Lions sign Vanden Bosch!!!


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Nice deal for the Lions. I hope Jared Devries is still able to play.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
After hearing Julius Peppers praised over and over as the best free agent available, the best defensive lineman in the league, a "beast of an athlete," etc., I decided to compare his output with that of Kyle Vanden Bosch. I used the seasons 2005 through '09. Vanden Bosch was pretty much lost in the shuffle in the early part of his career with Arizona, and then injuries would have put him out of the league for good except that Jeff Fisher and the Titans signed him for the '05 season and his career immediately took off.

For the five seasons from 2005 through 2009, Vanden Bosch, 31 years old, had 268 tackles and 38.5 assists. He missed a significant chunk of '08 due to injury.

In the same time frame, Peppers, 30 years old, had 238 tackles and 51 sacks.

Who's the better player? I'd say it's pretty much of a toss-up with an edge to Vanden Bosch because he plays hard every down while Peppers is part of the extremely large contingent of black defensive linemen who have a motivation problem despite the big bucks they're paid.

Peppers was signed by the Bears for 6 years and $79.8 million, with $40 million guaranteed. Vanden Bosch signed for 4 years and $26 million, I don't know how much is guaranteed but he does get $10 million of that in 2010. Overall I'd say the Lions got the better deal.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Aaron Kampman should be the real steal in free agency. If he goes to a 4-3 team he will put up double digit sacks. KVB is also a great player, I would rather have either instead of Peppers. It will be interesting to see how the Bears do this year. They don't have much to be excited about from a caste perspective.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Detroit newspaper sports headline: "Lions coach Jim Schwartz likes new defensive end's motor" no doubt who they were refering to. Although in the article Kyle gets his digs in:

"Rotational-wise, I've never been a 30-rep guy," Vanden Bosch said during his news conference. "I work as hard as I can in the offseason so I can play 50 or 60 reps a game and that I don't miss time, that I'm not tired on third down. If the game is on the line in the fourth quarter, I'm still bringing it as hard as I can. The thing that I take the most pride in is how hard I play and never letting up -- chasing the ball, pursuit. I don't want to ever turn on the film and see something else."

DWF's never stop to think that every player should be a "50 rep" guy, but they loves dem black "30 rep guys".

From The Detroit News: