ESPN World Cup Coverage


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
ESPN is at it again. I just got done watching an anti-white, anti-European promo disguised as a World Cup promo. The subject was the racism that black players are exposed to when they compete in European soccer. They recycled the Nazi's in their diatribe on the evil of whites. It was ESPN at its pathetic worst. It can be seen many times today as Sportscenter runs continuously all morning. It will tick you off though so be prepared.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Outside the Lines ran a fifteen-minute or so piece on the racism in European soccer on Sunday morning. it was pathetic. it seems that FIFA is attempting to legislate fan sentiment by punishing teams whose fans don't like black players. of course this idea is flawed on several levels... the most noted being, it is a person's right to not like certain players, regardless of said person's reasons. and secondly, it assumes, once again, that only white people can be racists.

while i disagree with soccer hooliganism, and look down even more strongly on throwing things at players, it seems that FIFA and other organizations are once again doing everything they can to unbalance the field to aid blacks. i never would have thought i would see the day that blacks were protected by some sort of legislated athletic affirmative-action.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Anti-white racist Bryant Gumbel had a piece about the same topic on his HBO sports show some months back. It was startling to see some of the footage -- large numbers of fans in stadiums giving the "Roman salute" and holding nazi-like signs and banners. This country is so deracinated that it's unimaginable to think of any substantial number of young whites out in public celebrating their racial pride even in a very misdirected and counterproductive way.


Nov 25, 2004
Isn't it dangerous for all-white teams and fans of those teams to play in front of latino and black crowds? Didn't Mexican soccer crowds recently riot at a game in America? I ask because I am not sure of the details. It would be nice to see some balanced reporting when the racism is the other way around.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Kaptain, you are forgetting that for most mainstream media talking heads whites are the only people who can be racists.

all other ethnic groups who express racial solidarity, no matter how crudely, negatively, or militantly, are not only understood and tolerated; they are actively encouraged as they are "preserving their cultural heritage". this double standard is one of the key tenets in establishing the negative attitudes most people relate to when anyone discusses white pride.


May 20, 2005
Theres still some lads with balls left in Europe?

Good for them.


Apr 26, 2005
I agree, good for them!

Off this topic, but I found it hilarious when the old Defensive Coordinators son went to play in NFL Europe, Ted Cottrell Jr,

He was in Germany out partying and he got into an argument with some German Lads.He probably thought he was somewhere in emasculated USA where whites are fully brainwashed into believe the black mans physical superiority.

Well , you can guessed what happened in Germany. The guys nearly killed em!! Broke both his legs, an arms and ribs and put him in intensive care for a few weeks



Jul 27, 2005
United States
Just four years from now,the WC will be played in South Ass-freak-ca.You think there won't be large crowds of blacks in those stadiums,screeching all sorts of anti-Whiteepithets galore?

And when it happens(And make no mistake,it will),will there be any any sort of articles about that,on ESPN or anywhere else in the press?And will FIFA,or whomever,penalize those teams,when they do?

WE know the answer to that....

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
actually, i have a feeling that the crowds in south africa will be predominately white. Despite having apartheid lifted, blacks there are even in worse shape than ever before. The corrupt black government there has left South Africa's economy in shambles. The SA Rand used to be worth more than the US Dollar, now it is only worth a 6th of that. South African blacks are now poorer than ever, and it is still the white working class minority that still has most of the buying power. It will be very interesting to see how Afrikaners take to black players

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
I heard Jeremy Schap on a couple different ESPN radio programs, hyping his investigative expose of European fans' racism. Whine, whine, whine...

That little sh*t ought to check out any majority-black high school gym when a majority-white teams comes to play basketball. Or a black high school stadium when a white teams comes to play. The visitors -- team and crowd -- are treated very badly, if not assaulted.


Apr 26, 2006
GWTJ said:
ESPN is at it again. I just got done watching an anti-white, anti-European promo disguised as a World Cup promo. The subject was the racism that black players are exposed to when they compete in European soccer. They recycled the Nazi's in their diatribe on the evil of whites. It was ESPN at its pathetic worst. It can be seen many times today as Sportscenter runs continuously all morning. It will tick you off though so be prepared.

ESPN did nothing wrong. They presented the story as it is. No camera tricks, no spin. This actually happens in Europe. ESPN did not make this up.
Every now and then life forces people to look at themselves in the mirror and what they see aint pretty so they blame the mirror (ESPN)

Jimmy Chitwood said:
while i disagree with soccer hooliganism, and look down even more strongly on throwing things at players, it seems that FIFA and other organizations are once again doing everything they can to unbalance the field to aid blacks. i never would have thought i would see the day that blacks were protected by some sort of legislated athletic affirmative-action.

Whoa so protecting black players from unruly uncouth fans who are throwing foreign objects at them is equivalent to affirmative action ? How about some perspective ? These black players are there on merit. Its the responsibility of any employer to protect his employees from harassment.

Don Wassall said:
It was startling to see some of the footage -- large numbers of fans in stadiums giving the "Roman salute" and holding nazi-like signs and banners. This country is so deracinated that it's unimaginable to think of any substantial number of young whites out in public celebrating their racial pride even in a very misdirected and counterproductive way.

This is not the Roman salute. Its the nazi salute. Why would the beautiful game want itself to be associated with nazis ?
So insulting people based on their skin color, throwing objects at them, insulting their families amounts to celebrating white pride ? I think I will take a pass on that one. Why must people defend uncouth behaviour simply because it is coming from whites ?

Jimmy Chitwood said:
Kaptain, you are forgetting that for most mainstream media talking heads whites are the only people who can be racists.

all other ethnic groups who express racial solidarity, no matter how crudely, negatively, or militantly, are not only understood and tolerated; they are actively encouraged as they are "preserving their cultural heritage". this double standard is one of the key tenets in establishing the negative attitudes most people relate to when anyone discusses white pride.

I follow almost every world sport. I have never seen this kind of behaviour from anyone outside of Europe. Its one thing to riot when your team loses. Its one thing to attack supporters from other teams. But attacking players physically because they belong to another race is behaviour unique to Europe. And it includes attacking members of your own team. Now thats pathetic

Weltner said:
Just four years from now,the WC will be played in South Ass-freak-ca.You think there won't be large crowds of blacks in those stadiums,screeching all sorts of anti-Whiteepithets galore?

And when it happens(And make no mistake,it will),will there be any any sort of articles about that,on ESPN or anywhere else in the press?And will FIFA,or whomever,penalize those teams,when they do?

WE know the answer to that....

There is no precedent for black fans yelling hurling objects at white players. I will stand corrected if anyone has any evidence of this. This is uncouth behavior from people who are supposedly civilized.
South Africa now has a chance to show case its organizational skills and put an end to the notion that Africans cannot organize anything. And perhaps that worries some people

Lance Alworth said:
Despite having apartheid lifted, blacks there are even in worse shape than ever before. The corrupt black government there has left South Africa's economy in shambles. The SA Rand used to be worth more than the US Dollar, now it is only worth a 6th of that. South African blacks are now poorer than ever, and it is still the white working class minority that still has most of the buying power. It will be very interesting to see how Afrikaners take to black players

Worse shape than before ? Now thats laughable. Where a black middle class never existed, one now exists. Blacks are now having services delivered, housing, electricity etc which never happened before. Blacks there now have access to good education. The rate of enrollment at Universities keeps increasing. And most importantly they now have a future. A black in SA can actually make something out of his life instead of spending every single day protesting and getting shot at by the Police.
Worse shape than before ? I think not


Oct 19, 2004
free-safety said:
ESPN did nothing wrong. They presented the story as it is.

If non-whites were acting in a "racist" manner towards whites, ESPN simply wouldn't "present" the story at all. Only "white racism" is evil, and therefore newsworthy.

free-safety said:
Why must people defend uncouth behaviour simply because it is coming from whites ?

Because people defend uncouth behavior simply because it is coming from non-whites. If they can do it, so can we. Why do we have to be nicer, more polite, and more fair than everyone else? We should feel free to be just as mean and unfair as anyone else.

free-safety said:
I follow almost every world sport. I have never seen this kind of behaviour from anyone outside of Europe.

You've never heard Mexican fans chant "Osama?"

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
free-safety wrote: Whoa so protecting black players from unruly uncouth fans who are throwing foreign objects at them is equivalent to affirmative action ? How about some perspective ?

i condemned the throwing of objects at players when i wrote: while i disagree with soccer hooliganism, and look down even more strongly on throwing things at players....

try reading my opinion before you dismiss it. as for perspective, EVERY white athlete to ever play against a group of blacks or in a black neighborhood, gym, etc. has faced equally harsh, if not more so, treatment. EVERY one. if ESPN would broadcast that as some kind of news in the same manner and with same outraged fervor, then i would have no problem with their report.

free-safety wrote: I follow almost every world sport. I have never seen this kind of behaviour from anyone outside of Europe. Its one thing to riot when your team loses. Its one thing to attack supporters from other teams. But attacking players physically because they belong to another race is behaviour unique to Europe. And it includes attacking members of your own team. Now thats pathetic

there are places in my own state, yes right here in the USA, that require their high school football games to be played on Saturday mornings because of the history of violence at those schools during night games. of course, i'm sure you are aware that those games didn't take place in white areas, or am i mistaken?

free-safety wrote: There is no precedent for black fans yelling hurling objects at white players. I will stand corrected if anyone has any evidence of this. This is uncouth behavior from people who are supposedly civilized.

consider yourself standing corrected. the games i just mentioned above had to be re-scheduled because of not only objects such as bricks and batteries being thrown at the visiting teams after games, but also gun shots being fired at the buses with players on board. and these people are "supposedly civilized"...

furthermore, have you not seen the gatorade commercial for US soccer where the American team is being taunted in Mexico? the fans down there threw everything from beer to bricks to urine at the U.S. players!
i'm guessing you never heard of that either? or is Mexico somehow white-European, too?


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
SLAVE SAFETY WROTE: "This is not the Roman salute. Its the nazi salute. Why would the beautiful game want itself to be associated with nazis ? "

There is a difference between the roman salute and the nazi salute, but I would not expect a deracinated traitor like you to know that. I bet you can mimic the different black gang signs and have no problem with the black power salute-RIGHT ON BROTHER!!

I don't think much of Nazi's, and I think it is dumb to be a Nazi in America when that is a Germanic thing but I will give credit to those youths that are expressing white solidarity, when was the last time American youths mimicked Revolutionary War heroes or Civil War era whites? NEVER.

And here is another thing about Nazi's, if your main argument against them is that they were responsible for the genocide of Jews then current Nazi's are fighting against the genocide of the European German white. I would not support any genocide but I damn sure side with those that would oppose genocide of MY people. No matter what kind of rowdy fans they are.

"So insulting people based on their skin color, throwing objects at them, insulting their families amounts to celebrating white pride ? I think I will take a pass on that one. Why must people defend uncouth behaviour simply because it is coming from whites ? "

You are an idiot. No one equated poor (typically non-white) behavior with white pride, it was just a comment how startling it is to see white youths display any signs of "white pride" in their own society which prohibits whites the smallest expression of pride let allows black youths to march, sing, rant, riot, kill, rape, ALL merely in the name of their own racial pride.

"I follow almost every world sport. I have never seen this kind of behaviour from anyone outside of Europe. Its one thing to riot when your team loses. Its one thing to attack supporters from other teams. But attacking players physically because they belong to another race is behaviour unique to Europe. And it includes attacking members of your own team. Now thats pathetic ."

You're a jerk for writing this. What kind of a fan are you? Right off the top of my head I can think of many examples of non-whites doing this. Let's see, South American soccer team players attacked by fans for losing match, Arab athletes "KILLED" for losing contests. Anytime a player from a third world country makes a crucial mistake in a World Cup game his family has to go into hiding.

And you are full of b*llsh!t when you say opposing players are attacked, you just mean they are called names "OH THE HORROR of being racially insulted!!! How can they stand it??

Who ever got hurt? Who? Name him? Anyone??? What black athlete anywhere has EVER gotten actually hurt by white fans???? You always hear about how tough Jackie Robinson or Hank Aaron had it and how they feared for their lives. Why?? Neither one of them ever had a single hair on their body hurt. They were protected by other whites at every turn. Hank Aaron played most of his career in the supposed violently black hating South and he never was touched, not once, by anyone.

Let me tell you pal, I grew up in a black city. Blacks do not just insult, they attack. I was physically assaulted, as were many of my white teammates ONLY because we were white. Our team bus had screens and bars over the windows because it was standard practice for black fans to pelt our bus with rocks as we left after every game at another school. Occasionally when they felt particularly rowdy they would crowd around the bus and start rocking it, they would press their out of control black faces against the windows screaming like demon possessed animals. This happened almost every game. My nearly all white high school had to go to a "special schedule" where we played almost all our games at home and let the other black teams get the home advantages like batting second. This was done so the school system could finish the schedules without the police stopping the season.

You don't now anything about this because the ESPN MIRROR (HA that's a laugh-more like Alice's looking glass!!) ignores this behavior at every turn and you sit back in your comfortable white neighborhood while your people dieâ€â€yes die, at the hands of violent black predators. When the sh!t I talked about was going on years ago it was the same time as the Boston bussing controversy. ALL the attention of the media was devoted to those few brave parents that did not want to send their kids into the kinds of schools I am talking about. Not once EVER did the everyday constant unending violence against whites that I mentioned ever turn up on the evening news, just more about those evil racist whites.

"There is no precedent for black fans yelling hurling objects at white players. I will stand corrected if anyone has any evidence of this. This is uncouth behavior from people who are supposedly civilized. "

Stand corrected d!ckhead! You now have an eyewitness account.

"South Africa now has a chance to show case its organizational skills and put an end to the notion that Africans cannot organize anything. And perhaps that worries some people."

South Africa could not organize a picnic unless the white elite sell-outs helped out.

"Worse shape than before ? Now thats laughable. Where a black middle class never existed, one now exists. Blacks are now having services delivered, housing, electricity etc which never happened before. Blacks there now have access to good education. The rate of enrollment at Universities keeps increasing."

This is without a doubt the most ridiculous clueless thing I have ever seen a dumbazz white person write on this forum. Black South Africa is a mess, more then ever by anyone's standards. Where you could possibly get the idea that it is otherwise is un-freakin' believable, PBS maybe????

Blacks having services delivered? Yeah which ones? And who delivers them? Did the black underclass recently out of the villages all suddenly use their average 80 IQ's and get college degrees so that they can now provide services??? Electricity?? WTF. The grid is shutting down, I have a friend that was just there for a year and you can NEVER count on having electricity with all of the brown-outs and black-outs.

Access to good/university education??? So what! sub Saharan blacks have 80 IQ's dude 80!!!!! That's 3rd grade level, I got a kid that grade level and he might do all right in the 3rd grade but he would have absolutely no chance whatsoever of taking advantage of a university education and then running a country.

SLAVE SAFETY WROTE "And most importantly they now have a future. A black in SA can actually make something out of his life instead of spending every single day protesting and getting shot at by the Police"

There was a lot of crap in your post but this may take the prize. Blacks have a future? Yeah right, I guess you missed that South Africa is the most violent country in the world, highest rates of murder and rape, most people in jail by population. That's some future pal, if that is the improved future you see them having now then YOU are the racist.

And another thing you anti white Uncle Tom, whites are being killed, raped, and having their property stolen with the sanction of the SA government, so this is the future you are happy they are having? Killing and stealing from white people, well at least we know what makes you happy!!

SLAVE SAFETY WROTE "every single day protesting"???

How about spending some days working???

SLAVE SAFETY WROTE "Shot at by police (everyday)"

HUH? my reply is a country that has the most criminal behavior in the world needs to have some people shot at. My second comment is that you are once again full of BS. If white cops were ever gunning down blacks everyday in SA then the pro-black US would have sent in the Lilly white 101st airborne to exterminate all of those evil white racists.

Free safety, you are a disgusting race traitor. The sight of your name fills me with anger and frustration. Why do you hate your own people so much (unless you are a black provocateur)?? Has the brain washing of your mind so completely erased the natural affinity that a human has for his own kind, those that are, in essence part of him? How are you so blind? How can such a great people such as ourselves produce a thing like you that only wishes the death of his own people?

And while I make no threat upon you personally, do you realize that the best chance for long term survival for the genetic strands that make up the DNA of every single cell in your body (and mine) is for you and those like you, to die before you can more effectively spread the virus of self destruction to enough other whites so as to assure their extinction?

You are a human virus. Spreading the plague of death upon your people wherever you speak out as you do. And you are an especially aggressive strain in that you come to a place where there are people that know or sense what you are about and yet you still seek to infect.

But I bet you are really PROUD of yourself!


Nov 25, 2004
I guess you stand corrected Free Safety. Just in case you don't believe the eye witness accounts of black fan behavior mentioned in the above posts I will remind you of the Andrew Golotta vs. Riddick Bowe riot that took place. The blacks in the crowd rioted and severly beat many white fans in the crowd all because they had to watch a white man beating the crap out of a black man for 12 rounds. Can you name one similar case of white fan violence against blacks? Just one???

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
the silence is deafening...


Apr 26, 2006
There is a difference between the roman salute and the nazi salute, but I would not expect a deracinated traitor like you to know that. I bet you can mimic the different black gang signs and have no problem with the black power salute-RIGHT ON BROTHER!!
This is utter bollox. These guys are flashing the nazi sign and besides that they display nazi parapehernalia and chant nazi slogans. Read that banner for yourself


Many fans even paint the swastika on their bodies. Oh but I guess according to Jaxvid, the swastika is a Roman symbol

frontpage120606.226885.full.jpg e120606.226885.full.jpg

I don't think much of Nazi's, and I think it is dumb to be a Nazi in America when that is a Germanic thing but I will give credit to those youths that are expressing white solidarity, when was the last time American youths mimicked Revolutionary War heroes or Civil War era whites? NEVER.

Now this is some badly warped logic. Whites should be proud of nazism ? Whites should be expressing solidarity with nazism ? Please spare me. Whats to be proud about committing genocide against 6 million people ? Whats to be proud about a group of people who are committed to exterminating other races. Yes Nazi skinheads are still committing mureders against members of other races. Most Germans would cringe at the thought. I know. I have been there severally.

And here is another thing about Nazi's, if your main argument against them is that they were responsible for the genocide of Jews then current Nazi's are fighting against the genocide of the European German white. I would not support any genocide but I damn sure side with those that would oppose genocide of MY people. No matter what kind of rowdy fans they are.

What genocide are you talking about ? This is classic chicken little, the sky is falling logic that extremists use to justify their actions. Hitler used similar logic to brainwash Germans. Genocide against white Europeans. ? Ha ! It would be laughable were it not tragic. And what the Police in Europe doing while this genocide is occurring ? have the nazis now assumed the work that should be done by the Police ?

You are an idiot. No one equated poor (typically non-white) behavior with white pride, it was just a comment how startling it is to see white youths display any signs of "white pride" in their own society which prohibits whites the smallest expression of pride

Try putting your brains in gear before talking. The man equated nazi signs with white pride. You also did the same. There is something fundamentally wrong with anyone or any group of people who thinks nazi insignia or nazism are something worth being proud of.

To me showing pride in your culture would be something like a St Patrick's day parade or a Mardi Gras parade. This is what most normal people consider taking pride in their culture. Some of you need to ask yourselves why your views are so far off the mainstream. Oh I forgot. Its because the mainstream is all so dumb and so scared of showing white pride and so PC and deracinated. What nonsense !

Anything that involves overt aggresiveness, demeaning other races, brandishing hate symbols, running around shouting racial epithets etc is loutish uncouth behaviour. Only insecure people do such things.

let allows black youths to march, sing, rant, riot, kill, rape, ALL merely in the name of their own racial pride.

I challenge you to tell me of any situation where black youths raped and killed in the name of racial pride. This is a classic extremist argument I see all the time and its pathetic. Most extremists have cant seem to differentiate between what is a true hate crime and whats is not. Most people in society can make that disctinction easily. A black man robs a bank and shoots the bank teller who happens to be white. Anyone with half a brain sees this and knows immediately that the negro person must be charged with attempted murder. A half brain extremist racist on the other hand hides behind his computer and starts complaining about why this is not considered a hate crime. An entire movement grows around people who think that any black on white crime is a hate crime or black on white genocide. Pathetic hardly describes this.

You're a jerk for writing this. What kind of a fan are you? Right off the top of my head I can think of many examples of non-whites doing this. Let's see, South American soccer team players attacked by fans for losing match, Arab athletes "KILLED" for losing contests. Anytime a player from a third world country makes a crucial mistake in a World Cup game his family has to go into hiding.

This is precisely why I am asking you to engage your brains before talking. WE ARE DISCUSSING RACE BASED VIOLENCE HERE !
Soccer riots happpen all the time but they have nothing to do with race. In fact Europe takes the lead when it comes to soccer riots. Even here stateside I can count a few examples. When Michigan state students rioted after loosing to Duke, did this have anything to do with race. Personally I have no problem with soccer hooliganism or sports riots. But what I do have a problem with is the uncouth, uncivilized behavior of demeaning members of other races. What ESPN did was a feature about racism in football. It was not about riots in sports.

And you are full of b*llsh!t when you say opposing players are attacked, you just mean they are called names "OH THE HORROR of being racially insulted!!! How can they stand it??

Yes players are often attacked. Last month a US player nicknamed Gooch was punched in the mouth by Belgian fans who had been screaming racial epithets at him. A Nigerian player named Ogungure...... was spat on by fans in Scotland. And 2 years ago, another Nigerian player was beaten senseless by a mob of fans in Poland

And here is a racist chant that some fans in England used to sing in the 80s. Anyone who does not find this disturbing ..............

We all agree ******s burn better than petrol"
"Those yids from Tottenham The gas man's got them Oh those yids from White Hart Lane"
"Stand by the Union Jack Send those ******s back If you're white, you're alright If you're black, send 'em back"

Now you tell me how this is acceptable behaviour.

Let me tell you pal, I grew up in a black city. Blacks do not just insult, they attack. I was physically assaulted, as were many of my white teammates ONLY because we were white.
Oh sure you were. And your school never saw it fit to lodge an official complaint. The organizers never saw it fit to called up the Police to provide protection or even just have a Police presence. Your school kept going into black schools despite the obvious danger. Your school did not see it fit to have the black school disqualified. And of course the blacks school was never punished because America is too politically correct. Sure I know how that story goes.

Occasionally when they felt particularly rowdy they would crowd around the bus and start rocking it, they would press their out of control black faces against the windows screaming like demon possessed animals.
Poor Jaxvid must have been traumatized at the sight of black faces pressed against the window. This is such hypocisy. Here you are crying about being traumatized then the next minute you say that what black players have gone through in the past is no big deal. You say being insulted is no big deal yet you bitch and moan about blacks pressing their face against the window.
You just confirmed what I have thought all along. You are a coward. Only cowards would be traumatized by this. Its no wonder you use that avatar to make yourself look tough and menacing.
Years back I was an 18 year old taking his 1st job at a plant. Two black co-workers approached me and threatened me with physical violence. I simply looked back at them and laughed out loud. I knew these guys were never going to risk their jobs which they needed a lot more than I did. Funny thing is that later on I became friends with one of them. But thats how you deal with bullies. If you let them push you around , get traumatized and become bitter about it for the rest of your life then its your own fault. I also have enough common sense to know that bullies come in all colors and all sizes.

If your team failed to lodge an official protest on the grounds that your safety was in danger then you have yourselves to blame.

And finally, expecting ESPN to give school riots similar coverage to riots in big European games is a bit like hoping that CNN will give a street brawl as much coverage as the war in Iraq.

Who ever got hurt? Who? Name him? Anyone??? What black athlete anywhere has EVER gotten actually hurt by white fans???? You always hear about how tough Jackie Robinson or Hank Aaron had it and how they feared for their lives. Why?? Neither one of them ever had a single hair on their body hurt. They were protected by other whites at every turn. Hank Aaron played most of his career in the supposed violently black hating South and he never was touched, not once, by anyone.
I have already mentioned examples of athletes being physically assaulted just recently. But even if they are not hurt, this is not the issue. Nowhere in the ESPN segment did they mention physical assualt. This is about a bunch of fans acting uncouth and uncivilized. Throwing bananas at other people to demean them, chanting racial epithets, displaying nazi banners and other hate paraphernalia. Tell me if this make you proud as a white man ? Is this how people in a supposedly civilized society behave ?

You don't now anything about this because the ESPN MIRROR (HA that's a laugh-more like Alice's looking glass!!) ignores this behavior at every turn and you sit back in your comfortable white neighborhood while your people dieâ€â€yes die, at the hands of violent black predators.
I am not sure what planet you live in but crimes are reported in the media every day. People get arrested and people go to jail for crimes. Basically the police try to do their job as best they can. Theres nothing ESPN can do about that and theres nothing I can do either. Only a dimwit would expect ESPN to report on crimes that happen in neighbourhoods.

Stand corrected d!ckhead! You now have an eyewitness account.
No Jakhidiot you have not proven a thing. All you did was spin a tall tale about some blacks supposedly pressing their faces against your window while you cowered in fear and did nothing. You basically exposed yourself for the coward you are. That must have been a bus full of idiots. If I was a student , a teacher or a coach at that school , I for one would not stand for it. Thats why we have high school sports associations. All you would have to do is lodge an official protest. And please dont give me that bollox about black schools being protected even after bad behaviour. Only people like you believe such trash. I have seen schools suspended following official complainst from another school. I have seen some venues banned by high school sports associations. High school sports associations have to do it because otherwise they risk lawsuits.

South Africa could not organize a picnic unless the white elite sell-outs helped out.

You are so ignorant. South Africa recently hosted the Athletics world cup. The All Africa games in 91 as well as a host of other tournaments. Yes they will host the WC in 2010. FIFA are not dumb enough to award it to them if they thought different. And when they do I am sure people like you will still be looking for excuses to make them look incompetent.
And besides that, several African nations have hosted global sports events in the past such as the world youth cup. You would know if you werenet so ignorant.
The South Africa bid committee was mainly black/coloured. The organizers are mainly black. The stadia are being built by the government which you know fully well is black.

This is without a doubt the most ridiculous clueless thing I have ever seen a dumbazz white person write on this forum. Black South Africa is a mess, more then ever by anyone's standards. Where you could possibly get the idea that it is otherwise is un-freakin' believable, PBS maybe????

Blacks having services delivered? Yeah which ones? And who delivers them? Did the black underclass recently out of the villages all suddenly use their average 80 IQ's and get college degrees so that they can now provide services??? Electricity?? WTF. The grid is shutting down, I have a friend that was just there for a year and you can NEVER count on having electricity with all of the brown-outs and black-outs.
Trust a moron who gets all his news from other hate websites like storm front. Yes South Africa does have a high crime rate. But guess what ? The economy is growing at record pace. Faster then its ever grown before. Global companies like Toyota and Saab are setting up shop there. many others are lining up.
South Africa will not become wealthy over night. Any 10 year old knows that. They will have to go through growing pains like everyone else does. They are going from a situation where the elctricricity supply only catered to 10% of the population (Afrikaners & Brits) to a situation where the supply now has to cater to a larger percentage. So blackouts are inevitable. This cannot be fixed overnight.
But the blacks have gone from a situation where they never had any utilities or proper housing to one where they now do have a access to clean water and power, however erratic. These things dont happen over night. They are digging themselves out of a deep hole and it will take time.

Access to good/university education??? So what! sub Saharan blacks have 80 IQ's dude 80!!!!! That's 3rd grade level, I got a kid that grade level and he might do all right in the 3rd grade but he would have absolutely no chance whatsoever of taking advantage of a university education and then running a country.
This is so funny. Its tragic that such ignorance exists in society. Whomever did the research on national IQS made a fool of himself. The supposed research consisted of only tested 2 people in some countries while skipping some countries altogether. They even came with the conclusion that in some African countries , the average IQ was as low as 65. So basically half the people are mentally retarded. You would have to be completely dmwitted yourself to believe this. But these books are tailored to certain people whose beliefs lead themn to believe such trash.

This is the same twisted arguments that people like you used decades ago to prevent blacks from attending Universities in the States. Supposedly negroes were too dimwitted to possibly pass any classes.
But racists always end up on the wrong side of history.
Adolf Hitler with his goofy theories of Aryan dominance in athletics, Al Campanis with his twisted theories about her blacks lacked the requisite intellectual capacity to coach a big league team. None of these thories ever pan out for the simple reason that they are not grounded in Science. IQ as a measure of intelligence has been discredited by most scientists.
India supposedly has an average IQ of 80 yet at Present, Indian scientists are outperforming their western counterparts in many scientific fields.
Back to South Africa, you will be "happy" to know that there are more and more blacks graduating from South African Universities with their supposedly low IQ. In fact there are universities all over Africa that produce qualified college graduates, many of whom work in the West. Next time you have an accident, your emergency room doctor might just be a Zairean. What then will you refuse emergency treatment ? Next time you take course, your professor might just be an Ethiopian. Then what will you do storm out in protest at his supposedly low IQ ?
If you really believe that the average African has the mind of a 3rd grader then you yourself must be a blithering idiot.

There was a lot of crap in your post but this may take the prize. Blacks have a future? Yeah right, I guess you missed that South Africa is the most violent country in the world, highest rates of murder and rape, most people in jail by population. That's some future pal, if that is the improved future you see them having now then YOU are the racist.

I dont deny that South Africa has a crime problem. But guess what ? The people in South Africa are better off than they were previously. And yes there is a future worth looking forward to. As i said, the black middle class keeps expanding. Trying doing some objective research. start here

And yes there is a growing number of WHITE south Africans returning home. They would not return home if they thought there was no future in that country. I for one am proud of them. if you dont believe me read this

In fact white South Africans are getting richer at a faster rate than the black ones. But this is rarely reported because the media wants to give the impression that whites in South Africa are so miserable. Oh but I guess you still think South Africa is nothing but a hell hole.

How about spending some days working???

Black South Africans as well as many whites protested the inhuman apartheid system. Many like myself were active in pressuring western states to cease trade with South Africa. They protested being forced to learn to speak Afrikaans. They protested being forced to leave their ancestral homes to make way for white farmers. And guess what. Eventually they won. The apartheid system was repealed. They stood up for their rights and eventually won. Unlike poor Jaxcoward who sat back and cowered in fear as the black students pressed their face against the window.

HUH? my reply is a country that has the most criminal behavior in the world needs to have some people shot at. My second comment is that you are once again full of BS. If white cops were ever gunning down blacks everyday in SA then the pro-black US would have sent in the Lilly white 101st airborne to exterminate all of those evil white racists.

This statement shows how clueless you are. But why should that be surprising ? The US government and many western nations for years supported of the apartheid regime. Ronald Reegan called South Africa an important ally. It was only when in 1986 he was pressured by congress and by his own party that he finally decided to impose sanctions on South Africa. Before that they sat back and did nothing. I am guessing you've never heard of the Shaperville massacrre. You've never had of the black leaders who died in police custody. Or the one who spent 27 years in prison simply for saying that everyone deserves a right to self determination.

Free safety, you are a disgusting race traitor. The sight of your name fills me with anger and frustration. Why do you hate your own people so much (unless you are a black provocateur)?? Has the brain washing of your mind so completely erased the natural affinity that a human has for his own kind, those that are, in essence part of him? How are you so blind? How can such a great people such as ourselves produce a thing like you that only wishes the death of his own people?
If saying that demaning other races by throwing bananas and other foreign objects makes me a tace traitor then so be it.
If saying that nazi symbols have no place in the beautiful game makes me a tace traitor then so be it.
If saying that fans have no business chanting racial epithets to demean and mock other races makes me a race traitor makes me a tace traitor then so be it.

But guess what. It also means that most white Americans and Brits are race traitors. England had a problem with racist fans in the 80s but it has been stamped out because society in general found it unnaceptable.
In fact last year the entire England team wore armbands to make a stand against racism in football. So I guess English society are race traitors in your books. For that reason I am proud to be one of them. I am proud to be part of a movement that willbring some sanity and civility back to sports in Europe. I will never stop. I will also never stop fighting misconceptions. People need to learn the right way to do things and stop making excuses for their failings and finding ways to justify uncouth behavior.If that boils your blood then I suggest you look for a freezer and sit in it. It wont stop

I might also add that your heros, the Klitschko brothers are big fans of Africa. they visit the place several times a year as UNESCO ambassadors. They teach boxing to young upcoming youth and participate in several charity projects. Yup your hero is a race traitor !

It should now be dawning on your that the people you call race traitors seem to be in the majority. Several high profile white athletes have done the same. It should now be dawning upon you that your line of thinking makes you a minority and that everyone else cant be dumb.

Finally the reason I make you so furious is because I grab you and others by the scruff of the neck and force you to face reality. I refuse to make lousy excuses and live in a world of make believe. The truth really hurts which is why you responded with such epithets.

And while I make no threat upon you personally, do you realize that the best chance for long term survival for the genetic strands that make up the DNA of every single cell in your body (and mine) is for you and those like you, to die before you can more effectively spread the virus of self destruction to enough other whites so as to assure their extinction?

Again you will die of frustration waiting for that to happen. ESPN is going nowhere and this is not the last time they will highlight bad behaviour. People like me who believe that being proud of your culture does not mean insulting and demeaning other races are here to stay. Diversity is a fact of life. Deal with it. A race of people is not just going to die out. If you keep holding out hope for such things to happen , you will have a long miserable life.

You are a human virus. Spreading the plague of death upon your people wherever you speak out as you do. And you are an especially aggressive strain in that you come to a place where there are people that know or sense what you are about and yet you still seek to infect.
Too late ! American society in general does not follow your line of thinking. We are all racist or prejudiced to a certain extent. But we draw the line at the kind of behaviour depicted in that ESPN video. Some of you are still living in the 19th century when such behaviour was acceptable. I say get into the 21st century or risk dying of frustration hoping that Superman will come back and spin the world backwards so we can go back to 1909 or something


Apr 26, 2006
Kaptain Poop said:
I guess you stand corrected Free Safety. Just in case you don't believe the eye witness accounts of black fan behavior mentioned in the above posts I will remind you of the Andrew Golotta vs. Riddick Bowe riot that took place. The blacks in the crowd rioted and severly beat many white fans in the crowd all because they had to watch a white man beating the crap out of a black man for 12 rounds. Can you name one similar case of white fan violence against blacks? Just one???

No I dont stand corrected. The ESPN segment was about race based misbehaviour not about riots. I myself have participated in sporting riots dring my younger days. I have no problem because I understand that sometimes when your team loses you can be overwhelmed by emotions.
The crux of the matter here is the behaviour of fans who seek to demean, insult and threaten other people based on their race.
Most civilized societies consider throwing bananas, making monkey chants, using racial epithets and other similar bahviour uncouth.
If you and others dont then you might want to resign from this society and create your own. Otherwise the frustration will kill you.
And yes this kind of activity is unique to European sports because for years its been condoned.Edited by: free-safety


Apr 26, 2006
Jimmy Chitwood said:
the silence is deafening...

Well hello there Jimmy lad.
To begin with my hectic schedule prevents me from logging onto this and other forums often.
Secondly I will never stop. Why ? Because I know I have the moral upper hand.
I know I have the moral upper hand because none of you have enough cojones to go public with your sentiments. If ESPN is this bad then I would like to see someone get some courage , go public and say that racist chants , epithets, throwing foreign objects etc is just an expression of white pride and ESPN are way off.
If you cant go public with your sentiment then deep down you know you are wrong.
Oh and please dont give me that nonsense about the PC media. Since when has the PC media prevented anyone who has the courage of his convictions from going public ?


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
Someone get me a translator. If free-safety ever used spell check and grammar check on his posts, his computer would blow up.

Free-safety, I understand your busy and don't get to these forums as often as you like, but if you gave your posts just one proof reading, you would be able to correct at least some of the 10,000+ mistakes in your posts. Start with the first 2 or 3 hundred and build from there. After you have corrected about 4 or 5 thousand you will notice a change in your posts. They will start to look similar to posts written in English. When you have finally finished correcting your mistakes, the members here will be able to understand what you are trying to say and then we can all have a good laugh.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
If this were a face to face argument, Free Safety would be like the guy who yells the loudest and speaks non-stop, so no one else can get a word in edge wise. Those are some of the most verbose posts I've ever seen on this forum, and that's saying something.

I admit I do not read most of his posts all the way through. Even a quick glance will tell you that he disregards everyone else's personal experiences as BS, and repeats and debates the same points he made in his first post on this topic.

If I may, I will now summarize free safety's posts for the casual reader of Caste Football:

1) White people suck
2) White people are racist
3) No one else is racist except white people
4) White people suck

If I left anything out, I'm sure someone will let me know, but I think that about covers free safety's thoughts on these issues.


Dec 28, 2004
Yes this troll is busy what with trips to jail, medicaid and food stamp offices, meeting with his parloe officer and watching the reruns of The Jeffersons.
With Wlad and Vitali teaching black youth how to fight maybe someday a negro can actually beat a Russian/Ukrainain!!


Dec 28, 2004
Hey men looks like pignuts is back for his semi-yearly whipping.Poor fool!!

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
Free-safety wrote:
I challenge you to tell me of any situation where black youths
raped and killed in the name of racial pride.

How about The United Slaves of America? And the Zebra
The guy who led this group invented Qwazy Quanzza. by: C Darwin