harder for the cause. And I'm not pointing any fingers because I'm talking about myself, too.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Speaking of anti-semitism, what are Louis Farrakhan and Jesse Jackson up to these days? I don't believe either of those two faced the umbrage that Mel Gibson has for their anti-semitic remarks.

At least Gibson didn't refer to Jews as Hebes or other slurs like his fellow black anti-semites. Edited by: White Shogun

white tornado

Oct 5, 2005
Im sorry but southpark saw this comeing.
Edited by: white tornado

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
The article was too long to post in its entirety, but I hope you'll take the time. It's a good read and casts a different light on Gibson's remarks.

Jackie Mason defends Mel Gibson, Ridicules Abe Foxman

Fox News: Your World: Cavuto

Cavuto: Why are you so forgiving?

Mason: I'll be honest with you. It's not that I'm so forgiving, it's that all these people are very sick. They get a vicious, sick, perverted, sadistic thrill out of this whole thing. Look at the glee in them. Look at the happiness about catching him. Because they're all basically failures or they never amounted to anything. Oh, they're actors who are struggling to make a living and they've always been bitter and envious of a guy who makes such a huge success. So now they found an excuse...

Cavuto (interrupts): But he did say a lot of nasty things. As a Jew, how do you feel about it?

Mason: Let me be very honest with you. Nobody could excuse these remarks, but do you ever take it so seriously when a guy is drunk and stupid, laying on the floor, and he says some ridiculous things. People curse their own mother in a state like that. They tell their whole family to drop dead. I mean, the whole family would be going to a cemetery by Thursday.

Entire article

Edited by: White Shogun


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Wow, its a shame he got divorced in the first place. I'm sure the media is in mid-pounce already.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Ooooo!!! the dreaded N-word!!!! Now only the death penalty will be suitable for him.

So long braveheart! It was better to live your life as an anti-semite, racist, then to live with the chains of political correctness!
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
jaxvid said:
Ooooo!!! the dreaded N-word!!!! Now only the death penalty will be suitable for him.

So long braveheart! It was better to live your life as an anti-semite, racist, then to live with the chains of political correctness!
Yea, We found that out with OJ! saying the "N-word" is worse than killing two white people!


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
It's going to hurt his career for sure. Remember when Dog the Bounty Hunter got caught on tape saying the N word? A&E took his show off the air for quite some time. He was forced to do the usual: apologize to all these so called black leaders and kiss black ass for a while. Thankfully they put his show back on the air. It's my favorite show and I'd be furious if it was canceled because of a man using his right to freedom of speech.

Edited by: whiteathlete33


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Paraphrasing Mel, "What, you going out, dressed like that! you will probably be raped by a pack of N*****S." I am sure when he said this he was buzzed and had visions of Danny Glover leading the pack raced through his mind.

If I was Mel I would say F hollywood and go back to Austrialia and make movies there.


Apr 22, 2006
Westside said:
Paraphrasing Mel, "What, you going out, dressed like that! you will probably be raped by a pack of N*****S." I am sure when he said this he was buzzed and had visions of Danny Glover leading the pack raced through his mind.

If I was Mel I would say F hollywood and go back to Austrialia and make movies there.
Indeed, that is after all were he made "Mad Max" and "The Road Warrior"


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I'm surprised they didn't send the DHS goons to raid Gibson's mansion & haul him off to Gitmo for being a "right wing extremist".

I wished Mel could have checked his ego & remained with his wife (of 28 years)...vs. bedding down with some harlot. However, I found his comments pretty funny (albeit blunt to talk to a gal like that). The ironic thing is it's true! Let Oksana waltz through any ghetto (Compton, Newark, etc.) & she'd not make it 25 paces without being attacked by a pack of ravenous untermenschen! The sad part is (ultra-talented) Mel will be demonized to the n'th degree by the (controlled) "mainstream" press for this. Hopefully he retains his nards and pride & doesn't apologize or back-down from the cultmarx vermin. However, I'm betting he kisses @$$ & gives the "atonement" bit. Begging forgiveness at the alter of "political correctness".

Edited by: DixieDestroyer