Kill Six Whites A Day


Aug 10, 2005
[url] /25/wsnipe25.xml&sSheet=/news/2006/05/25/ixnews.html [/url]

The DC snipers plan was to take out enough White people to extort 5 million from the US government. The silence about their motivations from our media is quite telling. Here's an article about it from The Telegragh in London:

The sniper's plan: kill six whites a day for 30 days
By Harry Mount in New York
(Filed: 25/05/2006)

One of the two snipers who murdered 10 people in a killing spree that terrorised Washington has revealed their plans to kill hundreds of children, policemen and rescue workers in an attempt to shut down cities across the country.

John Allen Muhammad, 45, and his accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo, 21, brought America's capital to a standstill in 2002 as they picked off white targets at petrol stations and shops in the city's prosperous suburbs.

Muhammad: 'a coward'
Malvo testified that Muhammad, driven by hatred of America because of its "slavery, hypocrisy and foreign policy" and his belief that "the white man is the devil", planned to kill six whites a day for 30 days.

Malvo alleged that Muhammad had said: "We are going to go to the Washington DC area and we are going to terrorise these people."

They then intended to move to Baltimore for stage two of their campaign, to shoot a policeman and then blow up explosives at his funeral.

More explosives would target the ambulances that would then rush to the funeral. Another plan to kill three busloads of schoolchildren was thwarted because the pair were arrested when Malvo fell asleep while keeping watch at a Maryland petrol station.

Malvo: couldn't shoot a pregnant white woman
Muhammad's ultimate plan, Malvo testified, was to indoctrinate 140 young homeless men at a Canada compound who would "shut things down" in cities across America, unless they received £5 million.

Malvo had originally confessed to being the man who pulled the trigger because, as the younger defendant, he was likely to escape the death penalty. He has now admitted only one killing.

The other murders were allegedly carried out by Muhammad, who crawled into the back of their converted blue Chevrolet and shot the victims as they filled their cars with petrol, did their shopping or waited at bus stops.

The attacks left the Washington suburbs transfixed with terror. People knelt down by their rear wheels to pump petrol or sprinted into shops from their cars to avoid the snipers.

Muhammad had treated Malvo like an adopted son, but now the two have turned on each other in a dramatic courtroom confrontation as Muhammad, acting as his own lawyer, cross-examines his former accomplice.

Malvo's cross-examination, which began on Tuesday, continued yesterday before a court in Rockville, Maryland, outside Washington.

"I think he's a coward," Malvo said of the man he had called his father, before turning to him in court and calmly saying: "You took me into your house and made me a monster. You fed me, you clothed me and you made me your child."

Malvo further testified that Muhammad wanted him to shoot pregnant white women. At one moment, he even had a pregnant woman in his sights in a fast-food restaurant.

"I just couldn't take the shot," said Malvo. Between asking questions of his old protégé, Muhammad watched calmly, his chin resting on his hand, as Malvo, on the verge of tears, revealed the full gruesome extent of their plans.

In each attack, Malvo, on look-out duty, gave the order to fire to Muhammad who lay in the back of the car,

pointing his rifle through a hole cut above the rear number plate. When there were no witnesses, Malvo gave the signal to shoot, saying: "You got a go." Muhammad has been convicted of murder in Virginia where he is on Death Row and is now on trial for six of the killings in neighbouring Maryland.

Muhammad claims that both men are innocent of the six murder charges, while Malvo has already pleaded guilty, accepting six life sentences without parole.

Maryland prosecutors wanted a second trial in case the Virginia conviction is overturned on appeal.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Gee Yahoo's lead story from the AP doesn't mention anything about that???? I wonder why????

Muhammad jury to weigh conspiracy theory By STEPHEN MANNING, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 33 minutes ago

ROCKVILLE, Md. - Early in his closing argument, John Allen Muhammad laid out the heart of his defense against six murder charges for the 2002 sniper shootings in the Washington area: He and accomplice Lee Boyd Malvo were framed.


"My case is based on one thing. It is very simple. They lied on two innocent men," Muhammad said Friday, before launching into a rambling speech in which he claimed that government agencies conspired to falsely imprison him and that most of the evidence against him was planted.

As jurors begin their deliberations Tuesday in Muhammad's second trial for the sniper attacks, they will have to weigh Muhammad's conspiracy theory â€â€￾ for which he offered little proof and no motive â€â€￾ against the four weeks of testimony and evidence presented by prosecutors.

Witnesses reported seeing Muhammad and his car near shooting scenes. Forensic experts said his DNA was on evidence that included the rifle found in the car when he and Malvo were arrested. Ballistics experts matched the .223-caliber bullets used in the murders to the rifle.

Jurors also heard dramatic testimony from Malvo, whom Muhammad still referred to as "my son" even though his former protege took the stand to say Muhammad planned and carried out most of the shootings.

Muhammad defended himself, showing that he has learned a lot about lawyering from his time in courts here and in Virginia. He appeared comfortable with courtroom procedure. He cross-examined prosecution witnesses, seizing on inconsistencies as he looked for holes to suggest he was set up.

Prosecutors urged jurors not to be fooled by Muhammad's courtroom demeanor. It was just a facade, an act to cover his murderous plans, Assistant State's Attorney Vivek Chopra said in his closing argument.

"Scrub away that veneer that covers this man and see him for what he is," Chopra said, labeling Muhammad "a heartless, soulless, manipulating murderer."

Ten people were killed and three were wounded during the three weeks of shootings in October 2002. Victims were shot at gas stations and in parking lots, and a 13-year-old boy was struck by a bullet outside a school. People were afraid to pump gas, go out in public or send their children to school.

A Virginia jury convicted Muhammad of one shooting in Manassas, Va., and Malvo was given a life term for another Virginia shooting. Maryland prosecutors say their case is insurance in case Muhammad's Virginia conviction is overturned.

Muhammad and Malvo also are suspected in shootings in Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana and Washington state.

The most riveting witness was Malvo, who testified for two days last week. Malvo called Muhammad "a coward" as he confronted his former father figure, detailing each shooting and describing how Muhammad planned them. Muhammad was the shooter in five of the six Montgomery murders, he said.

Malvo detailed Muhammad's more sinister plans, saying he was about to launch "phase two" when the pair were arrested. Children were to be the principal target of that second phase.

Muhammad challenged Malvo's credibility, pointing out that Malvo first told investigators he was the shooter in each incident, then changed his story later. He suggested Malvo was prone to exaggeration, and noted Malvo had used an insanity defense in his first trial.

Muhammad pleaded with jurors Friday not to believe the case against him.

"These cases are not based on logic," he said, his voice rising. "I call these cases the cow jumping over the moon."


Hall of Famer
May 14, 2006
The US media only will report on rascist whites, but never on rascist blacks.
There are too many examples of this to even know where to begin.

white tornado

Oct 5, 2005
During the time of the shootings I heard on tv that the shooters were probable white. Yeah the media just knew blacks would never go on a violent rampage.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Six Whites a day huh? I'm sure Jesse Jackson and the rest of the black "community" are reserving a spot for these animals in the "Honkey-Hating Hall-of-Fame".

The truly sad part about this situation is that you will probably have some cracked-out, liberal, college professors in this country, that will present portray these killers as "political martyrs" to their classes.

I witnessed something like this a few years back in my Political Science (POL-150 class, when my lunatic professor took the side of convicted cop-killer, Mumia Abu Jamal. The even more disturbing fact about this, was many students agreed with his stance!