Liu breaks 110m hurdles world record

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Liu breaks 110m hurdles world record
Associated Press

LAUSANNE, Switzerland -- Liu Xiang of China set a world record in the 110-meter hurdles on Tuesday, breaking the record he shared with Britain's Colin Jackson.

Liu's time of 12.88 seconds at the Athletissima Grand Prix meeting was .03 better than the record he matched in winning gold at the 2004 Athens Olympics. Jackson ran 12.91 in Stuttgart, Germany, in August 1993.

Dominique Arnold of the United States was second in 12.90, also faster than the previous record.

"I'm very happy," Liu said, covering his face with the Chinese flag. "I'm very tired."

Liu, who also holds the world junior record of 13.12 set in July 2002 in Lausanne, ran a victory lap -- shirtless and waving to the crowd -- before sitting on the track clock that showed his record time.

American Terrence Trammell, who had held the season's best time of 13.06, was third in 13.02......... Who knows what the weather condition were like, but if it wasn't hot and muggy then that time is even better. I thought Liu was fading but he is here to stay. It's nice seeing him beat US drug bots(well he is a Chinese drug bot, but still destroying the black superman myth).........


white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
This is such great news.Again it makes guys like Jon Entine look like a complete idiot!I love it.Congrats to Liu on another incredible performance.He has to be the heavy favorite in the 110 hurdles in the next olympics in front of his home country!


Jun 15, 2006
New York
I really don't think Liu is on steroids. he does not have a sprinters body. in fact, he looks more like a mid distance runner. what LIu has done is statistically harder to do then a white man breaking 10 sec.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
With all the postive tests of Chinese athletes over the years how could he not be on stimulants/HGH/steroids? He looks clean, but Gatlin doesn't look like a drug bot either and I know he is.......
Edited by: white is right


Aug 9, 2005
Yeah, talk about mixed feelings. On one hand I'm very excited to see someone take down the black supermen. On the other hand, Chinese athletes past record on drugs isn't too good.


May 20, 2005
I don't know how many 'roids this Chinaman is taking, but obviously not as many as most black sprinters. Otherwise, he'd look like the Asian-bodybulder who played the bad guy in "Bloodsport", at the very least.

For anyone who has eyes to see and and ears to hear, this will reverberate. We either need a society where its not okay to put down Whites or where it's okay to put down EVERYBODY...I prefer the latter, but victorys like Liu's have to change minds. In any case, even though he is not a White man, I am glad to see a member of a race I know to have many outstanding attributes take this prize.


Jul 8, 2005
United States
That's awesome!! Now no longer do blacks have such a stranglehold on the running world records. Next up, Wariner and the 400m world record. On another note, Xavier Carter, who recently just turned pro, rolled out a 19.63 200m at the same meet. He had never even broken 20 before that! So once he turns pro he magically improves? Seems a litle suspiscious to me. Any other thoughts on this?Edited by: nordic_miler

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
That time is more insane than Liu's. Which to me seems like a natural progression. One thing about Liu he is very efficient over the hurdles and almost looks effortless. He wins on technique as much as speed. Others like Colin Jackson won more on speed and not technique as he used to bash hurdles all over the place.....Edited by: white is right


Dec 15, 2005
There was an article in SI on him a while back. His trainer actually mentioned the lack of white sprinters in the article and credited Liu with flawless technique to win the gold.


Oct 19, 2004
albinosprint said:
what LIu has done is statistically harder to do then a white man breaking 10 sec. 

Which makes it that much more frustrating. An Asian guy has done that and a White man hasn't done this??? Damn.


Jun 15, 2006
New York
there have been white guys that have come close. for example, Florian Schwarthoffof Germany ran 13.05 and that was into a -.08 wind. its not under 13, but still a great and rare time. most fast 110h races are in the 13.1-13.2 range.there here have been other fast white hurdlers, Mike Fenner (13.06),Stanislavs Olijars (13.08), Erik Kaiser (13.08). these guys have all ran within the last ten years, and none of them looked like they were on steroids.Schwarthoff was consistently running 13.1 and under for about 8 or 9 years. during his career he had beaten Jackson & Johnson. he was a real contender, but never got to the record. i think with American coaching he could have been the record holder.therehas onlybeenabout a dozen black hurdlers that are faster, and only half of them have broke 13. we are right there, give it time!whites are slowly getting back into track and it will be the 100 & 110h that will take the longest, but it will happen. you have to believe first, or it will never happen!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
What about the guy from Canada?He also ran a sub 6.50 in the 60 meters.That is pure speed there!


Aug 9, 2005
Here's a very interesting analysis of Liu given by former hurdles world record holder Renaldo Nehemiah:

Not too much flat speed

But specifically what is the key to Liu Xiang's success as a hurdler?

"He is technically sound. His basic flat speed is not as good as the other guys which means that he can race the hurdles at his top speed without fear of going too fast. He is able to relax, not worrying about going too fast, and can just concentrate on his technique, clearing the hurdles low."

"His opponents are much quicker flat sprinters but that speed is a disadvantage for them."

"For example Terrence Trammell is a much faster sprinter but he never gets to use that extra speed to his advantage while hurdling."

The big men have always to adjust their speed because they try to go too fast and by mid-race the hurdles start to come too quick on them for them to cope and hurdle cleanly.

"And that problem is made even worse when you have a tailwind like you did in Lausanne (+1.1m/s) as the faster men find themselves being pushed on to the hurdles. So they have to make continual adjustments to their speed."

"They are just too fast, and this speed works against them. Too much speed killed Arnold, Doucouré and the rest yesterday."

By contrast "Liu Xiang can use his full velocity in a race, he doesn't have to make any adjustment, and so can concentrate on staying low over the barriers." He has learnt to "shuffle perfectly" between the hurdles.

However, "add another half a yard in the space between the barriers" and the balance would go back in the favour of the men with faster flat speed. "They would be unstoppable."

Phenomenal flexibility

Liu Xiang is also physically the near perfect human specimen for the sprint hurdles.

"Xiang's body is phenomenally flexible. You have to be to be able to react to the hurdle." His flexibility is such that "he must be able to do a Russian split, and as I understand he has a good gymnastic base to his fitness, which is what I had too."

1.89m high, weighing 82kg, the athlete from Shanghai, has "a long body frame but short legs." Therefore it is easier for him to negotiate his smaller legs over the hurdles," unlike more leggy man like Arnold and Trammell. "All this is done by having extremely flexible hips," concluded Nehemiah.


May 20, 2005
That article has me steamed. Caste bastards! The '****** can't beat his 110 meter hurdle record because they are TOO fast? I mean, come on you lot, he's an Asian, not a White guy, SURELY you can praise his athleticism.

Or maybe Asians are just to intelligent, civilized, and otherwise like Whites...they want filthy semi-retarded Congoloids to make into our Gods.


Jun 15, 2006
New York
there have been allot of fast 50 & 60m white sprinters, but when the summer comes around they seem to disappear. i remember a Greek sprinter won the 60m at the WC in 1995 or 96 and i couldn't wait to see he run the 100m. well for some reason it never happened. it was like he just stop running. never read a thing about him again. there have been a dozen fast white60m sprinters over the last 10 years and not one of them pulled off anything great come summer time. i just don't get it. I'm a little rusty with names & times, but i also remember a Bulgarian sprint from the mid to late '90's that ran a decent 60m and a great indoor 200m. i believe he once held the indoor WR or was really close to it. he beat Frank Fredericks a few time and he was also a great long jumper. summer time came around and he just faded away. i got to find out his name. there was a time when i new every name, time, country like i was paid too., I'm getting rusty! its time i get out my old track & field news mags and brush up. White Lighting, do you know the Bulgarian & Greek sprinters I'm talking about? I'm sure the Bulgarian holds the NR for the indoor 200m. That guy wasa killer indoors! Yelpshin is another good example. with his 60m time he should be able to break 10 in the 100m.


Dec 9, 2004
The Bulgarian is Nikolay Antonov and the Greek is Charlombos Papadias and you can add Geir Moen of Norway to that list as well.All won World Indoor championships,Papadias at 60 and Antonov and Moen at 200,but outdoors it was a different story.Weird.
Oct 16, 2004
Nehemiah is being a prick. Liu isn't a bro', so he has to be dissed.
Someone posted over at TafNews about Nehemiah being a typical black
racist, though they did it in a way to make sure their post wouldn't be
removed. Nehemiah and others are hilarious in the rationalizations they
are putting out there to explain Liu, Wariner, European boxers, White
dominance in NHB and so on.

I don't mind seeing Liu take the record from the '******. However, the
positive press he received is far more than what a White would have
gotten. As an aside, Liu didn't get near the glory a black runner would
have. Drugs? The Chinese have a 'rep', but Liu is not built like a steroid
monster. Plenty of rumours about Nehemiah in his day, and he did have
that puffy look so many juicers had in those days. Had to check in on this
one. Been on vacation etc. for awhile. Did go to the Nationals - Wariner
was disappointing, but he had an awful start in the finals. Thinking too
much. He's definitely a sub 20 runner. I agree with the Carter race being
strange, a guy who couldn't break 20 jumping all the way down to 19.6.
Gay took of so fast he gave the rest of the field a target. Who knows?

Carter is racing Wariner tomorrow in the 400.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
speedster said:
The Bulgarian is Nikolay Antonov and the Greek is Charlombos Papadias and you can add Geir Moen of Norway to that list as well.All won World Indoor championships,Papadias at 60 and Antonov and Moen at 200,but outdoors it was a different story.Weird.
Both Antonov and Moen finaled at the worlds, so they weren't just indoor phenoms. Also the white sprinters who have been excellent indoor sprinters, but disappointments outdoors have tended to be smaller men in terms of height. Smaller men tend to do better in the 60 metres because they get better turn over early in a race, but tend to fade late because of their harder work to maintain that speed.....


Jun 15, 2006
New York
that is true, but then you have guys like Andre Cason. hewas short for a sprinter and was one of the best outdoors. most likely steroids, but short non the less. what about Yelpshin (not sure if I'm spelling that correctly) of Russian,how tall is he?

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Cason retired because of roiding. He literally shattered his femur that was too weak from steroiding, there is no way a young man who lifts heavy weights could ever do that.Yepeshin is around 5'9" or 5'10". This is just from judging him against other sprinters...

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Geir Moen was the man for a while back in the day.I always laugh at my house because my water faucets are Moen.I really get mad because most of the guys around 20 years ago were consistantly better than todays sprinters.There is no answer for that other than the psychological warfare against all white athletes.We are getting stronger and faster,the times should show that.I see a revival and a huge awakening starting in all white athletes.We need white b-ball players that will dunk on anyone,white running backs who can just make people miss and out run defenders,white sprinters who will make finals and win some medals.It will come in time but it won't be easy.We need patience no matter how hard that may be.This site is the best pick me up out there!


Jun 15, 2006
New York
major sign of a juice head.muscles grow to fast for the bones to catch up with the weight.this happened to afriendof mine inhigh school. he did allot of roids to help his baseball game and one day he shattered his femur running to first base.irony!i can understand the idea of wanting a edge on the competition, just couldn't see sticking a needle in my ass toget it.


Aug 9, 2005
Yeah, I'd rather see sportsmanlike Asians up on the winners stand than trash talking, arrogant blacks any day of the week.


Jun 15, 2006
New York
I secound that!